Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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If I Were Wrong, I'd Know It

Coryth freaked out as the door burst open. Instantly she was seeking a blanket to cover herself with. Something Kaida soon handed her. And once covered Coryth felt a small bit relaxed.

"Kaida, Elayne is right something is terribly wrong. Someone is holding Elanil, with the worst of intentions. We must find her before she ends up dead." Coryth said coldly. "Time is is of the essence." Coryth then sighed, "The queen needs to be alerted and I believe Mirien will be of use to find Elanil. Also we should alert Tempest as well. Maybe Chensa."

[member="Tempest"] | [member="Anya Venari"] |[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Elayne Saedaris"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Elayne Saedaris"], [member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

That explanation had taken more than a minute! Kaida glanced over to Coryth, then nodded. "I'll make the call to the Queen." Her Majesty presently resided on the Skyport since New Santaissa was, well, kind of crappy. Since it does not have a Codex sub yet, this writer wonders whether the Eldorai had to live in residential buildings as ugly as in the so-called 'German Democratic Republic'.

For the record, those were very ugly, though it was probably better than tents. "Come on, have some water. You're no use panicking. What was Elanil's last-known location?" Tact? That was an unnecessary luxury. She threw on a robe, since it would obviously be inappropriate to call the Queen while being naked, then took Elayne by the shoulder and quite insistently led her out of the room before she could sneak more glances at Coryth!
Elayne nodded, glad to know the Queen would be informed. Help was coming. With some luck they'd bring her sister home. The redhead was still panting, worried, and just on the verge of a panic attack. She nodded with a slight sniffle. This was her sister after all, her twin and with Elanil she share something few others did. Moving on without hers sister Elayne felt impossible. Her sister she just could not lose.

After a drink of water she nodded, "She was on Fondor at a Science and Defence weaponry conference. She had several lectures to give but showed up for none. And furthermore she did check in and pick up her credentials. So she was there .... just beyond that .... gone." The word she choked up on, proof she loved her sister even if she wasn't the best at expressing it.

[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Tempest"] | [member="Anya Venari"]
[member="Elanil Saedaris"]

Elanil was a vital piece on the game board that would enable Archangel to save the Galaxy from itself by eradicating the plague of organic illogic. She would embrace her role, whether she wanted or not. Even if she had to be forced to submit. Regardless, the door to the med bay opened and what seemed to be a doctor walked inside, along with a nurse and a medical droid.

"Please, Doctor Saedaris, there is nothing to be afraid of. You will be treated well, if you cooperate. Your wellbeing is our foremost priority," the doctor said. Totally not sounding reassuring at all. He gave a nod to the nurse, who pulled at the IV drip to pump a stronger sedative into Eanil. Gripped by the doctor and his minion, Elanil would be forced to lie down in bed. Once she was properly sedated surgery would begin to implant her with the Atrisian control chip.
Elanil groaned heavily as she looked to the nurse, doctor, and the medical droid. She shook her head furiously, "No .... No.... What's happening to me? What are you doing to me? What are those drugs?! No! NO!" She shouted as the nurse started to inject the drugs into her IV. She jerked and screamed until the drug finally started to kick in and her movements slowed before she finally fell asleep.

Finally sound asleep the surgery began inserting the Inquisition restraining device. Something that no doubt would come in handy as they tried to gain control of the scientist.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Elayne Saedaris"]

In contrast to Kaida and Coryth, the Queen was not in bed. She remembered seeing holovids of Queens who lounged about and gave orders to sycophants. They clearly had never known what it was like to be Star Queen!

Anya was working diligently at her desk when her aide entered. In deference to the fact she was Queen, Anya was in a very comfortable chair!
“Majesty, an urgent message from Seraph Taldir.”
Anya sighed and rose, styling her dress and hair a bit more orderly. “Very well, Sael, patch it through.” She had 10,000 Angelii (give or take) but it always seemed to be the same ones uncovering things and needing attention.
“Seraph, what is wrong?” she asked when Kaida appeared in the hologram field.
[member="Elanil Saedaris"]

"Resistance is futile," the doctor said most unoriginally. Finally Elanil was asleep after the sedative had taken effect and now surgery commenced to insert the restraining device. It was such a marvellous piece of tech that the Inquisition had developed and it would serve them well when it came to controlling important organics.

However, once the surgery was complete...the sound of gunfire and explosions suddenly echoed from afar across the corridors...
[member="Anya Venari"], [member="Elayne Saedaris"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

In spite of the high casualties they had suffered during the Exodus, there were still several thousand Angelii. Many of them would also be more senior in rank than Kaida, who from an objective standpoint was rather junior as a Seraph. Especially since she was still rather young.

However, Force Plot demanded that things be simplified. Which was why she got to actually talk to the Queen instead of a secretary or an electronic voice on her answering machine. Or told to wait for thirty minutes while annoying music played. "Apologies for disturbing you, Your Majesty. It's been brought to my attention that Doctor Saedaris may be in danger. She was scheduled to appear at a science conference on Fondor, but has vanished. Master Elaris felt through the Force that she is in peril, so did Talon Saedaris through their bond." Excessive formality, thy name is Kaida.

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]

The immediate question which sprung into the Queen’s mind was ‘Why are you telling me and not your superiors? Is it because you feel we have a ‘special connection’?’
She suppressed that thought though. She was reminded of the anecdote of her ancestor who had brushed off a supplicant’s petition by saying she had no time, and the response was ‘Then stop being Queen!’

“I see. She is an asset to us, but I cannot spare much to go with you. If you wish to go, you may with the Doctor’s sister. I will have my staff organise permits and introductions on Fondor. Is there anything more?”
[member="Anya Venari"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

In all fairness, the Queen did keep personally calling Kaida for special assignments of this or that sort. Despite the fact that there were several Angelii above her. Well, in the light of the fact that their numbers had suffered due to the Akala incident and the exodus, there were probably a couple less by now, but no matter.

Regardless, Kaida shook her head slightly in response. "No, Your Majesty. I'll pass on word to Colonel Valdier and head to Fondor." Presumably Firemane would want to help get their star scientist back. Besides, they had intel assets which the Eldorai did not possess. The question was, would Fondor be able to survive two ice queens at the same time? Having said her piece she cut the connection.
Elayne sat back quietly in the corner of the room that Kaida was in, trying her best to calm her nerves and keep quiet. The redhead held no real relationship with the queen outside of her duties, and even with it being her own sister in which Kaida was calling about, Elayne didn't believe she had any power or position to say a word.

As the connection was cut, the redhead breathed a heavy sigh. Finding her way to a chair she sat down slowly. The anxiousness still so clearly etched upon her face. It was in that moment that she felt more fear, more pain that could only be from her sister. Elayne could only hiss softly at that pain. She tried her best to brush the feelings away, tried to pretend she wasn't hurting, and that this all didn't frighten her more than anything had before.

Her sister had never been the one in this much danger, and certainly had never been on her own, alone and without help in such a situation. A small part of her wondered if Elanil felt this way when she was in battle, or injured. Chances were that she did feel this way, but Elanil would never admit to it. "Do you believe Valdier will actually offer us any help?" Elayne finally spoke at last, having her doubts from what she'd heard about the human. Something about her words spoke of a vulnerability that she'd never shown before, a fear that had never been touched on until now. She was always the one in grave danger, not Elanil.

After that, Elayne grew quiet again and nervously bit at her fingernails, trying just to calm herself especially as she felt a weariness growing in her body that was not natural. This twin bond was actually starting to irritate her. If her sister did feel these things like she was now, Elayne was not sure how Elanil put up with it, without bitching to her every time she came home from a fight.

[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Anya Venari"]
As surgery wrapped up, Elanil was moved into a recovery room to be allowed to wake from the anesthesia. The scientist's eyes finally fluttered open as she stirred on the gurney. Coming to, she was far more than out of it, barely able to move. The explosions she could hear but her mind couldn't process much that was going on around her. Words and exchanges of the doctors, nurses and droids only sounded like muddled background noise to her. She couldn't yet make them out.

Whimpering softly, seemed to draw someone's attention to her. "Let her wake. Keep her drugged with pain medications and the sedatives, but not enough to push her back under. That would be dangerous now."

"We need to move her, get her out of here before they get in here. We can't lose her to them."

"Agreed." Another replied.

"Dangerous but no other option. Be careful not to jar her neck, and body. It risks everything we've done. She needs to be still now, not moving, but I'm not seeing an option here that keeps her within our grasp." With that Elanil did feel the sting of more medications pushed into her IV line, keeping her from really truly waking in any quick regard. At least now she could sort of make out the words and knew they were from people around her. They were talking about her, that much she knew. But feeling soft restraints against her wrists, the redhead seemed keenly aware of the pain in her back, and the weakness in her body and didn't attempt to fight as she felt the bed start to move.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
As for Mirien she herself currently was in a state of panic though not an ounce of it showed on her face and in her careful movements as she stared at the data and glanced to the minion who had delivered the bad news to her. Though the rage was quite obvious and in that Mirien didn't care who saw it. She was livid at the news of what had happened so far. "What do you mean YOUR agent lost her?! How hard is it to keep track of one bloody dull scientist with no social life?!" She shouted, more than a bit irritated.

"Well ma'am .... Elanil went to get starcaf."

If looks could kill, the woman on the com screen in front of her would have been dead a thousand times over. Mirien blinked, and shook her head. "Starcaf? This explanation I hope you know thus far helps you none with the reduction in rank, pay, and whether or not I let you live to tell this tale." While she might not kill someone for failure these days, she wasn't above the threat. "So your agents that I gifted you to be in charge of slacked off, while she got coffee. Is that what you are telling me?! I give you one simple task. One job. You had one job. Make sure the agents under your charge kept track of a single woman. A task I can do in my sleep, alone.... Without another agent at all to help me. And in this, you ... they failed?! How? HOW?! Tell me you have something... Anything of the whereabouts of Elanil Saedaris."

"We did retrieve security footage that we are sending you now of who was seen helping her away as she seemed to be out of sorts."

"You mean drugged."


"Ugh. Again, not helpful." She leaned forward her head in her hands. "Find me something MORE. Get me MORE information. Someone knows something, find them. If you fail, you will meet with my extreme displeasure and find yourself out of a job. If Doctor Saedaris is harmed in any way by the time we find her, it is on your head and you will answer to her sister and myself." She snarled as she cut the link.

It was about that time her com beeped again. She lifted a brow recognizing the ice elf's name. "Miss Taldir ...." Mirien said coolly having managed to brush off her rage so casually. "To what do I owe this pleasure? Though I suspect this can only be about Doctor Saedaris. After all Elanil's sister is under your charge, yes?" After all it was the only reason in which she could see Kaida calling her in this moment. "I have much to do cleaning up someone else's mess in that regard. So do please do tell me how I can help you, and quickly. I have much work to do, finding the wayward scientist."

[member="Kaida Taldir"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"], [member="Elayne Saedaris"]

Someone a lot nicer than Kaida would've probably said something reassuring to Elayne. Or tried to calm her nerves. However, she was not a nice person or inclined to give pep talks. "Yes. Something tells me she's chewing someone out about this incident," she said and that was it.

Verily, she was always kind and considerate. Anyhow, Mirien replied to her call. Ice Queen overload! "I am looking for her as well. Do you have any information about her whereabouts? Or resources that could assist in finding her?" she asked, just as coolly. Clearly they would have to spend lots of time saying things coldly to each other, while chewing out other people or beating them up. All the while building up all sorts of belligerent sexual tension to feed the fangirls.
[member="Elanil Saedaris"]

Outside you could hear explosions, blasterfire and general mayhem. A small unit of Archangel HRDs was storming the place, which was being defended by antique CIS droids that had presumably been purchased at the scrap heap. Suffice to say, the struggle between the two forces was extremely unequal. The sharp crack of the bolter echoed across the halls, followed by the percussive crump when explosive bolts blew old-fashioned B-1 battle droids apart. Implacably advancing over the wreck of broken droids and the occasional hapless organic,

Callisto approached the room where Elanil was being kept. An automated turret appeared from beneath the ceiling and spewed out blaster rounds. Some bounced off her armour but the salvoe caused the droid to seek cover while Legionnaire battle droids drew the turret's attention. Loading ion shells she fired, short-circuiting the turret. HRDs and battle droids fanned out to secure the premise, while she approached the room. Inside the doctors and other medical personnel would hear a loud thomp against the door, then it was abruptly kicked open.

CRACK A high-velocity shattergun round ended the existence of a guard when it penetrated the skull. CRACK His comrade followed suite. "What...we're just...doctors..." The unfortunate fellow did not have time to complete his plea for mercy when Callisto fired once again. Brain matter splattered across the ground when the bullet made polite conversation with his cranium. A nurse who had thrown up her hands in surrender was just as unlucky. Within the passage of a few seconds, the only ones left were Callisto and a strongly sedated Elanil. "Doctor Saedaris has been secured. Prepare for extraction and have a medical team ready," Callisto transmitted, as she approached the prone form of the scientist.
[member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Mirien Valdier"]

Eyrecae Alzari was quite unaware of the family dramas of the Saedaris family. Fortunately for the young and impressionable minds of the lurking kiddies, she had just completed her visit to the Lady’s Haven where she had tried on some new and exciting clothing.
After all, despite the terrible disaster on Kaeshana people still needed exciting leather outfits and massage services!

As she wandered through the Skyport her commlink buzzed and she picked it up.
“Hello?” she asked.
The redheaded Eldorai stirred only slightly as Callisto approached. Green eyes focused on the woman, seemingly fearful and concerned. Though, Elanil did not move beyond a twist of her wrists against the restraints. Having heard what happened between the doctors above her, and the woman approaching, the Eldorai still wasn't terribly sure about her, or the situation as a whole.

Hearing Callisto's words, in part finally alleviated some of Elanil's fears. She was being rescued, that much she'd caught. But by who, that she wasn't exactly sure on. With even the slightest movement, her back and neck ached so finally Elanil just relaxed back on the bed and simply waited to see what would happen next. It wasn't like she was exactly capable of escape, or really even lifting her head at this point. So why bother?

Though quite uncharacteristically the redhead reached for Callisto as the woman stepped closer. She had never before been one for seeking comfort in any form, but this woman was helping to rescue her from a rather nasty situation. And truth be told after having been drugged, and forced into surgery like she had been, Elanil just wanted to be comforted, to be held. Anything so that she might feel protected once more.

"Help ... me...." Elanil whispered, her voice dry, and cracking. "Please ... help me." Now that was a word Elanil rarely if ever used. Please, was just not normally in her vocabulary. Then again until this moment, she thought herself a genius, but not the type that anyone would dream of kidnapping. Yet, here she was.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Elanil Saedaris"]

Verily, Elanil could not have been in better hands. The strong, but gentle hand of Callisto gripped the confused, frightened scientist when she reached out for her. The touch was firm, yet strangely gentle. After all, Elanil was a precious resource that needed to be preserved for the greater good. Truth be told, a part of Callisto believed that Skaldi's plan might have been needlessly convoluted, but no matter.

"You are safe, Doctor. The scum that took you and Ms. Alderana captive are all dead. I'm with Archangel," the redheaded killing machine with the face of an angel said in her most soothing tone. "Please, do not strain yourself or try to move; you'll only hurt yourself. You're still heavily drugged," she added and then swiftly undid the restraints holding Elanil in place.
Mirien managed to hide her surprise at Kaida being interested in helping find the scientist. While it did of course make sense to her, it still wasn't what she expected from Kaida based on the reports she'd received about the icy woman thus far. Maybe you and I .... aren't that dissimilar. The Human thought to herself.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips. The brunette's eyes shifted to the stack of datapads strewn across her desk. Pulling one from the pile, she skimmed it over. "As for resources, on the ground I have a team of seven on Fondor. Which was supposed to be following her every move .... in which they utterly failed ....." Mirien snarled beneath her breath, still more than a little pissed on that subject. "They currently are gathering what information they can from anyone present at the Cafe where Elanil was last seen, before she was taken."

Leaning forward, she brushed her hair back with both hands, sighing again. Clearly the former grand inquisitor was just a small bit stressed. "We've also obtained security footage from both the Cafe as well as the Science Conference. The footage from each is being sent to me now and I'll have it to start going over momentarily. If you'd like to come join me at my office, we can take a look at it before we head out. Alternatively, I can just meet you are the starport and we'll get a move on. That much is up to you, Miss Taldir. Also, I would be happy to give you access to the Firemane armory here, to take an item you believe will be necessary for this mission. Like you, I want Doctor Saedaris back and alive. She is far too valuable a resource to simple let slip through the cracks. Though I will yet murder that team of seven if even a single hair is harmed on her head." Mirien said frostily.

Though there was one more issue Mirien wanted to address, "I'm assuming that her sister, Elayne is within earshot and will want to join along on this adventure as well." Once more she sighed, "If so, bring her. She could be quite useful in finding Elanil if their twin bond holds true to the reports I have on the subject matter." Noooo, not creepy at all just how many people in which Mirien regularly kept tabs on. It was just part of her job, at least to Miri that totally counted as part of her job. "And if not, I still need all hands on deck to help bring Elanil back. Given the kind of resources needed to run an operation like this, to know about Elanil, her unique skills, to locate her, and have the team to just simply walk her out, drugged in broad daylight .... I can only assume that we are facing a large and organized threat. How large? No idea. So, the more people who would like to come along, who are skilled in combat and will not prove a liability, I am more than happy to have join us."

[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Mirien Valdier"]

Let the ice queen subtext begin! Kaida narrowed her eyes slightly at the mention of the agents failing. She was not very forgiving. Especially not after Kaeshana. "I see. Filling their lungs with liquid would be an efficient form of punishment," she said...very frostily. One could say it was Hoth levels of cold.

She tilted her head slightly when Mirien went on about Elayne. She was not happy about the fact that the spook was keeping tabs on 'her' Angelii. However, it was admittedly useful in this case. "Regardless, I appreciate your cooperation this matter. Speed's essential and travel to Fondor takes ages, so meet me in the Angelii hangar on the Skyport. I'll review the footage during the trip. If you have any additional assets that can provide aid, do call them." For a change 'assets' was not supposed to be code for corny innuendo. No, Kaida was all business.

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