Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's Been Awhile, Hasn't it? {Ventasia}

Quietly I reached out, gently grabbing her arm. It... it was better with her sitting next to me. Blushing I let go, mumbled an apology, and motioned for her to sit back down. For some reason my hand desperately wanted to wrap around hers, holding it lightly. Instead I reached for my drink (which the waitress had refilled before setting the bottle down) and took a few gulps. Ventasia is a friend, Circe is a girlfriend, Ventasia is a friend, Circe is a girlfriend, I repeated several times in my head. Part of me was really confused, wondering why I felt the need to remind myself of that. Then, on the other hand, there was a part of me shoving the answer in my face. But that was not something to talk about (or think about) right now.

"Not a new me, just a... better me. Luckily still a me that can somehow manage to keep a few friends," I joked, smiling broadly. No matter how hard I tried... I still couldn't get the thought out of my head, or ignore the little feeling in my chest. Internally I screamed, yelling for my mind to shut it. For a moment it did, and I was forced to acknowledge the information burning a hole in my soul. Taking a deep breath a mentally released the thought, letting the truth slap me in the face. Pre-accident me... liked Ventasia.

A lot. It was a crush.
A major one. Oi. Glad I got that out.
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]​
Rebellious Vanguard
One thing never changed no matter how much time passed. That was the simple fact that Ventasia had never been the dense type. As she rose to her feet and began to slide from the booth, a few mumbled words wormed their way into her ears, Even though she couldn't understand what was being said, she knew who said it, and that was enough to cause her to glance back. With luck, her eyes looked back into the booth in time to see the girl motioning for her to return to the seat. Also, the flushed look upon her face and seemingly odd need to drink as soon as her glass was refilled told the whole story. Ven'Rain had remembered something from her past, and more than likely they were feelings connected with her. After a few blinks, she sighed slightly. There was no way she could know how this was gonna end at this rate, but she had never been one to turn down an invitation. With that, she slid back into the booth next to her blushing 'friend', a sly grin upon her lips.

"No luck about it, hun. You couldn't get rid of me no matter how hard you try. Your stuck with me, forever and ever. Partly because you made me promise, but mostly because your just oh so irresistible. At least, you are to me." She laughed lightly as she reached across the table, grabbing her now filled glass and sliding it over what was apparently their side. One thing for sure, she couldn't complain about how their reunion was going.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
She's onto me, isn't she? Hell, she probably already knew I used to- er, uh- liiiiii....kkeee... her. Why was that so difficult to think? I can say the word like. But using in that way... And yup, cue another awkward sip of the drink. Yay, I'm doing so well! Intense sarcasm intended... But having her back next to me helped me relax, and a more genuine smile came back. Of course I still had to fight the urge to hold her hand or hug her, but that was something I could deal with. "Nah, it's more like you're stuck with me. Because you're cool, and I dun wan to ever leet you gooo," I joked, talking in my childish voice again. Sure, it caused the waitress (who had been walking by) to send me a look ("whut da hell are you doing"). Though if it made Tasia laugh, it was totally worth it.

Despite having admitted my past feelings, there was still a bit of a knot in my stomach. For a moment I wondered why, having thought I got rid of the issue. Then it hit me, and my smile dropped. You want me to tell her, don't you? Yup. BOOM SHACKA LACKA, queen! Hey! You didn't have to be mean about it... Whatever, nerf herder. Ending the argument inside my head I turned to my companion, preparing a potentially pointless confession. "I have to tell you something. Something you might already know. And probably already figured out. And I have no idea what I'm going to do about it, nor how you may or may not respond. So, er... Ventasia, before my accident, before I lost my memories... I, well, I... I liked you. A lot. I didn't remember any of it when I first woke up, and didn't find out until I finished reading one of my journals... I'm... confused now," I explained, still blushing lightly. The knot disappeared, replaced with an aching nervousness.
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]
Rebellious Vanguard
She simply couldn't help but laugh at the incredibly corny line that was thrown at her. It was cute, almost like she was trying to flirt in a completely incognito way, even though it was completely obvious. Her glass still in hand, she raised it slightly, a rather playful grin upon her lips. "Oh yeah? So I'm stuck cause you don't want me to get away. Well, I can definitely drink to that." She downed a few sips of her drink before noticing the passing waitress simply staring at Ven. That was enough to irritate her as much as she had been in recent times. The glass returned to the table with an audible thud, her gaze now locked upon the waitress as the grin no longer existed. "What the hell are you looking at?" That was more than enough to nearly send the woman running as she hurried away from the table. A simple sigh slipped from her lips before turning to face the girl beside her, hearing words coming from her. What she heard next was just sightly shocking.

It was a confession, or more precisely, Ven's confession. That was something that Ventasia wasn't sure would ever come from the girl, considering it certainly was never spoken in the past before the head trauma. Nonetheless, she sat there for a few moments in quiet as she allowed the slight shock to pass over her. It wasn't long before her lips curved into a smile once more, resting her hand upon her's. "Not gonna lie. Even though you never said it, I knew. I always knew. But I wasn't going to push it on you. After all, it wouldn't mean anything if you didn't remember how you feel...or, uh, felt, on your own. But I am glad that you did remember. As for the confusion....well, that's another reason I didn't push the issue. I figured confusion was about the last thing you needed right now."

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Sighing in relief I smiled, letting my eyes close for a few moments. That went a lot better than expected, and I felt all the nervousness leave. Quietly my fingers interlaced with Tasia's, and a soft sigh escaped my lips. A couple seconds passed before I reopened my eyes, turning to look at her. By now the waitress was looking at us again, though more cautiously. After I started talking she turned away, going back to her job. "You knew? I should have figured. I doubt I've ever been any good at keeping my feelings to myself. Well, except for keeping my feelings away from myself... Which is why I'm confused, ya know? Because I know I like Circe. But there's this little bitchy voice in the back of my head- it swears at me a lot- that keeps reminding me of how I used to feel. And it always asks me if I even know how I feel. The thing is, I don't. What if I still like you? What if I'm just lying to myself because I'm scared of being hurt? Or am I trying to protect those around me? There's no way Circe would be happy if she knew, and I don't even know how you feel... Hell, I don't know a lot of things... Like why I'm even saying this..." the smile dropped, and my teeth clamped down on my lower lip, tearing at the skin desperately. I bit harder then I had intended to, and felt a trickle of blood run into my mouth. Great, fething great. Letting out a sigh I released the flesh and took a sip of my drink to wash down the metallic taste.
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]
Rebellious Vanguard
Hearing the girl babble on made Ventasia laugh a bit. For some odd reason, she found it incredibly cute. At the same time, she now found herself in exact position she didn't want to have to deal with. Along with acknowledging her feelings, Ven was now also confused. Now was the only chance she may get to dispel the confusion for the girl. However, just as she began to ponder on how to go about it, she could feel her fingers intertwining once more. The grasp on her hand seemed to simply erase certain thoughts from her head. Her head nodded just as the girl began to nibble on her own lip. "First off, hun, you need to have another drink and relax. Secondly, no, you've never been good at hiding your own feelings. But then, that makes two of us. And I highly doubt your lying to yourself. How you feel is how you feel, and I'm sure your heart isn't lying to you. As for Circe...Well, I get the feeling she knows how I feel. Whether she knows about you or not is another matter completely..."

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
The last of the alcohol in my cup was drained within the next few seconds. Another few seconds were spent simply breathing, attempting to get the building emotions to die down. Quietly I gave her hand a little squeeze, needing a moment of support. "I still don't know how you feel though..." I said, voice soft. There was a second where I still wondered how I actually felt. When it dawned on me I sighed, knowing I was going to have to tell Tasia... and Circe. Eventually, at least. "Part of me still likes you. Part of me desperately wants to be more then a friend. Yet there's still a piece of me reminding myself I'm dating someone else, someone who I also care about. One of you should just reject me so I can stop running around in circles..." Figurative circles, of course.
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]
Rebellious Vanguard
A heavy sigh slipped from her lips as the talk of feelings and rejection came about. Her head rolled back slightly, allowing her to stare up towards the ceiling as her thoughts were collected. She really is just reading into everything a bit too much. But then again, I can't really blame her. To wake up from a nap that you never wanted to take, and be surrounded by two people who you really can't choose between. I guess anyone would be confused in that position. But what does that mean for me? Those two have a kid together. Can I really hope I don't get rejected here? Ugh..this is crazy. I guess there only one way to figure this out...

Her head returned to it's normal position as she cleared her throat. She looked toward Ven, a sot gaze within her eyes. "Well, since you so eloquently realized, I haven't said anything about how I feel. That's probably because it's more than obvious. Would I really be sitting here with you now, like this, if I didn't feel anything for you? I love being around you. There isn't a single person in the galaxy that cloud make me feel this...crazy. And that's the good kind of crazy. Your more than just special. Your Ven'Rain Sekairo. And your the reason I left so restless while you were....asleep. As for rejecting you, not gonna happen. Ever. At least, not from me."

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Well, guess it wasn't going to be over that easily. Part of me knew that she was going to say that. I had just hoped it would be easier. Because even if one of them dies (though I'd rather that not happen) I would have to choose between loving the lost or moving on... But at this point, it seemed pretty obvious I'd one day pick Circe. We had a kid together, one who I don't want to leave with only one parent (potentially no parents if Circe ever passes). Hell, she had come very, very close to proposing to me. On more then just one occasion. Tasia... I mean, I love her, as a friend, and part of me likes her as more than that... Now I felt like doing something stupid. "You know, the only time I've been bad at reading emotions is when someone else likes me," I said, chuckling lightly. And then I turned, looking my friend over. My gaze slowly reached her lips, and I started to lean in. But I did not let my lips reach hers. It would be up to her to decide whether or not they would meet.

Of course I knew she wouldn't kiss me. Because we both knew that this wouldn't last, it wouldn't work. I was loyal to Circe, even when my feelings drew me elsewhere... And she knew that in the end, it wouldn't be me and her standing together, whether under an alter or under the shade of a tree. If it wasn't for the accident... If I hadn't forgotten everything... then it would be her and me. I'd be telling Circe about my girlfriend, instead of this... And as my lips hovered an inch away from hers, I wondered if maybe she would kiss me.

Just to experience what almost was.
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]
Rebellious Vanguard
"Well, then it sounds like you already knew that answer I was going to give. If you couldn't read me, even being so obvious, then you should've known." She laughed a bit, enjoying the laid back feel that the conversation seemed to be taking. It was nice, considering the most of their reunion had been emotionally driven. It took a few moments before she noticed the sudden change in atmosphere. Ven's eyes had began trailing over her her being, working their way up until her gaze reached her lips. To add to to things, the distance began to close, slowly but surely. Ventasia held her breath as she quickly pondered on what was happening. For once, she was confused.

What the?.... You have to be kidding me. Is...she really trying to do this? I mean, there's no way she's leaving her. Especially considering their was a child in the picture now. No way she's planning on breaking up that....happy little family. So what the hell is this all about? Am I really going to set myself up here?... Ah, screw it. Not like I haven't set myself up for worse in the past. Might as well go for it. Exhaling lightly, she began to lean forward slowly, her eyes locked on those of her 'friend'. There wasn't much distance to close, being that it was only an inch. It was only seconds before she felt a soft sensation against her own lips, meaning that contact had been made. Honestly, there was no clue what any of this meant or lead to, if there was anything to lead to. But one thing was for sure, there were certain pleasures that Ventasia would never turn down. A long awaited kiss from her old friend was definitely one of them, and at the top of the list.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Perhaps I am insane. But that was never really questioned, was it? People always seemed to assume so, and I seemed to agree. After all, sane people didn't usually do things like this. So here I was, as insane as usual, quietly kissing my friend in the middle of a cafe, with a waitress pretending not to be watching, a bottle of wine in front of us, and a whole lot of mixed up emotions in my chest. As our lips touched my eyes slowly closed, and a gently arm wrapped around her waist. God, her lips were soft... I have no idea how long we sat there. It felt like hours yet merely seconds at the same time. However long it had been, I knew it was time to pull away. And I did, hearing a gently sigh from one of the other customers as I did. Guess a few people were shipping us now...

Opening my eyes I looked into hers, blinking a few times. Honestly, I had no idea what to say. When words finally escaped my mouth they were nothing special, and a bit... lame. "Damn... Dayum, that was... You're... I... Yeah." Such intelligence, much smart. Wow. Guilt was starting to kick in, and not because I had kissed someone besides Circe. I had pretty much set Tasia up for some sort of disappointment or heartbreak, which was not what I wanted to do... It's not like I can be with both of them...
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]
Rebellious Vanguard would seem she'd sold the remainder of her sanity for a few seconds to live a fantasy. Then again, that was right up her alley of things that she might do. But the fact that she actually did it was another matter indeed. Here she was, locking lips with her mercenary friend. It wasn't a complete shock. Actually, it was something she'd imagined several times. But now she was doing it, and loving it. Feeling her wrap around her hips just added to the dream that she was living. It made it seem if time had come to a complete stop just so they could enjoy this moment of passion, even if it wouldn't last. Might as well enjoy it while it lasted. Ventasia pushed closer to Ven, pushing their bodies together just slightly, though the kiss was broken just as she did. Afterward, a rather loud sigh could be heard. Vebtasia simply laughed. "Hope you enjoyed the free show. But that wasn't even a tease."

She couldn't help but crack a joke at that moment. It seemed like the most perfect thing to do. Grabbing her glass, she took a few sips of the wine, before looking back toward her. Somehow, she wasn't shocked that Ven couldn't find the words to describe what had just happened. It only served to make laugh a bit more. "Let me help you with those words, hun. That was....incredible. Amazing. Exhilarating. Insane. And perfect. But that's just my own opinion." Of course, she could only hope she felt the same way.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Sanity is a fickle thing. And not something that can be relied on. Most of the time, at least. Despite my current partial level of sanity, I had done this. Now I struggled to explain myself, or even find the words to describe the experience. Luckily Tasia did for me. Everything she said fit, far better then my 'ums' and 'uhs' did. Just another advantage of having friends- they can fill in the gaps you can't. "Well, it's an opinion I share with you. That was... absolutely fantastic. Something I've been wanting to do for awhile..." I said, trailing off with a little smile. I poured myself a little more wine then drank it down, enjoying the taste. After a second I got quiet, wondering what to say next. "I'm sorry if this makes things weird... But mostly I'm sorry about the accident. I know it wasn't my fault... but if I had been more cautious, and paid attention to my gut feeling, I would've found out about the speeder's condition. It could have been prevented... So, er, I'm sorry. Feel free to slap me and remind me it's not my fault and that I may or may not be acting stupid." Smiling weakly I chuckled slightly, mostly out of nervousness. Then I had a little more wine, hoping it would calm the last of the negative emotions inside me.
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]
Rebellious Vanguard
This had to be the most awkward reunion in history. It started out happy, then got slightly uncomfortable, and now it had a highly romantic vibe. It was hard to tell what twist or turn it was going to take next. But one could simply sit back and enjoy the ride, as Ventasia was doing. A small chuckle came from her lips as Ven poured herself yet another glass of wine. It seemed like she was going to get to see just what type of tolerance the girl had, which would be interesting, no doubt. The grin remaining on her face, she finished the last of her own glass during the moment of silence at the table. Though it only lasted just that, a moment. Her gaze returned to her companion's, a single eyebrow cocked.

"You don't have a single thing to be sorry for, hun. Not everyone listens to intently to their instincts, so relax. You couldn't have stopped it from happening anymore than I could've seen it coming. Look at it like a blessing in disguise. If that had never happened, you wouldn't have had a second chance to be someone else. Even though your the same person, but my point stands." Her hand rose to rest on her cheek as she leaned forward, resting her forehead against the girl's. "And no one is going to slap you. I'm just happy your okay. And awake. And can share a drink with me."

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Once again we were so close... And I could start to feel the wine taking effect. Usually my tolerance for the stuff was high, so I wasn't to worried about it influencing my actions, at least not yet. Another glass or two? Yeah, it would fog my thought process a bit, but nothing to bad. Now, if we finished the bottle and got a second, I would definitely be getting loopy. And flirt(ier)y. Potentially even get the urge to do really lame drunk dancing. The bane of my existence... and reputation. "You have no idea how happy I am to know the face will not be slapped. And yeah, I guess it was a good thing in the end. There are some things I'm glad I forgot. And then there are things that I wish I never knew... But you're neither of those," I said, smiling again. Then I tilted my head, letting my lips touch hers again. It felt like the more time I spent with her, the better things got. But maybe it was just the wine talking...
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]
Rebellious Vanguard
"I better not be. After all, I'm me. And your you. And we are us. Which doesn't really mean much, but if I was any of those things, I may have to down this entire place's stock of alcohol. And even that wouldn't be enough to pass the horrible feeling." Once more, she chuckled without helping it. Goodness, by this point, it seemed as if she was giggling like a moronic schoolgirl. What was wrong with her? No one knows, and she was far to scared to find out. Not to mention she completely forgot about the idiotic giggling., all because Ven once more leaned in for yet another kiss. Ventasia wouldn't even hesitate, leaning in to return the kiss. Twice in one night? Now, she had to be dreaming. Either that, or he was on some strong strand of spice. Honestly, she wouldn't mind the latter, but preferred the first.

After a few seconds she broke the kiss, though she didn't move to create any type of distance between them. "You know, if you keep doing that, I'm gonna be melting in your palm pretty soon."

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Time for a lame and cheesy line! Ahem: "Don't do that. If you melt, I won't be able to hold or hug you anymore," I said, laughing a little. Romantic lines were where I failed. Most of the time I manage to get by on 'cute awkwardness', if such a thing even exists. The wine made my thought process (regarding things like this) even slower. Oh well. At least Ventasia seemed to be amused by me, with all the giggling and everything. "Or do this," I added, giving her another short peck on the lips. Oi, what the hell was I doing? Sure, it was wonderful, but it might mess things up... Oh well.
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]
Rebellious Vanguard
This is what one would consider a shocking turn of events. Not long ago, the two of them were having a perfectly normal conversation, while fighting back any sort of emotion. Now, it was like they were joined at the hip.....and no one was complaining. Not the waitress who continued to hide her continued stares, nor the other patrons who fought off their urge to glance. And certainly not either one of them.

Somehow, she caught herself laughing at the horrid joke. She'd heard worse, but this was still pretty bad. But that was part of the girl's charm, deliriously awkward. Before she could even utter a sound, her lips were making contact with Ven's, albeit much quicker this time. Yet, it felt just as wonderful as the first that had lasted....forever. Well, there was no reason not to enjoy at this point. Ventasia would simply have to deal with whatever repercussions there were...another day. "Very true. And what a shame it would be if I couldn't continue to steal these luscious lips of yours. Such a thing, I couldn't live if I was deprived of such an amazing experience. Not to mention i don't think I'd look too attractive as a puddle on your shoes."

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Part of me had what felt like an absurd thought. Yet at the same time it felt highly rational... Perhaps my high tolerance of alcohol was failing me? Sure seemed so as I poured myself a little more wine and drank it down just as quickly. Then I turned back, grinning at my companion. "True. Though I highly doubt the possibility of you ever not looking attractive," I said, letting a faint blush return to my cheeks. Once more the thought popped up, and I felt like asking Tasia about it. After all, it wouldn't make things very different from the way they were right now... To, or not to? Such a simple question, but one that was puzzling me nonetheless.

"Perhaps then, since you appear to enjoy these kisses, we should... hm, how to say it?... Do more then just kiss," I added, taking another sip of wine. Which was most likely the thing making me suggest something like that. God, I was going to regret this later, wasn't I? Oh well, might as well enjoy it (of course, I was already doing that).
@[member="Ventasia Terana"]
Rebellious Vanguard
Maybe it was just the mood, but something told Ventasia to dirk. And, well, she was never one to argue with that type of suggestion. So, she poured herself another glass, downing about half the glass of wine in a few seconds. She had to stop for a moment, as the comment of her always looking attractive took her attention. The slight redness in Ven's face only made the whole moment all the sweeter. "Well, I'm not alone in that aspect. I mean, I've never seen you have a day where you weren't gorgeous." She returned to her drink, finishing the glass before next comment was made. And what a comment it was....

Ventasia couldn't help but turn and look back to her companion,, blinking several times as they stared at one another. "Uh.....hun, are you aware of what you just said? I know we've been drinking, but did you sneak another bottle for yourself when I wasn't looking?" A small laugh came through her lips. However, internally, she was a happy as can be. She wanted to whisk her away to the nearest semi-private place and simply forget bout the rest of the world. It was almost too perfect.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]

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