Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indefinite LOA

Due to real life stress and a steadily increasing level of OOC drama overrunning the board, I find myself without the urge, desire, or ambition to post on this forum. I've been struggling to find the drive to post for the past month, but OOC events that took pace a week ago destroyed whatever remaining ties I had to this website and left a sour taste in my mouth.

I'd say I'm gone for good, but who knows. Sometimes things get better, sometimes they don't. For now, I'll leave my contributions to the site unarchived and Mandal Hypernautics in the hands of Betna and Anija.

If word finds me that my creations are being abused in my absence, I'll return long enough to archive all 80 some submissions. But for now... Good luck to all of you.
[member="Captain Larraq"]

Take care of yourself. Should you feel the desire to return, I'll be here. And I'll do my best to keep Mandal Hypernautics runnings. Should you need anything... you know how to reach me. *hugs*
Folks, please keep in mind that during times of great turmoil, strife, or the oppression of the Mandalorian people, there is a way to summon [member="Captain Larraq"], the Slayer of Dromund Kaas.

You need only to complete the simple ritual you see below.



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