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Approved Tech Jades Beskar'Gam

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The Golden Dragon/The Executioner


  • Manufacturer: Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae
  • Affiliation: Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: n/a
  • Modularity: Gadgets, tools,belts,software,underlay
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: armorweave, Beskar, Gadgets, mesh underlay
  • Classification: Beskar’gam (Armour)
  • Weight: , Heavy
  • Resistances: (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique. This Resistance Rating is considered very strong and are usually dealing with unique items that should be restricted to Player Charactersonly.
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Other:
      Heat: Average
    • Water: Average
    • Emp - High (helmet only)
    • Acid/sonic- Low

Technopathy: The ability to manipulate technology with the mind

Telekinesis: abbreviated TK, was a neutral ability that most Force-sensitives had which allowed them to move and otherwise manipulate physical matter in a variety of ways, all with the power of the Force. The ability was virtually ubiquitous among Force-sensitive individuals and organizations, though the techniques could differ greatly. It had a tremendous number of applications, both combative and utilitarian.

Alterenvironment: Alter Environment could manipulate temperatures, creating sub-zero temperatures in seconds, or blistering heat that could burn. With this ability, a user could generate electrical discharges over broad expanses of ground, vacate areas of air, or increase the pressure of the air to burst eardrums. The power allowed a Force user to form small earthquakes and fissures or gather the moisture in the air to bring about flash floods. Moreover, Alter Environment could influence existing natural occurrences. For instance, a thunderstorm could be manipulated to unleash a burst of lightning, or rain clouds to start up torrential rains or hail. Windswept seas could be coaxed to rear up in massive waves or form whirlpools

Force Crystal: Made into a crescent moon like signit in the centerpiece of the armor its purposes is too augment the wearers force abilities wether they be imbued in the armor or from the person themself

  • Waterproofed - Protects the wearer from getting wet In rain or possibly in shallow water
  • Vacuum sealed - allows the user to survive in 0 atmosphere
  • Re-breather - breathing apparatus
  • Small air cylinder (1h)
  • Clan Solus Ramikad Jetpack
  • knife sheath
  • Ammunition belt
  • Stygium Cloaking device


  • Grappling Hook Launcher - to be more versatile
  • High Tension Wire- to be more versatile
  • Retractable wrist blades - a form of last resort close combat or to cut something that may need cutting.
  • Mandalorian Vambraces - standard Mandalorian equipment

  • Rebreather
  • Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System
  • Death trooper encryption
  • Heads-up display
  • Helmet sensors:
  • Lifeform scanner
  • Motion Sensors
  • Night vision
  • Temperature
  • Infrared vision
  • Heat sensor
  • Echolocation
  • Electrobinoculars (X40)
  • Range Finder
  • holo-imager
  • Computer interface visor
  • Audio/Visual Recorder
  • HoloNet Access
  • ComLink
  • Polarized Anti-Flash Lenses
  • Broadband Antenna
  • Environmental Filter
  • Oxygen Filtration System
  • Voice recognition

  • Magno-Grip Soles - to traverse vertical grounds.
  • Large pouches (x2) - for munitions
  • Beskad sheath - for a Baskad
  • Grav-Boots- jump higher, and softer

  • Beskar: Mandalorian Iron, one of the strongest metals known to the galaxy, is sufficiently lightsaber proof. This allows the wearer to weather blows that would sunder normal armor, giving them the opportunity to survive greater damage and retaliate.
  • Prepared: Made to handle many different situations with the hardware and software used in the suits making.
  • Imbued: Imbued with three abilities that would be found useful on the field.
  • Kinetic Damage: While the beskar plates afford the wearer enhanced defense against lightsabers and other energy based weapons, they can only do so much against blunt force trauma and slugthrowers.
  • Plates: The Beskar does not protect all areas meaning there are many spots that can be exploited. (Image as reference for the spots)
  • Nullification problems:Items or critters that can negate the force will negate the effects of the imbued armor abilities.

Jade now fully a Solus she needed better armor now that she has access to the Solus forge she can do exactly that, she spent most of her days in the forge hammering and building her armor piece by piece and outfitting them with the needed tech and gear, however the main problem was imbuing the abilities she wanted into the armor given she had little to no experience in that field even if the forge does it for her she still had a few issues getting them together.

It took several attempts to get the imbuement down and the gadgets fitting in properly before she finally managed to get the stuff she wanted into the armor and have it fitted properly too her as she even field tested the gadgets as she fitted them in and she also melted down and put int a force crystal into the center of the chest piece in the shape of a crescent moon she liked the symbol so she decided to fit the crystal in to such a shape to help augment her imbued abilities so that she can better use them on the field until she gets the proper training for them.

Once she was done with all the testing and forging and the like she was happy with the results and was anxious to use the armor on the field even took the Stygium cloaking device from her old armor and outfitted it into the new armor as she enjoyed the stealth system in it.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae

Very cool armour, and oh my, I love the art!
  • Your ratings are overpowered (+1), please edit it.
  • You cannot use the C-Type Reactive Shielding without permission. Please ask permission or delete from your list.
  • You are not member of the Clan Solus, so you cannot use the Clan Solus Ramikad Jetpack without permission. Please ask a permission or join to the faction. Unfortunately it is not enough if your name is a Solus and it is obvious you're part of the Clan.
The Golden Dragon/The Executioner
Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae

Very cool armour, and oh my, I love the art!
  • Your ratings are overpowered (+1), please edit it.
  • You cannot use the C-Type Reactive Shielding without permission. Please ask permission or delete from your list.
  • You are not member of the Clan Solus, so you cannot use the Clan Solus Ramikad Jetpack without permission. Please ask a permission or join to the faction. Unfortunately it is not enough if your name is a Solus and it is obvious you're part of the Clan.
I removed the shielding as for the Ramikad Jetpack I forgot to join the faction but i was allowed to use it by the creator. I fixed both issues and i believe i fixed the rating
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