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Approved NPC Jaa Harand

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Calix of Thyrsus

  • Intent: Create an NPC to further flesh out the PC backstory through flashbacks or as a Force ghost.
  • Image Credit: Dev Patel (images taken from The Green Knight)
  • Role: Mentor / Surrogate Father
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Calix of Thyrsus
  • Age: 35 years
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Human (Alderaani)
  • Appearance: Jaa was a human male of medium build, standing 1.8 meters tall and weighing 84 kilos. He had a tan, olive complexion and wavy, black hair. He maintained a short beard, particularly while traveling, though when in the Jedi temples this was cropped to be long sideburns framing a mustache and goatee. He favored lighter colored tunic, with a brown bantha blanket that he used as both a cloak and for sleeping while traveling.

  • Name: Jaa Harand
  • Loyalties: The New Jedi Order
  • Wealth: Jaa Harand came from a family of wealth, though preferred a meager lifestyle for himself that was better suited to constantly being on the move.
  • Notable Possessions: Lightsaber.
  • Skills: A fully trained Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order, Jaa Harand was a modern knight-errant who was noted for his skill in bartering, diplomacy, navigation, lightsaber combat (Form IV), and hand-to-hand combat.
  • Languages:
  • Personality: A man possessed of wit, compassion, and a mischievous streak, Jaa Harand was either a scoundrel with a heart of gold or a cynic who liked to champion the underdog. The son of interstellar traders, he was raised to be a shrewd businessman in the area of galactic trade. This made him adept at both barter and diplomacy, though his martial skill made him equally suited for when diplomacy failed.
  • Polyglot. Educated to inherit the family business, Jaa speaks several trade language fluently.
  • Natural Leader. Raised to be the next CEO, he understands the fundamentals of organizational leadership, intrinsic motivation, emotional and cultural intelligence. And can tap into those as he needs in order to win friends and influence people.
  • Over Confident. Jaa was sure of his own abilities, preferring to be in charge and rarely open to outside ideas or opinions that were contrary to his own.
  • Nomad. A Wayseeker, or Knight-Errant, Jaa preferred to be traveling rather than staying in any one place for too long. This meant that he was often faced with difficult odds when in a confrontation due to being away from the Jedi temples.
The son of Alderaani merchant czars, Jaa was educated to take over the family business. He learned to navigate a freighter by the time he was 10, spoke Bocce as a second language, and learned the geography of hyperlanes in order to help prepare him for a career in the shipping industry. It was while studying economics and business administration at a university on Coruscant that he was identified as a Force Sensitive, and then only because he had inadvertently hit on a female Jedi while in a bar. Whether it was a pick up line or sincere interest, eventually Jaa withdrew from the university and began studying with the Jedi of the Galactic Alliance -- the New Jedi Order, as they were called.

He was twenty-five when he received the title of Jedi Knight, by then already known among the Jedi as a scoundrel and Wayseeker who hopped from planet to planet, looking for adventures, rare sights, or just problems to solve. An unending series of self-imposed quests, fool's errands, and idealistic crusades that would occupy him for the next decade.

One such problem presented itself when he happened to be passing through the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he happened to overhear a commotion caused when an aging Jedi Master had proclaimed a terrible vision regarding the fate of a Thyrsian orphan being raised by the Jedi. When some called for the boy's expulsion from the order, and one posited whether he should killed before he could become a threat, Jaa was offended that the mere spectre of accusation seemed enough to condemn a child to some immutable fate. Against the advice of the masters, Jaa took the boy to be his padawan learner.

Perhaps he thought the future could be changed.

Perhaps he thought he could fight the future.

Whatever the case, Jaa and the boy departed Coruscant. Sometime later, they appeared on Khomm, where the knight learned of a progressive disease that was causing replicative fading of the genetic material -- a slow death to their societal practice of reproduction through cloning. They also learned of a cure, in the form of a flower that grew on the planet Binaros, in the Kathol Outback.

The pair departed the Alliance, on a year-long journey into the Outer Rim, but Master Harand did not live to see the quest through to its end. Boarding a freighter bound for the Kathol Republic at Denab, the pair were betrayed by the crew -- who were attempting to turn the pair of Jedi over to bounty hunters. Jaa managed to get a wounded Calix into an escape pod, but died in the subsequent explosion of the freighter.
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