Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's phriking cold on Arkania OOC. <SA> vs. <GR>

The Sith Assassins go on a winter vacation to the amazing resort of Arkania with its amazing icy mountains and tundras, the infinite snow, sexy white-haired ladies, mad scientists. All of this hosted by our friendly and excellent tour operator -​
The Galactic Republic

Seriously now, I am tagging the only man I know that's part of the republic - [member="Mantic Dorn"].

I am going to make this short and simple:

We're coming for your phrik, an attack on a single factory (where the ore is turned into the ready product - the bar). We've decided it would be best to have some fun in the meanwhile, seeing that 99% of the site is just mining and having no interest in some good ol' fighting fun between PCs, we thought this would be a good idea to enjoy ourselves, both us and you republicans.

A little more details, we're only Acolytes and NFUs. Three of us for now. #Clique So not to ruin all the fun and make it a bit more logical, I'd prefer that we are not welcomed by the whole Jedi High Council and a battalion of commandos guarding a phrik factory rather than doing something more useful. That's up to you though, of course.

My idea is that we go on the planet safely and the RP begins when we start our infiltration of the factory.

Soooo, GR let us know what you think. Let us have some fun together <3


-[member="Azula Yeshevsky"]
-[member="Julian Viles Priest"]
[member="Alexei Makarov"]

Hello there beloved villians! ;)

So, if I am getting this properly, You are askimg for some opposition, preferably padawan-level or non-fu.

I'll see if I can find the opposition for you, just bear with me since its eastern and much rl going about.
[member="Sofia Annesley"]

Oh.... a sniper.

EDIT: Konrad you traitor.

[member="Elaine Thul"]

GR right ?

[member="Saverok the Unleashed"]

I thought you wanted to beat the poodoo out of me so I can get cortosis man lel
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Fite me 1v1 bruh.

I want the phrick for some Assassin stuff. So I'll be making an appearance so long as I have some fair opposition. Not looking to take over the thread [member="Alexei Makarov"] , just need it to get you some new toys.

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