Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private I Roved Out: Ch 3 - What We've Become

"Oh... nothing... nothing at all. Just an idle thought." He quickly looked away and stuffed his face with the sandwich to forestall any further questioning. Unless she stopped him, he'd quickly make the brisk walk towards the pilot nest.

No more awkward questions, thanks.

Loxa Visl Loxa Visl
A narrowed look of wayward uncertainty followed his quickly retreating form, but the witch did not. Though oddly out of context from anything they had discussed thus far, a question about her hair was hardly anything to concern herself over for more than a passing curiosity. Loxa quickly took the plate that had previously hosted the sandwhiches, rinsed and dried it, then placed it away with the others before departing from the kitchen as well.

While he holed up in the pilot's nest, Loxa quietly explored the ship. It was not especially easy to remember the various places he'd pointed out before, but with such close quarters it was also not difficult to discover on her own.

She found herself in the cargo hold where there was a bit of space to stretch without having to worry about hitting a bulkhead. It was there in a corner that she unfurled from her travel pack a woven sling that she fashioned into a hammock by tying off the ends to the durasteel girders lining the ceiling (after some skillful climbing efforts of her own). Loxa settled her staff securely into a nook and hung her travel bag from it before climbing into her hammock and tucking in.
The ship came to a halt several hours later.

Enough to get some nice shut-eye, but perhaps not necessarily enough to feel entirely refreshed. Sometimes it be like that however. He didn't immediately wake her. Something about her hanging off the ceiling was... no, it was nothing. Khal quickly interrupted THAT flow of thoughts and got to work instead.

Only once the jerrycans were ready, the fuel pipe was cleaned out and the mag-lock was in-place did Khal look up to the hammock.

"Rise an' shine, sunny. Time for our refueling stop."

Regardless of if she'd follow immediately or not, he'd disengage the ramp and walk down onto the station itself. Nothing to write home about. Just a fuel depot hanging suspended in the average center of their journey.

It had the usual appliances- fuel, a few smaller stores with other kind of supplies, the usual.

"We can buy some chit we might need as well. I got some spare credits for that."

Loxa Visl Loxa Visl
In those few short hours Loxa dreamt once again of an unknown planet and a temple grown from a single tree. Everything had played through in a haze of greens and golds, with people passing by like ghosts of a life long past. The man was there as well, though she could not fully make out his face she knew, instinctively, that it was him. They were in a room within the temple, he seated and she walking - no, pacing. Not an anxious stalk, but a slow and thoughtful meander about the room, circling both man and a large table with a deep, black top of stone.

They were speaking in Paecean though the words were muffled to the point she could not understand. The discussion felt ... serious. The mood felt dour and foreboding. Her pacing stopped as she came to face the blurry figure of the man once more. Loxa felt the weight of great duty upon her. An oath far stronger and deeper than their own blood-bond. But she also felt the weight of life and looked down to find her belly engorged. A hand lifted to rest there, curiously, naturally.

She felt a kick.

"Rise an' shine, sunny. Time for our refueling stop."

Loxa's eyes shot open, greeted by the cold metal interior of the cargo hold ceiling just beyond the shadow of her hammock. Her bearings did not immediately return to her as her mind sought to disengage from the reeling of the dream, but the sound of the man's voice echoing through the hold shook the remnants free of her inner eye. She sat up, hammock gently swaying beneath her, and looked down: no belly. In fact, quite the opposite. Didn't stop her from resting a hand there just to make sure there was not a second heart beat where one should not, could not be.

She joined him a few moments later, blinking into the light of the station as she stepped down the cargo ramp.

<<This One would be grateful for a blanket,>> Loxa replied to him as she pulled the hood of her jacket over her head, <<if A Man does not already have one to spare.>> The cargo hold was drafty and she with so little natural insulation to speak of.
Loxa Visl Loxa Visl

Khal looked like he had pulled an all-nighter.

Then again, he always looked like that. He looked like the kind of guy who thought coffee ground was a useful substitute for sleep. The fact that this wasn't healthy nor something that would tide him over on the long-run? Irrelevant. It was better to avoid the dreams. It was already disturbing Khal slightly how close he felt to this strange woman he had never seen before.

"A man has not." Over his shoulder as he opened up the fuel valve. "I sleep in my pilot's chair with a coat over me. But we can getcha a blanket in one of the shops, am sure. Shouldn't be an issue."

This was pragmatism.

Would the blood-oath register her dying from pneumonia in his ship and strike him down with bloody lungs? Khal wasn't looking forward to finding that theory out.

"You want me to give you the credits and you can go shopping while I figure this conversion meter out?"
He slept in his pilot's chair? With a jacket? Loxa furrowed her brow in tethered concern. Did he not have his own sleeping chamber on the ship? Was she forgetting his quick tour more than she thought?

Also, she had some other concerns. Such as splitting away from him so early in their journey. There was trust enough with the blood oath not to fear his blade or blaster, but that didn't mean he couldn't simply leave her stranded here with not but what she carried on her and a few credits to speak of. She'd survive - powers knew it wouldn't be the first time she'd found herself in a situation like that. But hell if she wasn't keen on reliving it.

Loxa's eyes glanced back toward the cargo bay where she'd left her hammock and the staff, magically stuck-in-place, and wondered if that had been a mistake. Yet nothing felt ... wrong to her instincts. In fact, the witch could not detect any hint of misgiving in his intentions at all once she tried. She relented with a nod.

<<Does A Man have need of anything?>> might as well do the shopping for both if she was going alone.
If Khal could feel Loxa's spike in anxiety he didn't show it.

"See if they got some gummy bears or something. I haven't had anything sugary to eat in forever." Absently as he crouched down and tapped the piece of hulling that covered the engine pipes from this side of the ship. It clicked with a disappointing tone. He really ought to give the ship a complete refit, but who had the money for that?

Almost belatedly he reached into his pocket and passed on over a credit chit.

"If yar run into trouble jus' give a shout."

Only then did he rise again and engaged the fuel line with the ship port.

The machine began to hum as it started to expel fuel through the line into the ship's fuel containers.

Khal could already feel the money draining out of his pockets.

Loxa Visl Loxa Visl
Loxa looked to the credit chit and back to the man. Credits were not a foreign concept to the witch - she'd traveled the galaxy for a decade by now and had learned well their value and use. That didn't stop the confused look creeping into the shadow of her hood.

<<What is goomie burr?>>
Loxa Visl Loxa Visl

Khal paused mid-cigarette retrieval.

Then glanced towards the witch.

"It's... um." How do you explain this? "It's a sweet in the shape of a... bear... colourful..." And tried to use his hands to depict how small they really were. But he didn't have a colour book with him nor the ability to make her taste the sweetness. "You know what..." Khal sighed and disengaged the fuel line for now.

"I will come with ya."

This presumably put any thought to rest that Khal was planning on dropping her while she had been shopping.
There was a severe lack of concept of sweets and candy in the mind of the witch. His explanation made no measure of help in her understanding. Loxa stared at him and frowned in her failure to comprehend. That was always the hardest part of anything for her - the inability to figure things out when it came to languages and communication. She really needed to learn better basic.

If there was one thing Loxa didn't handle well, it was being a burden on others. The resigning sigh of Khal switching off the fuel to go with her struck a deep chord.

<<No,>> Loxa held up a hand to stop him, <<This One will be fine and will find this sweet bear for A Man.>>

Well, she would try anyway. Somewhat knowing what she was looking for and it being available were two different things.

But Khal wouldn't be declined, apparently. He was set on finding his goomie-burrs. Loxa found herself both more upset by this and now slightly irritated. The thought that he always had to be this way trickled through her head, and she inhaled sharply with a glower ... before releasing her own resigned sigh. The witch offered him back his credit chit and fell into stride alongside him as they headed down the walkway toward what she assumed were convenience shoppes.
Loxa Visl Loxa Visl

He warded off her attempts to stop him.

"Also need a new pack of cigarettes anyway and if I have to explain the differences between brands..." A shrug as he pulled out a cigarette and reflexively offered her one again. Either way he lit his up. "We would be here all night really. Trust me." This was an exaggeration. There was something else at play and it was also reflexive.

Part of Khal didn't like her walking around alone without a clue.

Which was silly.

She had already survived off-planet for a while, but her face showed the costs of that.

He opened the door and kept it open for her. "Ladies first." Mumbled as Khal took another drag and spotted something off. A little probe droid hanging off the ceiling. The moment Khal noticed it? It flew off. "Well, that's not concerning..." Probably nothing. The syndicate was used to him taking his time with a job to do it right.

They'd have no reason to assume he was going off-mission.


"Anything else ya need besides a blanket?" Over to her as Khal followed her inside.
Cigarettes she knew, even if she didn't smoke, one of her Sisters did. Either way, Loxa's raised hackles on her insecurities weren't so easily brushed down. Though not one to hold a grudge, either, she settled herself on simply deciding it was nicer ... better to have his presence along. Wherever that notion came from.

At the door the witch paused, suddenly struck by something in her esoteric senses: alert, but not quite alarm. Something felt off, but it was frustratingly uninformative. In the wilds? Loxa could sense the living entities around her and know their intent. She could read the lands and the skies to know where safe passage might be found and when to take cover from incoming storms. Here? In this burrow of durasteel and rock? Her senses were dulled.

Perhaps she really was just exhausted.

Loxa did not see the droid, nor did she catch his mumbled words with how distracted she was. With a frown she stepped past him and looked around. It was a typical supply shoppe, one she would have felt rather familiar with for the fact that most of these sort of places around the galaxy were all the same. Aisles of convenience essentials - cheap. She'd always liked looking through them for the novelty, but aside from the items she knew from her own use, the witch could not read the labels to things she was not familiar with.

<<This One would like to see A Man's sweet bears.>>

So she would know what to look for in the future, of course.
Loxa Visl Loxa Visl

"That's less of a need an' more o' a desire, darling." Khal muttered around his cigarette, while ignoring the filthy look being shot at him by the attendant. For a surprising turn of the genre this one was less interested in suicidal bravery. He opted not to say anything. This was for the best because Khal wasn't interested in showcasing homicidal intent to maintain his nicotine-addicted masculinity.

"But sure, let's go."

The sweets were often parked in different places of the store. It really depended on what the management valued most. Did they want to kill their customers by putting the alcohol right in reach? Kill their teeth? Kill their lungs?

All depended, you see.

These ones had put it right next to the coolers with ice cream and fizz drinks.

"See?" He pointed towards the section with the sweets. Then crouched down and pulled a bag of gummy bears out. "Gelatinous colorful sweet animals in the shape of a bear." It was exactly as the name suggested it to be. "You want to get some ice cream or something?" Points towards the cooler boxes next to them.

"Or some chocolate?"

Why did Khal feel like this one would really love some sweetness in her life?
Loxa gently took the cellophane bag with the gelatinous colorful sweet animals inside and inspected it. Squishy. The bag crinkled and the bears inside smooshed and deformed as she gingerly pressed on it. She couldn't recall seeing anything like this before. It didn't even look like food in the bag, it looked like something a child might play with. On Dathomir, the witches would carve small animal totems out of gemstones; once polished they could look quite clear like this.

It was the closest thing she knew, but definitely not the same.

<<What is it?>> she asked again, confusion as clear on her shadowed face as mud. The woman's head canted slightly as he followed up with ice cream (she did not know this term) and chocolate (! she knew this term !).

<<This One does not know eyes skreem,>> she said, <<but have had chocolate. A Sister is fond of chocolate.>>

Loxa looked back to the bag and squished it again, <<Is it ... fruit?>>
He watched as she crinkled the bag with amusement.

And started pulling out a few bags with chocolate. Since that was apparently a fondness. How did he already see that coming? "Eyes skreem..." Khal chuckled at the deformation of words. "Has nothing to do with our eyes. It's... cold frozen milk with different flavors. You like it and it melts in your mouth, cool, but very nice. It also has chocolate flavor."

With a mischievous grin as he pointed towards one of the cooling boxes with the chocolate-flavored ones.

"As for- no, it's not fruit."

Khal was about to explain and then heard the shop doors open up. The bell of people coming in.

This was concerning to him, because the man hadn't heard another ship sat down. So it was someone who had already been here. Why did that disturb him so much?

"Careful," Over to Loxa and then picked up a pair of aviators from the nearby shelf. Without warning he gently put it on her nose. "Keep those on, will ya? Miss Golden Eyed Wonder."

Loxa Visl Loxa Visl
There was just so much. Squishy sweet bears. Chocolate. Frozen milk? It was enough to make a grown woman overwhelmed with choices. Loxa was not one to covet or want things and living by her means had been a lifestyle not out of choice, but necessity. She hunted her food whenever she could, and was grateful for every meal. While the convenience of quick meals like restaurants and food stands was not lost on her, the nature of this store just felt ... strange.

<<This is much,>> the witch stammered, gesturing to all the sweet things with a bag of sweet things.

Then there were aviators. She flinched slightly, but held still as he pressed them onto her face and nose, then blinked out at him with a curious glance around. It was too dark for her liking and Loxa lifted a hand to pull them off, but paused as that same notion of alertness struck her. Yet again with no real guidance on what, but enough to listen to his ask.

Loxa adjusted the sunglasses a bit more comfortably and nodded.

<<The blanket,>> she said quietly, feeling a growing need to move. Sweet bears and chocolate would do.
Loxa Visl Loxa Visl

"Lady, try an' walk through a Huttese shopping mall..." Khal muttered as he peeked around the corner of the shopping wall. Yeah, this wasn't good. Three of them and they didn't look like casual spacers.

They looked more like him.

At least, if him meant 'a) robot killer unit, b) six foot eight cyborg, c) autonomous hunting drone', so perhaps not exactly the same.

But at least similar in terms of seriousness of situation.

They were also just showing a muddled picture of Loxa to the bored, disinterested attendant. If there had been any doubt they were here after her, that could safely be put aside now. "Grab the blanket and we gotta move." Hissed to her, before indicating the shelves to their right. Thank the stars for the fact it was away from the attendant and not near the attendant.

"The newcomers are flashing an image of you." To stress the danger here.
<<A what?>> she asked after him.

There was confusion, a growing sense of alarm as Khal's own growing sense of alert set her off, and the nagging feeling that something was wrong. Loxa didn't like it and these glasses were making it really hard to see properly.

"Grab the blanket, we gatta move."

Her gaze shifted to follow his gesture to another rack further down the aisle and she nodded, moving quickly but quietly to where several bundled rolls were displayed on the shelves. She reached for the nearest one, caring not for anything regarding color, material, or size, and hooked it under her arm. She thought about grabbing a second for the man since his admittance to not having a blanket, but time was of the essence.

Someone was apparently flashing her image around. Whatever that meant, it sounded serious. At least, the man made it sound serious.

Loxa squinted through the aviators and with a frustrated frown tipped them upwards on her brow to look around. She couldn't see the newcomers to the store from where she stood, but the man was gesturing for her to follow his lead down the backside of the aisles. If a hired killer was attempting to hide, then she could only guess that whatever they hid from was of high threat.

He was moving toward the entrance from the back side of the store and the nearer they drew the more Loxa became aware of the fact that he meant to ditch the place without paying.

The witch frowned, deeply.
Loxa Visl Loxa Visl

As he bend his body around another corner it reminded him he wasn't twenty years old anymore.

A violent tremor shook through his lower back and the only reason Khal didn't face-plant into the floor? He managed to catch himself with the palm of his hand. Kriff me. Muttered violently as he quickly pulled his head back, before they could spot them. Luckily it seemed they were deeply busy interrogating the attendant who was now far less bored.

Mostly because a gun was trained on him.

Several in fact. Most of which were coming out of metal chassis and cyber-arms.

"Wouldn't wanna be that guy..." Khal murmured before his physique kicked in and began to heal whatever his lower back was ailing. "Let's go..." Over his shoulder to Loxa as he caught the back-cover of another aisle.

This gave them a free runway to the outside.

"You first, I will follow." Already pushing Loxa into moving.

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