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In A Dark Wood (Isley and Kyros)

The Dark Forge
The Unknown Regions

The transport touched down beside the temple of the Dark Forge. Aza'zoth's coordinates had been scrubbed at various key points, from both the navicomputer and the pilot's mind. Satisfied, Rave removed her guests' blindfolds.

"Welcome to the most secret world in existence," she said, gesturing up at a night sky that was a nebula -- and the nebula was a constant, low-level Force Storm. "Welcome to the Dark Forge. Every asset you're looking for is here. Do well enough, and someday you may even earn the right to know where we are."

If this nineteen-year-old showed any sign of being intimidated by a Master and a powerful Knight, the soot of the Dark Forge washed away the detail.

"With me, please," she said, and strode into the halls of the Forge, to a place where molten rock flowed through an immense blacksmith apparatus, where metal armatures and crystalline arrays bore witness to genetics twisted and metal wrought.

@[member="Isley Verd"] @[member="Darth Kyros"]
The hours spent within the void of Hyperspace had been relatively silent...and were excessively uncomfortable for the Mandalorian known as Isley Verd. This was due to the fact that his helmet had been taken off of his head and turned off. Furthermore, a blindfold had been tied about his face in its place; effectively keeping him in the dark. The datapad affixed to his forearm had its power cells removed, his comm was confiscated, and any other means of weaseling the coordinates of this unknown world had been rectified before even setting foot upon the transport. Suffice it to say, Isley was flying blind (hahaha) so to speak. After what felt like an eternity, the ship exited hyperspace and made its way down to the planet's surface, eventually touching down with a gentle thud. From there, the blindfold was removed from his eyes and the Mandalorian straightway claimed his helmet once more.

It was still off, but at least he didn't feel naked.

Once the helmet had been slid on, Isley faced the woman who had brought him all the way out into the middle of nowhere and regarded her with a respectful inclination of his head. "I'm grateful for this chance to come here. Thank you." he said, before righting himself and disembarking. From there, it was on the woman to lead him about the Dark Forge and to initiate his lessons in the ways of Alchemy.

@[member="Rave Merrill"].
Kyros had not appreciated the blindfold. Still, her senses worked perfectly well through the Force, thus she knew there was no imminent danger present, and besides there was no need for a Merrill to wish her ill, although she was not aware of whether or not she knew of the deals which had happened between Kyros and Jorus. The other individual present, a fellow Sith, was unknown to her, and so the journey had been one of silence on her part.

When the blindfold had finally been removed she blinked, so as not to risk a difficult moment with her sensitive eyesight, and turned her sights upon the pair. The woman still said not a word as she rose from the seat and made her way out to follow the others, assessing the situation within her mind. Of course she knew why they were here, the purpose and the training which would be presented before them, but it did not stop her from being somewhat hesitant.

@[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="Rave Merrill"]
@[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="Darth Kyros"]

Metus received a faint smile. "You're welcome, Lord Metus," said the caretaker of the Dark Forge, as she led the two quiet Sith into the presence of molten stone, alchemical apparatus, and all manner of curious workmanship. Immense heat characterized the chamber; one needed to know Tapas, or one would dehydrate soon. Stripping her flight suit to the waist revealed a simple breast band and skin long since embedded with soot. She took the haft of a hammer that leaned against the wall, and brought it up to rest on her shoulder.

"Alchemy involves two separate but occasionally processes. Some experts question the utility of using a single word for the concept, but thirty thousand years of tradition can't be all wrong -- just ask the Jedi." With a dry grin, she raised her free hand, and the arcane machinery came to life. "What some call materials alchemy, a useful misnomer, is essentially metallurgy, though a true expert can apply its processes to wood, bone, ivory, stone, and so forth. Materials alchemy is a matter of creating nearly indestructible weapons and armor -- of working with crystals and rare materials -- of creating artifacts with purposes.

"Then there's what's known as biological alchemy, which encompasses transformation of life within and across generations -- and within and across species. Biological alchemy involves crossbreeding, genetic recombination, and magics that warp individual subjects to create heritable differences.

"The greatest living masters of these two arts are associates of mine - Warren Valik and Val'Ryss Zankarr. There are also others who are competent in both - Kaine Zambrano, Ashin Varanin, Vilox Pazela, and a few more. I learned materials alchemy from Quinis Asanis and La-Reia Beorht, and biological alchemy from Velok and Sirella Valkner. All are long-gone masters, old names. Suffice it to say, of those experts I named, Knight or not, I can match nearly all of their achievements.

"Where shall we begin? Creatures, or substances? This will be a primer only. With substantial work, you could alter a species in one specific way, or learn to create basic Sith swords and armor."
After taking but a handful of steps off of the vessel that bore them, the Mandalorian looked over his shoulder and saw the woman whose name he knew. While the vast majority of addressed her as Darth Kyros, he knew her by a different name. That name was Kara Vi'dreya. Prior to this momentous occassion, Darth Metus took it upon himself to pay a visit to the world known as Umbara in order to meet an individual he had not seen since the days of his infancy: his mother, Demia. Their reunion, whilst the definition of awkward, resulted in his being informed that he had younger sibling that he was woefully ignorant about. Amongst these, the name Kara Vi'dreya was most prevalent; for she was the Sith Lord over an entire Sector of the Empire. To learn that he shared blood with such a famed individual came as an immense shock...but he decided to keep the information to himself for the time being.

Instead, he simply greeted her with a nod before rubbing the beskar plate over his sternum, which was irritating him lately. This was due to the fact that Demia had gifted him a rather intricate necklace, claiming that only her children had these in their possession; and that it was right for him to have one as well. He decided to wear it, at least in recent days, hoping for the right opportunity to show it to the woman known as Darth Kyros in order to see where exactly the sharing of blood would lead them. However, he simply greeted her with a respectful nod in this moment and continued along after the woman who had piloted them here. As they ventured deeper within the Dark Forge, the Mandalorian found himself immediately relying upon the art of Tapas so that he would not perish due to the influx of heat. Whilst accomplishing this task, he hearkened to every word the woman said.

When presented with a choice, he decided to choose the former of the two options and said simply: "I would like to learn biological alchemy, please." His reasons for this selection was based upon one of the scrolls in his possession, which revolved around the utilization of Sith Alchemy in order to create "advanced" Sithspawn. He had no clue how to even begin to accomplish this, and as such wanted to learn about biological alchemy so that he might explore this option.

@[member="Rave Merrill"], @[member="Darth Kyros"].
Kyros had anticipated the heat long before it became a problem to most. As an Umbaran she was inherently adapted to a swampy surrounding, which meant thick, unnatural air... But very rarely high temperatures, or low for that matter. But it was certainly something she had learnt to defend against, after all she had spent countless days traversing lands such as Ziost and Demonsgate. It kicked in almost as a second nature, and her body temperature was kept at its standard level. The nod which she witnessed from the beskar-clad Sith did not go unnoticed, and as such she turned her head in his direction, returning it with a soft incline of her own. She was much too thoughtful at present, however, to utter a word, the surroundings were awe-inspiring, beautiful even, and truthfully she longed to be told where it was they had ventured to.

The sight of the hammer which Rave had taken up made her smile slightly, and while she was listening she was grateful to realise that her skills in metallurgy had yet to be leaked into common knowledge. It was always good to keep certain traits under the table, as it meant one always had an advantage over others. Of course it was no advantage if those around you knew of it already, and she knew that Rave was a metallurgist herself. The mention of Valik was a soft reminder of her Apprenticeship under him, whereas Vazela on the other hand was something she would much rather have forgotten. The man who had kidnapped her as a child, the reason for her torture under Lucien's request, was not someone whom boded well with the woman.

"I have no need to learn the basics of Metallurgy" she confessed, with a tender shrug of her shoulders, finally finding her voice. "It has been within my arsenal for half of my life." Owing that she was only twenty, one was able to deduce that she had begun such difficult training at a very young age. "Like our Mandalorian counterpart here, I would like to learn more of the Biological aspects." Truth be told she had been searching for a competent tutor in this art for a long time, but she knew how to bide her time, how to be patient, and apparently it had paid off.

@[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="Rave Merrill"]
@[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="Darth Kyros"]

She unshouldered the hammer. The head rang like a bell as she put it down again; she rested the haft against the wall. "To monster-making, then. I began using alchemy at age eight, and not by choice. Hopefully your experience will be more accommodating than mine."

One of the walls slid away to reveal a subterranean chamber with dark stone walls, like this room but big enough to hold a capital ship. An Akure Leviathan lay chained to the floor, sedated.

"A Sith Empire Akure Leviathan," said Rave. "There was only ever one perfect specimen, but it vanished with Darth Kryptus. My greatest creation. Mine, and Velok's. This is one of the flawed results -- only thirty metres tall, a hundred and twenty metres long, major deformities in the left vestigial wing." She led them down a staircase of dark stone, to a corner of the room where strange machines stood - crystal, golden runework, vials of blood instead of transistors and circuits. The leviathan snored, and a powerful wind set the machines to trembling.

"This is the power you're about to start learning."

A large metal box juddered and squalled as they drew near. Rave opened a hatch and shoved her hand in. After a moment she removed a dragon. "Socorran Tailring," she said, holding it by its plump body. "Two questions for you. Do you know the difference between acquired and heritable characteristics? And what, exactly, do you want this creature to be able to do by the time we're done? Give me several options -- I guarantee some of your first thoughts won't be feasible at your level."
The Mandalorian had heard whispers of such a beast, known as the Akure Leviathan, whilst serving briefly within the Sith Empire. However, he had never seen one up close before. As the woman began he explanation, Darth Metus took a cautious step forward in order to glimpse at the sedated beast. It was, simply put, the dictionary definition of intimidating; and the Mandalorian shuddered to think what a perfected Akure Leviathan looked like. Following his glance at the beast, he turned his attention back upon the woman, who was now directing their "tour" deeper into the facility. To know that he would be learning how to create beasts such as the Akure Leviathan Darth Metus, but it didn't show of course.

When the woman came to a halt, she produced a single dragon, which she identified as a Socorran Tailring. The Mandalorian had never seen one before, and found the creature quite fascinating in its own right. Upon hearing her inquiry, Metus scoured his mind for the answer. He did not know, quite honestly, the dictionary definitions of the terms; but he could take an educated guess. "I'm going to assume that heritable characteristics, based upon its name, are traits that one is born with; things inherited from parents and that sort. On the other hand, acquired characteristics are traits that you pick up through living life; such as a runner having strong leg muscles." He paused, contemplating some options as to what traits could be changed in the beast.

"Well, it looks like a Dragon, so if it can't, how's about making it breathe fire?" he began, then searched his mind for another set of options, "Perhaps augmenting its scales to be resistant to various harms? Such as an Akk Dog? Or perhaps, spitting venom that could eat through Durasteel?" He was unsure which, if any, of these was plausible, but he'd soon find out.

@[member="Rave Merrill"], @[member="Darth Kyros"].
@[member="Darth Metus"] @Kara Vi'dreya

"All good options. Durability, especially, is important for something this size. Breathing fire is difficult but not impossible. Acid-spitting is easy. But let's focus on durability.

"You're right, in broad terms, about the difference between acquired and heritable characteristics. Practically speaking, we could sit here and warp this dragon into something monstrous and useful, graft on the pieces we need, anything -- but it wouldn't pass those characteristics on to another generation. So what we're going to do is take..."

Still holding the Tailring, she procured a bottle containing a chunk of leathery flesh, still oozing blood. "...the part of a Terentatek's genetic structure that makes its skin resistant to energy weapons. And put that into the Tailring's genetic code. We'll do that with several dozen Tailrings, then breed them, then re-alchemize the offspring and breed them again. I like to go three generations, personally."

She put the Tailring and the sample in different compartments of an armature of crystal and metal. "So we'll start with these machines. I call them machines -- they're more like Sith amulets, in their way. They're derived from the same sources that created the Leviathans of Corbos. Velok and I used these to make the Akures. They let your focus narrow down, similar to metallurgical alchemy requiring a Force sense not unlike a microscope. Join me in your minds, and let's take a look at the part of the Tailring's genetic identity that speaks to skin durability."
The word Terentatek caused the Mandalorian's eyebrows to elevate; for he had heard the term utilized a few times during his stay within the Sith Empire. He knew they were beasts of immense power and durability; which meant that the resulting Tailring would have quite the scales when it was all said and done. Ever watchful, Isley followed the movements and words of the woman before him quite intently, as if attempting to memorize every single step she took for future reference. Of course, he'd need to procure one of those crystalline structures in the future; as it'd greatly assist in whatever alchemical ventures he would decide to go on. That said, he decided to make mention of it before proceeding.

"How did you make that...machine?" he inquired, before lulling his eyes to a close. He allowed himself a moment to hearken to whatever answer that the woman may provide and then opened himself up to the flow of the Force. Through this action, he then reached out to Rave telepathically, brushing his consiousness against hers. Now his mind was joined to hers, as she had requested, and the ball was in her court once again.

@[member="Rave Merrill"]
@[member="Kära Vi'dreya"] @[member="Darth Metus"]

"The machines? Well, memory," said Rave absently. "I'm not the strongest Force-wielder around, Lord Metus, but I know...most of what there is to know. With mental defenses to match, naturally. If you're asking whether there's a book, a scroll, a holocron lying around which teaches the construction of alchemical apparatus, the answer's no, not that I can access right now. Ah, here we are."

Her focus carried theirs with it as she narrowed down on the portion of the tailring's makeup that had to do with skin consistency and durability.

Now we find the same level of focus and detail in the sample of terentatek hide -- and then we forcibly combine the two, in the living creature.
The location of Aza'zoth was a carefully guarded secret, but his sister was the Caretaker of the Forge, and her experiments required monsters.

Jorus Merrill could deliver monsters.

A Tempus Ardet-class bulk freighter wove its way through the constant Force storm that was the Eye of Flames Nebula, narrowing in on Aza'zoth. The freighter could lift over a hundred thousand tons of cargo. Cages and their occupants dominated those hundred thousand tons.

The huge ship settled down between standing and ruined temples. Labor droids began to remove the cages and array them on the dark plain. Saltwater tanks containing Nubian beck-tori -- courtesy of his Omega Protectorate connections. Tuk'ata and Hssis, courtesy of his Sith Empire connections. A single terentatek, about which the less said, the better. An Eol Sha fireworm from Levantine space. Several Greater Calama. And Rave's personal prizes, which Jorus had helped her claim at Hebrides: Caged Bando Gora scientists, reavers, and Klaxxi.

With the shipping manifest, he walked down the spiral stair into the Dark Forge itself. He found it empty, but a passage led farther down, into an immense chamber containing his sister, @[member="Darth Metus"], and his associate @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]. He tossed a nod at Kara -- he'd done plenty of business with her, even considered her a friend -- and a more reserved one at Metus.

"Got what you asked for, sis," he said, tossing Rave the shipping manifest. "Hey there, Kyros. Who's your friend?"
"Glitter" the woman muttered, with a twitch of a half smile to-boot. She had been present during the creation of the great Leviathan, yet only Tyrin had ever really acknowledged her presence that day - after all, she had been attempting to remain out of the sight of her first Master, the one that had taken her from Korriban without permission, the one who had caused her grief even when she was no longer at his side. Oh, but she remembered that day. Barely ten years old and in awe, it was then that she had pondered on Daxton's old words, the training he had offered, it was then that she took her first step into the twisted world of Alchemy.

Onward through the facility they wandered, oh how she felt at home amidst such. The lab Jorus had procured for her, within the depths of her bunker, had become her new grounds now that she was out of the public eye. When the small dragon was produced she could not help but think of the little thing she had found on Aurum several years back - however she only had the one, so making any traits she could pass onto it hereditary would not be feasible. Allowing the Mandalorian to decide on their first course of action Kära simply watched from the sidelines. Playing with the genetic make-up in such a way was uncommon in her hearing, and she once again marvelled at the opportunity she had been given here, these Merrill's really were quite useful and resourceful it seemed. More oft' than not, when she heard of those who would alter through alchemy, it was merely in the acquired state.

Snapping out of her thoughts she refocused in on their conversation. With one swift movement aside she watched as they pondered over the machine which lay before Rave, and when the time came the mentalist sent forth her consciousness to join with the others, as silent as she might be that did not mean she hadn't been listening - she did better through conscious thought process than she did by speaking it aloud. Her own mind was completely locked off, fourteen years of solid training where her mind was concerned, and teaching the art to others, enabling such. She knew of few who could break past the outer-wall, and even then the inside was just as unwelcoming.

A familiar presence made itself known within the facility, and Kära could not help but smile. With her minds focus almost entirely on Rave she turned her head slightly and inclined it toward Jorus. "Hello again, Captain," she said, before shifting her gaze across to the Mandalorian. "From what I've gauged so far, he's Metus." The lack of conversation on her part hadn't led to the knowledge of anything other than this, but perhaps in time... Who knew. Returning her attention to be fully upon Rave and the magnified creature. It was good to have a familiar face around, even if Jorus was only here for a short while.

@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Rave Merrill"] @[member="Darth Metus"]
[I am SO sorry for how long this has taken!]
While disappointing to hear, the Mandalorian still was grateful to have the opportunity to learn the basics of the art here in such a well-equipped facility. Since the means of replicating these devices were not available to him, he would simply have to do his absolute best to make a friend of the woman who had offered to instruct him in the art. So far, so good, he surmised. With his mental attention on the task at hand, Isley followed along with the guidance provided by the woman; but then a face he had seen plastered on wanted posters all throughout Confederate space caused him to gape ever so slightly. Whilst keeping the link firmly established, a task that the apprentice of Gregor Gideon could easily accomplish, Isley looked upon Jorus Merrill with a mixed expression on his face; thankfully veiled from view by his helmet.

"Captain Jorus Merrill, the million credit man." he began with calmness and tact composing his every movement. At that moment, the itching at the base of his sternum from Demia's necklace had finally caused him to reach underneath his armor and pull it free, allowing it to dangle atop the beskar. It gleamed in the light of the Forge, enough to attract wandering eyes; but was unspectacular unless one knew the sentimental significance. Once this was accomplished, Metus stepped forward and offered his hand in greetings to the owner of Silk Holdings before introducing himself. "Darth Metus at your service, however my public name might better be suited for this particular introduction. Isley Verd, CIS Executive Council. A pleasure to meet you."

He allowed that to linger in the air for a moment, then began again. "Of course, it goes without saying that public names are just that; public names. You are a friend of Kyros', and brother to our gracious instructor, and those facts inspire me to see you as a friend as well. Though I am curious as to the why you got that moniker, talk of the South and all. You're a very wealthy man with some very powerful friends; so why attack a budding nation like the CIS? Of course, if now's not the best time for a story I completely understand." With that said, he returned his focus to the training at hand, allowing his mind to follow along with Rave's whilst the instruction took place. His physical stance was still facing the Captain, hand outstretched.

@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Rave Merrill"], @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"].
@Darth Metus

Jorus barked a laugh.

"Buddy, if you want storytime, I can oblige. See, one of your top dogs is this real piece of work named Daxton Bane, lives like two or three double lives. Well, he snared one of my friends and tortured her for kicks, bunch of us rescued her. So we went to the Templar citadel to get to the bottom of it and call him out in front of your white knight crew. We laid it all out in front of a room full o' Templars and Feds.

"And they stonewalled us. Held the line. Eyewitnesses to the rescue weren't good enough, we'd have needed to wear holocams while rescuing her, but those could be faked, medical records could get handwaved -- it got clear pretty quick that your people weren't going to accept anything, an' nothing we said got taken serious. We had a friend on overwatch spot a fethton of Cragmoloids comin' our way. Then there was an explosion nearby, nothin' I ordered or knew about, an' your white knights placed us all under arrest. So I killed'em. Then the fether that tortured my friend near to death tangled with me in person, tried to crush me, poisoned me -- if I hadn't had a healer aboard, I'd be dead right now.

"So I dropped four assault concussion missiles on the tower that my folks told me was the Dark-Sidiest, point blank. Not somethin' I'm proud of, but I was near dead an' seriously pissed, we're talkin' Selena Halcyon levels of righteous anger. I had a cloaked ship and more ACM's to drop, bud, we're talkin' full-sized shipcrackers, the kind you use on Star Destroyers. I coulda wiped your Roon place off the map.

"If you're tellin' me that the Tempar Order's finally removed its head from its collective sphincter and is willin' to take a look at the truth, that's pretty fething good to hear."
Things began to get a little tense in the room, and the mention of Daxton Bane caught her attention. Once he was her Master, a very long time ago, and thus his name could hardly escape her notice. She believed every word that Jorus spoke of the man, after all she had bore witness to, and experienced first hand, the way he dealt with business. If his training regime was anything to go by - the way he almost killed a child several times over - then she had no doubts at how harsh he would be with those he deemed his enemies. For now she was planning on remaining quiet, to let the two men talk it out, but something caught her eye.

About Metus' neck was a chain, and the pendant on it was one which was unmistakable. Without a seconds hesitation she strode over to him, a sudden rage within the very depths of her being, unquenchable and unlike anything else she had felt before. Reaching out she took up the pendant, boring hell-fire into the very pits of his eyes. "Where did you get this..?" She demanded of him, hand clenching around the pendant. Her free hand clenched and unclenched as the violent rage increased with each passing second. This was not a simple trophy or a shop-bought item, nor was it something that would have been unconsciously replicated.

The pendant was a sign of her Mother's children, and as far as she was aware only she and Xavier owned one. Either Metus had stolen it from her, taken it from Xavier or... No. It could not be that. "Answer, or so help me" - it was rare that Kära made a threat, and never had she backed down on one. Anyone who knew two things about Kära would, at this point in time, realise just how serious this situation was to her. She hated Demia with every part of her being, yet the pendant was something she had kept even after all these years. It wasn't something you threw away, it certainly wasn't something she simply gave away.

@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Isley Verd"] @[member="Rave Merrill"]
After hearing the tale from the perspective of the Captain, the Mandalorian folded his arms across his chest and simply nodded. As he heard the words escape the man's lips, Isley's mind wandered. He put himself into Jorus' own shoes and pondered how he would have reacted if one of his friends was tortured for kicks by anyone. The first person that came to mind was @[member="Feena Mason"], Isley's own best friend...and well, he'd have taken down an army and some if that were the case.

"I heard bits and pieces about that night myself. Sounded like the beginning to a bad joke. A businessman, a pirate, and a Daxton all walk into a bar." he paused, thinking for a moment before continuing. "I can see why you ended up having a mountain of issues that night. From what I've heard, Vorhi was present. He's an excellent politician and looks at everything from every angle; so I don't entirely blame him for the skepticism. However, Daxton's just as Dark as I, so I bet his tongue is made of silver. Bottom line is, if it was my friend Daxton had tortured, I wouldn't have stopped at one concussion missile. I wouldn't have stopped at blowing the Sanctum off the face of Roon either."

"So I get where you're coming from, I truly do. That said, send me any and all information you've got about what happened to your friend to me. You need not involve her personally as I'm sure that'd be like picking at a scab. Consider your bounty absolved, as I'll be taking care of that as soon as I return to Bothawui; and then I'll handle having Daxton pay for what he's done. And if you've ever got any problems with the CIS or anyone in it, you know who to call. Sound good?"

And then, the Sith Lord noticed the necklace dangling about Isley's neck and literally growled. It was not exactly the reaction he was hoping for, but now the conversation was on the table. "Demia has a habit of making these for her children. When you were born, she made one for you. When I was born, she made one for me. Of course, good ol'Raki Verd wanted to have me raised Mandalorian and not Umbaran." he replied in a very blunt manner. Oh yes, he just dropped the "you're my littl sister" bomb...and he thought the Forge was already heated when he walked in. Ha.

@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]
@[member="Isley Verd"] @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]

Even from here, even after a few years living apart, Rave saw the surprise her brother tried to hide. "I'll send the mission logs, the testimonies and the medical records," said Jorus after a moment, "and I think we can get this whole thing behind us-"

And then Rave's two pupils took it upon themselves to discover that they were -- what? Long-lost half-siblings? There was no way to continue alchemically combining a tailring and terentatek hide; the process faltered, and she euthanized the half-alchemized tailring with a gesture. She would give the Masters a chance to have their tete-a-tete. In the meantime, now that she'd established they were capable of applying that level of focus to the complexities of biology, there were other and more interesting projects to be done. Elsewhere in the gigantic vaults beneath the Dark Forge lay other samples. Perhaps they'd be ready to lend her a hand with her true work. Tailrings could wait.
{Sorry, thought we were waiting on Jorus... Then realised Jorus' post was merged with Raves :p}

Kära was stunned for a moment. No, how did he know her name? What was going on? Stepping back ever so slightly she glared up at the man, reaching up to try and remove the helmet. She wanted to see for herself, to check if he bore any resemblance to her poor-excuse of a Mother. If she found out he was lying about this, there would be hell to pay. For now she kept herself composed, aghast with herself for having momentarily lost control of herself and her actions. Did Dranok know about this other child?

"Forgive my brash behaviour" she said to those around them, loathed to have reacted in such a manner. As she fully calmed down and analysed the situation she wondered why this had been such a difficult thing to realise in her mind: She knew that Demia had other children, Xavier was evidence of that... Perhaps it was the fact that this one was older, it changed the board a little.

But she could not deal with this right now; instead Kyros turned around. "I've learnt what I needed to... For now" she muttered. Instead of facing this issue she realised she had to meditate on it, to seethe and let it sink in. She could not do so with so many people around her. Thus she made to leave, or at least wait until Rave was able to take her from this blasted planet. One day she could return to finish what she had begun.

@[member="Rave Merrill"] @[member="Isley Verd"]

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