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Private In the Shadow of Demise

In the Shadow of Demise

Location: Outside the Silver Rest Kashyyyk
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Well... yeah, I think so" he replied, contemplating the truth of it. "At least, kind of" he said, producing an awkward shrug to show that he really didn't know. "I for instance, feel at peace when I train, it can be when I work out in general, but it can also be when I train in the forms or fire a blaster at the shooting range. I'd say that it's better to do art that can make people happy than to train in combat that might hurt people." It was a simple line of thought, but one which he believed was true.

As they continued, she'd soon turn, diverging from the path he intended to take to show her sketch pad. Mathieu looked at the girl's back as she walked away. He had imagined that she'd have something handy, maybe a picture or another piece on a paper - not that they'd leave for her room. While interacting with her was pleasant, this course was far from expected. Just before she left his line of sight, Mathieu called out "Wait up" as he entered into a jog to catch up with her.

Once they were side by side, he'd quip "I thought you'd show me another wall"

Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Hmm. But, doesn't that make you happy? More importantly, aren't you training to protect people, not hurt them?" She paused to glance back to Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion , tilting her head curiously. Well, she wasn't entirely sure, but she didn't think he was the type of person who fought to hurt others. Or at least hoped not. None of the Jedi she'd met so far seemed to be that way at least.

The pause was only momentary as she turned to continue leading them up towards her room. It wasn't a long walk, thankfully, and surprisingly her room looked far more normal than one might expect from someone as obsessed with paining as she was. Clean, organized. She didn't often bring people to her room so there wasn't a reason to paint it with the colors she saw.

She hummed as she walked towards one of the dressers, opening up the top drawer to pull out one of the sketch pads within to hand over to him. Inside was an assortment of black and white sketches, drawn with pencil and pencil alone. Where her colors were abstract, these were quite detailed. Sketches of people she'd seen in her life, of all manner of species and people. "I don't have other walls to show yet. When I do I can show you?"

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