Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It Could Be An Imperial Code (The Underground)

//This is General Merrill//

//Four standard hours ago, we detected what we believe to be a One Sith probe droid or ship in the Erida system//

//As of yet, we do not know if Rebellion Actual was detected, but Erida was an uncharted system; its discovery and its location mean that sooner or later the Sith will come knocking//

//If you're getting this message, you're in range to get to Rebellion Actual and assist with the ongoing evacuation//

//Most of the modular station was still under construction, and some parts can be towed into hyperspace, but we need ships with cargo space and tractor beams to evacuate weapons, space defense emplacements, personnel and supplies//

//If we're not interrupted, we'll regroup at a rendezvous point in the Lehon system, in Republic territory, then take Rebellion Actual to a new permanent location//

[member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Callisto Scarlett"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Jaani Doosun"] [member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Galen Arterius"] [member="Veino Garn"]

Those who answered the call and were in a position to respond would find the half-completed starbase Rebellion Actual in the process of dismemberment. Its portion of the Erida system swarmed with Underground mechanic ships and freighters, all coming and going, looking to evacuate the Underground's primary base before a potential -- not probable, but possible -- Sith incursion. Jorus was there in the Bullet Time, a modified microcorvette -- low on cargo space, but high on escort power and interception ability. The microcorvette stayed powered up, inside one of the base's docking bays, as Jorus coordinated the evacuation.

Victor Thrash

Galen stood with his arms crossed, watching as personnel came and went, dropping off crate after crate of Underground supplies, weapons and other bits and bobs the Underground had stored at Rebellion Actual. The Avalon Mk. II had a large cargo capacity and it wasn't afraid to bite. He had been only a few short jumps away from the Erida system and when he got the message, he jumped.

CL-4P rolled by, bouncing tooting some tune. No doubt on his way into trouble and to be less useful than the rest of the Glaucus' entirely droid crew. To be honest, if he got left behind, he wouldn't feel sad, or bad for leaving the thing. But he knew too much. He would come back eventually. For now he would roll around and Galen would organize the cargo entering his ship.

The Avalon lacked any sort of tractor beams and thus couldn't take any of the larger pieces but he could transport people and cargo so that's what he would do.

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
Vaudin worked the controls of the Bantha's manipulator arms as he litterally packed portions of the station into his big beast cargo hold.

His deft hands worked as fast as the techs could separate pieces of the station. Sith were coming but he had a deep nagging feeling there wouldn't be much for them to find.

[member="Galen Arterius"][member="Jorus Merrill"]
Flint arrived at the Underground's call. SSS had taken more than a few 'odd jobs' and Flint had always been happy to help out with him. He'd met Merrill briefly in the past and found him a decent fellow, an stopping the Sith from doing this that or the other was never a bad thing. He'd come in with the Detroit Nexu, a decently sized light freighter that could carry around a hundred tons of whatever needed moving. Wasn't much all things considered when someone was trying to move an entire space station, but it was something. And every once in a while when you're a small-town guy trying to stop the big-town guys from throwing their weight around something is all you got.

And Flint was gonna make something count.

Helping the droids and other 'Underground' men throw as much supplies into the cargo hold Flint sped the up the process as much as he could. Unlike some of the larger freighters around Flint mostly held supplies, whether it be construction equipment, foodstuffs, or weapons. Crate after crate after crate of the stuff. At least hopefully. 'Underground' had to be funded enough to fill his ship up right?
A burst of Cronau radiation heralded the arrival of an odd little transport. The Gungan Doodad was rarely seen in the Galaxy, like the Gungans on the whole since the plague. The species had essentially devolved back to tribal warfare within their territory, as they had been doing before the Clone Wars.

The small vessel wasn't advanced, particularly fast, or large. It was, to all intents and purposes, here as a token gesture. Then again, in Jaani's view, if the kark hit the fan and his small vessel saved twelve souls, it would be worth it.

"This is Jaani Doosun, got room for maybe dozen at a time, maybe twice dat attapush. Warn mesa shuttle men out or what?"
[member="Jaani Doosun"]'s transmission crackled in Jorus' earbud comm, routed there from the station's comms officer like with the rest of the new arrival requests. "Doosun, this is Merrill. Our rendezvous point is less than a hundred parsecs away. If your hyperdrive's fast enough and your air can manage that, I've got two dozen good folks ready to go in Bay Six. It's the one on the station's arm." Bays Five and Seven had been recently decommissioned, along with the sensitive machinery in their arms of the station and, indeed, the arms themselves. Only one protrusion was left.

He remembered to switch channels, but only barely, looking to talk to [member="Vaudin Miir"]. "Vaud, this is Jorus. How's the Bantha coming along?"

[member="Flint Michigan"]

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Jaani Doosun"] [member="Flint Michigan"]

Vaudin's hand reached up and reacivated his comm mic.

"She may not be pretty but she's getter the job done." he said as he popped a piece of nerf-jerk in his mouth, "we'll need everyone loaded and off station in an hour or so max. Maybe less at this rate."

His closed the cargo bay and continued to load other ships with EVA gear.
[member="Vaudin Miir"]

"That's exactly what I needed to hear. My gut's not happy, Vaud. Something big is on its way. Maybe that's the One Sith, maybe we're just a little too far into the Unknowns, but this evac ain't for nothing. Let me know when you're ready to bail and I'll set up an escort for ya. I'd do it myself, but I mean to be the last one out, guarding the tugs that'll take the station spaceframe."
There was sweat on his brow, through his clothes too, but the job was done. The cargo hold was chock-full of supplies, and Flint was ready to head on out. Heading up to the cockpit he started readying the engines and sent a message through the 'Underground's favorite comm channel.

"This is Flint Michigan of the Detroit Nexu, supplies are loaded up and ready. Estimated departure time two minutes. Next thirty people that want a ride can jump in and get dropped off with the cargo."

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Jaani Doosun"]
The sound of aid was heard on the Cin'ciri Talyc or Bloody Snow if translated from Mando'a to Basic, and the Bounty Hunter was only a few parsecs nearby to location that was desperate of help. Reason why this particular Mandalorian was out venturing throughout the Galaxy and not in Mandalorian Space? Doing one of the few hobbies he enjoyed to do: Bounty Hunting. Within One Sith space Vilaz was hunting down not your average Joe that robbed a bank or killed Manda knows how many people, but Sith and other personnel that held allegiance to the One Sith. That what he mostly preyed on with some other high, decent paying Bounties from different clients.

Throughout his many adventures in the Galaxy he had come across a Rebel Faction known as the Underground and joined them. Seemed like his type of people. He didn't just hunt Bounties for money, he did that to fight back and destroy oppressing factions and other factions that brought trouble to the Galaxy such as the One Sith, the Imperial Remnant, so on and so forth. Win-Win for the Rally Master and the Rebels for they both shared the same, common beliefs excluding religion, culture, politics, etc.

Suddenly, a ship had came out of hyperspace and the Captain, along with his pet Vornskr, opened up a private comm link to the Rebels and said, "This is Vilaz Munin of the Cin'ciri Talyc. Where are my shebs needed?"

[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Jaani Doosun"] [member="Galen Arterius"]
Jorus Merrill said:
"Doosun, this is Merrill. Our rendezvous point is less than a hundred parsecs away. If your hyperdrive's fast enough and your air can manage that, I've got two dozen good folks ready to go in Bay Six. It's the one on the station's arm.
"Ok, should be able t'make da run in under a parsec hour," Jaani replied, his hands moving smoothly across the controls. That wasn't an insignificant distance on galactic scales, so he wouldn't be making many trips if time was short.

The small craft fired thrusters as the computer followed the path laid out for it. It carefully manoeuvred round into a docking bay. The sleek organic lines of the craft were quite pleasing to Jaani's eyes, but most others he'd met had described the thing as ugly. He down from the ship, looking about for someone shouting loudly enough to be considered an organiser in the midst of the pandemonium.
"[member="Flint Michigan"], I'm sending a crewfull of amugglers your way. Their cutter ran afoul of Fringe patrols near Altir and got shot out from under them on the way here. Techs just declared their ship a lost cause. I can shuffle tjeir cargo around, but if you don't mind having a whole spare crew in the hold, they could use a lift."

"[member="Vilaz Munin"], this is General Merrill. There's a jungle fort on the surface where some of our local contacts are gathering. Recruits, too. Get down the well if you would, and get us some local colour."

Pretty soon, [member="Jaani Doosun"] stumbled across Jorus, knee-deep in cargo manifests and barking into his headset as he switched channels furiously. He covered the mic. "Perfect timing, Doosun. We've got a load of new recruits with strict instructions not to touch anything. The rendezvous point over Lehon has a little space dock where you can drop them off and fuel up on our dime."
"Copy that Merrill." Flint said to [member="Jorus Merrill"] and opened his boarding ramp, letting in a slew of smugglers. They'd find themselves at home, messing around here or there and cutting up. Seemed they knew their way around a freighter. Decent smugglers then.

" 'Ey, thanks for the ride there Michigan. You really pulled our boots outta the fire." A Feeorin man came to speak with him, taking a seat in the co-pilot's spot.

"Hey, no problem. Gettin paid and doin decent work. Can't beat that can you?" Flint replied, and the Feeorin smiled.

"Guess you can't. We ready?" He said, going through the checks and prepping for take off.

"Yeah. We're ready." Flint replied, and headed out from Erida, to whereever the underground took him.
His head nodded, but there was one thing that he didn't quite comprehend. "Colour? What the hell does that mean?" His comms were off so nobody besides himself and Dalso could hear what he said. He began maneuvering his ship towards the surface of the planet and opened up a comm link with General [member="Jorus Merrill"].

"Merrill, whatcha mean by colour?" The Redneck asked as he continued piloting his ship down to the Fort on Erida.

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