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Investment Witch

(OOC: Mandos belonging to clans other than the Lok clan should consider PMing me first)

It's clear by now that, if she wanted to become the Witch equivalent of a certain Darth Scabious, she needed to have a clear investment strategy and to invest in different things from what Darth Scabious did. His downfall was investing too heavily in battle droid manufacturers affiliated to the Techno Union. Cathul has pledged part of her personal fortune (she actually spent very, very little beyond her own upkeep and that of the clinic, in which she literally lives) to buy stocks in various corporations. But perhaps the rest of Clan Lok and the other Mandalorian Clans that supplied patients to the Mandalore Psychology Clinic should be consulted before outlining an investment strategy especially if other Clans wanted a slice of the investment pie as well.


ATTN: Clan Lok
Subject: Investment strategy

Dear vods of Clan Lok, it has come to my attention that our investment strategy is outdated. Before I do anything about the Clan's investment portfolio, I wish to have your opinions in the matter. You have realized by now that I am not your ordinary baat'kaysh: all too many baat'kayshs think that their scope of duty as a baat'kaysh is limited. Like physiotherapists that decide that they want nothing to do with non-medical areas of duty to their clan or to the clans as a whole. Unlike some of the less scrupulous clans I am not one to squander the clan's money while completely disregarding the mandate given by the clan. Since I'm new to managing a portfolio that goes beyond personal finances, I need to make sure that I know what I'm going into, what your needs are and what you wish to avoid.

P.S.: Feel free to adjoin other clans to the investment portfolio if you wish.

P.P.S.: If that is possible, we should decide who is the alor of the clan and who is the alor'ad as well.

Dr. Cathul Thuku, PsyD
Clinical psychologist
Mandalore Psychology Clinic


[member="Ava Lok"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Saarenin Lok"] [member="Serem Lok"]


Well-Known Member
As he walked into the small room on Mandalor, Serem saw a Twi'lek woman sotting in one of the chairs. Serem took off his helmet and sat down, "You Cathul?" he asked wondering where the other members of the clan were, "My name is Serem Lok, pleasure to meet you." Serem set his helmet down on the small table next to him and waited. "Oh yeah," Serem said as a memory hit him when he saw a picture of Concodia, "Concordia Crescent Technologies would be more than happy to employ our services. I was told so by the owner."

[member="Ava Lok"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member"Cathul Thuku"]
"In what capacity did Concordia Crescent Technologies' owner told you that we would be of help? If you may excuse me, I have proceeded to purchase 7% of Pizza Hutt and 15% of IGR Brokerage for 5 million each, using my personal investment money, but perhaps we should purchase a stake in other corporations or invest more money to buy a larger share of each"

There was a lot of different ways for which CCT could have used the services of the Lok clan: testing products on the battlefield, supplying weapons and equipment, managing the finances, or even adding to the clan's portfolio. But if it came to a prison ship or a psychiatric hospital ship, no Mandalorian shipyard would want part of it, especially as it pertains to the latter. But she knew Ringovinda StarYards could build one such thing, and Cathul had a vision for a psychiatric hospital ship: it had to be capable of hosting 100,000 patients at once, that is, to be able to treat all the psychiatric patients within a hex. To be able to instill terror in psychiatric patients. She thought it was best to wait until the aftermath of the Jabiim expedition before pre-ordering the ship, knowing that it would be highly unlikely that Gallofree Yards or Republic Engineering Corporation would be able to produce anything that can meet the requirements, and in the aftermath of the Kuat raid, KDY (and Rendili StarDrive) would deny them sales. And MCS being even more closely tied to the Republic than Ringovinda StarYards was, Loronar Corporation would be ruled out as well as MCS.

"It has come to my attention that the Lok clan has expanded greatly over the past few months from the ashes of chaos. While we could sit on the Alor council in this condition, the future of the clan depends on the direction it takes and of its leadership. So I propose to hold the Alor election held today"

[member="Serem Lok"] [member="Ava Lok"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Saarenin Lok"]


Well-Known Member
"The owner was a friend of my mother. I used to work as a weapon tester for him. He said he would provide us with ships weapons and gear." Serem's said, "He's working on getting some shipyards on Yaga Minor right now." Serem's ran his hand through his buzz cut hair. "Something about the ship buidssness booming." He was confused by Abraxis's behavior, but some adults were wired like that.

[member="Cathul Thuku"]
"Certainly CCT will be useful to us, but there is one thing no Mando shipyard will do: psychiatric hospitals! I have my idea for that, especially as the Clans expand their influence. There is one shipyard in the galaxy that will build these things, and I know better than anyone else what would a psychiatric hospital be like and needs to have. Maybe the rest of the clan would find use in CCT products"

Prison ships are one thing but a psychiatric hospital ship is another, especially if said psychiatric hospital ship is going to be different. With the psychiatric hospital ship, spellweaver status will make her feel that much grander, and she will be actually be able to take command of that behemoth of a psychiatric hospital. I am a space witch, knowing Saarenin and Marcus aren't but Serem is, she thought. But she believed that Mandalorian regulations would not allow witch initiates to take command of ships 1000m+ long. Perhaps she will be proven wrong in time, but that ship was rumored to be ~2000m long. That's one of the reasons why she wanted to become a spellweaver at a minimum.

"If they make good on their promise and actually capitalize on the Kuat raid by going on Jabiim attempt to salvage the wreck, they will build the largest psychiatric hospital ship in the galaxy - and of all time, capable of taking care of an entire hex's worth of long-term psychiatric patients! Unique or semi-unique we know not at this stage but I believe the Alor'e council will never allow us to get more than one"

Surely they are not referring to Ringovinda StarYards! Jessica is either one visionary or one crackhead with more ideas than sense. It would seem that Jessica is running the show design-wise, not Charzon or Marcia. Since Ringovinda StarYards is in SSC space, as a symbol of gratitude towards the Mandos pertaining to the raid, she would probably offer more options for the price.

[member="Serem Lok"] [member="Ava Lok"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Saarenin Lok"]

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