Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jarven Zexxel


NAME: Jarven Zexxel
AGE: 40
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’1”
EYES: Dark Brown
SKIN: White
Sexual Preference: 110% heterosexual
Moral Alignment: Chaos Neutral

Current (1/17/17) Gear:

Commando vibrodirk

Mandalorian Steel Kyuzo War Shield

SE-14C Blaster Pistol

Grav Chute

Ship: Guardian 5e Personal Defense Speeder with Nightshadow Coating

2nd Generation Archived Gear: the outside of the armor

Lil Monster Submachine Gun with Sith Killer Rounds the ammo:

ARC contact lenses with a wireless connection to a heavily encrypted access node attached to his wrist. This node allows him a better and faster connection for his contacts AND allows him to wirelessly access networks and technology.

C-9 Brain Implant wirelessly connected to ARC and wrist node. A simple access point. The simplicity of it allows for maximum protection counter-measures. Jarven is made fully aware of what's being sent into his mind. If he doesn't accept it, the access point shuts down.

old weapons and gear: and used with the ammo: and

Duo Vamblade

He has access to this:


+ Extremely Strong
+ Very Agile (lesser ability than Strength)
+ Has a cybernetic respirator which is silent, allows for small periods of exposed times in space and water, and can breathe just fine in a toxic, oxygen-based environment.

+ Has a cybernetic reflex implant, allowing him to react more quickly in combat.
+Has a Gank Comm Implant which can communicate through thoughts. However, this requires another person with their own Gank Implant and the usage of one mutually understood language.

+Outfitted with a Neuromachine Interface, which allows him to wirelessly control a spaceship with a sophisticated enough computer.
- Determined to get revenge and obsessed with trophy collecting from dead enemies.
-Weakness to Ion bolts, as it can short circuit the cybernetics he has and the ones he plans on getting.

+/-Jarven is a Gank, and thusly, he has the capabilities of a bloodthirsty killer. However, there have been many groups of Ganks which have developed their own ways of living. Jarven's group valued team work, inter-species interaction (basically, how to be social), and doing whatever it takes to get the job done. No matter what a Gank learns, a Gank is still a Gank, though. Pushed to the edge, his short temper can soon become a berserker rage. Even worse for Jarven's enemies, though, is the fact that his neural cybernetics still work during this stage, allowing his carnage to remain razor sharp and forget/ignore non-fatal damage in combat. This can lead to his downfall or chagrin when he has to deal with the aftermath.
+/-Intensely Loyal and Protective: Just as the title says, even at the expense of his own health.


Jarven Zexxel had everything that a Gank could ask for. He was physically adept, he belonged in a pack of Gank Killers, and he was slowly building prestige by gaining more and more cybernetic implants. His group was based on Nar Shadaa, and one night, Jarven was tasked with the unceremonious, and yet very necessary, chore of grocery shopping. However, when Jarven came back, he found the front door ajar with a disconnected wire hanging off of the door panel. He tried to reach out to the others through the Gank Comm, but he was met with silence. Dropping the Eluvian Striped Eggs and Cran-Tatal Juice, Jarven rushed inside. He found 3 thugs inside the Mission Briefing room spraying Desilijic Kajidic tags onto the walls. Yelling in outrage, Jarven charged the 3 thugs and quickly dispatched them. Before he could take the time to ponder how these weaklings could have possibly taken down his pack, more thugs from adjacent rooms streamed in, alerted to his presence.

Although there were too many for Jarven to single out and deal significant damage, he bloodied enough noses that the thugs started to pull out. As Jarven shoved a thug into two other thugs, he only was aware of the tall, bulky, dark frame of a figure and the sudden sensation of being yanked back by his throat before he blacked out. The figure had taken out a Neuronic Whip, whipped it around Jarven's throat, and yanked him back with such ferocity that Jarven was knocked out from the blow to his helmeted head. He then dragged the unconscious Jarven to the entertainment center and hung him up on a large, utilitarian ceiling fan. Watching his still form for a few minutes and deeming it satisfactory, the figure stalked away, followed by an entourage of thugs laden with pilfered spoils. The inner structure of the cybernetic respirator kept Jarven's throat from being crushed by the whip. Eventually, Jarven regained consciousness, tugged on the rope, and fell with the rope to the ground. When he fully regained awareness, he slowly stood up, rage building in his bones.

Too angry for words, Jarven activated the Neuronic Whip with a powerful electrical charge and lashed out at his surroundings. Soon realizing that the room was on fire, he stumbled outside, tired from exertion. He didn't care. He hadn't owned much to begin with and the filthy scavengers had likely taken everything of value. Jarven walked deeper into Nar Shadaa, beating up any who would challenge or threaten him, but mostly sitting in alleyways, depressed, listening for any Gank who might pick up on his comm signals...but none answered. On one fateful evening, Jarven came across a certain alleyway that contained that familiar Desilijic tag. Clenching the whip in his hand, he realized that his time of solace was over. The purpose of the Gank Lifestyle washed over him: He would find out who ordered his pack dead, he would walk over the bodies of his enemies collecting his well-deserved trophies, and he would upgrade to perfection, and finally, he would destroy the Desilijic Kajidic. After all, an eye for an eye, a clan for a clan.

-->Joined the Red Ravens
-->Developed a relationship with Patricia Susan Garter
-->Avenged his family
-->Got engaged to Patricia Susan Garter
-->Subdued by Sith Alchemist
Muscle unwound and then rewound multiple times, making them into thicker and harder braids of muscle. Entire body, from outer layer of skin to bones, stiffened. Bones are now almost as hard as steel. Legs are now springy, giving him great sprinting speed over long stretches of land, enhanced kicking power, and better jumping.

Hair growth dropped and reworked to a level more similar to humans.

Brain augmented:
Jarven is pretty much a ticking time bomb, right now. Refer to Limitless. Will Jarven figure out a way to combat the mysterious downside that has yet to rear its head? Find out on the next episode(s) of Dragon Ball Z

Married to Patricia Susan Garter.

After a couple years of marriage, their lives changed dramatically, as it is want to do...Business called Patricia away and changed her in ways unbeknownst to Jarven. Jarven was the stay at home father on their island beach house residence on a well to do planet. His past life had been one of action, adventure and thrills. Now, it was packing lunches for the kids, cleaning, recreation and taking care of the baby. He wouldn't trade it for anything. He loved his family...but even with how busy the kids kept him, he always found time to think back on how great life used to be.

He wasn't quite sure how it happened, but it did: His wife left him and took the kids on the pretense that she was on the run. This time, it wasn't Jarven's presumptions that she had left him. She had purposefully uprooted their family and left him behind.

Jarven had been left with some money, but most of the money came from his wife. Without her, their previous assets started going up in smoke. Jarven tried to find a source of income and tried to find his wife and kids.

Whilst in the middle of redefining what it meant to thrive in the galaxy, Jarven became angered as he came across data pertaining to his murdered family's life. The zektos mercenary group responsible for instigating the surprise raid on the Zexxel Clan had taken their treasure and set themselves up well on an Outer Rim planet. Although it had taken them many years and many, many more stolen troves, these zektos were now living like kings.

Without his wife, without his kids, but surrounded by loneliness and too many guns, he did in a heartbeat what any true Gank would have done in two. He sprang into action and devised the ultimate strategy to wage a one-man war all in one night assault. He used what little (and by little, I mean it was a lot. Sugar bunny was loaded to the child bearing hips and she definitely left him a loving portion when she...abandoned him....) he had to work the contacts he knew to provide fire support, missile strikes, communication specialists, the whole nine yards plus a shebang for good measure.

When the final battle came to pass, he had won, but with too much lost. His armor had been shot to laughable pieces and then his exposed arms and legs had been mangled to screaming pieces. But, not before he and the rest of his smaller force were able to take everyone down whether by force or high explosives. To the outside world, it all ended in a bloodbath draw with both sides losing everything. In Jarven's mind, it was a delicious victory. As his fiery blood came to a cool and he slipped from painful consciousness, his last thoughts were of regret: Why did she leave me and take the kids? She knows I'm the better cook. The queen...
XD Love you, Aaron. XDDD

Jarven would have passed away if it hadn't been for an unseen variable. There had been people who had made certain that Jarven Zexxel would receive that particular info and respond in such a predictable way. Those same people came in fast and low to collect their gamble. If he was dead upon their arrival, it would still be a win for justice. If he was alive, he could potentially become their greatest asset. Their extreme gamble had paid off; Jarven was still alive...if barely.

It took months, but they successfully rebuilt and reprogrammed Jarven (definitely without consent). Jarven could not remember his past, now. They tapped into his natural goodness and constructed a fake life in his mind: it was a life that would make anyone who'd actually lived middle class or below in the galaxy start to laugh with derision, but they convinced Jarven that such a reaction was because those poor, lowly people could never see the light as he could. It was a life that he "definitely wanted". A life where he was always and should continue to be a paragon of light and justice. His dispenser: cool commando weapons and a gun. Seriously, it was like the programmers had watched too many 80's action movies or something.

With their universal super soldier complete, they had one final task to program Jarven with; an ultimate quest: Bring in or bring down [member="Miss Blonde"].

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