Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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= I N A R I ' S H E A R T =
Marrow & Illskins


  • Classification: Ring
  • Size: Sized to the middle finger.
  • Length: -
  • Width: 8mm
  • Height: -
  • Weight: Approximately 13 grams (slightly heavier than a half dollar coin)
  • N/A
  • Centers and focuses the wearer's psyche in order to better connect with emotions as they occur in their natural state.
  • Promotes mental clarity and balance, allowing the wearer to navigate the detritus of memories and past wounds in order to remain present in mind for better self discovery and understanding.
  • Enhances internal emotions, focusing primarily on those of positive nature while filtering the the negative.
  • Alchemically hardened against wear and damage.
  • Tied by blood to Aver Brand, the ring's power can be gleaned by the woman simply by having it in close proximity (within a few feet), holding it, wearing it on the hand or even on a chain around her neck. This also acts as a non-intended bloodtrail - Aver can sense the presence of the ring.

  • Offers no protection nor defense against empathic intrusions from outside sources.
  • The enhancing qualities of this ring can serve as a catalyst to mental trauma if worn in a state of panic, rage, depression, or other strong negative emotions. It is not intended to heal or "fix" mental disease and can, in fact, make it worse if worn during such bouts for an extended period of time.
  • For those not already gifted with empathy or a natural connection to their own emotions, prolonged wear of this ring can exhaust one mentally to the point of causing migraines and even emotional overload.
  • Though alchemically hardened the ring is not indestructible.
  • Effects are nullified by Force-void fields.
  • Due to the blood-tying within the ring, its powers are minimal when used by anyone else. Those who share a blood or even Force-Bond with Aver Brand, however, could potentially reap its benefits at half-potency.


It had been some time since Dissero had taken on a private project for a stranger. Since the change of pace to his life much of his business through Marrow & Illskins had been outsourced to other gifted Alchemists like his nephew [member="Micah Talith"] and his friend [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]. A chance encounter of right-place-right-time found the man involved with a Mercenary who struggled with empathy. Specifically self-empathy or a lack of emotional development and comprehension. She asked for a token that could help her to correct this personal shortcoming and allow her to better connect with and understand her own emotional psyche.

Empathy was not a new subject for the Alchemist, but the requirements for the job forced him to take a less traditional route in the crafting of this particular ring.

It had to be simple. It couldn't be shiny or golden or contain gemstones.

Imbuement was a method he determined to be ineffective for Aver's needs - being an outward focused power made it incompatible for the project. Instead he returned to the foundations of alchemy and sought out a more natural approach. Similar in the methods he implemented in the crafting of his wife's engagement ring, Dissero looked to older arcane and spiritual knowledge of powers naturally occurring in often overlooked and forgotten materials: natural gems. Where many Alchemists heavily relied on force-attuned crystals, Dissero wanted to employ the grounding powers of raw gemstones.

He selected four: Morganite, Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate, and Amethyst for their mental, emotional, and spiritualy empowering and healing properties:

"Morganite opens and heals the Heart Chakra, helping to overcome fear, resentment and anger, and in recognizing unfulfilled emotional needs and feelings which have gone unexpressed. It also reveals defense mechanisms that are fear-based and make meaningful relationships difficult, thereby creating resistance to healing and transformation. Morganite stabilizes the emotional field, activating and energizing loving thoughts and actions, and brings in wisdom and calmness of mind. It increases the ability to accept loving words and actions from others, and releases the attachment to old relationships that have ended badly or needed resolution, encouraging one to move forward with renewed purpose and an open heart." -
"Bloodstone carries a tremendous power to ground one fully in the body, in the here and now, and to enhance one’s capacity to function with strength, determination and courage. It provides emotional support during times of extreme adversity, and helps those who have been bullied or abandoned by others to regain their connection to the Divine, letting them know that loneliness and isolation are mere illusion. Bloodstone teaches that chaos often precedes transformation and guides one in knowing when it is appropriate to strategically withdraw from situations, and when flexibility and taking right action will help one remain true to one’s own path. Bloodstone calms the emotional body, dispels confusion and enhances decision-making, nourishing feelings of worth, self-confidence and self-sufficiency."
"Agate encourages a sense of reality and pragmatic thinking. Agates with regular designs soothe those who desire peace and harmony, while those with irregular designs can stimulate action and important decision making. Agate is beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one's own truth. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma."
"Amethyst is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who are overworked, overstressed, or overwhelmed back to center. It eases the mental anxieties that lead to physical tension and headaches, and is a great crystal to calm those who tend to be hot-headed and easily angered. Amethyst helps in identifying the root causes behind one’s negative behaviors, habits and emotional patterns that create imbalance and disease. It also helps one understand the reality of cause and effect in behavior, and assists in better decision making."
Excerpts sourced from Crystal Encyclopedia.

In taking these four gemstones and their spiritual and emotional properties, Dissero took each main stone through a meditative process of alchemizing these residual energies and enhancing them. The stones, chosen for their color, quality, and clarity, were then pulverized and separated into two resin bases. Pairing them off by color - the amethyst and agate, the bloodstone and morganite, the resins were mixed with traces of silver powder and balanced to create a segregated blue and red (the red also receiving a portion of Aver's blood to deepen the color). These were then poured into a mold and left to set, a final round of alchemy employed during the setting process to harden the resulting stone resin against wear and damage.

In a separate mold crushed Kasha Stone was mixed in with silver and further trace amounts of the Mercenary's blood. Kasha Stone was chosen for its powers of providing mental clarity in order to allow the properties of the gemstones to better serve the wearer. Silver, in and of itself, is known for its own clarifying properties but was chosen more for aesthetics than anything else. This was poured into a secondary mold and also underwent a hardening touch during the finishing process. The surface of this band was left unpolished and rough as a means of further grounding the wearer in the present - the natural striations serving to capture and filter negative emotional energy as a means of grounding and balancing out the other properties of the ring.

Tungsten forms the ring base, a metal known for its longevity and durability. Finished with a smooth, rounded comfort-fit on the inside, a band of polished tungsten runs the middle of the ring between the silver and the gemstone resin, imparting a sense of separation between the properties of either side. These outer bands were set with a one final round of hardening. The resulting ring is a handsome, unassuming piece of jewelry for the observer that provides Miss Brand with an enhanced connection to the emotions she's so carefully locked up over the years. It is, in essence, the key to those mental vaults that she abandoned somewhere along the way.

He named the ring after his sister's role within the Moross Crusade: Inari's Heart, an homage to the emotional healing and support the empath provided for countless others during her lifetime.
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