Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm gonna pop some tags, only got Twenty Credits in my pocket!

Das Kno W're
::: Somewhere where yo Momma won't like.
::: Shadow Port

The Star Blaze was noisy and crowded. The atmosphere was a mixture of music, load voices, laughter and a heavy blanket of smoke.

A wide variety of sapients mingled together. Some were long-haul freighters, eagerly celebrating the end of an eighteen-month run. Others were miners, just in from the asteroids and anxious to set their fantasies into motion, most of which had been months in the making.

Still others, like Kaileann Vera, fresh faced and dewy eyed right off the local two-bit spacer hauler, were here to settle a mighty fierce craving that just couldn't be denied. N-oo Sirree! This was an itch that needed some serious scratchin'. And with [member="Kurt Meyer"] off doing his deliveries, leaving her here by her lonesome. And yes - she was gonna pop some tags with only twenty credits in her pocket!

Das Kno W're was a rather curious little shadowport. Let's just say that it lay smack dab between a massive nebula reminicent of the Hapan Transitory Mists; it took some effort to find this place - b-uttt, it was worth it.

You got some black market goods you wanna peddle? Check! Want some hard to find Khetos flamin' hot chips that are lightly drizzled in spice? Check! Hey, maybe you've a dire need to do some odd jobs with questionable folk. Got you covered!

The entire place was a massive mining facility and shadow trade port, organic in nature and full of curious organic bits and such that peddled for top dollar elsewhere. Some say that it was Zonama Sekot's seed, left behind like some lingering turd floating along the porcelin bowl that was the 'Verse. Others say that it was what was left behind of some massive ancient Star Dragon skull. Whatever it was, it didn't matter. It was what it was, and right now, it was the target of opportunity for the former Yum Bunny waitress.

She had an appointment to make. A dire one.

And it involved some Nuna and cheese frozen burritos and a food processor to heat 'em!

"Come on Bobo!" she said with a mighty cheer to her companion; the miniature Ysalamiri perched upon her shoulder. His black, beady gaze beheld the wandering ruffians and scum of the shadow-port with an unamused expression.

And with that, she was off!
Docking Bay

A lengthy descending whistle heralded R8's displeasure with its master's choice in retrofit location.

Having heard the musical protest for only the eighth time in as many minutes, the large Jedi Master masquerading as a spacer exhaled heavily as eyelids slid over his bright blue orbs. Casually, Marcello turned to regard the faithful astromech droid. Slowly, a broad grin slipped across his features, partially obscured by the long golden hair he'd grown accustomed to leaving untamed in most situations. "R8...your protest was received and acknowledged before we'd touched down. One more...and I'm going to melt you down for spare parts."

For a moment, the astromech was silent, but it quickly delivered a series of chirps and whistles indicating he didn't particularly believe in the veracity of his master's threat. Wheeling away to the other side of the modified N-1T Interceptor, R8 set about his own typical duties of ensuring craft functionality.

For his part, Marcello merely chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair and turned to make his way towards the exit. Dressed in a simple pair of loose-fitting khaki pants, long-sleeved gray shirt, and his worn brown flight jacket, the spacer entered the main vestibule of the space station. Immediately upon exiting the docking bay, his senses were assaulted by the variety of smells, sounds, and sights one would expect of a shadow port playing host to a wide variety of individuals.

Given that Marcello had never really served in any public position denoting acclaim with the Jedi Order or Republic, his face was not one really recognized by those that had not personally met him. Then again...his stature and physical features didn't exactly lend him towards truly blending anywhere. As such, Marcello did not try to blend. Casually, he walked the corridors with all the arrogance one would find of an athlete-turned racer-turned spacer-turned Jedi in their youth.

At forty-something years old, Marcello often wondered why it was that people he'd met in his life chose to live such lengthy lives. In fact it was almost a miracle that he'd even lived this long... Instinctively, the Jedi Master reached to briefly touch his left, prosthetic leg. It was quite a keenly developed addition, but it was a permanent scar he would never forget suffering at the hands of a Sith Lord. His reward for throwing his life on the line to safeguard others - those he'd loved, were indifferent about, or had never met. That was the quality of his life, his persona. Despite the chaos of it all, he would always do two things: tell people how stupid they were and fight tooth and nail in their defense without prompting.

Perhaps his life was just a tragedy after all - despite his successes. To be sure...survival in this galaxy was a success...each and every day. Lost in his own thoughts but still aware of the subtle motions of the Force around him, Marcello cut around a corner attempting to avoid an obviously intoxicated patron...only to collide directly into something that impacted directly into his abdomen.

Blinking, the spacer glanced down at the individual he'd inadvertently assaulted. "My apologies, ma'am. I didn'" That wasn't the curiosity. He hadn't even felt her. The answer of course was still somewhere around her shoulder.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]


She went smack dab right in the middle of his chest! She hit her nose. That hurt. Hands immediately went to it to press gently. "Ow..." to be fair, it was a pretty hard wall of a chest, rather....Oh!

Hellooo eyecandy!

Brown eyes went sliding up and over said chest, past the broad shoulders, and up to a chiseled, delicious cut jaw and blue eyes a hue reminiscent of Spira's seas.

"Well aren'tcha a looker." came her abrupt exclamation, eyes wide and rather interested. It was the appreciation of a woman for a well made man. Can't fault her. Must be the muscles, but she couldn't quite give him a 10/10 without checking out the rest of the goods.

A flush of sheepish embarrassment came next, and she scrunched her nose. Tiny claws would cling to her shoulder and black beady eyes would pop up towards the offender that managed to rattle his perch. Bobo, was not amused.

"Oh! Sorry about that." she gave him a pat on his upper arm. Oh! That was some muscle there! For a second she was awfully tempted to squeeze...

But she pulled her hand back as if about to get caught raiding the cookie jar!

"Just came out of nowhere!" a peppy reasoning, the muffled voice becoming clearer as she dropped her hands from her face.

"Tho I reckon most see you prior to..." considering how ... BIG he was!
Marcello's eyes remained fixed on [member="Kaileann Vera"] as she collected herself and offered what he judged to be an involuntary outburst. It was quite alright, Marcello was neither blind nor ignorant to his physical appearance.

However, when the woman patted his arm, blue eyes immediately darted to the location of her hand before returning to Kaile's face. Tucking some of his long hair behind his ear, the Jedi Master managed an easy smile. "No it's..." For a moment, the spacer's blue gaze shifted to Bobo before returning to Kaile. "...certainly my fault. I generally am much more aware of my surroundings."

Extending his right hand, Marcello maintained the smile. "Marcello. You wouldn't mind pointing me in the direction of the food court, would you? First time here and I'm a touch on the famished side."

For the time being, Marcello gave no indication of his physical appraisal of the woman. Her attributes...respectably obvious in her attire. Interestingly enough, she appeared to be just a touch older than the striking beauty he had reluctantly left at home, caring for a child.
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

Enter the cheesy grin.

"Hi there!" she took his larger hand into his, giving it as much of a firm shake as her smaller one possibly could. Man, he was so tall! And broad! And...

"--Gorgeous." she found herself saying, unable to look away from his face. Again, slip of the tongue and more of what went inside her head. A big flush visibly ran up her neck and over her face, a living temperature gauge at her embarrassment.

"KAILE! It's Kaile!" she blubbered out, her hands gesturing wildly in front of her as if the mere act would erase from existance what she had said. It didn't of course.

"I'm Kaile!" again, the emphasis. The woman practically bounced in her attempt to wash out her slip of the tongue. "This is Bobo." she would gesture to her best friend.

Bobo merely blinked unimpressed at the hunk.

"Umm.." she gave a half turn of her torso, as if searching. Then she returned, looking at the eyecandy. "Yeah! I can help you." she visibly brightened. The mere mention of food washed away the heat of her cheeks and she visibly perked.

"They have great frozen burritos nearby!" she told him, rather delightfully, cheer practically bleeding from her. "You can join me if you like!" she offered, rocking on her heels as she hooked her thumbs on the straps of her backpack.

"Das Kno' W're can be a bit overwhelming to newbies." she said rather understandably.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Marcello could not help but laugh softly at the young girl as she fired off a...series of response. Raising both his hands, Marcello shook his head slightly. "Kaile, Kaile... You're making me feel like you're going to pass out." Lowering his hands, the Jedi Master motioned for her to lead the way. "Frozen burritos you're speaking my language."

Marcello motioned for Kaile to lead on, content to fall in step beside her. "I'm guess I'm lucky to have bumped into you then." The Jedi flashed her a brief smirk before proceeding into his next question, aiming to avoid uncomfortable silence. "Not that I'm challenging the appeal of frozen burritos....because that's crazy, but what actually brings you out here? I have to be honest...I stumbled on this place more out of luck than anything else."
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

"Oh!" She gave a sheepish grin again, ducking her head a bit and shrugging her shoulders in apology. "I do get rather ahead of myself at times," her grin broadened as the subject went back to food.

Commence the backward walk, sideways talk shuffle!

"But a full belly ain't too far off." came her friendly cheer. At the question, she poked a finger to her chest. Yup, it was as if the young spacer used her entire body to talk.

"Me?!" A natural tour guide, Kaile would blend her own unique and quirky conversation with her easygoing stride." Oh I'm here to do some shoppin'" they wove their way down hanger 37 towards the main docking station arena. Truth be told, the place was a medley of ithorian herd ship, Coruscant's 1313, and the most bustling trade port that could rival Rishin in questionable doings and happenings. It was a turd, but an interesting space turd none the less.

"Got some goods that come through Kno W're that are hard to come by." Like deep fried Oh'reaohs!

"Hows bout you!?" She inquired giving a half step backwards as she went along, needing to read him- no see him as he talked.
Kalyn had just killed someone, a VERY rich someone, the pay on the job was good, but what was even better, is that now she could jack all of his stuff, but she did not really care about most of it, what she did care about was the safe full of aurodium bars, atleast 60 kilos, her arm was still injured, but your supposed to lift with your legs anyway right? Stuffing all of teh very valuable aurodium into a duffel bag, she carefully snuck back to her ship, and then stuck it into one of the smuggling compartments, so that no smartalek comes in and scans the ship and finds a bag full of aurodium bars. She was really hungry after this, and could go for some food, so she dug her way through the port with her droid, which she had taken off of the ship. She knew her droid was safe, he not only had a tracker beacon in his chassis, he also had an anti override program that prevented his code from being modified, and made restraining bolts useless.

Kalyn digging through one of the corridors found two people. Her droid chirpped something about how they looked like they were not going to kill her and she needed to socialize in a way that did not involve killing people.
"Wont that look a bit weird?" Kalyn asked
Her droid chirpped back something along the lines of what could go wrong.
Kalyn sighed and went to introduce herself
"Hello, my droid here who for some reason thinks he is one of my parents has told me that i need to socialize more, so he has told me to talk to you. Kalyn, nice to meet you." She said with a snarky, sarcastic tone of voice.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]
Marcello couldn't help but smirk at [member="Kaileann Vera"] as the conversation continued. She reminded him of a couple of people he'd met in his life, but he wasn't particularly close to any of them. Kaile's answer of being at the shadowport for 'shopping' seemed plausible enough to Marcello, and it seemed to fit her rather bubbly personality.

"Just here for some refits before continuing on to my final destination. In case you're ever thinking about it, I don't recommend trying to cross the majority of the known galaxy in a little starfighter with just an astromech for company." Necessary evil, Marcello had elected not to bother with taking any known capital vessels to his destination. In fact, he preferred to purchase a small Corvette of some sort along the way rather any port he tended to frequent. Old habits died hard in that regard.

Just as Marcello was about to say something else, another female approached them. Unlike Kaile, [member="Kalyn Skirata"] appeared much more...matter-of-fact. Arching a curious brow, the large Jedi Master dipped his head slightly. "Interesting... I've never met a sentient being that followed the orders of their droid." A subtle, sly smirk touched Marcello's lips. In the back of his mind he was wondering what circumstances made these two women the way they were. I'm probably not even going to understand Alora in a few years... "Marcello. Pleasure."
(Don't mind me, just gonna drop some conflict here)

In the crowd of nondescript Shadow Port goers stood a man who fit in a bit too well in such a dangerous place. Having been born and raised on a prison planet that pretty much let the galaxy's worst criminals run amok, it was safe to say that Andreas was used to dangerous places. He would have even enjoyed being there, however, if he actually wanted to be there. He was en route to some paradise planet for a little relaxation and a good time to celebrate completion of a pretty big bounty. He would have been there now with both arms around some fine girls, a strong fancy-looking drink in each hand and waist deep in a muscle relaxing boiling water spring. The Firrereo's jaw tightened as he angrily thought of time he could have been having, no, would have been having if not for some crazy Trandoshan.

So here the off-duty bounty hunter stood, sharp teeth clamped around a thick death cig as he looked around for a place to sit down and eat while he waited for his ship to be fixed. Andreas wasn't much of a guy for junk food, but he had never tried one of those frozen burritos the Trandoshan desperately offered to treat him to before getting blasted in the head. He didn't know where to look, really, he had never been to this Port, but he sure wasn't going to ask. He casually looked to his right and that's when he saw her. A not-bad looking brunette with big equally brown eyes. Well, he might as well make some good out of this little sidetrack.

Slicking his long dreads back, he started off towards her, brushing off his red robe--it was sewn from some expensive looking iridescent material and tailored to fit his physique and was opened to show his chest and abdomen--after shoving away some droid who was in his way. As he got closer, he noticed [member=Marcello Matteo], but paid the taller man as much mind as any other patron. The girl seemed to have all her attention on the human, but that would change as soon as he arrived. There was almost never competition concerning him with girls and he didn't expect that to change today.
"So you come here often or am I just the luckiest guy this side of the galaxy?"
He said smoothly, inserting himself between her and Marcello--brushing past him even--and putting his arm around [member=Kaileann Vera]'s shoulder with practiced fluidity. His golden eyes ogling her up and down before resting on her brown orbs while he appreciatively bit his lower lip, he continued.
"Pretty dangerous place for a pretty girl like you. Why don't you ditch the cantina band and stick with yours truly?"
The death cig gave his breath a sweet smell and he knew it. Andreas was a man who knew his way with females. He couldn't blame them. His looks? His charm? His voice? He'd have this chocolate-haired girl melting in his arms like she was made out of it. Some people might say he has an ego problem, but last time he checked, the girls love confidence in a man.
[member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Kalyn Skirata"]
Things were reaaaallly getting interesting.

“Oh! Hello!” Kaile would say real friendly like to the woman, flashing a genuine cheerful smile. She was all about to offer her hand when a strange one appeared out of no where!

A broad arm went circling behind her back and over her shoulder. Kaile’s eyes widened in surprise and glanced up at the stranger getting a mite bit too friendly.

Hilariously, she didn’t have the chance to say much. Not when Bobo was none too happy at having a strange hand by his perch. So it was with no further ado that [member="Bloodknight"] would feel a deliberate pinch.

Well, more like a BITE, as Bobo, her minature Ysalimari and bestest friend in the ‘Verse, displayed his displeasure at the male for getting close to his woman -- err..shoulder perch.

Not that they all had anything really to say about it because it was then that the building next to them exploded with a BOOM!~
Kalyn could smell the deathsticks from across the hall ,this man wreaked literally of drug addict, she took a step back a bit.
Then out of nowhere a building exploded, as this happened, large amounts of heavily armed men started funneling into the hallway and started firing at the group.
Kalyn quickly got behind a wall and drew her Peacebreaker, turned off the safety, and started firing at the heavily armed men.
"Did i mention, i just killed a very rich guy, probably a crime lord by the looks of his house, and i guess these people are not too happy about it!." She said continuing to fire.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]
Marcello could only arch a curious eyebrow with an amused expression at [member="Bloodknight"]'s less-than-surprise entrance and subsequent actions. This place just gets more...diverse in personality by the minute. Before he could register a brief chuckle to the newcomer being bitten by Bobo and then discreetly, take his leave, a massive explosion occurred directly beside the group.

It all happened so abruptly that even Marcello had not sensed the impending danger ahead of time - no doubt a result of the large amount of presences darting around the area. With so many minds on so many different things, it was hard to really narrow down true danger until right as it was happening. However, the Jedi Master did manage to act in time enough to keep them from suffering severe effects of over pressurization from the blast. Erecting a large barrier of Force energy between the origin of the blast and those directly around them, he ensured they all had sufficient time to scream, duck, run for cover, whatever suit their fancy.

As the blast subsided, Marcello was pleasantly surprised, very surprised to see it hadn't caused a situation leading to major depressurization in the station. His surprise of course then had to be redirected by people arriving to shoot at them. Jumping to the side and withdrawing his lightsaber, Marcello just barely caught [member="Kalyn Skirata"]'s declaration that she'd just murdered someone...

This cannot be happening...

Deflecting yet another blaster bolt off into a harmless direction, the Naboo native manipulated his left hand slightly, catching the security officers, mercenaries, random-people-with-guns-aimed-at-him, whatever into a stasis field that arrested their ability to do much of anything. "EVERYBODY calm the hell down..." Deactivating his lightsaber, Marcello focused his stern, icy-blue gaze on the people that had just decided to open fire on everyone...suspected murderer in their midst or not. "I'm going to put you down, and you're going to chill. I'm tired, I'm starving, and I'm completely incapable of anybody's BS."

If you were wondering why Marcello wasn't exactly the poster child for the Jedi, this would be why.

The Jedi Master chanced a brief glance at the self-alleged murderer. "And don't you even think about moving."

Releasing the security forces, Marcello clipped the lightsaber back to his belt and inhaled deeply. "If you must take her into custody, do it without killing innocent people." A brief glance was thrown [member="Kaileann Vera"]'s way before making an urgent request because, you know, fire from the explosion. "Get something to put this fire out. I'll see if there are survivors."

Doubtful, but he could hope to try. A rustle of fabric announced his swift departure into the fray.
Kalyn was confused by the mans statement, this was her job, he had a bounty on him, she still had the papers on her.
"Might i also add that this man had a sizable legal bounty on his head, and i still have the papers, if we survive this i will have to show you them. And i do not think these are law enforcement agents, i dont even think this station has a security department, and if it does, these guys are probably not them, seeing as they all have highly illegal black market disruptiors by the looks of things, I would reccomdend not standing in the open right now, i doubt they discriminate." She said
Kalyn could tell the kind of weapon somone was using very easily, seeing as she worked around them.
[member="Marcello Matteo"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]


And what a nice booma it was! Just his kinda booma. Security was quick to react here too! They musta found it and accidentally set it off or somethin, and in the frenzy figured somebody somewhere shot something or another, and all hell broke loose in his restaurant! Okay... so he was a temporary waiter for burritos, but it still felt like it was his restaurant.

In other words, word of the murdered rich person may or may not actually have anything at all to do with the explosions he probably planted, but the security staff were definitely looking for him. With the number of bounty hunters floating around too, you'd think they'd pick up on his 50k bounty on his head... but nope! It was events exactly like this that seemed to prevent anyone from really seriously gathering his scent.... because it seemed to spontaneously explode on contact!

So the one armed Gungan hiding under the counter with a plate full of frozen burritos raised up in the air with his shaking hand above the counter, while the psuedo-security booma blow-up-ers were frozed by the... guy with the thing. When things seemed quite, a single curious eye poked up from over the counter...

"So uuuuh... yousa guys a ... no liken mesa burritos?" The old garbled voiced feigned rather expertly his vulnerabilities and fear... I mean, who's to say something mean to an old alien who's only got one functional side of his body just trying to serve burritos... with one arm?

[member="Kaileann Vera"], [member="Marcello Matteo"], [member="Bloodknight"], [member="Kalyn Skirata"]


The Newb who answered the call
A lone commando droid would stride through the crowd, his tall 1.91 structure definitely depicting him form some of the crowd. Though he moved with an emotionless effortless grace, each step taken without a sound so much as squeaking from his joints. Rather than having two hollow white circular eyes, the droid had two thin rectangular eyes, thin gleaming turquoise lanterns, inspecting their surroundings carefully, yet calmly. The droid was also a little more thicker around the legs and arms than most models, though he still held the qualities of most droids of his type with him.

Most backed away from him. Instantaneous recognition of him as a creature of war was something that was easily achieved by any who gazed upon the synthetic warrior. The commando droid didn’t mind them much though. He would simply keep a hand clutched around the hilt of one of his three-foot long claymores, as he navigated through the crowd. He would happen upon a group of organics engaged in idle chatter—the droid could not help but over hear a bit of their conversation:
"Might I also add that this man had a sizable legal bounty on his head, and i still have the papers, if we survive this i will have to show you them. And i do not think these are law enforcement agents, I don’t even think this station has a security department, and if it does, these guys are probably not them, seeing as they all have highly illegal black market disruptors by the looks of things, I would recomend not standing in the open right now, i doubt they discriminate."

The droid would pause about a meter away from the group at the sound. He couldn’t help himself, as he would hear the words, and simply ponder on them—this organic was evidently a bounty hunter, and by law a—A large explosion would interrupt his train of thought. His form would twist around, obviously combat ready, as he locked onto the origins of the explosion: a building. Or what had used to be. Inspectors would be coming out here and there, though everyone was treating like this was an every day thing. In such a lawless area, Tajje found himself shaking his head silently at the sight.

There was no order here really. The real Ruler of this region was simply chaos, or a merchant’s whims. Tajje would release a rough ex-hale.
“Advice from one who knows from experience.” Tajje would comment with a calm, musing voice. It was clear he was speaking to the bounty hunter, as his form would ease slightly, though his hand still clutched around a blade hilt. He would turn to the speaking Gungan, though wouldn't say more, as he waited for the organics to react--he had little more to do at the moment, and he was not one to act a policeman. Yet.

[member="Gun Gan Booma"] [member="Kalyn Skirata"] @Marcello Matteo @Kaileann Vera @Bloodknight
"Nah, that ain't going to wash," Jarrick stated flatly. To his credit Dejann held his gaze stoically. A good few years as a senior warrant officer in the eriadu marines had left Jarrick with the sort of sunny disposition that tended to convince people to do what he said. Unfortunately he was usually part of a two man act. Kairon played with words and convinced the traders 'we were all in it together', he looked surly when the other party was rude. Unfortunately since they'd left the Warden Kairon was, frankly, sulking. Today he'd vanished off towards the bars with his nephew, leaving Jarrick to handle this mess.

"Two-eighty," Dejann hissed, barely taking a fraction off the cost.

Jarrick shook his head slowly, letting some of his exasperation slip through. "Looks like we won't be dealing then," he said. He crossed his tattooed arms over his chest and drew himself up to his full height. Damnit, I'm going in too hard, he told himself. Kairon was much better at this and all the touchy-feely negotiating stuff, seemed to talk the language of traders better. What was that motto he liked to repeat? 'If both parties leave the table convinced they've made a good deal, repeat business is assured'. He was committed now and had to stay the course.

Fortunately, beneath that sneer, Dejann was a cowards. "Gah! Two-fifty, but you're bleeding me dry!"

"Get the goods to twelve and we'll load her up," Jarrick said with a nod. He offered his hand, because that's what Kairon always did in these situations. As they shook, Jarrick ensuring his grip was slightly more firm, the explosions range out across the open expanse of markets and food stalls.

He didn't even stop to think. Turning on the spot he headed off in the direction of the light show. When he heard blaster fire, he decided to check the scatterblaster carbine strapped to his back was loaded. As he turned the corner he was faced with a row of terrified faces. It was hard going against the flow, but Jarrick also had a voice that carried well. A child tripped and Jarrick near lifted the man who almost trampled him into the air before hoisting the boy up by his armpit.

"What the kark is going on?" he mumbled to himself. "Just one run, something going wrong."

[member="Gun Gan Booma"]
[member="Kalyn Skirata"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]
(moving on folks to keep this going!)

“You WHAT?!” Well that interruption went bursting in befuddled exclamation at [member="Kalyn Skirata"]. Thank goodness for Mr-Tight-pants who managed to get them all under his protection.

Granted this didn’t stop her from squealing like a child ‘bout ready to get a paddlin at the abrupt explosion. She clung to Bobo in the most mother hen protective stance ever, hovering over him as he let go of the man’s fingers and ended up between her palms.

Things were going crazy!

Folk were shooting, and then brimstone and fire.

“Oh my word…” her eyes practically bulged out, twin saucers as big as Hutt pegged coins. “GAH!” that’s when she bumped up against @Gun Gun Booma and @Tajje.

Commence clinging for dear life against one armed Gun Guan.

“I.. I just... “

All she wanted was some burritos!

“Wait becare-- “ well [member="Marcus"] Marcello already went to playing the white knight.


A subsequent explosion took place just to the right, against the other building.

“GAH!” seeing as she was apt to find some kind of cover, Kaile did. And her tiny body went shoving the Gungan and the commando droid behind the stall again.

This was about the time [member="Jarrick"] showed up to the chaotic mess.


The Newb who answered the call
((I'll move then?))

Tajje had but simply been musing on things when more explosions erupted, and people began to pull out their blasters and open fire, a riot and chaos blossoming to it's brightest shades. With great restraint, T-19 would not draw his blade, as a human female bumped into him, startled, and would let out more noise when hitting him. He was not something that would be regarded as a 'good guy' in this little fray. He would hold his ground despite the clumsy organic bumping into him--but--

It only took seconds for the crowd of both confused victims and blood thirsty opportunists to set eyes upon the commando droid--and some shots would head right the droids way. Which, unfortunately, also meant that [member="Jarrick"] , [member="Marcus"] , [member="Kalyn Skirata"] , [member="Bloodknight"] , and [member="Kaileann Vera"] would be getting lasers streaking for them--all because of the commando bot near them.

"Terrorists and Sith are here!" A voice would shout. T-19 was a reprogrammed droid, but no one else knew that. He would watch as more blasters were drawn, and he would be caught dead in the middle of a cross fire, with all the humans and [member="Gun Gan Booma"] . Lasers would hit the droid full on first, as Tajje's computing would lead him to realize one thing: if he dodged, he would leave the human and others behind him to the shots. While lasers were fatal for the unarmed organics, he could withstand the heat of a laser.

"Move, organics." The commando bot would say calmly. Tajje wouldn't soak in all the laser fire though, rather, he would unsheathe his polished claymores, and begin to swipe them through the air in blurry arcs, averting some of the laser fire to other areas--his blades would be swung with the grace and speed matched to a skilled swordsman, his reflexes programmed with the utmost high tech hardware and software to be extremely keen. While some lasers would glance off the extremely well polished sharp blades, others would head for the others--but Tajje could only be in one place at a time. Self-defense would be up to the others. As for Tajjes own status, his sight granted him the luxury of seeing when someone would pull a trigger, or was about o, and he would be able to slice his blades in the way to deflect it. The actual claymores were made of extremely resilient alloys, and they would be able to withstand such attacks, as Tajje fended them off.

Tajje secretly hoped the organics would move it. The sooner they did that, the sooner he could dodge, and get out of here. Until then, he would stick his neck out for the likes of them. The question of why he even bothered was something that was evident to him: He detected some innocence in their scenario, or at least the female's. The others had been as surprised as she was--save that bounty hunter. Perhaps a lucky laser would hit her in the neck.
Kaile's voice touched his ears but only briefly. This time, the Jedi Master had been completely ready for what was to come. Utilizing yet another manipulation of the Force to create a protective barrier around the explosion, Marcello managed to suffocate the ensuing fireball before it could do much damage. However, by the time the secondary explosion had been dealt with, blaster fire erupted through the halls once more.

At this point, Marcello was positive that this station was going to start venting atmosphere at any minute. Fire suppression systems that, for whatever reason, hadn't activated after the first explosion were now coming online. Water began to soak the entire area as Marcello's glacier-blue gaze fell upon [member="Kaileann Vera"]. The entire situation reminded him of a complex ambush attack - usually the thing that you definitely did not want to encounter in combat. There was no telling how many more bombs had been planted or who was going to shoot whom and when.

Per his training and personality, there was really only one thing that Marcello could do. "Kaile! Move!" Grabbing the girl's arm, the Jedi Master...somewhat roughly snatched her up and carried her out of the immediate blast area. While the random droid soaked up blaster bolts for whatever reason, Marcello made sure that Kaile was behind cover, directing others nearby to do the same.

Wasting no time, the large Jedi was back to his feet, darting across the air with speed aided by the Force. As he withdrew his lightsaber and activated the dark blue blade, Marcello went sliding past the droid across the damp floor on his back. Once he was within range, the Jedi Master drew in the full strength of the Force around him. Having learned long ago to stay calm and collected in all combat situations, Marcello did not draw on the Force out of desperation or anger. Instead it was out of reserved will, desire to see the situation neutralized. Marcello was very much in control of his emotions as he unleashed a powerful torrent of Electric Judgment. The green-hued energy lanced out from his free hand, snaking its way among the various individuals wielding weapons until they were ensnared in a paralyzing field of raw Force energy that would, ultimately, knock them unconscious.

[member="Kalyn Skirata"] | [member="Gun Gan Booma"] | [member="Jarrick"] | [member="Tajje"]

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