Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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...In a Galaxy Far Far Away

The throne was at long last fully refueled and the parade was done. Harris had seen the nationalistic pride brought about by the event and loved it, leading to him staging a get together on his warship. The event would tour local space and observe the territories the Fel Empire once held, touring close to stars and nebulae until finally returning the party back to Osseriton. Harris stood on the bridge waiting. A communicator in a crew seat turned and looked up at him and smiled.

"Mr. Premier, the last ship has come in to the hanger."

"Good. Pavel! Our coordinates locked in?" A man yelled yes from the navigation table. "Good, Pilots, into hyperspace."

"Of course sir!"

The ship quickly sped up, Harris watched out the left side of the destroyer's window as Osseriton quickly moved further away until it was out of site. A man screamed prepare to jump and the ship lined up with a distant twinkling star. "Launch us when ready pilots." "Yes sir!" The sound of a light hum in the distance started off and the pitch gradually increased for a moment until a green light lit up on one of the pilots desks. He grabbed a metal bar with his fist and pushed it forwards. The ship launched forwards into hyperspace. Harris smiled and shook his head. "I never get tired of that." Harris turned away from the glass and started walking back down the aisle over the crewmembers. He walked straight back to the Holotable and watched their rapid location change. He looked at the navigator. "How long until we reach Tantorous?"

The man shook his head, "Maybe 10 minutes at mo-" He froze and turned pale.

"What is it Pavel?"

"Enemy contacts directly ahead, they just raised a gravitational d-"

The whole ship rattled and turned and the whole hyper-lane turned red. Harris held on as the ship began violently shaking to a stop. After a moment, the hyperdrive cut off and the ship slammed to a stop. Harris lost his footing and nearly flew forwards, but held onto a bar around the navigation table.

Harris looked directly ahead, "What the hell just happened?"

"Someone just pulled us out of hyperspace."

A man screamed from the front of the bridge, "Unknown fighters approaching port side! Fast!"

Harris ran forwards to the port side window and looked out, There were multiple organic-like ships advancing at a high rate of speed. "Dammit! Deep one forces!"

The crew quickly jumped into action. "Raise the shields! Raise the shields!" it was too late though. One of the fighters quickly fired out a beam of light that struck and tore through length of the ship as another dived in and crashed just above the engines, narrowly missing the fuel line. The shields finally raised as a whole fleet of deep ones came out of hyperspace. "Open fire!" Harris yelled, "Launch the fighters!"

In the distance there was the sound of charging again, a pilot rose his hand and yelled, "Sir, the hyperdrive is charging again!"

"Stop it!"

"I can't, it's been completely cut off and overloaded!"

"Hold onto something!"

The ship shook rapidly, increasing in speed. One of the deep ones corvettes attempted to stop in front of the Capital ship, but the uncontrollable vessel slammed into it at the point, blowing the entire corvette in half by ramming it. The ship shook and buckled, Harris held on for dear life as the crew buckled down. The ship aimed off into an area of high star concentration.

"What's that way?"

"The galactic center!"

Harris shook his head in horror, "We are gonna hit something, send out a galactic wide call and ping it off every sensor from here to Coruscant, warn that we are launching out of control!"

"Yes sir."

The ship launched into hyperspace, but this time with much more force than ever before. The ship was flying through hyperspace at a higher rate of speed than anyone had ever seen. Harris watched, completely awe stricken as the destroyer's icon zipped across the galaxy and into the center in a matter of seconds. Quickly the ship slowed, it buckled and shook enough to where the whole ship dropped from hyperspace, but maintaining the ridiculous speeds. Harris watched as a supermassive black hole approached directly ahead. "All engines, fire left!"

"We can't sir! We are locked in!"

The ship ripped past the blackhole, grazing the event horizon. The gravity caused the ship to turn towards it at an increasing speed. The ship began violently shaking as the black hole's gravitational pull launched the star destroyer outwards. The ship began plummeting past worlds and stars at the blink of an eye until it was surrounded by all black.

"Where the hell are we?"

"Impossible! It says we just left the galaxy sir!"

Harris froze. "What?"

The ship's speed continued to increase. There was a large dot growing faster and faster until it was made out as a separate galaxy. The ship rocked and turned towards the dot directly as it's gravity played a larger and larger role. The ship began to slow as the galaxy approached rapidly. It moved in quickly towards the mid-rim. There was a star getting closer and closer as the ship slowed. After a moment the ship's hyperdrive once again charged. They launched forwards and it disengaged just a moment later. Harris stood completely shocked as he looked forwards at a massive red dot. The ship had stopped in front of a gas giant they couldn't identify. Harris just stood for a moment, breathing heavily trying to take in what had just happened.

"Where are we?"

The crew was silent

"Are we even in our own galaxy? Pavel?"

"No sir, we are not."

"Scan for any signs of life, try to figure out where we are."

"Sir. There appears to be a large output of signals coming from the third planet closest to the star. Some kind of primitive radio waves are just beaming."

"Good work. Pilots, do we have control of our ship again?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, raise our shields, prepare the fighters, and move us in towards that world, we don't know what to expect so keep ready."

The ship turned inwards towards a pale blue dot suspended far out from the star. As the ship approached, it slowed. It stopped, suspended over a massive continent. There was visible lines from orbit, lights in long lines along the continent, and small explosions scattered as the star slowly crept over the horizon.

"Sir, there is evidence of a massive conflict on the planet."

Harris shook his head. "I'm going down and bringing a detachment of naval infantry with me. Bring the ship behind the planets moon, wait there and repair until I can figure out what's going on."

OOC: The planet is Earth, and the year is 1916, world war 1 is in full swing and the objectives are open ended, allowing for a large amount of freedom. Basically, make connections with generals and leaders, and fight for who and where you want. You want to fight in a massive biplane dogfight while using an x-wing or tie fighter? Go for it. Just remember that this is for fun and non-canon, meaning that nothing can be transferred over. Have fun people.

Meet with military leaders
Have fun

Richard Von

Richard was inside the capital ship boarded inside one of his Assault Frigates, when all of the sudden the ship started rattling and shortly it got worst, Richard stepped out of the Frigate, just then the ship took off into hyperspace with a bang sending Richard flying across the floor and into a wall. He attempted to scramble to his feet with no success the ship was shaking far too violently to hold himself up with nothing to grab onto.

Finally, the shaking stopped and the ship seemed to have exited hyperspace, Von heard nothing it was quiet he was slightly confused it sounded like a war was going on all the sudden it stopped.

" Sir, is everything ok out there? " He radioed the bridge attempting to get a hold of Harris if he was onboard.

" I'm quite the engineer I can help with ship repairs if given permission I will start soon as the order is given "

[member="Premier William Harris I"] |
Harris walked past [member="Richard Von"] on his way through the hanger. Hearing him, he patted him on the back. "You better get on it then." Harris kept moving a let out a light chuckle as he and his naval infantry detachment loaded onto the atmospheric lander.


Everything was going as planned until the accident happened for most of the crew they were shaken but ES had been through rough crashes before, the experiments he endured increased his muscular and bone density along with his height.

He got up from inside the Frigate looking over to make sure ES-07 wasn't critically injured but like ES-06 07 also had increased physical features so he would be fine. Just as that happened [member="Premier William Harris I"] was passing along confirming that Richard should work on repairs, ESU even if there is only two now was more suited for ground deployment and they seemed to be going to the ground anyway so he jogged to catch up with Harris.

" Seem's like you are going planetary you need two more for that? "

The extra muscle couldn't hurt since they were in unfamiliar space, who really knows what could happen this system could be filled with aggressive sentient life.
Adenn had decided to come along with [member="Premier William Harris I"] on this little tour to see what was the Fel Empire. Though, he decided to go with a bit heavier weapons. He had a feeling something would go wrong, though he didn't expect this. Adenn had brought with him a squad of his best Mandalorians, led by Gunner. He also had several AT-ADs with him and heavy weapons.
Adenn and his men were in the hanger bay, working on some AT-ADs, when suddenly they went into hyperspace. Then, just as suddenly, they were out and had been lurched towards something. All of them tipped forward or backwards, with only half their number managing to stay completely upright. Very curious, Adenn looked around. He quickly spotted Harris and made his way over there. His men stayed behind trying to pick up the fallen AT-ADs.
"Hail Premier, what's the sitrep? Are my men and I needed anywhere."

@ES-06@Richard Von

Richard Von

Richard made his way to the engine room, he studied the damage and it was not horrible it could be fixed in just a few hours here, he opened his toolbox he tightened everything and plugged in the engine wires that had come loose from the vigorous shaking. It looks like an overheating issue the engines were pushed to the max and components have been fried, Richard stood up sending [member="Premier William Harris I"] a hologram message.

" The engine doesn't look all that bad, the shaking loosened some parts but the major issue I see here looks like the engines overheated while in hyperspace they were pushed to or beyond their max it should only take me an hour or two for a fix "

He grabbed his datapad calling his droid mechanics to help him repair the very large engine that he would not be able to do by himself in any reasonable amount of time.

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