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Approved Tech INTERCESSOR Virtual Intelligence

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Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant

  • Intent: To create an anti-ordinance targeting system.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Virtual Intelligence (V.I)
  • Manufacturer: Valdus Bral
  • Affiliation: Valdus Bral, closed market
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Electronics, code, digits.
  • Extremely proficient target acquisition
  • Very high degree of accuracy to ascertain target trajectory
  • Quick decision making to identify the type of target ordinance using profile and energy signatures. If none are obtainable (unique, semi-unique, or limited manufacturing of the target ordinance) then will resort to a hybrid counter-assault using both kinetic and energy based interception methods. Based upon the success, the INTERCESSOR V.I can learn what to use next time in order to conserve ammunition and processing time.

INTERCESSOR is an V.I specialized in one task; identify, intercept, and destroy incoming enemy ordinance (missiles, rockets, bombs, grenades, and so forth). While limited in scope and ability, the INTERCESSOR is one of the best, if not the best, at what it does. The sole goal of INTERCESSOR's creation was to create an V.I to fit into turrets and other defensive installments to counter enemy ordinance. The INTERCESSOR V.I can ascertain what is and what is not enemy ordinance based on the calculated trajectory of that ordinance. Once the target has been obtained the INTERCESSOR uses on-board scanners to quickly identify the type of ordinance being used. The INTERCESSOR will then select, load, and fire the appropriate munitions at the target in an attempt to detonate the ordinance before it reaches its primary target.

  • Highly Specialized: INTERCESSOR is a masterpiece in relation to its single goal.
  • INTERCESSOR is a form of A.I without sentience and therefore does not get distracted, it is classified as Virtual Intelligence.
  • INTERCESSOR can be updated after battles to determine what ordinance has been used against it and what methods will/should prove useful the next time it is used. In a basic sense, this is a rudimentary learning based on positive or negative "Target Destroyed" feedback.
  • Highly Specialized: Its narrow focus means that it is not useful in any other situation and cannot be modified. Its purpose is so finite in scope that the V.I is effectively worthless at anything besides what it is programmed to do; it would be better to start from scratch.
  • Lockdown: The INTERCESSOR purposefully does not have any ability to interact with a network and, while this provides increased cyber-security, means that INTERCESSOR's learning is not shared between units running INTERCESSOR and will need to be manually coded in order to have updates applied.


King of Pumpkins
[member="Valdus Bral"]

After looking this over i would suggest calling it software or a virtual intelligence as apposed to a artificial intelligence as it doesn't have sentience. I know AI means everything in star wars but a lot of people see an AI as something with sentience programming generally.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
I had planned on it being able to learn so to speak, as mentioned. Though it is learning in a very basic sense. It felt disingenuous to call it a program instead of A.I for the capacity it will be serving in. I have no qualms about re-categorizing it for technicality though if that's your suggestion [member="Tom Taff"] .
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