Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interesting night at the Cantina (Open to anyone)

Krussk sat at the bar at one of the many cantinas in Coruscant, silently enjoying his drink. He was not feeling particularly social right now and the one good thing about being a 7 foot 2 Trandoshan is that he was left alone in the cantina unless a person was really drunk. Krussk held up his glass and the bartender quickly filled it again "thank you barkeep" he said in his deep reptilian sounding voice. A guy tried sitting next to him at the bar until he looked over at the Trandoshan and Krussk flashed his razor sharp teeth at him by human standards it would have been considered a smile, of Trandoshan standards it was NOT a sign of friendliness by any stretch of imagination. Sometimes Krussk missed being on Trandosha and interacting with others of his kind instead of mostly humans but then he would remember that he was practically banished from his home planet and that would cause him to have less patience with humans and other races. Krussk was planning for a non eventful night at the cantina but fate seems to have other plans...
Hasjo Hallu, Jedi Padawan, entered the cantina. He glanced around with his large, black, beady eyes and spied the tall creature, [member="[URL=""]Krussk Doshkeet[/URL]"]. He shot a wary glare and moved further into the bar. He gathered himself in his fat, woollen, brown jedi robes. He drew the hood up over the thick, green tendrils that snaked down from his scalp. He eased his way across the room and slid into an open booth. As a waitress came over, he ordered his meal. A few short minutes passed before a platter came out. Upon revealing the food, a foul stench wafted through the air that the Nautolan could not smell, but all else could. It was a Nautolan delicacy that he had ordered, and renown for it's putrid stench. It was squid-like in nature. It was crisp and chewy, with plenty of juice inside. He placed a tentacle into his mouth and bit down, the juice squeezing out audibly along with the crunch of cooked flesh.

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik strode casually into the cantina from the bleak and empty street to sit down on one of the cantina's many stools. It was not unlike the young spacer to be out at this time, as the night entertained him very much and he usually had no trouble with the thugs and villains of the under city. A small ways down the bar, Davik noticed the large trandoshan, and quickly looked back towards the tender. A couple of years traveling the galaxy had shown that this species was usually never friendly to outsiders, let alone over friendly humans. Looking to the keeper, Savik stated in a slightly hushed tone that he would have a bit of Corellian Ale.

@[member="Krussk Doshkeet"]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik strode casually into the cantina from the bleak and empty street to sit down on one of the cantina's many stools. It was not unlike the young spacer to be out at this time, as the night entertained him very much and he usually had no trouble with the thugs and villains of the under city. A small ways down the bar, Davik noticed the large trandoshan, and quickly looked back towards the tender. A couple of years traveling the galaxy had shown that this species was usually never friendly to outsiders, let alone over friendly humans. Looking to the keeper, Savik stated in a slightly hushed tone that he would have a bit of Corellian Ale.

@[member="Krussk Doshkeet"]

((Accidental double post. <.<))
As Krussk was sitting there he didn't notice [member='Hasjo Hallu'] enter the cantina but within a few moments he could certainly smell the Jedi Padawan's meal. Having never smelled something like that before it caught the Trandoshans nose off guard and made him not thirsty anymore...or hungry for that matter. Krussk looked around till he saw where the smell was coming from, a lone Nautolan and a jedi by the look of his robes was somehow enjoying that putrid smelling thing in front of him. The Trandoshan stood up from his seat and made everyone around him appear to be a dwarf, he slowly made his way over to the Nautolan's table. When he got there he just stood there and looked at the thing that was apparently food. "What are you eating that smells so putrid" Krussk asked looking from the "food" to the Nautolan.
@[member="Krussk Doshkeet"]

"What are you eating that smells so putrid"
Hasjo turned mid-chew to see the tall creature. He swallowed the bite and answered "It's Quarrel." He returned his eyes back to his meal and continued to eat. Hasjo was a thickly built Jedi, it was due to his lack of spirituality and grasp of the Force. It was always an elusive skill, and so he made up for it in training in vigorous Jedi forms that sacrificed endurance and defence for sheer attack and strength. Brutally smashing through opponents defences. Though if left in a prolonged fight, such forms would fail him, and he would be easily overwhelmed. He picked up another tentacle, squishing the juice out between his teeth. The odour leaking out from within the cooked creature was more horrid than what was smelt from the outside. Hasjo seemed unfazed by the smell, not even sensing it was there at all.
"Could you please eat that elsewhere I'd rather not have my nostrils assaulted by that stench" Krussk said in a near growl tone. The Trandoshan turned around thinking the matter over and said something unflattering about [member='Hasjo Hallu'] in Dosh, his native tongue. The Trandoshan returned to his seat...he knew no one would try to take it while he was here. He looked around to find the barkeep and saw him pouring Corellian Ale to some man (@[member='Davik Tren']) down the bar. "Barkeep I need a refill" Krussk said holding up his glass just trying to get back to enjoying his solitude. The barkeep seemed to be taking too long like he was having a conversation with the man or something "human I am a paying customer, now where is my refill?" he said starting to get annoyed at this apparently overly chatty barkeep.

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
"Human, I am a paying customer, now where is my refill?" At that statement, Davik looked back towards the trandoshan who sat a few seats away from his person. He smirked slightly at the trandoshan, and this action was nothing more than to suggest situation that was currently happening was rather humorous. The subject that he himself had been discussing with the bartender had been of the negligence of the senate to fund the lower city's police force, and this was a rather unimportant subject. That being said, Davik was no fool and placed a nonchalant hand on the refitted mandalorian blaster that lay at his hip, just in case...

@[member="Krussk Doshkeet"]
Krussk looked over at the younger human smirking at him and barred his teeth at him "find something funny boy?" he looked down and noticed that the young man had put his hand on his blaster and chuckled. "Before you could shoot me I could get my claws on you and teach you the definition of pain...fortunately for you I am not in the mood to kill or maim anyone tonight. I just want my drink refilled" Krussk said holding up his glass once more to be refilled. The handful of people that were sitting between him and the young man had quickly and quietly gotten up not wanting to be near a potential situation.

@[member='Davik Tren']
"Could you please eat that elsewhere I'd rather not have my nostrils assaulted by that stench"
Hasjo lowered his head and seemed to blatantly ignore the creature. He continued to eat away, quietly. Some people were just so rude, but no harm would come from finishing his meal before leaving - right? he thought. He used his fingers to pry open the skull of the cooked squid-like creature and scooped out the inner organs with his green, webbed hands. He too, ate them. He could hear the talk of the creature and someone else. But it wasn't until he heard a few particular words his head snapped around "Before you could shoot me I could get my claws on you and teach you the definition of pain." He could see the man resting his hand on the blaster. This was getting hot, and fast. Hasjo stood himself up, clasping his hands before him in the sign of neutrality of the Jedi. "Please, return to your seat Trandoshan. The night is young, and we do not want to ruin such a peaceful night such as this"

@[member="Krussk Doshkeet"] @[member="Davik Tren"]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik looked towards the trandoshan and gave a gruff mumble before removing his hand from the blaster and going back to his drink. He had no intention of getting into any kind of melee with the large reptilian creature and instead made himself busy counting the credits he still had in his pocket. The sum would come to around 500, which was more than enough to have a good night with as his more recent jobs had been more than profitable. Just as he was about to take the last sip of his drink Davik heard a calm and surprisingly stern voice from a Nautolan that had stood up to the brute with a simple yet powerful, "Please, return to your seat Trandoshan. The night is young, and we do not want to ruin such a peaceful night such as this." Davik gave a confused look to the Nautolan, then at the trandoshan before taking his leave of the stool and backing away from the scene a bit, should it turn violent. Many other patrons, needless to say, followed in suit.

@Krussk Doshkeet
@[member="Hasjo Hallu"]
Elvira did not often enter bars, but for some reason the night called into this one. It was a regular bar with a bored, half-asleep bartender and multiple people there. Elvira cringed at the stench of something she couldn't tell what. The girl covered her nose and walked up to the counter, "Something light... with ice." And she sat down, dwelling in her thoughts.

@[member="Krussk Doshkeet"] @[member="Hasjo Hallu"] @[member="Davik Tren"]
"Please, return to your seat Trandoshan. The night is young, and we do not want to ruin such a peaceful night such as this."
Krussk looked over at the jedi, "I wasn't talking to you...jedi". He said practically spitting out the word jedi in disgust. " I have no qualms with you...besides that disgusting smelling thing you call food you keep eating. I'm just here trying to enjoy my drink in solitude and instead I have to deal with your putrid smelling food, and this kid..." he said motioning with his claws to the young man he just exchanged brief words with. "Who apparently thinks something is funny but doesn't want to seem to share". Krussk got up at this point moving his claws as if loosening them before he had to use them, he was starting to get really frustrated at this point and wanted to prepare himself just in case the jedi tried something.

@[member='Hasjo Hallu']
@[member='Davik Tren']

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik had decided that he would take no more from this oversized lizard and thus, from behind the trandoshan, drew his blaster out of it's holster and aimed it right at the rear of the spiked head. He did not intend on firing immediately as he thought that hopefully the jedi could convince a dumb beast like this to calm down and learn his place, though it did not seem likely. "Hey, Bantha Breath. I was smirking at the fact that a sorry excuse for a boot covering was calling me, "Boy." He hoped that the trandoshan would be more intelligent than to engage in a small diner in which he was now being threatened by an actual weapon, though one could never be too sure around this species.

@[member="Krussk Doshkeet"]
@Hasjo Hallu
Elvira just got her drink when from the corner of her purple eyes to see a man draw it out and point it at another species. Elvira sighed, placing her drink down with the body movements of a teenager, and walked over to them.

Hey," she interrupted in an attempt to make peace, "What's going on here?"

@[member="Davik Tren"]. @[member="Krussk Doshkeet"]. @[member="Hasjo Hallu"]
Hasjo shouldered past the Trandoshan to stand between the two. He held out an arm in either direction. "There does not need to be violence" he spoke in a soothing voice. Knowing full well this had escalated too far. "Return to your seats, this has gone far enough." He may have a lightsaber, but the way of the Jedi was not through violence. The Jedi Guardians existed in defence, and not aggression. If he was to draw his blade, it would only be to defend the peace. And only when it was beyond measure that words could no longer ease the situation.

@[member="Elvira Congelo"] @[member="Davik Tren"] @[member="Krussk Doshkeet"]
"Hey, Bantha Breath. I was smirking at the fact that a sorry excuse for a boot covering was calling me, "Boy."
Krussk turned around when he heard that "mighty big words for such a small man" he said easily towering over the man. "Not even brave enough to draw a weapon on me while I'm facing you. You may be able to get a couple of shots in before I close the distance but that won't stop me from getting my claws into you and tearing you apart limb by limbs grow back, I don't think the same thing stands for humans. The Trandoshan was only mildly concerned about the blaster after all his scales could take a beating before he actually got harmed. The only thing that concerned Krussk was the jedi and how he would fit into this situation that was quickly going out of control.
When the jedi put himself between him and the man Krussk said "I agree jedi but this insolent welp was the first to draw a weapon and when I had my back turned at all moments not very honorable if you ask me. Someone should put him in his place...before I do" the Trandoshan said looking from the jedi, to the young man, to the young woman who seemed to be trying to separate them also. "I'll cause no problems here if he won't...but he better watch himself..."
@[member='Hasjo Hallu'] @[member='Davik Tren'] @[member='Elvira Congelo']

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