Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interesting night at the Cantina (Open to anyone)

"JEDI?!" Elvira looked to the person she had just agreed with in alarm. Her eyes narrowed in anger, the Jedi were FILTH to the ex-younling. And she just kept glaring at him, her hands in tight fists.

This was NOT the same girl they had all seen a second earlier...

@[member="Hasjo Hallu"]. @[member="Krussk Doshkeet"] @[member="Davik Tren"]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik lowered his blaster as the Nautolan worked to fill the gap between him and the trandoshan, although he so very much wanted to take a shot. Taking the first shot would be a risky move, however, as Davik knew that the scales were tough, but a couple of shots in the right areas could bring even the girthiest lizard down with ease. "You aren't worth the time, snaggletooth..." The spacer picked up his drink and downed it before sitting down once more, this time a bit further from the thug, minding to keep his blaster on the table in case anymore people would care to start a bit of trouble.

@Hasjo Hallu
@Krussk Doshkeet
@[member="Elvira Congelo"]
"You aren't worth the time, snaggletooth..." [member="[/COLOR]Davik Tren"] commented to the Trandoshan.
"Well you aren't exactly Ms. Universe to look at either. Now holster that blaster, cowboy" Hasjo retorted to the man. "You may have a right to carry weapons, but no where did it mention you can have it sitting around for a moments use. Respect the law or leave the establishment." His voice had become much sterner than beforehand. He turned around to [member="Krussk Doshkeet"], reassuring him "As you say, you won't cause troubles if he doesn't. I'll make sure the peace is kept. I thank you for your patience and good will." He turned around to retreat back to his abode, to finish his meal. His black, beady eyes danced over [member="Elvira Congelo"], gazing at fists. He made no comment and moved past her, pulling the hood further over his scalp.
"You aren't worth the time, snaggletooth..."
Krussk bared his teeth at that statement "and you aren't worth the jail time for ripping you limb by limb" he shot back with a snarl. The Trandoshan raised his glass that was still empty and it was filled almost immediately by the barkeep who was still very shaken up by the whole ordeal. He started heading to the opposite end of the bar when he stopped and briefly looked over his shoulder at the jedi "Thank you jedi, for having cooler heads prevail" Krussk said begrudgingly he may not always see eye to eye with the jedi but at least they were good at what they did by keeping the peace. On his way back to his seat he almost bumped into the young woman that was trying to keep the peace also. "Excuse me miss" he said in passing noticing she was focused on the jedi and no one else...he recognized that look that was the look of hatred. He would have to watch her tonight so that she didn't make a scene.
@[member='Davik Tren'] @[member='Elvira Congelo'] @[member='Hasjo Hallu']
Elvira attempted to keep herself pulled together... she did try! She was just trying to keep the peace a while ago, and now it seemed as if she was the one who was going to make the scene... It seemed like it alright, alright!

She let out a heavy sigh, letting her head hang low for a moment, then decided to take things calmly and carefully. She wanted so badly to walk up to the Jedi and punch him, but instead she turned to walk back to her drink, just calling out for her on the counter... with the ice... which was probably melted by now.

@[member="Hasjo Hallu"] @[member="Krussk Doshkeet"] Davik Tren

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik muttered something unintelligible as the Nautolan Jedi walked out of the establishment. He had been this cantina for only half an hour but already the smuggler was quite annoyed with the atmosphere. With his bill paid, he grabbed his flight bag and exited the bar to re-enter the underworld life of Coruscant and lose himself in a bit of wandering before heading back to his apartment.
Things seemed to have calmed down once more, the smuggler had left the cantina, along with the jedi. Although the stench of his meal was still in the air it would be awhile until that fully dissipated. Even [member='Elvira Congelo'] had calmed down and went back to her drink. Krussk was still a bit fired up about the nerve of the smuggler and part of him wanted to follow him out and teach him a lesson but the more he sat at the bar drinking the more he forgot about it. On a brighter note the barkeep made sure that his glass was always filled right away when he asked for a refill.
Strask sat in the corner, without a drink. Why he was here, was anyone's guess. Even the Bothan wasn't sure. He had a hunch there was something here, but as Knol had said, if he followed every hunch, he would never be able to lead the Spynet in any meaningful way. He sighed. The cantina had to have something.
Sabrina had come from serenno, where the mandalorian`s had just forced the nobles, their to submit to their will. She vowed to help liberate them, from this yolk, and decide some thing had to be done about this scourge. She had plan after listening to one delegates, and that plan was to put down their production, for awhile anyway. This would help her new friends, regain their freedom.
So she wore a disguise to hide her face, as she did not want to be recognized, by anyone, as they may end her career. She was here to meet a bothan, who she was reliably informed could do almost anything with computers.
As she entered the bat, she spotted him a private booth, she went over to him and sat down. She nodded to him and said her password Theirs a whiff of grapeshot in air today, what do you think? This was to prove to him, that she was the one he was meeting, or if he said the wrong thing, she could get out their.
@[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
"Grapeshot and smoke reside everywhere these days." Strask replied. He sighed, holding his head in his hands. If she blew his cover here, he would be in trouble. No one outside the council knew he was here. And even then, he hadn't expected her to ask here. "So what is it?" The Free house of Serenno had been overrun, and now they wanted freedom. So she had wanted to find him. Lab Q had a reputation, and he was the only known connection. Although, this would be more Net work. And Strask would only meet her once. Just here.
@[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
A slight sense of calm, came over Sabrina when he said the password, he was the right bothan. Well as you may heard, the nobles of serenno, have had no choice but to capitulate to the mandalorains. Other wise they would have risked, the same fate as drummond kass, and we both no that would have been a pity. She paused, to take her breath, and looked around to check no one was in listening, or watching. Then pulled out a slip of paper, on it written in botha, whiche she translated on route here, so no else could read easily. I need a computer virus, to take down mandalmotors , all off it. What do you need, from me to able to do this? Her idea was, once it`s down they retype their software, and that halt production for weeks. Even after their up and running again they, would be still hit bugs, which would slow production. This would give the free house of serenno, a chance to rebel, as they be trying to boost their security.
@Strask Ak'lya
A look of surprise crossed Strask's face as the woman handed him the note. Well played. As he read, a eyebrow arched. Mandelmotors? This would be fun. Writing on the sheet, he replied in the same way.
The software type, as well as anything you can get on the system maker and hardware. Otherwise, does it need to be operational afterwards?
@[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
She took the note of @[member="Strask Ak'lya"], and read it carefully, her botha was rough to say the least. Then wrote one word no, as she wanted production halted, so that the mandalorains, would be a disadvantage for short while. To give serenno a chance to revolt, against their new overlords.
The mandalorians negation skills, proved they should just remain soldiers, not diplomats. Their offer was simple, and an affront to nobles of serenno, accept this offer or we blow you out of the face planet. So hate and fear begat passion, and the sith code was now at work, as the noble`s know look for strength, to over throw the mandalorians.
No. That would make it so Mich easier. And if done right, look like the work of another group. "All right. The package will be delivered to this cantina by a friend of mine unless I note otherwise. We'll be in touch." The Bothan began to stand, and slowly drew out a small cylinder. It was a comlink. "Only I have the number" he added. Flashing a smile, he stood up fully, and headed out. Unless @[member="Sabrina Kotass"] would stop him.

The Destroyer

John strode into the cantina, walking up to the bar. It had been a while since he had been able to have a bight of relaxation and he intended to enjoy it.

"Corellian whiskey. Open a tab."

Glancing around he noticed a few pretty girls and smiled a bit. This was going to be a fun night indeed.
Elvira was on her second cup of... whatever she was drinking... she wasn't paying much attention to the outside world, she was just enjoying her time her. She couldn't help but feel as if there were eyes on her though. She pulled some more of her hair over her face and just looked down into her cup.

Elvira wasn't drunk, but right now her attempts to hide herself may have made it look so. She made sure she was using the Force well to catch if anybody came towards her with trouble.

The Destroyer

The girl he was currently looking at pulled some hair over her face. She was apparently trying to hide herself. Turning back to his drink, John ordered another. He drained this one and took the next, flashing a smile at the Twi'Lek behind the counter.

John was still looking around, trying to see if there was someone friendly in this whole cantina.
Korin stepped into the cantina, taking a quick glance around the establishment. His attention was first drawn to a large Trandoshan drinking quietly a distance away. He cocked an eyebrow at a Bothan and a and a Human woman who appeared to be passing notes, and a another young woman who looked as if she just got left at the altar. He approached the bar, sitting a reasonable distance away from the Zeltron and waved over a Twi'lek bartender.
"Corellian Ale... please."
A few new scents in the air, none that were as pungent as whatever that jedi was eating earlier, but still new scents. Krussk was no dummy he knew that for everyone that walked in they all almost looked at him right away as if sizing up if he was a threat or not...silly humans if he wanted them dead they would be dead. A man that had just recently entered the cantina ordered a Corellian Ale...strange the Trandoshan had never had that before or quite frankly heard of it and he was intrigued enough to try it. Krussk got up from the bar after finishing his current drink and slowly walked over to the man "excuse me stranger what was that you just ordered?"

@[member='Korin Undoli']

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