Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Neutral space around Caeliar
Breaks loadout: plasma canon, caliburn, vibrokatana.

Navigation was tough in this section of space. Unpredictable to the point of lethality if one wasnt ever so careful. The Dark side of the force could permeate space but Break had never seen anything like this. Autopilot wasnt an option here so piloting the ship was its Captain Break. Which to his experience he thought he was a good pilot. Contrary to that belief having a droid brain that heavily relied on predicting outcomes makes one a bit shine a bit more than the average pilot, and that was of no use here. He had to fly based on experience and on sight which was particularly hard for him. White-knuckled on the controls he managed to navigate his way into the furthest reaches this part of the galaxy. If he could sweat he'd be drenched by this time but the droids unfeeling exterior made him look cool minded and calm.

He could feel the unease from down below as one of his...larger guests was not very happy with long trips. The ship lurched with her weight. Break had previously reinforced it with some extra dura but for this time would probably only be the first of many. Break had a small crew of 14 droids with him and a few freinds that wanted to join the fun, just enough to keep the dragon calm and run the ship.

Break navigated to a small patch of land. That had been made privy to him by a hefty amount of credits and a very drunk pirate.

"Prep Noc for takeoff and ready my weapons. We'll need to have all the firepower we can handle to take on our targets."

@Miss Blone & friends

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Miss Blonde was pretty calm despite the fact that they were quite literally flying through a field of death and destruction. Maybe it was due to the fact that she had been practicing a few new techniques with the force to help her escape such a nightmare scenario, or maybe it was because she trusted break to fly. Either way she was sitting in the co pilot seat next to the HRD with her legs crossed and her thumbs twiddling away.

"You know you really have to relax, Break. All that stress isn't good for your system strain. Gotta ease up on those gears." Blonde said with a chuckle.

In her lap she had a small boxy submachine gun known as a Defender. It was outfitted with some explosive rounds and was pretty much ready to deploy and go to work when needed. So with a quick action the woman collapsed its stock and let the weapon hang off her belt with its butt being clipped to her belt.

"Besides, we've been in far worse situations than this. Well at least I have. And you got a friggen dragon, so you know. Fun times." Blonde was rather impressed about the dragon.
Break laughed a bit considering that he never really thought that his pet was anything but adorable.
"You know... you have a point, but the whole -Tears wookies apart like wookies tear apart droids- thing can get to you considering that I'm a droid."
He shook his head
"But, youre right. Nocturna is here and with a dragon that tears apart ships like you tear apart tacos we cant lose!"
He laughed and seemed to ease more from the tension.
"On a more serious note. You know what we're up against right? No fear? You're either twice as brave as me or half as sane."
Break smiled. He could respect that in his friend she was more like him than most of his other colleagues and friends.
More to the point and more in your face than Break and he liked that.
"Anyways, I guess you should meet Noc. Considering that I you're going to be fighting alongside 'er, I figure you should trust her and not fear her."
Opening the door the warm air of the cargo bay seemed to kiss the room like a sweet aroma.
The smell of roses and pine floated in. The dragon was calmed by the scents of plants and nature. Something that Break learned to treasure on trips like these.

The sound of a large reptiles hiss could be heard throughout the ship and the secret weapon that the droid cherished so much would soon show its prowess for battle.

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Yeah that's a hard pass on that one Ghost Rider." Blonde said from her seat as Break walked towards the cargo hold.

The small crime lord was pretty content with not going near the scary dragon that probably needed to be fed every few hours. It was just something that people with common sense didn't do, and for very good reason. So while he went off to go do whatever it was Break does, Blonde took control of the ship.

They had gotten through the worst of it in terms of the storm, but there was still a bit of chop ahead they needed to get through. So with her decent piloting skills she got them through the storm and within a few minutes they pierced the atmosphere of the planet and we're headed towards the ground. All they had to do now was land and then go kill some people to get what she needed.

With a flick of her wrist the woman set the ship on autopilot then maneuvered her way towards the loading ramps so when they did land she get get on her stinger class speeder bike and fly away with break on his dragon. Still couldn't believe she was thinking that.

"Whenever you're ready!" Blonde said as she cocked and checked her defender.

With the weapon now attached to her side near her pistol she mounted her bike and awaited break.

Break mounted the dragon as he would a speeder, the dragon roared as she knew it was time to go, the hangar door opened fully and the dragon moved outside stretching its wings in the air she looked around and gave a low hiss. She could smell the fear in the air. many things lived here and not many of them seemed familiar.

"Take to the sky girl, were hunting for something."

the idea of the hunt snapped the dragon back into her own senses. Flapping her wings Nocturna lifted into the air roaring into the wilds. She burst forward into the wind.

reaching to his comm link, Break would contact Blonde.

"I can see something in the distance due northeast of your position...looks like a hole-"
When the droid was suddenly cut off Nocturna had spotted movement in the trees and had swooped in without waiting for Break to brace himself.

[member="Miss Blonde"]

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