Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In A Cantina

Dex Drakkel

Dex walked down the street towards the building with a bright neon sign announcing that the place was a cantina, today was Dex's day off, which was rare for him the life of a soldier in the New Order military was very fast paced and everyone was almost always busy with something, this was one of those rare days when he had nothing to do, so he took leave for a day.

He entered the building, one look at some of the scum that were there told Dex that he didn't want to get into a hell of a lot of trouble, unless he felt like filling out a lot of paperwork back at base, he sat down on a barstool and ordered a alcoholic drink, the bartender poured the clear liquid into his glass then Dex brought the glass up to his lips, taking a sip. For some reason he just had a gut instinct that something interesting was going to happen...
Carden was board again the normal life was going to bars and clubs for him. Carden decided to go to a Cantina. He walked in and sat at the bar even though he never ordered acahol most likely because he was only nineteen. So he just sat at the bar thinking about his decided father.

Dex Drakkel

A person walked in, he seemed very much like a soldier, it was just something about the way he held himself and the muscle he had, he looked interesting to Dex all the same, so he picked up his drink and walked over to him sitting beside him, up close this soldier looked about 18, 19 so unable to buy his own drinks "Do you wanna drink, kid?"
[member="Carden Lorps"]

Dex Drakkel

"It's my day off, I am a private for the New Order Stormtrooper Legions with eight years of training, would you care to introduce yourself to me? I'm Dex by the way" Dex smiled encouragingly at the kid.

[member="Carden Lorps"]
"Im Carden...Carden Lorps at your service im here just to remember." Carden said while taking off his helmet "so your part of that sith group how fascinating im from a group called the mercenary guild." He said politely

Dex Drakkel

"I could've been a mercenary if I wanted to" Dex said in retrospect "but I thought the life of a soldier would be more interesting, and the pay was better than a mercenaries, no offence Carden"
[member="Carden Lorps"]
"Hehe thats true, but to be honest being a soldier is all the same to me. That is why im a mercenary I get to do all types of jobs. I dont mind it hehe also I dont get called private hehe no offense plastic boy." Carden said to Dex.
[member="Dex Drakkel"] [member="Carden Lorps"]

Zooey walked in the cantina. It wasn't the best place for her but the stress of everything was weighing on her. She thought a little drink wouldn't hurt and it may even help her. Taking a seat a few away from the guys she glanced around wondering what she ought to order.

Dex Drakkel

Dex looked at the girl Carden was shouting to, the nuged him in the rib and said in a suspicious voice "Do you fancy her?" He beckoned to the girl "yeah come sit with us, we don't bite"
[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Zooey Walsh"]
[member="Dex Drakkel"] [member="Carden Lorps"]

"Ok," she stated cautiously as she got up out of her seat and went to go sit next to the two guys. If they did "bite" she would just beat them up. They may not be aware of it but she was was much stronger than she looked. "So what is good in this place to drink?"

Dex Drakkel

Dex winked at Carden before turning back to the girl "that depends on what you actually like to drink, I'm Dex by the way, this isn't a regular place for me, I'm usually busy working so I just brought what my credits could buy"
[member="Zooey Walsh"] [member="Carden Lorps"]
[member="Dex Drakkel"] [member="Carden Lorps"]

"I don't know what I like to drink to be honest. I have never had a drink before. What's good?" She turned to the guys and flashed them a smile.
The young Sith strode in, taking in his surroundings. All in all, it was exactly what he had expected--lots of shady characters standing in corners and whispering about topics that probably involved either spice or bounty contracts, more than a few fist fights, and two people standing opposite each other, blasters raised as they yelled in drunken voices.

He strode up to the counter. The bartender turned to greet him, his expression consistent with what one might expect from a person who had been forced to breathe the air of this place for an extended period.

"Whaddya want?" he asked gruffly.

Melkaroth extended his hand and sent a glass skimming across the bar to sit in front of him. It was a subtle display, designed not to attract attention, but the point was clear.

"Something strong, please. It's on the house."

The bartender eyed the glass for a moment, as if weighing up the risk he was willing to take, then he shrugged, clearly not ready to pick a fight with a force-user. "Sure it is." he replied, and snatched the glass, hastily filling it up with a dirty brownish liquid. Without another word, Melkaroth took the glass and strode over to an empty seat next to two men who looked like they were probably hired muscle of some kind and a woman who looked like she had no business being around them. He placed the glass on the grimy table and took a seat.

Dex Drakkel

Dex leant over to the bartender and whispered something, then when the bartender came back with a drink, he gave it to the lady, the glass had a dark blue liquid in it that had the slight smell of achohol, he threw the credits to the bartender and said to the lady "that'son mme, now Miss I don't believe you told us your name"
[member="Zooey Walsh"] [member="Carden Lorps"]

Dex Drakkel

Dex noticed the shady character who had walked in, he could almost swear he had seen that face before, then the man sat at there table and Dex realized he was a acolyte of the New Order, so he briskly stood up, but his curled up fist on his heart and said so only they could hear "To victory, Sir" announcing Dex as a soldier of the New Order, luckily the gesture wasn't noticed among the drunk people who were to busy with there own business to bother with anything strange.
[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Melakoth Tyrin "][member="Zooey Walsh"]

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