Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Would Have Been Your Daddy... [TU Dominion of Zhar]


Cliff Wampas.

As if the regular sort of Wampa were not unpleasant enough in its own right, Cliff Wamps also had to be a thing. It was truly a testament to the nature of the galaxy that something as unpleasant as a Wampa could evolve into something far, far more unpleasant just by dropping a few of them on a relatively remote world and waiting a few dozen generations. But it wasn't enough that the galaxy was constantly conspiring to make life harder than it needed to be. No, Yuuzhan-Vong had to be thrown into the mix. They had to come into this galaxy, wage intergalactic war, and then expect everyone to be a-okay with them after they lost that war.

Then, when Rodians finally got tired of them stinking up their place, they had to run off to Zhar. They had to run off to Zhar and start messing around with the Cliff Wampa population. So now the already unpleasant, brutal Cliff Wampas weren't just disgusting, terrifying creatures. They were disgusting, terrifying creatures with a rapidly growing intelligence. They were using tools. They were using coordinated ambush tactics. They had tried to get their hands on guns. The residents of Zhar clearly needed professional help with this. Ending the threat these Cliff Wampas posed would help bring the Zhar System into Techno Union jurisdiction.

Also, they were kind of obliged to. The Vong responsible for this, allegedly, had fled Rodia in the wake of the massacre of their leaders and the exile of the rest of their people. Unforeseen consequences that would be dealt with now, swiftly and brutally.

Adekos' dropship landed smoothly on the floor of the Smuggler's Canyon- home to the largest population of the Cliff Wampas. It was joined in short order by others, mostly filled with droids, all here for the same purpose: thin the Cliff Wampa population, find the Vong currently at-large, and exterminate them with extreme prejudice. The bulky prosthetic that replaced his lost arm weighed heavily on the Umbaran, but this would all be good practice.

Elsewhere, other agents of the Techno Union would be pursuing different goals.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Location: Gall City
Objective: Charlie
Post: One

Marek Starchaser, Foreman of the Techno Union, CEO of Bright Star Entertainment, y’know the one. He was on Gall, the dustball moon that seemed to be the center of… what? Industry? Around Zhar. He had landed his Santhe Challenger, By Santhe (with real Corinthian Leather) at the space port and checked his look in the mirror. The full sized one that was on the main bed room’s ceiling. Yes, you heard right. He and a few of the other CEOs had a meeting planned with the local system’s government. The system needed sprucing up, and who better than the Techno Union?

He knew Eridium would be present, probably ATC as well. But right now? He was working to represent the Union as a whole and Bright Star. He had his team jet in ahead of him and propose a few sites for a resort casino here. One of those that would make use of the canyons and deserted environment. Cliff jumping, paragliding… Airspeeder racing. He had been briefed, and as the ranking member of Net Zillo, would be tossing Obsidian Order defenses in the system as well. Not a full academy, but at least defenses and a small citadel, to represent the order.

But first, let him take a selfie.

He looked good today. Everyone should see how good he looked.

Right, business? Yes.


Location: Smugglers Canyon
Objective: Bravo
Post: Two

Prime was activated. Prime was sent to Gall. Prime was hunting abominations. Prime did not enjoy the concept of the Yuuzhan Vong. They dislike technology and ruined perfectly good machines. They also changed what the galaxy already had to offer and somehow made it more organic. This did not sit well with Prime. That was why Prime was activated. Prime was in a hunter-seeker mode to destroy Wampas.

Wampas were big creatures and these were made even worse.

Not more dangerous. More ugly. Less pleasing. Better targets for Prime and the units it was working with. The unit was already making its way from the Onith Transport that was at the outskirts of the canyon. Prime was understanding that the Wampas were gaining intelligence, but that did not worry the droid. Working with TA-1s, instead of Clankers, Prime could take down many Wampas. And wear the skins.

The skins would fit better than Rodian or Iridonian skin.
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Taivas, Zhar System[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Many years ago, when the Galaxy was a different place, when the dynamics of the nations were vastly different and when the Techno Union was but an exotic particle discussed, pondered and prayed about by the capitalistic minds of the Galaxy… a man had managed to snatch a thing, which gave him access to a certain amount of intel.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]This particular thing were the extensive Jedi Archives. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]This had been years ago, but today it had become relevant again when Darth Carach had been made aware by the Union that they were planning on expanding their influence over the Zhar System. Because it was in the Zhar System that a certain planet was located and it was on that planet that they would find a secret and hidden enclave.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Few people would even know about it, and even fewer could realize its worth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]And so the Sith Lord decided to once again travel to the Union Space and help Starchaser in one of his crazy wild goose chases. Together with him in the Sekairo-class Stealth Transport was Tmoxin Temi, traitor to the One Sith. [/SIZE]hey had managed to resolve their differences, mostly because Carach really didn’t care all that much if she was a traitor to the Sith. What they didn’t know… couldn’t hurt them, correct?

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]So the Sith hummed softly to himself as he entered the bay and sat down next to the former Imperial Officer. All around them their support were already packing up their gears ready to move out, Royal Guards and the Saiba Security Commandos led by Darell Irani for this mission.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]In the meanwhile the corporate fleet of Eridium Industrial was already entering the Zhar System and unloading transports filled to the brink with equipment, engineers and other associated personnel that would start the uplifting procedures of the Zhar System. [/SIZE]The gas giant would be probed for valuable resources, the infrastructure of Gall City would probably need reconstruction and repairment duties, all in all there would be uplifting in this region of space and it would happen today.
Objective: A

The holoscreen flickered and vanished. It was the third time Raziel had watched the recording, and he was still unable to discern anything useful in the data stream.

"How much post processing have you done?" he asked.

"Plenty, and there's nothing to indicate what ended the probe's ingress," the technician replied.

"And it didn't just lose signal?"

"Nothing in the waveform to suggest so. It stopped abruptly, and its emergency beacon can get through twice as much rock."

Raziel nodded his head and walked away. At the base of the canyon an operating base had been set up. A mix of both military personnel and the original researchers who had tried to explore the ruins were camped out in tents, with thick cables running between them as they planned the next move.

Down in his gut, a concoction of emotions started to swirl. He could clearly sense the danger, but excitement mingled with the apprehension. There was no calculating risks here, no long game. This would be a challenge of his wits and skills, with his own life at stake. Just like zenith prime. For someone who had no clear desires or goals, he was reduced to simple methods of keeping himself going: find challenges and overcome them. Spynet represented the long game, the great game. Sometimes Raziel needed to test himself in more basic ways.

"I'm going to need a team. Slicers, techies, soldiers, scouts. Get another probe ready, but this time we're following it in."
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Location: Smuggler's Canyon

Objective: B

The tails of his black cloak flapped in the haunting cry of the breeze that rustled through the canyon as Dûvain stepped off his Arctis Genetics shuttle. How odd, to travel this way. No warping of air or sudden appearances. But then again, traveling this way hadn't landed him directly in the middle of a firefight. The Hybrid's mouth twitched. He turned to regard his incipient peons, Arkanians all.

Hmm, how he would love to flay them alive, then set them in front of a mirror while he did the same to their children and their children's children. Yet this amused him. The created had subsumed his creators. Once he had merely slain any he encountered, now he could rule them. Their lives were at his whim and it gave him... what did they call it?... Satisfaction. Even if he knew how futile the efforts at control were. The galaxy was not order. It was chaos filled with beings delusional enough to try and create order. He would pretend to be one of them for a while, before he unleashed cruel entropy, then he could feed on the ambrosia of their shock.

The underlings fanned out, equipped with stun net launchers as they searched for Cliff Wampas. They were not hard to find.

Imagine angry apes. Now give the apes claws and make them gigantic. Now imagine a horde of angry, giant, clawed apes. Now imagine landing a bunch of noisy shuttles in the middle of what was essentially their home.

A tan shape blurred down from above. One of the Arkanians reacted instantly, spinning and launching a stun net. The sparking net encapsulated the raging beast and brought it down in screams and muffled thrashing.

"Got him. Quick someone tag h-"

A second shape landed directly on top of the Arkanian. Humongous paws swiped in a flurry of motion, spraying bright scarlet ichor into the air and leaving a mauled corpse.

Dûvain grimaced. It simply wouldn't do to have all of them die, but he did enjoy the way that arrogant slime's guts were now exposed to the open air. Perhaps he'd watch for a few moments still.
Location: Gall
Objective: Alpha
Allies: *shrug*

Orick looked at the mountain pass and shook his head. The rocky pass was only 2 meters across and it looked ready to colapse at any minute. The right side of the pass was a sheer cliff that dropped several hundred meters onto a jagged bead of rocks and who knew what else. His contacts had dropped him tip about some old imperial cache of some kind or another, something from back when the empire was still a thing. He doubted there was anything left to find, but the chance of finding something valuable had led him here.

He took a tentative step forward and sighed, this pass was going to make him regret that he had decided to wear armor, as the weight might be too much for the ancient rocks to handle. He glanced back at the dozen battle droids that he had brought along for support and he frowned. He wanted one of them to go first to test the weight, but he didn't want to lose the path if it did crumble. He slowly began to walk forward, each foot carefully judging the ground before he put his full weight on it. He turned to the droids and held up a hand, " Wait here, I'll signal when it's clear to follow . Do not move at all until then." He didn't want the extra weight of droids getting him killed, especially stupid battle droids.

This score could be just the thing he was looking for to put him over the top, to get him the capital he needed to take his smuggling operation to the next level, empire status. His plan had changed over the years and he was tired of getting arrested at every port he visited, he wanted others to do that dangerous stuff while he dealt with the movers and shakers and made the big deals that paid big dividends.

He just had to climb the mountain, he chuckled as he thought about it, while he figured out how to climb this specific mountain without getting killed.
Location: Taivas, Zhar system
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"]
Post: 1/20

The galaxy certainly did work in mysterious ways. It wasn’t that long ago that Tmoxin Temi, ex-Commander of the Blood Monarchs fled the fortress-world of Annaxes to escape from the service of a dangerous Sith Lord, Darth Carach, leaving behind her beloved yacht and her esteemed post in the Imperial Inquistion for the One Sith.

And here she sat on the bridge of a ship, her new companion on this trip to Taivas, none other than the Voice of the Dark Lord, Darth Carach himself. She wouldn’t have guessed it in a million ABY.

While Tmoxin was now the CEO of Morpho Pharmaceuticals, her and Gerion Ardik’s business was fledgling and she was still broke from sinking her money into a failed cloning company. She had offered her services to the Techno Union for credits and to salvage whatever she could from the Jedi Temple they were looking for. Apparently, it was constructed of a wide variety of starships from the Nebulon-B escort frigate to even a Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser. And of course the valuable Jedi Archives which would be of much interest to Carach.

“So I have to ask you… did you kill my decoy or not?”

The night the Hapan had escaped from Carach, she had sent her pretty, slave girl Marta out to distract the Royal Guards which had been holding her hostage, while she booked the next public transport shuttle off of the planet. She was curious as to whether the red-haired decoy had survived.

As she awaited his answer, she checked the coordinates for Taivas and on her datapad she reviewed a fact sheet on the planet. It appeared that aside from some bioluminescent octopoid creatures, there wasn’t much in the way of predators that they had to worry about.

Sieb Tevv

A green and gold scaled crocodilian stepped off the shuttle, a pace behind [member=Adekos]. He wore twin blades on his back, which curved like sickles, but these were Ryyk swords, forged to reap flesh. The reptilian walked with a hunch, made all the worse by a long head which jutted out of his body at a nearly ninety degree angle. Long arms hung down below his knees and he moved with deceptive sloth, murky eyes blinking lazily. One clawed hand clutched a Geonosian sonic blaster, with a modified trigger made to larger and more conventional standards. Standard body armor was strapped to his chest, though it would likely do little good against the bludgeoning power of a Cliff Wampa.

Sobek, for that was the Saurton's name, shambled forward. He opened a long mouth filled with yellow fangs, with bits and pieces of unnamable objects stuck in various crevices. The saprostomous stench that rolled forth at the opening of that maw was positively unconscionable.

"What are your orders, M'lord?" said the crocodile to the umbaran.
Objective: A

Raziel gently eased the power pack home into the carbine and set it to stun. He checked the rest of his gear: smart grenade launcher with cryoban and ion pulse grenades; his saber; a pair of holdout pistols. He didn’t bring any scanning gear himself; the remotes would handle that and relay all the information back to the HUD of his Nightshrike armour.

“If anyone else turns up to go on this jolly, give them the mapping data and get them to catch up,” Raziel instructed one of the TU battle droids.

“Understood, a Platoon more Hailfire droids are ready for extraction,” it replied in its bland tones.

Raziel didn’t reply, he merely nodded. An ancient imperial supply depot, and given the loss of their drones this morning, it seemed some defences were still active. As enthralling as it was, as he stepped into the narrow crevice, he couldn’t help but imagine the hundreds of metres of rock forming his tomb.
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Freanne"]
Enemies: Dunno

Supporting the Techno Union wasn’t hard, in fact it was quite lucrative. Already they had placed me in a position of authority and paid me millions of credits for very little of my hardware as it stands. Reaching the surface was easy, and the small group of ArmaTech Security that was here would be more than enough to make a mess of whatever was at the supply depot. One Hundred ground troops, all wearing black painted Olympian armor and carrying ADWS guns. The first six tanks rolled off the transport with the loud rolling of treads and engines revving.

Then the thunderous stomps of metal feet shock the boarding ramp. With a bestial roar of engines, hydraulics, and drive units the Mythosaur Mobile Fortress, urging the metal monstrosity forward. Twenty more black armored warriors rode inside, along with four more Redeemer Battle Tanks in its hold. I stood in the Operations Command Center, a small room given its equipment, but effective nonetheless. From here I could direct all of my forces and the vehicle itself. Primarily it was required to even attempt to direct its myriad of guns. The MAC gun atop the swiveled to face the depot. The rain could be called by our scouts at a moment’s notice. And it was a rain of pain.

Contact Scout One and tell her we are dirtside,” I said to the Communications officer. He deftly cycled through encrypted channels to contact [member="Freanne"] with the update. “Keep me posted with her progress.”

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Objective: Charlie
Location: Gall City
Post: Three

Marek looked around his ship to make sure he had everything he wanted. He took his belt and slipped the holster on. Gall was a world that was built on smuggling, and while he was not the best at it, especially since he became a legitimate business person, they would still most likely respect the call of the gun, and the credit. On his hip was his revolver, the one he called Kala, and under his jacket, in a docker’s clutch was the Yrkaa Sidearm, produced by Net Zillo. They were both small weapons and would work for different purposes.

Stepping from the Challenger, he wished he made a call to the rest of the CEOs that it was time to make a move. Or at least contacted Sasha about it. He could always use her to flirt her way into a business deal because knowing this writer, Marek was going to be dealing with a bulbous Mon Calamari with a flatulence problem. But still, he needed to work on boosting the infrastructure here, and bringing in a port for gambling cruise liners? That would work.

He had a pair of TA-1s, the Hydras were out on maneuvers in the Canyons helping with the vermin, that followed him into the city. Once he arrived, he made his way to the capital building, he had an appointment with the board, and knew he’d meet up with some of Eridium’s NPCs.

Right, [member="Darth Carach"]?
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Carach leaned back in the seat, closing his eyes and simply [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]listening[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] to the tune of the world. Every situation, every moment, every ponder had a soft little tune and it was [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]beautiful[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px], but it had to wait because it was at that moment in time that Temi decided to speak.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]A question was raised and the Sith Lord could only chuckle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Miss Temi, do you really believe that I wasn’t aware it was a decoy?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Voice of the Dark Lord stretched himself lazily, feeling every fiber of his being filled with the power and invigoration of the Force, he felt [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]alive[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] and it was a good feeling. But in the end those closed eyes would open, amber disks looking next to him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Sizing up his prey? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“I simply wished to know with whom you were going to meet.” the littlest of shrugs was made, broad shoulders finishing the gesture. “When I realized you were fleeing to my own friends?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Devilish grin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“I no longer had a stake in taking you prisoner.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Which did not really tell her what he had done with the decoy, she probably should know that though, it was a fair thing to do. “I had no quarrel with the slave girl and she was free to go.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Yes, [member="Marek Starchaser"]. That's right, Eridium Industrial personnel would be awaiting the earliest convenience to jump out of the woodworks to help out in any way they can.[/SIZE]
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Dunno

Lieutenant Roscoe got the message form Major Vereen, that they had landed on they soon expect information. Her troops were currently using the new recon armour, and had their standard harpy with them. This was the first time using the recon armour, it was lighter than the phase armour used by the standard troops, but it did have shadow silk in it. This meant moving unseen was much easier, and this made task whole lot easier. She had moved her platoon up to a vantage point. Over looking the supply points, she checked what was moving down their using scope on her rifle. She moved to hidden point to relay a message to this new major, she was behind a tree when she took her hood off. She then took the radio, and encrypted her message back to hq. ​This is Lieutenant Roscoe, we are overlooking the objective theres atleast a few hundred vong troops down there. There is possibly more inside the buildings, they looked ready and supplied for war. She then sent him the exact coordinates for the depo, and then signaled with her hand for the platoon to move. There message may not be read, but they may have located them through sending it. It was time to move on, to somewhere safer.


Location: Smuggler's Canyon
Objective: Bravo?
Post: Four

Prime was a droid. Prime had no rank. Prime had no formal position. Prime was only burdened with glorious purpose. That purpose? Eliminate enemy run times. Eliminate the virus known as the Rebel Alliance from the galaxy. But first? Purge the plague of the Yuuzhan Vong, those that wished to disrupt the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Prime was welcoming the challenge. The Vong were always angry when they witnessed the droid walking. And the droid knew that it would be born again in Valhalla, all shiny and chrome.

Erroneous code. Droids did not live. Military programming and hardware.

Prime was awaiting control, if any organics requested the unit’s assistance, it would redirect its platoon and efforts. Until then? It was making its way along the canyon wall. And would hunt down Vong and Wampa alike. The droid sent four units forward and kept the rest scattered behind it. The paths were not very wide, and at the end, it was likely that Boba Fett was there. The units were not finding any enemy forces yet.

Prime was not worried. Prime would wear wampa skin within the next 7 posts.
Location: Taivas, Zhar system
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"]
Post: 2/20

It was quite a relief to know that Marta had survived as Tmoxin didn’t need any more blood on her hands. She hoped that her new business venture would help ease her guilty conscious somewhat over the last few months of the crimes she had willingly perpetrated on behalf of the One Sith.

Surprisingly, the Voice of the Dark Lord was more merciful than she had imagined. And well, she had an inkling of that when he approached her in the Officer’s Club and he had offered her a way out of the messy entanglement she had gotten herself into. And thinking back on that night, he had done so in the most peculiar, slightly maddening way that nearly made her blush to remember it.

Her brown eyes met his amber ones and said, “Your compassion towards my slave is very admirable. I suppose I can’t really say the same for myself.” She felt a slight pang of regret which passed quickly because she honestly couldn’t convince herself she would not use a similar tactic again if her fair hide was back on the line.

“Also admirable is your lack of loyalty to the Sith,” she said smirking. “And your abundance of loyalty to yourself.”

This was spoken in all sincerity. Tmoxin did admire powerful, ambitious individuals and Darth Carach had these qualities in spades. Part of her wondered if his arresting presence was going to be a help or a hindrance to her in the days to follow.

To distract herself from his gaze, she followed their course on the console screen and set her chrono to Taivas time.
Location: Gall
Objective: Alpha
Allies: [member="Raziel"]

The small cave entrance was almost impossible to see from the air, but standing here on the ledge it was hard to miss. It was the only way left for Orick to go, unless he decided that he wanted to see if he could fly. He crouched down a bit and stepped into the cave, his visor automatically switching to low light optics. He could make out the small door across the small cave and wondered if that was going to be the way in to the supposed cache. He knew that there were a lot of resources being put into getting through the main entrance, but that meant he would have to share the findings with anyone he went into the building with. If he could manage to gain access this way, well, he would be much further along than anyone else.

He approached the door and thought about calling a few of the droids forward, but they weren't going to do much good wit hthis next part. He pulled the small probe out of a pouch on his belt. He ran the probe along the small door looking for the access point that he knew was going ot be there. The imperial cache was old tech, and while it was still encrypted and advanced, it wasn't as advanced as what he had now.

The probe beeped and he stopped long enough to see the small security panel built into the wall. He put the probe away and pulled out the small datapad with his slicing tools on it. He began running the security routine that he hoped would punch right through the encryption on this old system. He saw the numbers scrolling down the screen and one by one the numbers began to form until he had a solid tone. He pressed a small button on the datapad and the door cycled and opened. He jumped back a bit as he was met with a wall of pressure, whatever had happened to this site, it had sealed itself up and had become pressurized.

With a smile he tapped his comms, " Begin moving forward to my location, one at a time." He radioed to the droids and turned the comms back off. He took one tentative step into the dark bunker and stopped. He pulled the small probe back out and crouched. He needed to check for traps before he moved any deeper into the structure.
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Freanne"]
Enemies: Vong

"Affirmative, Laze and call the rain at will Lieutenant." I told her, turning to the Fire Control Officer in the OPs Station, "Unlock missile port one and two. Fire once Target is confirmed and locked." He nodded and quickly moved to complete the order. We were still twenty klicks out from the depot, and the Mythosaur Mobile Fortress was hardly fast, in fact it was down right slow. What it did have was the benefit of extreme range ground weapons. Strike missiles and a 420mm Heavy Magnetic Accelerator Cannon, it could lay down the law from here, and it was still pushing forward. Just slowly. "Redeemer Squad, pull forward one hundred meters fore of the Mythosaur. Keep eyes open and steady." Tactical coordinators in the station quickly relayed orders to the troops moving around under my command.

With the scouts overlooking the objective it wouldn't be hard clear a path into the facility. Clearing it out would be another matter entirely however, as the Mythosaur was far too large to search the facility. Instead it would simply protect it once we arrived, standing over and around it like a beast protecting its prey while ArmaTech troops secured it and searched it for anything of worth.
Location: Gall City
Objective: D, Find companies to invest in
Allies: [member="Max Rumor"]
Post 1/20

The luxury casinos that Starchaser was proposing to build on Gall would be generous cash cows, indeed. However, the Bright Star business ventures would take some time before they made sound investments for Eeth's rich clients. So therefore, Eeth Forte, prominent Investment Banker and CEO of the Intergalactic Bank of Manda, took a private shuttle to Gall City to see if he could find a corporate diamonds in the rough on the habitable moon of the gas planet of Zhar.

The key word here was rough, as the planet was made up mainly of forests and canyons. However there were a few scavenger operations on Eeth’s radar. But were they legitimate enough for his newest client, Max Rumor, the infamous Cathar lawyer of Max, Rumor and Funk? Eeth sure hoped so. One thing was for sure: At least there would be no Jawas to deal with. Eeth hated Jawas. Well, to be fair, Eeth hated everyone who wasn't a client or a fellow business leader of the Techno Union. It was funny how many idle minutes he could while away fantasizing about creative and bloody deaths for most who crossed his path. Even Jawas. Especially Jawas.

Flanked by two human bodyguards, Eeth strode down the landing ramp of his luxury shuttle, tap-tap-taping away on his Browncoat Datalogger. He had agreed to meet his client at a nearby gym, to squeeze in a mid-afternoon workout. The Maker only knew what kind of gyms this planet had. Most likely the kind that made you want to bathe in hand santizer.

Siyndacha Aerin

Zhar System, Gall
Smuggler's Canyon
Post 1/20

The invitation had come as a surprise, perhaps welcome, perhaps not. She went, anyway, as Darth Carach had already seen fit to acquire some company for himself, in the form of Tmoxin Temi, and they were already to it at another location, assisting Marek Starchaser. Three was always a crowd, four was sardines, and to hear that someone else was just as imbued with that which she needed... well. It was worth discerning whether that was fact or not. She stepped up next to [member="Adekos"] and watched as [member="Dûvain"] and [member="Prime"] went forth to cut the population of Vong-touched Cliff Wampa down to an acceptable size. There was only one acceptable size, considering...

"This kind of pursuit is out of my depth," she said, watching the HYDRA war droid with particular interest, "organics are outside of my expertise."

That was not a complaint; rather, it was fact. A fact she intended to change, in every way reasonably possible and in some unreasonable ways, if necessary. One hand effected a faint, momentary twitch, the want to see just what she could manage to do with what she did know... but such interference seemed so very unnecessary at this point.

"You invited me to join you, Adekos. I feel I know the reason. So, then..." her head turned in the slightest, to the side and just so, upward, pale, silvery blues looking on him, "...prove to me that hearing what you have to say, and continuing to listen, wouldn't be a waste of my time."

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