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Jacques Cavill, Sorcerer in the Making

Jacques Cavill, Knight of the Sorcerer's Path
"Sometimes there is no happy choice. Only one less grievous than the others."

  • Name: Jacques Cavill-Varanin
  • Alias: Asha Midwan, Mercenary Extraordinaire
  • Faction: Lords of the Fringe
  • Rank: Knight
  • Species: Hybrid
  • Races: Human, Sith
  • Age: Unknown
  • Appears: 19
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 225 lbs
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Tan
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Voice Sample: Kit Harington
  • + Multi-Lingual: The Prophets of the Dark Side saw fit to instruct Jacques in the utilization of many languages. Of these, he is most proficient in writing and speaking Basic, Bocce, and "the Old Tongue".
  • + The Minority: Due to the "donor" cells utilized to create him, Jacques is one of the 3% of Force Users able to access Sith Magic.
  • - Cocky Little Snot: Being hailed as the "Heir of the Sith Throne" since his birth has caused an air of arrogance to characterize Jacques. While harmless on its own, it occasionally results in an overestimation of his abilities on the field of battle and the underestimation of his opponents.
  • - The Bane of Nerds: While diligent in the study and applications of the Force, Jacques is heavily lacking in the area of lightsaber combat.
  • The Ring of Darth Moridin: One of the many prizes earned by the CEO of Czerka Arms during the famous "Auction of Contruum", this ring boasts the ability to absorb lightning projected by a Force wielder of the same rank, or lower, than Jacques. It can also fire a blast of lightning equivalent to the current Force-sensitive rank that Jacques possesses in addition to granting some protection against lightning from a higher-ranked opponent.
  • Knotters of Entrails Scroll: Another of the "Auction of Contruum" artifacts given to Jacques by his dear friend Tyri is an alchemically-preserved scroll containing an advanced technique for creating Sithspawn. This skill is currently beyond his reach, as it requires Mastery and experience in Sith Alchemy.
  • Aura of Uneasiness Scroll: Yet another of the "Auction of Contruum" artifacts within Jacques' possession is a copper scroll containing the technique for Aura of Uneasiness. This particular ability is currently beyond his reach, as it requires Knighthood or Mastery to access.
  • Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut Scroll: The final of the "Auction of Contruum" scrolls gifted by the CEO of Czerka Arms is a copper scroll containing the spell for reanimating the dead. At this current point in time, Jacques lacks the level of Master and cannot access this ability.
  • The Tascollan Holocron: In addition to the above, Jacques received the so-called Tascollan Holocron, which contains basic instruction in the first six lightsaber forms, in addition to Jar'Kai and Sokan. It is from this Holocron that Jacques received his current understanding of Makashi.
  • The Bracers of Najus: Furthermore, Jacques received the Bracers of Najus, which are an artifact bearing the ability to marginally increase his Dark Side attacks against Lightsiders. However, this augmentation does not occur when facing any other caste of opponent.
  • Holocron Labelled "Force Drain and the Droch Connection" (Data): Kept on a datapad, and backed up on the encrypted, private servers of the Czerka databanks is advanced teaching in the ability Force drain. Further research of this data may reveal other possibilities involving Nam Chorios. However, due to his lacking of basic knowledge in Force Drain, this information does not currently benefit Jacques.
  • The Holocron of Adas (Data): Gifted by the CEO of Czerka Arms following obtaining it via the Auction of Contruum, this artifact grants one the ability to become one of the 3% of Force Users who have the natural gift for Sith Magic. However, due to the presence of Sith "donor" cells within his makeup, Jacques is already uniquely gifted to access Sith Magic. It also grants one Basic Sith Magic spell, which Jacques chose to be Odojinya; albeit at a Novice level. Further study may uncover additional abilities.
  • Ghost: Provided by the Prophets of the Dark Side shortly before his exodus from Kamino, this HWK-290 light freighter has been the signature vehicle within which Jacques travels. He has affectionately nicknamed the vessel Ghost.
  • Shâsot'taral: Named "Passionate Protector" in ancient Sith Tongue, Shâsot'taral is the suit of armor unique to Jacques Cavill. It is completely immune to lightsaber blades, offers excellent protection against blasters, and is lightweight!
  • Vitiate & Ragnos: Named after the first two Sith Emperors in existence, Vitiate and Ragnos are the pair of curved-hilt lightsabers owned by Jacques Cavill. They are rather attractive in design and house synthetic crystals of crimson hue. In addition, Vitiate boasts the ability to resist the effects of Cortosis.

When Ashin Varanin ascended the throne and became Empress of the Sith Empire, a cult of Force-sensitive magicians utilized their power in order to foresee that which would occur during her reign. This cult, known as the Prophets of the Dark Side, foresaw the immense growth in territory and power that would come to the Empire by her hand...but also saw that her eventual successor would fail to continue the glorious trend that Ashin had set forth. As such, in order to prevent the Imperial decline which would occur following the transition of power from Ashin to Darth Voracitos, the Prophets took matters into their own hands. They knew that it was beyond their power to return Ashin to the throne once she they decided to attempt the creation of a new Ashin to fill the void she left behind; one born of her flesh and blood, but also nobility to give claim by birthright.

And so, over the course of many months during Ashin's reign, the Prophets enacted a painstakingly high number of covert operations in order to secure the DNA required to create such an Heir. Alongside her cells were chosen those of a powerful Sith Lord, known as Jacen Cavill, who was selected for his immense power and noble blood. Then, to grant the additional "oomph", the Prophets even incorporated cells from one of the few members of the Sith species formerly native to Korriban. Finally, when all the components were in place, the Prophets reached out to the foremost experts of genetic engineering in the Galaxy: the cloners of Kamino and informed a clonemaster of their plot. This particular individual was paid handsomely in order to keep this operation quiet...and thus, Jacques was "born".

He was grown in a tube, light years away from the throne that he was seemingly born to inherit; and it was shortly after Darth Voracitos' ascention to Sith Emperor that Jacques was ready to enter the world. Though immensely young in physical years, he appeared to be just shy of a young adult in appearance and was physically capable to withstand the brutal "preparations" the Prophets had in mind. He was not, like other clones, flash trained in order to have gifts and talents from the moment of "birth". Instead, he was hand-trained by the Prophets and given tutelage in the ways of the Force, combat, and everything in-between. Each day was filled to the brim with lectures on history, instruction in how to survive as ruler...and the occassional assassination attempt in order to keep him on his toes.

Change came when an event transpired that the Prophets did not see, for the Sith Emperor had been supplanted in a violent coup by one of his own. This transpired much sooner than the Prophets had remotely anticipated, and as such extreme precautionary measures were taken in order to keep Jacques' existence a secret. His training came to an abrupt end, and he found himself given a datapad and the unceremonious knowledge of who his "parents" were. The Prophets instructed him very simply to avoid Sith space for the time being, seek out his sires, and to ultimately follow the Will of the Dark Side; for they were confident that it would lead him to the Throne he was "born" to take.

His initial travels, via the vessel provided to him, led him to the now-Confederate world of Tatooine. Here, whilst "laying low" and contemplating his next move, he came across a job opportunity presented by the famed company Czerka Arms. Apparently, the CEO personally required an individual with the ability to decipher the ancient Sith tongue, which was one of the two languages that Jacques was fluent in. Convinced this was the providence of the Force, Jacques pursued this posting and found himself in a meeting with the CEO himself shortly thereafter. It was through this meeting that the Heir made his first "friend", and what a friend indeed. The Echani and the Heir worked hand in hand in order to render full, complete translations of the items the former had won in an auction recently; and as a reward, Jacques was permitted to keep some of the physical merchandise.

This was due to a simple fact. Some of the items radiated such an immense darkness that they were unbearable for the CEO to be around. That, and with the recent strife caused by the Auction itself, the Echani did not want to be anywhere near those particular artifacts when things hit the fan on a galactic level. As such, with the translated copies of his merchandise safely on his private server, and recorded sessions of Jacques' usage of a holocron stored away, the young Heir was free to take whatever he so chose.

Providence of the Force indeed...Now came the time for Jacques to seek out the two whose blood run hot through his veins.

  • Pending
Thread Listing
Total Threads: 7 | Completed: 2

Training Threads
1 | Completed: 0
  • [Complete] The Sin of Ambition (Part II): On transit within Fringe Space, Jacques opens the Holocron of Adas and begins walking the Sorceror's path.
Teaching Threads
0 | Completed: 0
  • Pending
Faction Threads
3 | Completed: 1
  • [Complete] Hey, I Just Met You...: Jacques makes his way to the capital of the Fringe Confederation in order to volunteer his services to them.
  • [Ongoing] The Sin of Ambition (Part I): Jacques meets with @[member="Sargon Vynea"] in order to discuss potentially becoming a Governing within the Fringe Confederation.
  • [Ongoing] The Welcome Meeting: As the Governor of Skye, Jacques participates in a covert meeting of Galactic VIPs.
Duel Threads
0 | Completed: 0
  • Pending
Development Threads
1 | Completed: 0
Miscellaneous Threads
2 | Completed: 0
  • [Ongoing] Fire and Ice: Ever following the will of the Force, Jacques Cavill encounters @[member="Anwen Talith"] on the world of Corellia.
  • [Ongoing] Trash From Tahv: Jacques accompanies a mercenary crew to Tahv in order to dive into Sith Ruins.
@[member="Levia Sol"] - My dad is the resident Superman, get outta here with that :p

@Jacen Cavill, @[member="Spencer Jacobs"], @[member="Ashin Varanin"].

With you three as his parents...Jacques is going to either rule the Galaxy, or end up in a padded cell somewhere in the middle of a black hole.
Factory Judge
@[member="Kara Avoyos"] If you and Jacen not related by blood then you are kind of not a relative. An adopted one yes. *suspecting here so if I'm wrong tell me after ya slap me.*
Where do I start....
  • @[member="Delila Castillon"] - Hey...Don't hate me for my blood, hate me for something I can control!
  • @[member="Jacen Cavill "]- So...Pop...Wanna have some father-son bonding? Maybe unleash Glitter on something?
  • @[member="Kara Avoyos"] - Jacques doesn't know anything aside from the identities of his "parents", he's sheltered like that.
  • @[member="Zack Danheir"] - Thanks for the compliments man, hope to thread with you sometime!
  • @[member="Cade Lee "]- Nice to meet you, the name's Ash Lee.
  • @[member="Darron Wraith"] - I'm not even a professing Sith? What about redemption? What about the Light? *insert rant about Jedi stuff that he's totally BSing*

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