Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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James on the block

Ok, so I want a character critique of James here. How's my edging? Do you feel he is believable (for living in a world of space wizards and such)? Is he personable; does he have a decent or fully rounded personality? Is his motivation believable? Are they easy to notice without being too lame-o out there? Is he too intense? Don't worry about hurting my feelings, I can't get better if I don't know what I am doing right. :)

I'd say IC the perfect blend of gentleman and death-dealer. He tends to make a bloody mess but does so in a way that's endearing and you want to buy him a drink or dinner after said bloody mess. I've enjoyed the interactions IC so far plus it's good to have a crime-lord consider you family so there's that. My opinion is just keep it up love
I can't offer criticism or feedback, because my opinion is biased, slanted, and probably needlessly so. :p

You are a pleasure to write with, time and time again. And it is an honor to count you as a friend.

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