Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Imperial Navy Ship Yard

-Capital Ship-
Pattuglia Class Corvette: A decent all prupose craft developed to hold the space borders around Tythe.
Sagitta Class Destroyer:A torpedo corvette desgined to strike fast and hard, but lacks anti-starfighter weapons.
Gladio Class Frigate: A standard heavily armored frigate that can be used as a ship of the line with ease.
Lanceae Class Cruiser: The go do cruisers for the Imperium, strong anti ship and well armored.
Siluro Class Cruiser: A variant of the Lanceae that uses torpedo tubes instead of a large lance battery.
Vettore Class Carrier: Main battle carrer class for Tythish fighter when engaging in large scale battles.
Proelium Class Battle Ship: Main Ship of the line for Tythe sporting traditional turbo laser batteries .

-Space Fighters-
T-1SF-Sciopero: A simple heavy fighter inspired by the Naboo variant with aspects of the classic Y-wing

-Ground Attack Craft-

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