Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Innocence Lost: A Frigid Dawn


Well-Known Member
Innocence Lost: A Frigid Dawn
Location: Hyperspace between Almania & Telos, near Ziost.

Alarms and klaxons were sounding in the cockpit, the pilot and co-pilot frantically flipping switches while wrestling with the controls. Through the viewports one could see the shuttle was in hyperspace, white lines streaking across the dark blanket of space. The Co-Pilot gripped the controls with both hands now, looking over at the pilot with fear.

“We need to let her go, we can’t stay in hyperspace much longer if we want to make it out alive!” He shouted.

The pilot continued flipping switches, a sharp jarring beginning to reverberate through the hull, audible shouts coming from the passenger compartment. He appeared not to have heard the co-pilot, a look of determination coupled with fear evident on his strained features. Again the co-pilot tried to reach him, this time reaching over and hitting him on the arm.

“Trask, we need to drop from hyperspace. NOW!”

It was as if a light had suddenly come on and the pilot’s eyes grew wide. He looked over at his copilot blankly for a few seconds and then returned to his controls. He flipped a few toggle switches and pressed a couple of buttons on the panel, frantically disengaging the Hyperdrive as carefully as he could under the circumstances. The jarring got worse as time passed, both pilot and co-pilot wresting the controls left, then right attempting to stabilize the ship as it dropped from hyperspace. Exiting hyperspace, it began to roll forward, tumbling aft over bow.

Nearby a planetary body hovered in the darkness of space, Ziost if the navigation computer was correct. Three loud screeches could be heard, plating being torn loose from the ship, previously damaged by laser blasts on their departure from Almeria. The pilot hadn’t given them much thought, a slight wobble in one of the controls but beyond that everything seemed fine that was until they’d reached about halfway through their hyperspace journey. Something had knocked loose causing their ship to lose stability in hyperspace. He’d heard the stories before of ships that fell out of hyperspace… the known list of survivors was slim.

As the ship tumbled the passenger compartment erupted in a cacophony of screams and fearful shouts, bodies lifting from where they sat in the seats and jostling into each other. A few loosely held items had managed to break free and were cast into the air, adding to the chaos. Despite this, towards the rear of the passenger compartment two figures remained slumped, bodies curled over their son. A father and a mother, his arms wrapped around his wife, the wife’s arms and body shielding a boy of about 8. The boy had his arms tightly wrapped around his mother, tears streaming down his face as the hull of the shuttle shook.

The shuttle had begun to rotate faster, the pilots struggling to bring the ship to heel. As it continued spinning, the nearby planet was getting closer and closer, the gravitational pull of the world urging it ever closer. A few more tumbles front over rear, and then the ship began to steady just slightly, nosing downward towards the planet. With a jolt, the shuttle dropped downwards as it began its descent into the atmosphere. The exterior of the ship began to glow, the damaged panels causing heat to be distributed unevenly as it began re-entry. Time seemed to slow. The pilots were strapped into their seats, spittle hanging in the air as the pilot was shouting something to his co-pilot. In the cabin, passengers had been returned to their seats as the planet’s gravity took hold. Cries of terror and fear hung in the air, men and women’s voices alike. A few of the crew members clung to handles mounted near the access hatch, another was laid out on the floor after being thrown into the ceiling as the ship had tumbled. In the rear of the shuttle huddled the small family, the child’s eyes squeezed shut. Tears streamed down his cheeks. His mother’s grip on him was white-knuckled, pulling him in protectively. Around her shoulders, her husband had his arms wrapped around the pair, his eyes also closed tightly and his jaw set.

As the shuttle streaked across the sky, the nose came up slightly, thundering over the barren landscape of Ziost. A steady trail of smoke was coming from the overly heated hull, mere millimeters of plating between the outside and the passenger cabin. The damaged tiles on the exterior of the ship were supposed to be protecting the cabin from the heat, instead, they were creating more heat. As the ship descended, it passed between two mountain peaks, debris beginning to shear off of the damaged shuttle. A hard jolt caused it to hang in the air for a moment before its nose tipped downward. As it plummeted, it slammed partially into a third, smaller peak.

Inside the ship, chaos was king. The passengers saw the peaks pass by, a shadow across the viewports. Mistakenly, several of the occupants let loose sighs of relief… and then they were interrupted.

A sharp screech of tearing durasteel filled the cabin, the glass from the viewports shattering as the cabin rapidly depressurized. Air was sucked out of the cabin, loose items and debris flew from the now gaping schism in the side of the shuttle. The sound of screams was sucked away by the high pitched squeal of depressurization. The gap widened, several of the shuttle’s occupants sucked away, a horrifying wail as they were cast out into the open air. A few tried in vain to hold onto seats, handles, anything they could find including other people…

The ship had now plummeted, tumbling and spewing its debris in a trail from the side of the lower peak. Seconds after impacting it had finally hit ground, the hull bursting in an explosion of fragmented durasteel and smoke. The shuttle bounced off of the hard packed and frozen earth below it, grating to a halt as it buried itself nose first into a hill of ice and snow. Steam rose from the wreckage of the ship, the heated metal melting the thick layer of snow around it. Sparks of electrical energy shot from exposed conduits in the shattered hull, a small fire crackling lightly near what remained of the engines. A bitter wind blew over the wreckage, the heated durasteel creaking and groaning as it cooled against the ice and snow.

Several minutes passed, the wreckage still but for the gentle wind causing some loose cabling and debris to rattle. The fire towards what had been the rear of the shuttle had gone out and the electrical sparking had subsided, now there was silence… just the sounds of the wind passing over the snow covered landscape.

Above where the ship lay were the jagged, snow covered peaks it had passed by… and struck. They loomed high against the cloudy sky, snow drifting and falling on its way to the planet’s surface. Here there were no trees, just snow, ice, and jagged rock. The breeze was light but frigid, the cold a dominating feature of the area. Nothing moved but the flakes of snow as they were blown across the empty tundra. Dark clouds hung in the west, moving swiftly east to where the shuttle had wrecked. Bodies littered the ground around and behind where the hull had come to rest. Inside the broken cabin, more bodies were piled together, thrown atop each other and all about as the ship had made its final death throes. Towards the rear of the ship, a brief stutter of movement. There, one of the bodies twitched, an arm slipping from where it had been resting on the shoulder of a woman. As the momentum carried the arm downward, the body of the man whom it had belonged to slumped sideways in the seat. His cold, empty eyes stared upwards at the ceiling. Rigor mortis had yet to set in but would rapidly in this frigid climate. Another shift of movement came from beneath the remaining body, curled up against the wall, appearing to be protecting something… Someone. A small boy struggled beneath the woman’s weight, a quiet cry of pain was drowned out by a large gust of wind rattling against the husk of the shuttle. A louder cry this time as the boy pushed himself free of the weight on top of him. As his head came up, the child’s mouth fell open, his eyes scrunching back shut as the horror of what he saw began to take hold. Almost immediately he began crying, the tears falling from his cheeks as he reached for his mother’s arm… begging her to wake up. After several minutes of this, he curled up in a little ball, rocking himself as he sobbed. If one were to observe the boy, he seemed miraculously untouched. His clothing had been torn in some places, and a small dried streak of blood had formed on his forehead but beyond that he appeared no worse for wear.

Edric had spent around thirty minutes inside the torn frame of the shuttle, crying, begging… hoping that this was all just a nightmare and his daddy and mommy would wake him. He slowly began to realize that this wasn’t a nightmare he was going to wake up from… which sent him into another fit of tears and sobbing. After a few minutes he stopped, shivering; the cold wind cut through the shattered hull. Suddenly quiet, he rose from the floor near the bodies of his parents and silently walked towards the gaping maw in the hull. His eyes had glazed over, the cold gripping at his exposed skin. The tears that had been dripping were now freezing as they rolled off the boy’s cheeks. He kept walking forward in a daze, headed for the mountains, the only object he could see across this barren landscape. He stared at the ground, not looking about as he passed through a field of loose debris while following the trail the shuttle had taken… he was numb… nothing felt real. As he walked, he began to have difficulty wading through the now thigh deep snow. Edric didn’t feel the cold snow seeping through his trousers or the

Edric trudged closer and closer to the base of the mountains, a sheer rock face quickly approaching. The wind had picked up now, the snow falling in thick flakes. The clouds above had gotten darker, a subtle warning of the snowstorm to come. He’d been walking for what felt like a lifetime to him… he was tired… cold… wet… He was still dazed… his parents were gone. They hadn’t simply gone to work or gone away, they were dead. Why? Why was he still alive? He hadn’t seen any other survivors… in fact he’d seen a lot of non-survivors, the images of broken bodies and blood forever etched in his mind.

He stumbled, his toe catching on a small edge of granite protruding up from the ground. Edric’s hands shot out in front of him to break his fall, barely managing to keep his head from hitting the ground. His hands however were not as fortunate. As Edric picked himself up, he looked at his hands. Funny, he hadn’t felt any pain but he could see the blood dripping from cuts on his hands. He wiggled his fingers slightly, the blood already beginning to freeze in the bitter wind. He pressed his hands against his shirt, attempting to wipe what blood he could away. A sharp howl of wind made him look up. The biting wind had begun to really cool down, he needed to get out of the cold… The shock had finally begun to wear off. He wasn’t okay, he knew that, but he also knew he needed to get out of this storm. To his front, a sheer rock face jutted from the ground, leading up to a single peak, behind that a pair of peaks. He recognized this as the mountain they must have collided into when everything had gone black for him…

Worn into the rock face was a large crevasse, darkness inside. It looked like it might have been a natural cave. With the wind in his eyes and burning his skin, he forced himself forward into the small opening. As he stepped through, the wind died immediately, the hollow whistling replacing the roar of the powerful storm that was forming.

Inside the cave was dark but the light from the entryway illuminated a large cavern just past the entrance. The ceiling of the cavern was approximately 10 feet high, roughhewn granite with a few veins of quartz and a mysterious black mineral running the length of the room. The walls tapered down about 8 feet off the floor, the walls slick with moisture. No moss grew here, a barren cold floor greeting Edric as he stepped inward. The cavern was at least twenty feet in depth but beyond that was masked by the darkness of the cavern. As he stepped into the cave, he stretched out his arms, tracing his way along the wall deeper into the cavern. The air here felt cool at first, but he felt a warm draft coming from deeper within the cave. Outside the wind picked up even further, the inhospitable climate of Ziost maintaining its reputation. As he progressed further into the cave the ground began to feel less cool, a slight warmth emanating from the rocks… what was this place? In the brief time Edric had spent in school they tried to teach him about geology… the study of rocks… He found himself wishing he had paid just a little bit more attention. His thoughts were interrupted as his hands reached the back wall, about thirty feet from the entrance to the cave. Here was darkness, but he could see the light coming in from the opening. For a moment, Edric did recall something about g… geo… geothermal energy. He must have found a source here below the mountain.

As he pressed himself against the back wall, his clothes began to dry and a warmth filled him, this wasn’t the warmth of a fire, or a warmth of a thick blanket on a cold night… it came from within. At first it scared him, the warmth radiating from his chest, spreading to his limbs. As the warmth expanded into his extremities he seated himself with his back against the rear wall of the cavern, tucking his knees up. He basked there for a moment in the radiant warmth, letting everything fall away, imagining this was all a dream… The warm haze picked him up… raising him higher and higher, the coldness and harshness of Ziost temporarily forgotten, the wet clothes which stuck to his body no longer bothered him… he felt… good. For a moment, he was teleported to another place… His mother was there, his father… they were playing one of his favorite games… hide and seek. He’d chosen to hide beneath the sink in their small shack, he was small enough he could wedge his way in underneath the piping. He could hear his father counting and his mother’s laugh… as he closed the cabinet door behind him he heard a laugh… this wasn’t a laugh he knew. The counting suddenly stopped and the light flickered on the other side of the cabinet. He cracked the door, pushing it open with two of his small fingers. As he peered out he could see a cloaked figure standing there… laughing. It was a deep laugh, a frightening laugh. As the man came closer, his face was illuminated, the cowl of his robes falling away from his face. Edric opened his mouth and screamed…

His high pitched voice echoed in the small cave, amplifying the sound of his scream as he awoke with a start. Tears anew began rolling down his cheeks as he sobbed. The reality of what had happened hit him again and again… and he didn’t like it. He sobbed for a few more minutes, drifting into an uneasy sleep as he let himself lay on the floor of the cavern, the wind howling past the entrance, his head propped up on his arms. He stirred lightly as he slept… one could only imagine the dreams he must be having… the poor child had seen more in the last few hours than many people would see in their lifetime.


Darkness. In the void there was no light, no existence… but there was energy. An overwhelming force hidden behind the shroud. At first it was nothing but energy a small hum in the vastness of the dark. It became louder, forming a dark cave, candles appearing lit around the edge of the cavern. There was still an energy here, something lurking in the flickering shadows of the room. On one end of the room was an opening, errant snowflakes and a light howling as wind outside passed the opening. Light from the entry was disrupted, the candles flickering as a huddled figure entered the cavern. The figure wore dark robes, a cowl concealing his face. In its hands, a small leather-bound book could be seen, a strange symbol on its surface. As the figure reached the center of the room it sat, holding the book above its crossed legs. Bowing its head, a low note reverberated within the chamber. The flames flickered and then grew as an inky darkness began to manifest itself in the room. The energy held a consistency of smoke, flitting about the room, beginning to circle the ring of candles. As it did so, the flames grew brighter, hotter. Despite the cold outside the cave had become hot, small streams of water beginning to drip along the walls from melting ice and snow above… the power here would have been overwhelming but the figure in the center of the chamber appeared unaffected, an audible chant now filling the cavern as the darkness continued, increasing it’s speed as it whirled around the cave.As the swirls of darkness spun, they appeared to grow thicker... forming a near impenetrable wall of darkness... closing in on the figure. With a sharp jolt, the cavern became silent, all motion ceasing. Flickering flames from the candles could still be heard, a light flutter of moving air casting strange shadows on the floor... Silence... Darkness...


Edric woke with a start, frantically trying to remember where he was. The memories of the crash came flying back at him out of the back of his mind and he grit his teeth, forcing the memories back. The boy looked around him, his eyes now accustomed to the darkness of the cavern. The light that had been coming into the cavern was now gone, only a small sliver of light coming in. In the night, the snow must have shifted, covering it. Feeling his clothes, Edric found them dry to the touch… in fact, he actually felt quite good considering that… He quickly shifted his gaze, bringing his hands up close to his face, squinting, trying to make out his palms in the dim lighting. They were unscathed. He wrinkled his brow in confusion… all the snow… his palms no longer cut… his dry clothes… What was this place?

His eyes traced the cavern he was in, a bit smaller than he had remembered thinking when he first arrived, but what caught his attention were the small circlets on the floor… He couldn’t make out what they were and so he pushed himself up from where he sat, moving over to them. Edric cocked his head to the side slightly as he realized what the spots were. They were arranged in a circle… and they were… old candles? They were melted down, forming small pools of melted wax at their base. What were candles doing here… in the middle of nowhere, in a cave? This couldn’t be Telos, his parents had told him about Telos… and this place was nothing like what they described. He spent the next few minutes looking about the cavern, unsuccessfully trying to find anything else. As he moved about the small cavern, he realized the warmth that had been there before was gone, replaced by a coolness. Not cold, but it was definitely not warm as it had been.

A loud grumble caused Edric to pause. His hands went to his stomach, a concerned look on his face as he looked down. He was hungry. Normally his mom made him food… His mom. That thought alone brought tears to his face. Edric began sobbing, wiping his tears off with his torn sleeve. It was a half-measure because as soon as he’d wipe away the tears he’d start crying again. This went on for about an hour, eventually he became too tired to cry any longer, and resigning himself to finding something to eat… he picked himself up off the floor. He didn’t exactly know where to start. Reluctantly, he decided he would have to go back… maybe… just maybe there would be food hidden somewhere in the wreckage. Just the thought of having to go back almost brought him back to tears but this time he forced it downward, back into the pit of his stomach where it festered. Swallowing hard, he took steps to snow covered entry. Reaching out he was able to push away the thin layer of snow over the opening and into the sunlight.

The bright sunlight hurt his eyes, Edric brought his hands to his face, shielding his eyes from the direct sunlight. The wind had died down from the previous day… it looked to him like he’d been asleep for the entire night. Outside the cave, snow had covered the tracks he’d made, hiding what had yesterday been rock beneath Edric’s feet. He could still see the debris trail from where the shuttle had struck the peak above and behind him leading out over the landscape… below he could see the shattered frame in the distance. He could feel it welling up inside him, the grief, the fear… Again and again he forced it back down, barely managing to think. Biting his cheek he began trudging forward through the light dusting of snow headed towards the wreckage… hoping for the best…


Well-Known Member
The sun had risen, brilliant rays reflecting off of the fresh snowfall. It nearly blinded him, Edric’s arm coming up to shield his eyes as he exited the cave. It took him a few minutes of covering his eyes for them to adjust, the frigid air sending shivers down his spine. Even though the sun was up, this place had a chill to it that cut to the bone. There was a light breeze, casting loose flakes of snow as he stepped in the near knee deep plumes Edric waded through. It took him longer than he remembered to reach the berm of ice and snow where the wreckage of the shuttle had come to rest. As he travelled down from where the cave was, he saw bits of metal and debris protruding from the thick layer of fresh snow that had fallen the night before, the alien landscape looking much like a frozen graveyard, nothing moved but the air, the soft crunch of footsteps the only noise aside from the whistle of the wind. Edric wrapped his arms around himself, his exposed skin turning a light shade of pink as the cold began to gnaw at him.

Despite the snowfall, the shredded hull of the shuttle protruded from the berm of snow it had planted itself in. As Edric approached closer to the shattered hull he could hear the creaking of durasteel and a low howl as the breeze played through the torn cabin compartment. The realization that he would likely have to enter the remains of the shuttle hadn’t truly occurred to him till now… which meant passing the bodies. He stopped for a moment, overwhelmed by emotion. He felt it welling up inside of him, almost ready to burst. A sob caught in his throat and he clenched his fists, gripping the sleeves of his shirt tightly. He had to push on, to push through. A grumble from his stomach spurred him forward again, now only twenty feet from the jagged tear in the hull he’d climbed out of the night before. The wind created an eerie low howl as it passed over and through the gash in the side of the shuttle, it scared him… it reminded him of his dreams… the darkness in the cave.

He wiped away an errant tear and stepped forward, ducking low beneath a hanging piece of thin durasteel, bending and creaking with the breeze, taking a breath before entering the hollow of the cabin section.

Squinting his eyes as he entered, Edric’s eyes tried frantically to adjust to the darkness inside of the partially snow covered cabin. The darkness clawed at his fears for a moment, causing him to stop once inside to let his eyes adjust. Edric carefully looked about the cabin, the deck slightly angled due to how it had crashed. The interior had remained mostly clear, only a small drifting of snow had made it into the cabin. The cold however was a different story. It was a biting cold, all encompassing, as if he’d just walked into a refrigeration chamber. His breath rose in a mist as he stood, looking around the cabin. Shadowy forms began to appear, his eyes adjusting to the relative darkness. He gasped, a small tendril of steam let loose into the air. The bodies… or rather… there were no bodies. Edric squinted, scrunching his face as he tried to look harder, not quite believing what he was seeing. In a frantic shuffle of movement he moved to where he remembered he and his parents had been seated. Arriving at the row, he stood, bewildered. The place where his parents… He coughed, subconsciously looking over his shoulders. He’d forced back the tears, he had to be strong. The place where his parents had been seated, where they’d protected him, was empty. What did it mean? He began to play through the events of the previous evening. The sudden wobble of the shuttle, the alarms going off. The rabid and violent turbulence as they felt the ship began to fall.

Edric let himself drop in the seat closest to him, the one his father had occupied. The seat was cold, but dry and he brought his legs up, wrapping his arms around them and bringing his knees to his chin. He rested his chin there, closing his eyes. He was cold, but he’d begun not to feel the biting pain anymore, it simply felt… he thought about it for a moment… cold. A dull chill, now that the wind was not at his face. Edric fought hard to fight back tears once again, a fear gripping him. He was alone. Not just by himself, but truly alone. He didn’t think he could cry anymore. A particularly vicious blast of cold air rattled the shuttle, a soft crunching could be heard as the weight of the hull shifted. The movement jarred Edric from his daze, awaking him from the turbulence coursing through his mind. A loud growl reminded him of why he’d come in the first place. Food.

He let his legs slip from his grasp, touching down on the floor. Edric rose, walking down the eerily empty aisle towards the front of the cabin where he guessed the emergency rations would be. As he got closer, he noticed that there was a cabinet slightly ajar, the latch hanging loosely from a broken hinge. He reached out with his left hand, swinging it open, his eyes widening. Inside the cabinet was a single box of pre-packaged emergency rations. The box was large and on the side, it had a number ten on it. Reaching up, he tried to grab the box with both hands, the cardboard rough against his cold fingers. He was able to drag it to the edge but once he’d gotten it almost out of the cabinet it slipped, landing with a thud on the floor. Edric’s hands were cold and he’d not been prepared for the weight of the small box. Quickly gazing back into the compartment he saw a large blanket neatly folded near the back. He was just a little bit too short to reach, his fingers dangling inches away as he thrust his arm up into the compartment. He clenched his teeth, trying to stand on the very tips of his toes but it was no use, the blanket was too deep. He stood flat on his feet, eyeing the cabinet and then the box. A determined smirk crossed his face. Edric slid the box over next to the cabinet. Using the box as a step, he climbed up and easily reached the blanket this time. Letting it unfold, he wrapped it around himself in an attempt to keep in what little heat his body was producing. He shivered still, but he could already feel the warmth returning as it was being held in by the blanket. Bending over, he picked up the box and began struggling down the aisle with it. He couldn’t stay here, he’d heard the wind begin to pick up outside and so far, the cave he’d found appeared to be the warmest place he could find and he needed a place to eat. With a final growl, his stomach went silent, Edric trudging back out into the snow towards the cave he’d spent the night in. He half dragged, half carried the box through the snow, clutching the blanket around himself against the wind.


The barren landscape howled as the wind blew across the frozen tundra. Long ago this place had been different… oh so different. This had once been a jungle, thick with foliage and filled to the brim with creatures, now it was desolate. Frozen chunks of land and ice ravaged by storms and blizzards. The forest it had once been was savage in its own right, dark creatures and evil pervading the very roots of the trees. This… This was Ziost. There was a darkness here unmatched by any other place. It was this darkness that had slowly choked the life from the planet. There was still life here… mostly present near the equatorial line, the northern and southern poles had long since frozen, expanding with every rotation around the planet’s star. There were still patches of dark, thick jungle in places, but here… here there was nothing. Rocks and Ice, snow and cold.

Below the surface lurked a darkness, a fading, shifting, slithering shadow… Something devious, something old, ancient even. It had lain dormant for many years but now something had disturbed its slumber. The veil could sense something, someone. A deep groaning noise shattered the serenity of the wind against the landscape, loud sharp cracking as ice shattered and split below the surface of the snow. Slowly at first… the darkness slithered beneath, dark tendrils probing and testing the air… it felt an energy growing. Confusion. After so long, certain memories had been lost, the brooding shroud turning inward once more, denying the existence of such an opportunity... no… this was real. It could sense it, calling out to it. The darkness seeped from deep within the ground, deep below the frozen oceans, seeming to come from the core of the planet itself. It rose to the surface, searching for the source of its provocation. As it closed in on the source it could sense the fading remnants of life, but these were not the source… the source was… small. More confusion. The source of the life force was small, but the power! Long years had come and gone, faded into centuries, power had come and gone but this… this was new. A violent churning began, deep within the ground. It had been decided, this darkness… it would awake once more, obsessed, consumed by this small spark. No, it would do the consuming… it had consumed in the past, distant memories rising to the surface more easily now… it was the consumer… it was the power… it was the maw, and this power would serve it.


Edric had managed to make it back to the small cave, the darkness welcoming him like a prodigal son come home. The cave was a welcome respite from the biting wind. Edric had laid the blanket out, folding it and using it as a thin cushion between himself and the cool floor of the cavern. The temperature here was warm, but still not as warm as he had recalled the evening before. He hadn’t given it much thought, for there he sat, cardboard box open, its contents strewn about him on the floor. Inside the ration box, there had been ten individually packed meals. Each meal was packaged in a thick plastic bag and sealed. Pretty typical for food rations dropped on desolate worlds. Edric was just happy to have food. As soon as he had returned, he had opened the box and torn open one of the packages. Spread out on the blanket in front of him were a few separate portion packages complete with a drink mix. He frowned. “Milk Dairy Shake”. He stuck out his tongue as he scrunched up his face. Besides, he didn’t have any water. Setting the despised ‘Dairy shake’ aside, he picked up a small package labeled crackers and a small jelly packet. Tearing into them, he ate quickly, the sticky jelly making a mess as he spread it on the crackers and scarfed it. It had been a full day since he’d last eaten. He slowly cut through the first package, the dairy shake cast aside in favor of a sweet chocolate candy. After the first, he dug into another, downing its contents rapidly. Finishing the meals, he sat still and let loose a small sigh. Reaching up with his left sleeve, he wiped his face off and yawned. He was so tired… maybe he would just take a nap. His eyelids were feeling droopy from his rapid consumption of food and he yawned again, not even bothering to cover his mouth.

The cave seemed to have warmed again, this time maintaining a cool but comfortable temperature. Edric was too tired to question it, he was simply happy to have found food and shelter. The other unpleasant things and grief could wait until morning… He lay there, head rested on his arm, sprawled out on the blanket.

A quiet stir could be heard around the edges of the cavern, dark shadows twisting slightly inward, smoky tendrils drifting towards the boy… but then he stirred slightly causing them to retreat. His breathing slowed, his heart rate now diminished, darkness shrouded his dreams but they did not bother him as they had the night before.


The darkness crept in slowly, carefully as the child slept. Memories. It must read them… watch them… experience them. Carefully it prodded, infiltrating the young mind easily. As the boy dreamed it saw all… gently it guided the boy, calling up memories from the distant past, leading up to his earliest memories. Intrigued it pushed harder against the boy’s mind, searching and picking his brain apart methodically but gently enough to keep the boy unconscious. By the time the morning came… it would be finished and then… that is when the true test would begin. Was this destiny? Random chance? No… No this could be something much larger. Only time would tell… In the hours before the dawn the darkness retreated to the edges of the cave, slowly sifting through the walls and deep into the earth…


Well-Known Member
I feel it. I sense it.
The foreboding presence of dark energy just beyond my fingertips. I have tried time and time again to break through, to touch this intangible power lingering behind the wall but have failed. I have studied the manuscripts, the ancient writings and have found naught which would allow me to tap into this power. There must be a way… I can feel the darkness here, it calls to me.
I have discovered an ancient cavern in the mountains, near the triple peaks. I will be exploring it two days hence. There was a clarity there, as if the darkness itself occupied that space, a focal point if you will. It was late in the day and I did not have time to finish searching its confines. Perhaps this is the breakthrough I require… only time will tell.
- Hosh’pek Valari, Excerpt of Journal Entry

The howl of the wind outside woke Edric, light filtering in from the entrance to the cave. He pulled the blanket tight around his shoulders, blinking several times as his eyes adjusted to the light. Reaching up with his fists, rubbing the crust from his eyes. He had not rested well. Images, sounds, memories… they plagued his dreams, turned to nightmares. He was cold again, his body aching as he gathered himself up from the floor. Slowly picking up the discarded wrappers from the previous night he shoved them into the corner of the cave. He didn’t know what to do next… Surely someone would come looking for him, for the shuttle. As the wind howled past the cave entrance, he made up his mind. He needed to leave… but not today. Gazing out from inside the cave he could see a large storm, lighting flashing in the sky as it approached. Even the child knew it would be folly to travel in such weather. With a tired sigh he turned. Maybe he could start a fire… the chill had begun to set in, always a chill. The emergency rations had come with a small fire-starting device, a single red button on the side. Now he just needed something to burn… but he had no fuel. He looked about the cave, as if it would have branches or anything inside.

He found nothing.

Wrapping the blanket around his shoulders once more, he began to cry… There was no hope. His parents were gone, everyone was gone, and he was cold and alone. He would die here… the thought causing him to sob all the harder.

The darkness moved beneath the surface of the rock cave, swaying with the waves of emotion flowing through the boy. It had not felt such emotion in… centuries. To have it so close and yet unreachable was torment. It thrashed in silence, fighting against the unseen barriers set before it. It tried, making a small tear in the fabric of time and space, seeping out the smallest amount. The darkness dove towards the energy, towards the child. The sorrow and anger propelling it ever faster. It was then it stopped, crashing into yet another barrier. It had tasted it… it had been within reach… Recoiling, it would gather its strength… then try again.

Edric paused mid sob… he had felt something. Something stabbing in the air, the warmth from it filling him for a brief moment, clarity filling his mind, a presence much older than his own focusing his mind. And then it was gone in a heartbeat. The boy choked on another half sob before lying down again. What was that warmth he had felt… it felt… almost comforting in its clarity? Edric laid there for hours before falling asleep once more. In the morning, he would venture from the safety of the cave, he would search for something to burn. He needed a fire, or he would not survive long. That is what the warmth had for such a fleeting moment imparted on him.

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