Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I understand you've suffered a loss

"I hear you lost some planets. Lots of them," was all Davon would say to whoever picked up the priority call from the Mandalorian clans. "My name is Davon Karr. I am the Mand'alor's Ramaanar. I hope this conveys to you how seriously we are taking this matter. I am going to be occupied with seeing just how much of a mess you've allowed to happen so I am sending some trusted individuals to your space. They are coming to find out what your version of recent events. I would greatly appreciate your honesty in these matters. They should be with you within a day."

Davons voice never faltered, his expression was grave. The cycle, it seemed, would continue well beyond his life time. Burn the nest of snakes only to find some smaller ones in another field. Leave them to grow and risk being swallowed.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Ijaat Mereel"]
[member="Cole Dagos"]
Cole adjusted the sling on his arm. He was getting better thankfully............well enough that he only had to wear the thing during the day. Which was good considering it was a mother fether trying to sleep wearing the thing.

He was headed to speak with a government who had apparently royally screw the pooch. A lot of innocent people died and the Mandalorians wanted to know the how and why. Cole could empathize with the sentiment. He admitted his own experience with being on the receive end of a rogue government officials actions made this a particularly difficult thing for Cole to ignore.

His sister [member="Kaia"] was the only person on this trip he knew. The others were unfamiliar to him. Cole had left his armor at what had been his home for the last few weeks. Instead he wore slacks and a nice shirt. Cole however was wearing his blaster pistol as he was not stupid but he had highs hopes he would not need it. Besides Mandalorians never went without their armor so he was sure things were going to be ok if this inquiry was more accurate went south.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"] [member="Davon Karr"]
It still wasn't custom made, but the armor he wore was at least beskar and had more than a few custom modifications. He still hadn't bothered to reclaim Mereel's armor. That was a legacy he had no intent to bear, and that frankly he wasn't sure his people had earned of him. Plain metal, scored here and thereby battle, fold marks from the forge still seen plain on it, sat his frame. A new cybernetic was easily apparent for his one arm, and other technological enhancements, from places like iBorg and elsewhere were easily seen. No trust was displayed to these Silver Jedi as he walked his way to the egress hatch of his ship. Buc'ye was on, and a seal could be activated to hard vacuum with a blink, and a fierce and deadly Shacklebolt rifle was gripped tightly in his hands. Other weapons were harnessed to him, and indeed he came armed fully for war.

Though, if anyone was astute, they'd notice the utter void of emotion radiating from him in the Force. His senses, considerable even for a Force User, were pouring into space around him. Every possible turn of events was being searched for fulcrums and weak points, and his mind felt like it was plugged into raw circuitry. His hand drummed the hilt of his short sword, which had the rather significant markings of a peace binding. There was twisted wire and leather cording around the hilt and scabbard. Twisted in such a way as to anchor the sword in the sheath and prevent it from being drawn. A marker of trust that he had to make. Loaded guns were something, to his people, that you sometimes even ate with. But the blade bound just so would be a healthy indicator that violence wasn't his mission.

It might happen. He would not mourn overmuch if it did. But he was here for a different purpose. Settling the warden cloak on his frame he stretched, bionic limb whirring a bit as he did. He'd have to thank that doctor someday, really he would. For now, he merely waited at the top of the ramp, impatiently at that, for some sort of envoy or the like to show. Still wasn't too sure about the Clans sending him, of all people, as an envoy. But he had vague and brief connections to the Silvers, studying under Coci for a moment after his rebirth. It was enough to be significant in his superiors eyes, so he didn't really argue.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Cole Dagos"]

Kaia and her brother were approaching the meeting place, like her brother she wasn't wearing armor but she was armed with a small blaster pistol. Of the 4 she was probably the most nervous. She didn't know much about the jedi other then what was common knowledge but it was enough to make her worried about what they could do if things did go south. Kaia glanced at Cole and was about to ask him a question but as she looked over to him her eyes were drawn to the sling supporting his arm. It was uncomfortable seeing her brother hurt like that. Realizing she was starting to stare at the sling she looked back to where she was walking asked Cole

"Cole... Have you ever dealt with jedi before?"
Cole looked over at his sister and shrugged.

"Not really." "Don't put much stock in this whole Force thing." "Just give me a good blaster and a few good men................or women who know how to use them."

He chuckled and reached out putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Not to worry Kaia." "If anything goes south we got these guys are more than capable of getting stuff done."

He winked at her.

"Besides your big brother is no slouch.............. I got this."

[member="Davon Karr"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"] [member="Kaia"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]​
[member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Cole Dagos"] | [member="Kaia"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]​

Waiting. It made him impatient. Truth be told, he was one of the few Mandalorians of note who had any sort of connection to the Silvers. And his was very minimal at best. [member="Coci Heavenshield"] probably didn't exactly connect his face from their brief lessons to that of the haggard Iron Father of the Mandalorians. Sighing, he checked a chronometer. As the only real proper Mandalorian on this one, and easily the most senior of many, he had a sort of informal leadership. There had been a gift planned to the Silver Jedi on his end. A symbol of goodwill, made by his own hands on the trip here from Mandalore. It was rare he did much work of a purely ornamental variety. But, he understood that meetings like this had a certain symbolism and protocol to follow. Gestures sometimes meant more than words, really.

Gesturing back into the shadows of his ship, an astromech trundled forward hauling a repulsor lifted casket with a transparisteel top. It rolled down the ramp to where Ijaat waited. Nestled inside was a beautifully carved and forged replica of an olive branch, oddly enough. Well, to be perfectly truthful it was a bundle of them, bound by electrum bandings capped with symbols of both factions. The idea was that, provided the Silvers did their part and were honest, it would be a gift symbolizing that the two peoples would work together to keep the peace and fix this debacle. But, again, Jedi had proven they were too high and mighty. They were notified of his coming, and of the meeting, by the Cuir Rekr, @Davo Karr. It was no ambush diplomacy or anything.

Yet still, he waited. No one came to greet him. No message of regret. More than a few hours had he stewed with his temper. And now? Now it hand honestly broken past the point of recall. You didn't get to ride upon your high horse to the rest of the Galaxy, claiming Light and Honor. and then spit on people extending a truce they had no obligation to extend in the first place. His eye behind the visor was a narrow slit of pure fury as he gazed on the second item in the gasket. Priceless beyond worth, really. It was a war axe from the Crusades, made of real mythosaur bone. One from his personal armory and collection. Things like these were almost lost to his people, and it was included with the symbol of peace to represent the restraint and support the Mandalorian Clans would offer.

But a different plan lurked now that they had woken his ire.

The casket hissed open at his deft touch, and he withdrew the axe. Hefting it, spinning it in his hands, he smiled thinly behind the T-Visor of his helmet. Dockhands nearby seemed nervous, he could tell that even without the Force. Their fear was a palpable thing that any veteran of war learned to taste on the wind of battle just the same as the coppery tang of blood and the stench of burnt flesh. Muscles quivered as he raised the ancient weapon and focused his mind and the Force and his muscles to the task. Worn and salt-stained leather that had been grasped by countless hands creaked in his grasp, and he sighed in regret as he brought the weapon down in a savage strike aimed for the middle of the velvet lined casket of durasteel.

As he struck, anyone nearby would feel a swell in the Force, and particularly those precognizant or mystically inclined to visions and the like, near and far, would feel a sense of foreboding and dread. The closer they were, the stronger it would become, with those nearest feeling almost an insufferable wave of anger and contempt boiling from where Ijaat stood in his armor. The axe sliced cleaned through casket and branch,stopping only at the repulsor bands the casket was held in, and the impact nailing it to the hangar floor. A thud and depression of air resounded and the Mandalorian sagged for a moment, ragged breath raging from his helmet. He had only wielded this ability once before to this level, and both times it had left him drained and weak for days.

Turning, he ripped the anchors of his cloak off and let it fall, the twinned emblems of Clan Mereel and the Mandalorian people thudding to the ground. They would know who had been here. And unless they had no wisdom between them, they would know what his feelings were. Whilst he had not the authority to declare war in earnest, there was little else to be done from his end. And given he had been trusted enough to be sent on this mission, it was unlikely that he would be ignored. A great deal it would take, in his estimation, for the Council and Cuir Rekr and Manda'lor to not feel the same or think the same of this failed encounter as he did. So he stalked up the ramp to his ship, droid clattering behind him without the casket, and sent out a broadwave to his cohorts as his armor connected to his ships comms.

"Mereel to the Mando'ade delegation.... The Silvers have seen fit to play haughty and ignore us. I left a message... Return to your ships at once and leave system. Do not stop to bandy words with the jetti'se even if they show. They had their chance. Times up."

Slumping into the command chair and drawing a haggard breath he ripped his helmet off and dropped it to the co-pilots seat. His hair was matted with sweat, more black than dark brown because of it, and sticking and clinging to his scalp. Beads of it dotted his forehead. But the look in his cold eyes was utter iron and death. And he began sending a comm to the one who had sent them on this mission, to tell him of his findings, as his ship lifted off and left. They could try and stop him, he supposed... But a beskar hulled ship would be hard to stop, and they'd loose any claim to moral high ground if they did. And that seemed very important to these Silvers. Which saddened him. Thoughts of them initially had proven him wrong. He hated being wrong.
[member="Ijaat Mereel"] [member="Kaia"]

Cole heard the message from Mereel and nodded. It seemed the silvers didn't want to talk. As they could feel the ship start to turned around he looked at Kaia.

"Guess we should just consider this a dry run..............a bit of practice." "Seems like our would be hosts don't want any guests today."

Cole shrugged he had gotten all dressed up for nothing. It was kind of rude of the silvers to turn them away. Then again what more could you expect from a group rumored to have committed mass genocide.

Cole kicked back his feet and decided to take a nap for the trip back. This group was not very chatting but it was fine with him.

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