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Dominion Imperials Strike Back | Dominion of Ninn | Warlords of the Sith

Darth Maleva



Darth Luminoth | Ihsan Ihsan | Heca Foliou Heca Foliou

"I'll ask you one more time," The words were a purr, but held a hidden edge. "Where are they?"

The muscles in Maelva's arm rippled as she held down the squirming trooper. His eyes darted wildly as the rest of his body bucked, overcome by fear. The Sith lord clicked her tongue and shrugged. Once-hidden tentacles emerged from her cheeks. They slithered out, caressing the mans cheek delicately.

"Very well, then. There are other ways to find out."

Her free hand extended to grasp the side of his head. The boundaries of her mind pushed outward, probing for weaknesses in his.

Darth Luminoth



Darth Maleva | Heca Foliou Heca Foliou | Ihsan Ihsan


The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.


"My master, what about the civilians?"

"Unless they get in our way, ignore them," he replied, voice morphing into a deep inhuman baritone. "They're a waste of time, our search must end quickly." His clenched fist relaxed, the mangled body of the Officer slid against the durasteel wall and slumped onto the ground, discarded like trash. Luminoth strode to the side, descending deeper into the alien corridor.

He lifted a commlink to his mouth. "
I managed to pilfer a tip from the dying mind of the latest of their dead," a child's determined voice now. Eerie echoes mimicked his words in a dozen contrasting voices. "Bombardment shelter lies deeper, three levels below. They're holed up there." The comm returned to a pocket and he moved toward a stairwell, descending close to their quarry.

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Tags: Darth Maleva Darth Luminoth Heca Foliou Heca Foliou


"Understood, master."

Civilians or combatants, all lives were equally worthless. The emphasis one placed on preserving all lives no matter the person's background, it was an ideology that was rooted in weak altruism that cost Jedi orders countless time and time again. She knew it herself being one formerly of the silver order, indoctrinated from an early age to place all lives above her own in the name of peace and stability. But as someone as sheltered and then inexperienced as she had been, she found out the hard way. War was hell, and the galaxy was an unforgiving environment that favoured the strong over the weak. A dog eats dog atmosphere. If they got in her way, they got in her way. She'd put them down all the same.

The Mirialan pondered the meaning of morality as she followed Luminoth. Monitoring out intently for any armed opposition still standing on the station. She'd leave any wounded for Maleva to feed on.
It appeared her ambitions and desires led her to this far end of the Galaxy, far from home on Maena. Already Maena was a stable empire under Matsu’s reign, far from any wars the rest of the Galaxy was consumed in. It was their small empire, little compared to other superpowers but if history taught them anything, is that kingdoms and empires always declined from their former glory.

Though, Heca wanted more.

Something for herself.

Which was how she encountered her present company of Sith.

“Kill them, or are you too weak to do so?” her words directed to the apprentice of Luminoth as the woman asked a question with a simple, obvious answer to it while Foliou summoned the deceased Stormtroopers to her command. The dead arose, healthy flesh and bones that would serve as shields for them.

“Perhaps one of my children will get him to talk,” if the Sith Lady couldn’t get anything out of the cowering, yet brave Imperial.
Objective: 1

Alarms blared, despite explosions rocking the enemy capital ship, one of his stabilizers was damaged. Gripping the control yokes with such intensity, he kept up on it. “Wesa not gonna dies today!!!” He cried out as he kept control of the craft. Dropping yet another hasty payload of bombs upon communications systems. “I’m hit... ahhh” he heard over the comms as an entire squadron was wiped out. Several fighters even tailing him.

“Mesa try spinning that’s a good trick!” He said as he positioned the control yokes to spin the craft around. “Wesa!!!!” He screamed out loud as the fighter spinners avoiding blaster fire all around, while taking the craft towards the direction of the command ship. Diving straight down to the belly of the beast. Going through narrow parts of the ship, in one instance the enemy fighters were destroyed, while swinging back around. “Wesa gottem.”

Darth Maleva


Memories flooded her mind as she began to penetrate the trooper's crumbling walls. A small, smiling, redheaded child. An older woman, but hair just as fiery. Maleva smiled cruelly as she pushed further.

"Wife and kid waiting for you? Could have saved them the funeral costs." She teased.

He lifted a commlink to his mouth. "I managed to pilfer a tip from the dying mind of the latest of their dead," a child's determined voice now. Eerie echoes mimicked his words in a dozen contrasting voices. "Bombardment shelter lies deeper, three levels below. They're holed up there." The comm returned to a pocket and he moved toward a stairwell, descending close to their quarry.

The comm interrupted her violent intrusion. She frowned, pulling back from her position of leaning over the man. Her hunger reared it's head, urging her to feed. She fought back against, struggling to push the desire aside. Her wrist withdrew from his collar, only to flick and snap his neck. She followed the distant voices, her brisk pace carrying her across the short hallway to join her allies. An eyebrow raised at the masked man and two women.

"Let's not waste time then."
Objective: 1

The dark powers that be were most helpful! He could already see change. His comrades were being bolstered by the likes of the Sith sphere far from the fight, now they had been facing a fight unlike any other. Interitus mused while concentrating his dark powers into his allies. That those that threatened to stop them. The Empire, the Warlords. They would not stand against his master. He would not allow it, for the Sith’ari shall destroy the Sith and make them anew!

Such anger only increased his power, the glow of the sphere going so bright, it blinded any enemy fighter that came forth. For what the Imperials, the Sith pretenders woke a sleeping giant they would soon suffer the wrath of. More illusions were conjured, and the feeling of bolstered resolve and hatred went out. His allies felt the courage and hate he gave them. The blood thirsty desire to kill.

A smirk came onto his face just watching as capital ships were being destroyed. Explosions like music to his ears. As if it all became a beautiful sight upon this view. He continued to focus, for the wrath of the Sith would come this day!

Darth Luminoth



Darth Maleva | Heca Foliou Heca Foliou | Ihsan Ihsan


The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.


"We don't have time for interrogations!" he rebuked Heca and over his shoulder, his own true voice breaking through the verbal dissonance with a decidedly annoyed diction. "We have no time for girlish spite, either. The armada isn't going to hold their bombardments on our account. We need to move quickly." He turned dismissively and continued his descent down toward the next level.

Not another word was spared for wrangling incompetence. A cavalcade for Stormtroopers fell in their wake, the distance, vague presence of the delegation growing closer. Limbs, sundered armor, and viscera littered their path like breadcrumbs showing them the way out. Luminoth took the arm off a blaster-brandishing officer and followed through by seizing his throat with a hand.

Where is the delegation!?" he demanded with a distinctly imperial voice. The Officer hesistated for only a moment, but it was a moment too long. A quick burst of lighting fried him instantly, his writing frame dropping to the ground.

Luminoth trekked onward.

Tags: Darth Maleva Darth Luminoth Heca Foliou Heca Foliou


She offered Heca nothing but a look reserved for someone who steps in crap—not warranting to give her the pleasure of humiliating the Mirialan knight. Ihsan kept to herself mostly when in the company of other dark siders, preferring the solitary lifestyle and comfort of her thoughts and meditations on Sith philosophy.

If Ihsan had her way, she'd of strangled Heca while she slept. Maybe then she'd be spared the girls arrogant rhetoric. Her type had a limited shelf life; sooner or later, their bright spark was inevitably snuffed out by a bigger player. Such was the way of the Sith. Natural selection at it's finest.

It only remained to be seen if Heca tried her patience too much. To be truthful, Ihsan hoped she would.
Objective: 1

“This a close one... anymore and we be bombed and crunched... Wesa gonna help outsa Sithy folks... Wesa do this or dies tryings’” Once fear had plagued the young gungan. Now he was filled with rage of all sorts. Gripping the control yokes with such determination. His eyes kept his sights on the next capital ship, but not before taking out more enemy fighters. It had become clear that the Warlords would not give an inch.

All of a sudden he wasn’t filled with fear, but with courage that filled his every being. “For the Sith, for the Warlords!” He could hear voices cry out within the comms as the attack was carried out, fighter groups had reorganized under new found strength bolstering them. Charging through defensive lines. Some crazy enough to pull kamikaze maneuvers. Taking out turret emplacements, or even an entire bridge.

Zinn Zinn eyed the command ship. “Cmon pallos Wesa gonna get em!” He said into the comm. “yeah follow that gungan!” He heard one voice cry out, and before he knew it. All fighters were following him. Heading straight for the command ship, while they kept a stalwart point defense. Zinn Zinn gunned straight for the shields, focusing everything from lasers to proton torpedos. It would not be easy but he had a job to do.

“Mmm bombard ouch time.”
She fell in silence, not wanting to say something to provoke Luminoth. Out of fear? Yes. Out of respect? Yes. She was more experienced around this caliber of Sith than the Mirialan apprentice that was under the Darth. Speaking out of turn, undermining without success would guarantee punishment onto her. Maybe not now, but later if she was near Luminoth.

As for Ihsan? Pathetic. Weak. Much like the rest of the Acolytes under their masters. A shame she wasn’t in the massacre on Korriban that transpired some time ago by the blade of the Jedi.

A massacre would be painted here today, with more Stormtroopers falling to their deaths. More flesh to join her family of zombies. Perhaps she would test the Mirialan and see how her constitution was.

A wave of zombies surged forward, taking point to assault whatever Imperials in front of them. She would have carnage.

Darth Luminoth



Darth Maleva | Heca Foliou Heca Foliou | Ihsan Ihsan


The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.


Every stroke turned ivory to sable, storm armor burning away beneath the unrelenting heat of focused golden light. Durasteel blaster chassis were bisected, one after another, pacifying belligerents before they met a painful end without prejudice. Every step heralded death, the party of dark lords slithering through the subterranean labyrinth beneath the spaceport.

An Imperial Knight charged forward, bellowing a battlecry from behind. Luminoth turned, thrusting his saber through the Knight's open mouth, ending him quickly as brain stem severed from the spine. His hand came forward, stealing the silver saber from a clenching lifeless hand. Two blades, silver and gold, danced down the corridor, bringing demise to living obstacles twofold.

This way," he commanded, a hissing intonation near unintelligible. He stepped into a turbolift, blaster bolts still battering the air.

It had all seemed so simple. Descend from the sky above and decapitate the Imperials resistance in one fell swoop of a beheading. She turned in time to watch Maleva kill another Imperial before feasting upon him. Shaking her head in anger, Ihsan twisted to stab at a Stormtrooper who had jabbed a Vibro bayonet at her. The man had misjudged his stab by a league, and the Vibro bayonet point passed the Mirialan, not even coming close to hurting her. On the other hand, Ihsan's lightsaber thrust through her attacker's chest and burst from his back. Ihsan twisted the saber and pulled her weapon free effortlessly.

She turned her direction and then saw a new target before engaging once more. Ihsan weaved aside, and the blaster bolt flew past, missing her. she slashed at the stormtroopers legs and struck the armour around his knee, delivering severing a limb whole and sending the man toppling to the fall in agony before a finishing stab silenced him. Moving to follow her masters direction to the turbolift.
Objective: 1

He could see it now with such triumph. Attack cruisers forming together, fighter groups going in for the attack. By all that was dark and unholy, he even saw kamikazes going straight for the enemy ships. Those that seemed ready to run now had turned around. Attacking all those around them. Even watching as several fighters were being so bold to attack the shields.

Closing his eyes, he spoke the ancient tongue of the Sith, only to cause widespread fear and panic. At the very least confusion among the Imperials. While they had been revitalized with such rekindled resolve. Interitus kept his efforts to bolster his forces. To keep pressing harder against his enemy.

Even to see Kamikaze tactics pleased him, illusions appeared of more fighters, more capital ships to bolster his allies. It kept coming, wave after wave. “Go forth and conquer.” He said placing his hands forth out. Sending the illusions to join the fray. Buying more time to press the attack deeper against the enemy.

Darth Maleva




Darth Luminoth | Ihsan Ihsan | Heca Foliou Heca Foliou

Hatred came to life at her finger tips just as the hair on her neck stood, sensing a trooper behind her. Maleva turned, her raven locks shifting at the movement. She let the bolt fly with no hesitation. Her own anger propelled the projectile through the air, landing squarely in the troopers chest. A grunt accompanied his form crumpling instantaneously.

Her gaze returned to the rest of the party, boarding the lift. She gracefully weaved through the pile of bodies that was building in the corridor, joining Luminoth's side.​

Darth Luminoth



Darth Maleva | Heca Foliou Heca Foliou | Ihsan Ihsan


The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.


Lumioth felt hot air against the side of his jaw. A most, repugnant smelling wind that didn't let up. He turned, seeing a pair of lifeless eyes staring back at him on pallid skin. Beneath his mask, his lip raised in disgust. His hand shot up, gripping the face of the undead and shoving it into the turbo lift wall, crushing it like a fragile fruit, spewing coagulated reds and gooey pinks. "Disgusting," he quipped in a posh, male Naboo accent.

Beneath the metal obscurity of his facial adornment, his eyes shot a pointed glare toward Heca. With a hiss, the turbolift doors shot open, a hail of blaster fire erupting to meet them. Troopers behind makeshift barricades, corners, and impromptu cover; a final stand. The delegation was close, had to be. Golden luminescence danced, denying shot after shot its mark, and snuffing out assailants in tow.


Tags: Darth Maleva Darth Luminoth Heca Foliou Heca Foliou


She bided her time in the lift as it made it's slow and ominous descent into the bowels of the ship, further and further towards the targets of interest. Bureaucrats were cancer and a stain on any government body, fat cats who ultimately served their corporate masters interests or lining their own pockets with credits and gold. Such was the way of the galaxy. But with any action, there was always a reaction. And more often than not, corrupt men ended up dead at the hands of the oppressed or morally upstanding 'vigilantes', for wealth was the more ultimate divider in a galaxy torn by war and sectarian violence. The Hutts, after all, hadn't built their power on philanthropy. But on the accumulation of wealth and the misery of others. The same could perhaps be said for the Galactic Alliance. But she was not here to ponder injustices and politics. Ihsan was here to send a message.

The turbo-lifts doors creaked open to the chorus of startled delegates and bureaucrats scrambling away for the end of the room. Their cries of confusion turning to screams of terror as Ihsan and the rest of the sith ignited their sabers.

All she saw after that was red.


Darth Sinestruss

Mistress of the Sith Hounds



Diving below an enemy battlecruiser, Siqsa maneuvered her starfighter to weave through turbolaser bombardments and enemy Imperial TIE's. A smattering of red dots designating enemy targets materialized in beeping blinks on her sensor arrays. We're getting swamped here. We'll have to move quickly, Siqsa thought. She spoke to Romund Sro Romund Sro through the encrypted and secure wing comms-channel, "Take the wing and see if you can't blast your way into the hangars. Take the ships intact! We may have use for them. I will bait the the other fighters away as a screen!" Siqsa then cut comms and punched her controls forward sending her sleek starfighter through a cluster of enemy TIE's, enticing them to give chase and follow her on a destructive path through the thickest of the naval exchanges. They chased her through the criss-crossing torrents of heavy turbolaser battery fire. Streaks of red on red, super heated projectiles darted over and bellow the dagger wing tips of her fighter. She weaved through them, luring the TIE's to get caught by the crossfire between the Red Corsairs crimson ships and the NIO's pale grey behemoths. As she dove below another volley the TIE's closed in, although their numbers thinned, there were still three following her tail. Siqsa eyed them on her targeting sensors, she grinned and tightened her fingers around the controls. "The dance begins!" she hissed.​

Tags: Darth Maleva Darth Luminoth Heca Foliou Heca Foliou


Ihsan was so tired; she was practically swaying from fatigue. Her whole body hurt from cutting into the huddled masses of screaming victims. Cauterised limbs and gore painting the adjacent walls and Ihsan's armour a bright crimson red. She glanced down at the dismembered man before her, quickly checking to see he still lived. The man was still hanging, but his breathing was shallow, and he remained unconscious. Ihsan sighed and put the man out of his misery by crushing his skull with her armoured boot.

Turning her attention to the table where the group had had their meeting, she trifled through the documents and dossiers, looking for anything interesting. She flicked through one before tossing it aside with an annoyed grunt. Ihsan did spot a record of interest, picking it up with her blood-stained hands before folding it and placing it in her cloak pocket.

"So much for a hard mission."

She reluctantly turned to Heca, wishing she could ignore the womans entire existence.

"Find anything of interest?"

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