Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jaded Bird

[member="Harper Kade"]

"What I sense is fear, suffering, indecisiveness. You do not smell like the dark, but don't fool yourself into thinking you are safe from it."

A pause.

Watching his men start the work. They were good at this too. Part of him was proud about it- that they hadn't yet completely forgotten their previous life. It could serve as their anchor. Once they started in truth... once they entered the jaws of the darkness to kill it for good. It would be hard. Not all of them would come out of it alive. He certainly wasn't planning to. But that was fine. Some causes were worth dying for. In truth..... in truth Sardun should have died a long time ago.

"We will stay for a few days. Get this sorted."

Brows furrowed again, before he glanced over to her.

"Sounds like a pursuit in defeat then. You build for days. Those that destroy destroy it in seconds. Maybe if you spend less time building, more time trying to destroy those that mean the entire Galaxy harm, you wouldn't have to rebuild so often and so much."

A step forwards.

Away from her.

It was clear that the armored figure didn't consider it necessary to continue their talk. She wasn't worth it. Few of these Praxeum followers were.
He was as light side as it got. Even a novice in the Force could feel it and there was no mistaking it.

So why did it feel like it had when she was talking to the Sith?

She hated his answer- a few days- and the rest of it even more. On the one hand she wanted them to fix what they'd broken. On the other she wanted them gone from here.

How could someone who clearly thought so highly of the Jedi Master Kismet.... say things like that?

"Bethany spent her entire life building things," she said quietly. Then she headed to the door. "Sounds like you could have learned more from her than you did."

"Put my tools back where you found them." She said over her shoulder.

She needed to let someone know these people were here. And that, unfortunately, they'd be staying a little longer.

[member="Michael Sardun"]
[member="Harper Kade"]

There had always been that point of conflict between Bethany and him.

In those days he had been willing to let it go. Willing to listen, because... maybe she had been right? Who had he been to tell her otherwise? To force her into his perspective. She had been so wise. So. Good. Better than him in every way. But in the end she had been wrong, no? Look at where they were now. The Sacred Lotus collapsed. The Sith Empire swallowed the Tingel Arm whole. Alliance destroyed. The light was still there, but it was slowly dimming.

Flickering out.

What had they done to stop this?


"She did. And who will she save now?" Sardun replied, absently. Her opinion was like sand. It flickered around with the pulse of the wind, but it was weightless on that same wave. There was no meaning behind it. Just a wounded bird.


Acting out, because it was easier than to face her own demons.

That was fine.

Sardun was not Bethany. He was no healer... and he had no time for little girls, hiding from themselves. Not while there was a war to fight.

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