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Inheritor's Mantle

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Intent: Personal Armor for Darth Eversor
Development Thread: N/A - TBD
Manufacturer: Darth Eversor
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Black Empire; Darth Eversor

  • None
Production: Unique
Material: Reinforced Durasteel Plates, Duraplast Layering, Greater Calama Shell, Armorweave, Anti-Blaster Mesh, Thermal Gel Layer, Light Durasteel Chainmail, Transparisteel in Helmet.
Classification: General Purpose; Battle Armor; Ceremonial Armor
Weight: 20 kg
Quality: 8

Special Feautures:

  • Blade-tipped gauntlets & forearms
  • Touched and corrupted by Eversor's affluence within the dark side of the Force, granting it some small extra layer of protection against Force-based attacks.
  • Limited Blaster Resistance
  • Limited Lightsaber Resistance
  • Impact Resistant
  • Limited Force Resistance (Meaning that the armor itself is also part of Darth Eversor in a spiritual sense, making him able to brace himself against basic abilities better.)
  • Exposed Joints
  • No Life Support
  • Pits In Armor
  • Somewhat weighty
Description: The Inheritor's Mantle was forged and created by Darth Eversor as a means to symbolize his allegiance with that of the Black Empire, and as a request from the dark entity known as Abraxas that inhabits Silas Verd's body. Conceived of spite and an oath to slay those not sworn in to the Black Empire's holy legion, the materials themselves were forged with the sludgy corruption of blood from the possessed vessel's very veins. The armor itself being just as alive with a bloodlust and hunger for war as Abraxas, the False Butcher. Heavy trace amounts of dark side energies and corruption can be felt when another touches the cold shell, almost stinging anyone with a nature not of the dark.

The armor itself is assembled in sections and pieces that are fitted for one another, locking together. Like any suit of armor, the intricately designed exterior can be worn and damaged to the extent of fracture and being warped. Repeated blows from a lightsaber can and will break through, as well as anything relating to great kinetic force from blunt objects or blasters. By no means is the armor impervious to the expenses that battle brings, as it is also a ceremonial mantle and that of a "holy" man.
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
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