Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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in fair Nar Shaddaa where we lay our scene

The newly claimed jedi knight was sent to lead her first mission, the strike force for this first attack was Quinn, her friends Will and Skylar, and about 5 other jedi mostly padawans. They had been hearing reports of suspicious activity from this planet involving a group of sith they seemed to be strong with the saber.

Quinn would slowly bring The Time Bandit into the atmosphere, she would glance behind her and see the strike force preparing for the mission ahead of them

[member="Darth Novus"]
Nar Shaddaa was a fun planet. Everyone judged him for being a child in the criminal underworld, but very few of them actually spoke out. He was a child in a black tunic with a small black cloak. He looked more like a child trying to roleplay than a Sith Knight, but he was powerful. He ducked into the warehouse casually, nodding to two Sith acolytes at the door. He'd been busy over the last few years, his small group of Sith Acolytes all training under him. Novus was still a Sith Knight, he was still powerful. He had a few of the Sith Acolytes under mind control so that they would do his bidding.

That was a great force power.

He enjoyed slaves.

He felt the lightsaber at his side. He hated being a child. He was pretty sure he was about thirty in reality. He didn't know because of the whole memory loss thing, but he could guess. He looked about fourteen, it was so annoying. He got treated like a child everywhere he went. He'd killed three people just for judging him as a child. He hated people judging him for being a child, he was nothing like that. He wasn't a child.

He was not a child.

As the ship landed on the planet Quin herself would grab all the lightsabers in her arsenal, she had her saberstaff along with her two single sabers and her lightshield gauntlet. Putting these on her person she would also grab her pure white cloak, placing the hood over her head she would grab her team and tell them to get ready. Once all were prepared she would tread gracefully to the end of the boarding ramp and prepare she was always looking to not fight if possible. SHe new will had a temper on him

[member="Darth Novus"]
He sensed a presence. It wasn't a presence he was used to, it was more light than he expected. He nodded to a few acolytes who began shouting specific orders. If a Jedi were to find their little training camp in the warehouse it would be problematic for both the Jedi and the Sith. The Jedi wouldn't survive and The Sith would have to relocate. Novus really didn't want to relocate, he was happy where he was, relocating was effort and he didn't want to apply that effort if he could help it.

Novus stood by the door, grinning.

Quinn could sense the overwhelming darkness radiating from a certain part of the city, she would steer her team towards the darkness; upon growing closer she would inch her hand towards her saber, she needed to be ready. She would quickly locate the source, she would inch around a wall to look at the warehouse, she would then catch sight of what appeared to be a child standing in the doorway. She would keep her hand on her saber as they approached

[member="Darth Novus"]
Novus glared at the Jedi strike force at his door. He was aware he had two options. He could either play the innocent child and run away or stay to defend the acolytes. The six of them were dotted around in the warehouse, waiting for orders from Novus. He lowered his hood softly, glaring towards the lead Jedi with his yellow eyes. He snarled at her, raising an eyebrow casually. She was light, the lightside poured off of her like a disease. It felt unnatural to Novus, it was weird. The Darkside offered more power, unlimited power compared to the pathetic powers of the lightside. The lightside offers nothing to anyone.

Six red lightsabers ignited in the shadows behind him. Each acolyte was ready for a fight, it was obvious. Novus didn't reach for his own weapon, instead he just glared at the Jedi. He was silent for a few moments before he closed his eyes. He called up on the living force around him, filling the sky with storms as he used the amazing force power Alter Environment, a power he remenbered developing when he was just a minor Sith, an unknown Sith. Technically he was as unknown Sith, but he refused to be unknown anymore. He'd heard whispers about Darth Carnifex taking control of the Galaxy.

A powerful Sith.

Novus would be more powerful.

"I see, my dear, that you have found our warehouse. Now that you have found us however, I'm afraid we can't let you leave. The darkside is powerful, so I give you once chance. Join us, or die"

Quinn would listen as the Siths ignited their sabers, her own men would each ignited their own sabers in a whirl of cracks. Quinn herself upon hearing this she wouldn't reach for her own saber but instead meditate on the force, letting the force flow through her, she would then open her eyes, she knew their was going to be losses on both sides.

The fiery red head would speak "I will not join you, you should reconsider your own postion" She said drawng

[member="Darth Novus"]
He should reconsider? He needed to reconsider a few things but his position was not one of them. Without even thinking, he reached out with the force, lifting one of the many Jedi into the air. He felt the force flow through him, tunnel through his arms wanting an escape. It's escape involved gripping the man by the throat, a simple force choke against the man. A force choke would stave the brain of oxygen.

The Jedi would be dead in seconds if he wasn't helped.

The Sith all formed a protective wall around Novus. They would fall before he did. Novus kept his grip on the throat of the Jedi, tight. He wanted the Jedi to die, he wanted the Jedi to suffer. He needed the Jedi to see the full might of his power. He needed the Jedi to see why their position was so weak, why their position was so foolish. He needed the Jedi to see why they would fall as the power of the darkside proved to be too much.

The man crumpled. Novus could only assume he was dead.

Yet he still didn't reach for his weapon.

"Reconsider, my dear. Or I shall execute another one of your friends"

She obviously wasn't reconsidering her position. He shook his head as lightning cracked above them. The atmosphere was set, rain throwing itself down around them. Novus' fingers crackled with lightning, the sparks being drawn to the floor. The wind blew Novus cloak back slightly, revealing the shoto lightsaver at his side. Yet, he still didn't reach for the weapon. He glared at the gang of Jedi, nodding to the Sith Acolyes around him.

They all charged head first into battle.

Novus stepped backwards, the lightning crackling around his fingers, ready to be aimed at any moment. The Sith and Jedi clashed, every single acolyte targeting the Jedi who obviously lead the group. Novus would stay back, watching the battle go down. A Sith fell to the left, he wasn't sure how many Jedi still stood. One Sith down though, that wasn't bad odds. Plus, there was already a Jedi down. That was rather good odds.

Quinn didn't mind the rain, it actually made her feel better about this op. As the acolyte targeted her she would feel them coming, she would stand in her Vaapad stance, for she could feel the darkside radiating from the acolytes. As the first three charged she would engage letting their energy flow through and power her. One would strike for her midsection, she would easily side step this acolyte as one of her followers would engage this acolyte. The second would charge her and strike for her throat, she would easily block this blow with her off hand saber before using her on hand saber to remove the mans arms

[member="Darth Novus"]
Novus watched as the battle took place. A Jedi managed to break free and charged towards Novus. The baby sith flicked his wrist, pushing the attacking Jedi away. Novus grinned casually as the Jedi fell to his knees. Novus pushed his cloak away, removing the shoto lightsaber from his belt. He ignited it as he walked towards the fallen Jedi. The Jedi looked up at Novus as the lightsaber was brought through his skull and his brains.

He was dead instantly.

Novus orbitted the lightsaber in his hand. He closed his eyes, feeling out with the force. He glared at the obvious leader of the Jedi operation, orbitting the lightsaber again. Another Jedi rushed forward and Novus impaled him within seconds. The Jedi were now three down with two dead Sith. It could be so much worse. Novus grinned to the leader of the Jedi Operation again, nodding to her casually.

"Do you still want to fight?"


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