Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I, Spy (Rebel Alliance - Jamoura)

Sure, scouting and spying on the enemy was a normal job for Betna. Sure, he enjoyed the well paying jobs. Sure, he was used to the occasional, unusual jobs.

This was a bit more than unusual though.

He was accustomed to scouting out enemy positions ahead of an attack or creeping about to find the best vantage point that offered both cover and fire lanes. This, though, was a tad unusual. Unusual it may be, however, Betna was far from unprepared.

Designed to combat the One Sith during the wars in the past, the Shev'la Prudii was perfect for the role. The Pathfinder was kitted with a stygium cloak, hiding it from sensors and eyesight with ease and reliability. On top of this was the gravitic modulator that hid the ship from mass detectors, making the ship capable of remaining undetected. An advanced passive sensor package took up some of the cargo capacity of the ship and allowed him to quietly scan around the systems he was within with little to no risk of detection. Sure, the ship still had it's original active scout-grade scanners, but the passive scanners were far, far safer to use in such situations.

It was within such a ship that Betna arrived in system. On average, most space-traffic control systems operated within the gravity wells of the main inhabitied planets. A nation at war, however, would often extend their monitored areas to the entirety of the system itself. As it was, Betna decided to play it safe and plotted a hyperspace course beyond the edge of the system.

Such a route would take longer to arrive in system, but would almost guarantee an undetected hyperspace signature. From there, it was a simple matter of cloaking the ship and entering the system.

The lines outside of his cockpit glass of his Pathfinder slowly shrunk to stars and, when the sensors on board chimed to let him know he had arrived safely, he scanned over his systems once more. Satisfied that he had arrived where he'd wanted to, he activated the stygium cloak and set the ship forward.

At worst, it would take him a good, long while to start picking up data with the passive scanners. At best... it would probably still be a fair bit of time. For now, though, all he could do was watch his sensors... and wait.

[member="Krasnaya Xue"]
Max sat cross legged atop one of the towering spires that dotted the planet's surface and had become home to many of the Rebellion's forces of late. A cool wind blew itself over the dimly lit landscape. The sun had nearly disappeared over the horizon. Below lights dotted the sands as the military carries out it's duties. There hadn't been much rest for anyone since the corporate bastards decided they had a right to a planet's sovereignty. With the tunnels relatively complete Max had decided to do a little climbing. It was an exercise he'd done since his late teens. Something that had helped him immensely in his Stormtrooper days. He'd equated the climbs to a mental or emotional trouble of his.

A cigarette filled with a hallucinogenic plant local to the wastes of the planet sat smoking in the corner of his mouth. He wore only his boots and trousers. Next to him sat a large scoped slugthrower he'd brought over with him when he defected. Thirteen had died from it.

He felt an unusual peace almost in spite of himself as tinges of purple and a whole spectrum of colors opened up to him while the light died. For the first time in years he felt he was contributing to something good in a galaxy full of evil. Something worth killing and dying for.

His eyes widened and it seemed as if all that he'd ever been and would be was laid before him.

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