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It's Dark Out Here, And We May Die

Eline Djo

Jedi Praxeum
Eira Pechal

There were many good things that had come with leaving Hapes - her utter freedom being the largest of these, in particular after being rescued by [member="Felicity Skye"] - but one thing was not-so-good, and the hardest of all to cope with; it happened every time the system star began to dip below the horizon. It was the coming of the night, and she wanted nothing to do with it, electing instead to keep brightly lit every area of the praxeum that she set foot in, and going out of her way to avoid windows where the encroaching darkness could be seen.

And going outside? Forget it. The less light there was, the blinder she became, and when blind, reason escaped her. It was terribly unbecoming, a state best avoided. And so, curled at one end of a long seat in an open room of the praxeum, directly under a light fixture cranked to full, Eline sat fixated on the brightness of a 'pad, both for its light, and the mounds of information she had accumulated within it, for a little bit at a time. Technology wasn't of much importance here, after all, and the information had much to do with what she'd left behind... and that was the thing, wasn't it? It was past.

She flipped the device face-down in her lap, perched her head against fingers at her temple, and bit back a sigh, her thoughts drifting to a small group of other praxeum residents who had went out for a little stargazing - it was a thing, here, unlike so many more advanced worlds, whose lights had blotted out the sky... in the words of the one who had pulled the group together and tried to invite her along. She would still be awake when they came back and turned in for the night, finding it hard to entertain shutting her eyes in the darkest hours, which in turn made her sleep right through most of the daylight hours, and put her on a different schedule than just about everyone else.

It wasn't easy to make friends like this. It was hard to live like this, being a slave to her fears.
What did one do when you couldn't sleep? You wandered the halls and tried to exhaust either mind or body so said sleep came. To that end, Luca had dressed lightly in old robes any desert dweller might find comfortable and had grabbed a satchel filled with various books, scrolls, datacrons and dataslates. At current he was striding down a hallway towards a favorite open room of his, one hand holding a splayed open book his focus was intently upon, a leather gloved hand tracing place in it rapidly by a fingertip.

The other hand held some foreign to him fruit, munching on it happily, his brow knitted in confusion at the concept. It was a treatise on the nature of gifts like his, and how to interpret it. Written by a Luka Sene seer, it seemed the Miralukan coven had rather specific ideas about how Farsight functioned as an ability. And their own placement of self as the supreme and unquestionable authority on it. Deviations from said methods were exercises in foolishness from the writer of this text point of view. Someone like Luca, who dreamed and had allegorical visions, was doubly so.

Snorting, the deaf man muttered as he entered the open room, still utterly absorbed and unaware of any others, rolling with the odd cat-like gait of those blessed with exceptional agility and a tall and lean frame often adopted.

[member="Eline Djo"]

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