Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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If Gods Can Create....And I Create....Then That Makes Me A God!

With every breath my ruined lungs took via my mask's tubes, the Dark Side burrowed itself deeper into my being. The young boy that once rebelled against his Father not only grew into a man, but a monster that his dead Mother would cry, cringe, and plea with the Gods to forgive. Redemption and salvation, those were Jedi traits designed to save the lost, for me, I was Sith and those two words meant nothing to me. For I was lost, and wished to remain that way.

I would be a liar if I said I wanted to be saved, for salvation was the mantra that killed the strong. I would be a liar if I said I wanted to be redeemed, for redemption was the stagnation that poisoned the free will thinking that ultimately created the perfect Sith. I was far from perfect, but I was beautiful in my own haunting way, and in time, that desecrated haunting image that I cheerfully imposed on others would make me perfect.

But knowledge....

...or the lack of it...

....was my downfall.

But like everything about my life, I sought to rectify the injustices this warm and cozy galaxy had dealt me. To me, my galaxy consisted of darkness and coldness, the only mantra that would ever course through my veins! In time, a war would be waged internally, and I knew where my loyalties lied, deep inside a lost boy to fester and grow until the true disease of what I was to become would blossom under a blood moon.

So I did what was only proper of me to do, encourage that disease, thus seeking out the knowledge to make me the epitome of perfection!

As the light gave over to the darkness on Glee Anslem, I sat in my bunk knowing what I wanted. Rather, what I craved to know. I wished to learn the dark nature of Sith Alchemy, but since I was nothing more than a wilted petal waiting for the torrent thunderstorm to spray upon me it's life given knowledge, a thought came to me. Holocrons! Those that possessed the knowledge I sought where fearful of passing it on, and rightfully so. It was incorporated into all young Sith to further their own advancement, and being the Sith way, a young learner such as myself was destined to learn from a Master, and when such time came apparent, eliminate that Master. But I wasn't strong enough, yet. So it would be holocrons for now.

The next day, I researched religiously to find the perfect teacher, one that would not punish me for failure while bestowing upon me the knowledge that I so desperately craved. And I found it. A holocron that once belonged to Ralen Keth had gone missing, last known sighting was on Dathomir, home to those witches.

But I was no fool, there was no way I could take that holocron alone, so I put out the feelers for assistance. Sitting on the ground next to my posting, I waited for those that wished to become perfect too, and thought of the beautiful ring I would create.

[member="Sera Inkari"] l [member="Ameli Trahir"]
Keth was a curiosity to our fledgling Sith Sorceress. She had inherited his relativist outlook upon life, but none of his drive for conflict. Holocrons were something perhaps to record permanence in an otherwise forever changing universe, windows to knowledge in and experiences saved for all time.

Soft of step, light grace across weed ridden ground. Kintan’s priestess came in familiar red robe, hooded with golden eagle down the side, perfection of skin and deep blue eyes if not for her burn marks across her cheek from Coruscant's skirmish, and her being buried alive. Another might be fazed, only she had foreseen her possible fates a thousand times, walking toward them with open palm to face each and do what she may.

Fate brought her here beside two other seekers of knowledge, to unlock secrets of alchemical creations to come. Treading lightly, eyes closed for part of their journey, our Mystic dipped her head arriving, naught but saberstaff and three simple pouches around her robe. Finally she opened them, "we seek seeded jungle". Keth had seeded worlds with holocrons, coins and other relics for inhabitants, so that more primitive tribes or cultures might evolve according to his wishes.

Clever but ultimately futile gesture if you were not present to guide those paths, Sera wouldn’t make the same mistake. She could give vague impression, which was imparted to both through their force as they arrived and prepared, though the final resting place of her dead Master's holocron could be now anywhere with his grip on it relinquished.

[member="Clovis Torcularis"] | [member="Ameli Trahir"]​
Leaving the location up to you! Can assume she boards any shuttle in any post either of you make.
Ameli Trahir was a fledgling alchemist herself. She had already successfully forged one creation, a ring, but she wouldn't stop at that. The blonde girl recognized that she was still new to the craft, and she was but an acolyte. The limits to her abilities were significant. Although like all Sith, she was constantly plotting on how to free herself of such shackles. This expedition she would be undertaking now would aid in that. She had not thought she would return to Glee Anselm so soon, or even at all. Loyalty was a fickle thing to her these days, but knowledge was not. She would seek it wherever she could find it. She had been an acolyte long enough and it was time to cast off the chains.

Ameli was not exactly your typical Sith. For one, there were few things she hated more than wearing those dreadful dark robes the Sith were so known for. As far as uniforms went, she was quite disappointed in the Sith. The girl had more refined tastes. At least she had some black on her this time. Ameli wore a tube top underneath a jacket. The top and jacket matched, both being of black scaled leather that probably at some point had been some animal's skin. Three large buttons were on the right side of the jacket, but it was kept open. Her long waist skirt contrasted with its white. The skirt was layered, and loose, with a thin, black leather belt. A lightsaber hilt hung on either side of her belt, one curved and one straight. The curved one was a new addition. She had... 'Borrowed' it. It was a new design that she wanted to try out. Perhaps she'd make her own eventually. Perhaps she'd hold onto this one.

The young Sith Acolyte had received the feelers put out by Clovis. This was precisely the sort of thing Ameli had been looking for. A holocron that could give her knowledge of Alchemy would be highly beneficial to her cause. So far she had only read up on tomes and that sort. This was far juicier a prize. As long as she got what she wanted she didn't mind sharing it, though she was prepared for the others having different ideas.

Prancing in like she owned the place, Ameli Trahir arrived at the agreed meeting place. Time to get this show on the road.

[member="Clovis Torcularis"] [member="Sera Inkari"]

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