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Approved Tech I. Assault U. II Armor

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Indomitable Assault Ultrachrome Armor Mark II
Image Source: Here
Intent: Personal Armor for Triam Akovin
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Combat Systems
Model: Indomitable Assault Ultrachrome Armor Mk2
Affiliation: @Triam Akovin
Modularity: Yes (Modular Weapon Slots, Aesthetics, detachable parts)
Production: Unique
Material: Ultrachrome Plates; Cortosis Right Gauntlet; Thermal Gel, Animated Metal Sealant, Self Resealing Foam
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 12 Kilograms
Quality: 8
Special Features:
  • Lightsaber Resistant: Crafted from Ultrachrome the armor is highly energy resistant
  • ​H.E.R.D. Laser compatible: As with her old armor, the Ultrachrome's superconductor qualities are wired into this device.
  • Mild Self-Healing: While having little effect on combat as it takes much longer than Laminanium, the Animated Metal Sealant can repair the armor plates between combat
  • Excellent Blaster/Energy Protection
  • Fire, and Electrical Resistance
  • EMP and Ion Resistance
  • Small backpack that can hold up to 15 kilograms of material, a bit more than half of what her old armor could carry.
  • Kitty Kat Kurb Stomp Boots may be worn with this armor, just as her old armor could, with a minor hydraulic system connects the armor to the boots from the hips, to release stress taken in the knees by wearing them.
Weapon Systems
  • Left Arm: Retractable Armorweave Glove (Described Below); Modular Weapon Slot (1 on each [Dart Launcher=.5] that can be taken from canon or subbed separately)
  • Right Arm: Cortosis Phantom Fingers; Modular Weapon Slot (1 on each [Dart Launcher=.5] that can be taken from canon or subbed separately)
  • Knees: Modular Weapon Slot (1 on each Knee [Dart Launcher=.5] that can be taken from canon or subbed separately)
Support Systems

As part of the agreement for the Phrik sold at auction, ArmaTech used Triam's original armor and smelted it down for parts, crafting a new, more versatile armor from it, and providing her with a greater deal of utility and longevity, especially with Popo bidding her life and her passing it up. The alterations including minor adjustments to the Ultrachrome on a molecular level, matrixing it with Terenthium to lighten the plates and body glove crafted from the material to make space for the systems ArmaTech included into the set. It features a Detachable Sky-Strike Miniature Jump Pack allowing for twelve minutes of flight without the need to recharge or refuel, a Paragon-class Energy Shield to protect her and increase the potency of her M.E.A.D Gloves, and/or her H.E.R.D. Laser, though with HUD controls power could be reverted elsewhere, and many supporting systems.

The armor features a large number of support systems, enhancing it to extensive levels. As such the armor is capable of serving Triam in a vast number of hostile environments. It is hermetically sealed, and features an Arbiter Combat helmet which has a rebreather, independent air filter, and air supply allowing her to remain operational in almost any environment. A power armor-liner provides increased resistance to kinetic and energy weapons, reducing the chance of knockdown and providing resistance to heat, fire, cold, corrosives, and poisons. Electromagnetic soles allow her to maneuver more effectively in zero or light gravity. It features a digital life support system readout allowing medics to quickly assess an injured individual. Finally it features a combat de-ionizer as standard. The Left Gauntlet features and integrated holographic control panel that also can perform the functions of a datapad, a HoloNet uplink, and HoloComm. The light weight plates provide the highest degree of blaster and slugthrower protection, consisting of a segmented, scalloped cuirass covering her bust, pauldrons, vambraces, gauntlets, greaves, sabatons, and a codpiece allowing for mobility and protection where it is needed most.

In addition to the supporting systems, the Ultrachrome was treated with Animated Metal Sealant, allowing holes in the plates and threading to "heal" over time. While not comparable to Laminanium in length, as the sealant takes hours to repair small holes rather than minutes, it is comparable in effect, as the armor does self repair. To reinforce the Ultrachrome, it was ribbed with carbon-nanotube reinforcing, keeping the weight low. The plates are padded to make them comfortable to wear, and to absorb some of the shock or kinetic energy of attacks. The armor glove is made from Armorweave with Ultrachrome fibers weaved in, increasing its resistance to damage. This armor glove features an internal layer of thermal gel and re-sealant foam, providing additional blaster and slugthrower protection, while also allowing it to automatically reseal itself if it is punctured. An inner liner consists of fused crystalline quartz mesh, providing resistance to electricity, EMP, and Ion weaponry due to its electrical resistance. The layer that touches skin is comfortable fabric.

The gauntlets of the set were painstakingly crafted to Triam's specifications, using a small store of Cortosis ArmaTech had available they crafted the right gauntlet from the material, allowing it to short out lightsabers on contact. Built into this gauntlet is a Three set of Magnetized Cortosis Phantom Fingers (as opposed to a full five). The left gauntlet was slightly more complex, requiring the use of servos, resealable seams, micro-manipulator arms to make the glove of the gauntlet retractable, exposing the prosthetic beneath it when commanded to. It takes several seconds to reseal, but asides from the prosthetic the hermetic seal of the armor is not broken, meaning she will not die if she uses it in vacuum. Finally each vambrace includes a modular weapon slot allowing for easy replacement of weapons in between combats.

Primary Source:

Notes: Credit goes to [member="Draco Vereen"] on writing this lovely thing up! The level of quality in his work is simply outstanding. Very few things here were added in by me, and were mostly clarifying points, such as the compatibility with my other pieces of equipment such as my boots and H.E.R.D. Laser, and its ability to carry 15 kilograms of material in a back pouch.
[member="Triam Akovin"]

Ok. Love what you've got here.

A few points though.

I see that the armor can or can not utilize the Kitty Kat Boots. (love the name)
Due to the weaknesses, limitations, and general effects created by those boots, please keep in mind that when wearing them, the Sky-Strike Jump Pack would... not really be usable, and the Arbiter Helmet's sensors... as well as a great number of the advanced systems on the suit would be unusable or at least extremely distorted due to the effects of the boots. Mainly the IFF system, the user's Comms system, and... maybe the doubler suit system... maybe.

Due to their heavy weight, it makes it illogical and impractical to utilize these boots in conjunction with a jet pack or similar system of flight. Another interesting side effect of these boots is that it creates a bubble of sensor jamming extending out several feet in all directions. This also limits the wearer from utilizing any kind of equipment that uses any kind of sensors, or communications systems.

All the same.
The development threads check out and though the suit is... very complex... I don't see anything particularly wrong with it.
Just keep the side-effects of those boots in mind while you're roleplaying.

Approved, pending secondary.
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