Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jack Australis


NAME Jack Australis

FACTION: Mandalorian Empire
RANK: No rank
AGE: 27

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 180cm

WEIGHT: 80 kgs

EYES: Hazel brown

HAIR: Dark brown, slicked back, short back and sides

SKIN: Fair


Abilities :
  • Very basic Force sense
  • Very basic Force sight

Jack isn’t even really aware of his Force capabilities that were in his bloodline through his father that he never met. He has no knowledge or training in the Force but has moments where he can see things in a different light that he just puts down to luck or individual brilliance.


  • Gift of the gab
  • Self confidence
  • Ability to put emotions to one side and focus on the odds
  • Agility
  • Speed
  • Hand eye coordination
  • The ability to talk his way out of a bind
  • Humour

  • Physical strength
  • Arrogance
  • Gambling
  • Recklessness

Handsome, Physically fit (sporting body)
Light armor
Boots, pants,vest, jacket


Jack was born on Myrkr the son of mandalorian diplomat mother(Lelu Australis) and a unkown smuggler from Argo VII who had was only known as Kaytan. Their brief romance was forbidden and destined for failure and promptly Kaytan left Lelu and the unborn Jack to go back into the shadows and the dingy bars and card clubs in the outer rim.

Jack was a promising Meshgeroya player as a teen, leading Team Myrkr to three championships and gaing some notoriety. Then in his early 20s he got a taste for the night life, chasing girls, swindling fools and his new love Sabacc and other card games, such as Pazaak, and other, less well known games of skill and chance. Jack travelled all across the glaxy to take on the biggest sharks and gamblers that would allow such a notorious player to sit across from them. His skills were obvious, he was a master at reading opponents, calculating the odds and if all else failed running for his life.

This lifestyle came to ahead when he lost a major wager to one of the most feared bounty hunters in the known universe, one of the members of the dreaded Bounty Hunters' Guild, Jack had for once got his money in good but this time lady luck did not shine on him and he literally lost the shirt on his back. Jack knew that he was out of options and proceeded to make a run for it getting into his ship (now owned by the bounty hunter) and proceeded to jump to lightspeed with his destination Myrkr the only place where he might have a friend.

Kaine Australis was like an idol of Jacks growing up, smart, cocky, strong but with a similar crazy side that excited the young man. Their relationship was respectful but frosty, Kaine didn’t care much for Jacks brashness and they nearly came to blows many times on the bolo-ball field, but Kaine saw something in Jack and famously stuck up for him once when Jack was being slaughtered by the masses for some alleged unsportsmanlike behaviour after and major quarter final vs the highly fancied Coruscant team. Jack was seen on camera injecting himself with a unknown agent that he claimed was legal but he was to be banned for the sport for life until Kaine stepped in and overruled the committee's decision. The ruling was reversed but the damage was done Jack love of the game dwindled and within 6 months he was a nobody again just with the occasional “ Hey you're that guy, right?”

Jacks plan after fleeing the bounty hunter all be it a problematic one was to go back to Myrkr and try and again appeal to Kaines nostalgic side, he had watched Kaines rise from a far and knew that he might be the only one left in the galaxy willing to give him a chance. So with just a credit in his pocket and a dream he hoped wasn’t a false one he returned to Myrkr to see if Kaine was indeed a old friend or perhaps an old foe………..





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