Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Well, everyone who comes here has to adapt their character to the timeline. Keeping Mak's birthdate the same and having him sleep for seven hundred years is a perfectly valid way to do it - but he wouldn't know anybody and nobody would know about him. On the other hand, if he was born, say, 635 ABY, he could have been imprisoned in cryosleep for only a handful of years and would still have his relationships, positive and negative, intact.
I spent a LONG TIME writing out Mak's history not just through the history, but through RPs. Eight years of RPs would be undone if I created a new back story for Mak. I'll just wing it...

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Unfortunately, that happens when you move boards. There's always a sacrifice and you're going to have to make one somewhere.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ashin's timeline had to be significantly rewritten too. 13,000 words of it, all from a board other than the craftshop, whose major events I had to erase or shift to the Unknown Regions. That's the price for moving a character I've RP'ed since 2002, but it's a price I was willing to pay.
Do not expect people to recognize or know events that happened on boards other writers transferred from. This is a board with its own Timeline that I suggest all members read if they have not.

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
I just go do some gangsta ish.

Do a line of spice. Pimp slap a hoe. Get my money. Go kill some people's family members when they owe me money. Get more money. Buy more spice.

-is a rolemodel-

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