Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In-Organic recruitment?


Cantinas were always odd to visit and Coruscant specifically!

" Hey no droids! You dont drink, eat or sleep! Get out of my bar!" A straining voice shouted from across the room. The Weequay's eyes threatened to dismantle the percieve droid before him. Bystanders watched with a smirk sipping their drinks. Some giggled and chuckled knowing what would eventually happen. " Hey droid you hear me?!" He continued on. Turning its head Kreus observed the actions of everyone around him with a simple orange stare. His optics glew vibrantly more than a droids photorecptor did and metal technological body displayed minor blaster marks and some small slug thrower holes. Turning its head to the bar owner Kreus responded.

" We are not a machine nor a droid. We are B'rknaa. We are Kreus. " Kreus inched forward with heavy steps in question. " Not a droid eh?! If your not a droid then I am the Sith Emperor." He motioned his right arm pulling out a weapon. The barrel aimed directly at the B'rknaas host body. A flash of blue energy blasted forth spreading outward. Apon contact the blue bolt travelled all along the metals plating shocking and hissing about as it fried offline circuits. Stopping briefly Kreus watched the Ionnic blast surge and travel to his chest area causing it to glow bright briefly. Another blast was let loose.

" Karking thing..." He cursed watching something impossible occur.

A metal hand snatched the weapon from him and was quickly bent in the shape of a U. Picking up the bartender by his collar and lifting face level the B'rknaa spoke again in a robotic type voice. " We are NOT a droid!" Music died down slightly. This was quite the scene! Tossing the owner aside Kreus turned only to see half the cantina was staring at him.

" Karking. This is a new phrase. What does it mean?" Kreus asked aloud. The music returned to normal as patrons and other scum laughed ecstatically. Who or what was this guy?

[member="Hard Luck Frank"]
So, I was in a bar. Big surprise right? I sat near the bar with my feet up on the table. Normally that would end with broken furniture, my paying for damages, and looking really stupid but the table and chairs were reinforced for bigger patrons so for once being 900 lbs didn't really matter.

I was slowly nodding off after my 3 plates of food and gallon of black ale when I heard the barman say he was the Sith emperor. I'll be honest, I had never seen the Sith emperor but I knew the bounty was high as feth and I liked the sound of retirement almost as much as the sound of free tacos.

I slowly stood and looked between the barman and the metal-man and decided the simple way to find out if the barman was what he claimed was to just ask. So I did.

I walked up to the tin can and looked at it's orange eye face thing.

"Are you a droid?" I asked calm as ever. Because if he wasn't the barman said he was the sith guy and that meant I was going to shoot his face off.



" We are Kreus" They responded to the new approaching man. Staring down at the man Kreus observed this humanoid, His question was almost insualting at the least. " We are not droids." It repeated again this time more conflictingly. " What are you?" It asked turning its head slightly as if Kreus was looking at [member="Hard Luck Frank"] with the side of its eye.

" You will assist us. We seek home. Indobok." It spoke again.

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