Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I need help with Fallout 4!!!

Alright, so I require assistance in Fallout 4. I'm on the mission titled "Molecular" or something like that. In this mission, you have to find the faction The Railroad and solve this puzzle in a church. How in the Hell do you solve this puzzle? I have no idea what I'm even trying to do, and following youtube tutorials ain't helping.

So, could someone tell me what to do real fast? Thanks!
You were supposed to look at all the little plaques on the ground for the freedom trail. Every time you look at them, there's a letter circled and then a number. It indicates what word you have to spell out on the puzzle to unlock the door. The word is "Railroad."
[member=Pavor Clauditis]

I loved/hated this mission.

I was sunk into the character well enough I didn't feel like I could take a break to refit and rearm, so I just kept going and going and going, trying to find that dang baby. It was worth playing that way, the experience was awesome. I was haggard, run down, every conflict (which was like every block and a half) used up almost all my resources, and I considered giving up and doing the easy thing several times.
But I struggled through it and it was rewarding as fuuuuuuuu...

Anyways: The Red Brick trail that lines the road is what you want to follow. It leads to an old church. The trail is broken up several times, but if you look closely, you'll see that objects (usually car frames, or debris) will be marked in red paint, so you can know which direction to keep looking.

Be on the lookout for Raiders, Super Mutants, and Feral Ghouls mostly. Best of luck, Wastelander.
[member="Darth Adekos"]

Oh, I know. I'm in the church and know the word but I'm confused on the puzzle itself. I know, I sound like a complete dumbass but I'm following tutorials exactly and the damn wall will not open so I am unable to get the chip analyzed.
Wow. I am a complete idiot. Not even questioning it, I am a dumbass.

I didn't even realize how damn simple it was. I was just messing around with it, frustrated and noticed the small arrow on the crest and I am just amazed at how stupid I was being. So, thanks everyone!

[member="Ali Hadrix"]

[member="Darth Adekos"]
I have given up playing the game itself.

Only to find myself just building a house, and adding floor to my house, then adding more floors to my house. And finding things to put in my house.
Forget the missions, this game is about building the ultimate base/hide-out/house.
I had the same problem with this mission. Just followed along until I reached this particular spot. And was stumped because I didn't look at where it was taking me for clues. So I just Googled for help because I wasn't going to fight through the remainder of the Super Mutant Army I left behind me.
[member=Pavor Clauditis]

Don't even worry about it. My first break in the trail, I ended up thinking my destination was this old mansion that turned out to house a gazillion Mirelurks as well as a Mirelurk queen, so I bugged the feck out. lol

Wasted an entire hour of my time.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Ali Hadrix said:
[member=Pavor Clauditis]
Don't even worry about it. My first break in the trail, I ended up thinking my destination was this old mansion that turned out to house a gazillion Mirelurks as well as a Mirelurk queen, so I bugged the feck out. lol

Wasted an entire hour of my time.
I remember this. The struggle was real.
I love Strong, he is my Grognak Battle axe wielding super mutant badass bodyguard. My favorite companion thus far, though I don't know why he hasn't killed me yet. I abuse the poodoo out of him, laden him with everything that i can't carry and send him on dangerous forward tasks to bird dog enemies while I peck them off from a far. I have thrown many grenades at him as he gets swarmed with enemies and one time i have used a fatboy on him. But, he comes back to me like a loyal dog with his orc like insults. keeps me going. I LOVE YOU STRONG!

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