Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Interest Check] Revitalizing Starfighter Characters

[member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff]

I think it'd be hilarious if the Knights of Ren had to do mandatory Starfighter training, them bragging how they're the best pilots cuz "muh force" and then spinning the kriff out and disabling their starships..
That would be pretty hilarious, lol. I can imagine that as the start of a Starfighter Corps vs Knights of Ren friendly training scrimmage in TIE Fighters, and the TIE pilots freaking out like, "Is this some kind of trick? It's a trap! What are they doing!?"

[member="Anor Ren"]
I have also started setting up threads for some of the initial IC introduction and recruitment into the 100th Fighter Group - which has spawned from this interest check. If anyone else is interested in jumping on board at the ground level, or in any way getting involved feel free to PM me! We are off to a great start and the more the merrier, just make sure you don't fall through the cracks, and PM if interested!

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