Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hyperion Mining: "Checking the Books" (Bandomeer)

[member="Shawn Jenson"], [member="Nolan Detta "], [member="Miles Varden"], [member="Aedan Miles"],

Rygel Larraq sat in the small, dirty foreman's office of Hyperion Mining's primary facility on Bandomeer. Across from him, [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] sat at the head of the desk and together they poured over the documents and reports that the foreman had assembled for them.

Profits were down enough at this facility. Despite numerous reductions in manned personnel and supplementation with specialized Mining Droids, the facility continued to syphon money and resources as well as produce a statistically laughable amount of Ionite Ore.

And as if that wasn't enough to get the attention of the company's CEO and the CEO of the parent company, local Meerian's were protesting the company's use of Droids instead of hiring local laborers. And while Larraq typically wouldn't care about such protests, they were beginning to interfere with the ability of cargo shuttles to safely go to and from the facility. Also... There were rumors of the locals attempting to get the media involved in the protest.
Although a very, very small part of the Echani businessman felt pity for those individuals being laid off in the place of droids...he could not be more proud. In a rather cunning display of financial maneuvering, he had all but bought the foreman of a mining facility on Bandomeer. As part of the deal that he had made, which granted the foreman a ridiculously large sum of credits "off the books", one out of every three shipments of Ionite would be sent directly to Czerka Corporation's holdings as opposed to the mining corporation's refinement facilities offworld. Thus far, a grand total of two shipments had been received and were already on their way to being processed by Czerka hands; and this day marked the incoming of a third shipment. Although the hour had not yet arrived, the Echani businessman was rather confident that the precious resource would once again find it's way into his hands; thereby fueling the growing project that he had been working on.

However, he was woefully ignorant of a singe fact. Although the Foreman was all but residing inside his pocket, his staff were not. The records would show that a laughable sum of ionite had been unaccounted for in addition to a chunk of profits being lost. Of course, the Echani had no reason to think that his collaborator would not cover his tracks, for that was what he was being paid for! In an effort to check up on the status of his pending shipment, which was to be loaded and sent off today, Tyri then called the Foreman via an excessively encrypted network. His form, ominously hooded as to keep his identity anonymous in the event of some passerby spying on the conversation, manifested itself upon the Foreman's desk. "I trust that all is going according to schedule, yes?" he began, to which the Foreman eagerly nodded. He then, in a hushed tone, responded.

"Yes, all is going according to schedule...but the big boss is here, just down the hall. They're going over records right now. I know you've paid me for more than the two shipments you've received, but if they catch on, my goose is cooked."

"Well don't just stand there you imbecile! We'll resume this conversation later, stall them. I had better get my third shipment...or those bosses will be the least of your concerns."

With that said, the CEO concluded the transmission with a sigh whilst the Foreman roamed down the hall. Grabbing a pot of Caf and several cups, he decided to utilize one of the oldest tricks in the book. Admitting himself within the office space where the documents were being poured over, he then offered a sincere grin and held the Caf aloft. "Refreshments anyone?"

[member="Captain Larraq"]
Miles stood in the security console center of the Hyperion Mining Facility as protesters stood out front yelling angrily at the guards on the line in front of the protesters line.

Keep an eye on them, if they make aggressive actions, I authorized non-lethal force. Utilize the hose if need be.

[member="Captain Larraq"], I have the protesters under control for now, but I've picked up chatter in the Foreman's office, he seems to be running his own dealings under your nose. I'll keep you posted. I've authorized non-lethal force for the protesters. We'll be using the hose sir.

Stay here, I'm going to visit Foreman Jal.

Miles walked down the hall as Jal was leaving his office. Excuse me Foreman, may I have a word?

Sir?! I was just on my way to speak to Larraq, how may I help you?

I have evidence that you've been selling shipments to a third party. I am here to stop that. You will tell me who and where you've been selling our product to. He was resting his hand on his blaster pistol.

[member="Tyri Lsu"]
Standing Guard at the front gate with the other security officers, Nolan had in his hands, a fire hose, people were becoming restless and some were charging the line of officers. As they charged, Nolan would blast them with a burst of high pressured water. There were about five sprawled out on the ground.

Getting a little rowdy down here boss, might need more than just the hose soon.

[member="Captain Larraq"]
(OOC;; I'll go ahead and NPC the Foreman for this bit o'fun, if that's alright :) )

Having been interrupted from his voyage to the office, the Foreman turned and was immediately faced with a rather intimidating individual. He looked to be nothing short of a soldier and had his hand upon his blaster pistol. However, as opposed to quaking in his boots, the businessman only displayed a coy smile. Sure, on the inside, the man was all but quaking in his boots...but feigning confidence was something that the Foreman was thoroughly equipped to do. After all, as the leader of a mining facility, it was his duty to keep his workers motivated! Even when he felt quite the opposite..."Now, now, let's not get hasty." he said simply, raising the pot of caf and his freehand in a nonthreatening manner. As he contemplated what to say, his mind raced through options.

He had been smart enough to wire his ill-gotten funds out of the reach of the Mandalorian government, just in case, so the freezing or seizing of his assets wasn't an issue. What's more, deadly force wouldn't get the "tough guy" anywhere, because a dead man couldn't divulge who was on the end of the heavily-encrypted line. So, he said simply: "I sincerely doubt that you have any such evidence, for no such crime has been committed. I am an honest man; a father with mouths to feed. And you, muscle-headed twit, come into this facility in an attempt to pin the failings of the corporation at large on me?! Oh yes, pin the bad business on the Foreman, make him look like the bad guy! Get the kark outta here you twit, I've got work to do."

[member="Miles Varden"]
The man was brave, Miles had to give him that, but he was not as equipped to deal with this situation mentally.

I have recordings from your office; he pulled out a recorder and played the tape; "I trust that all is going according to schedule, yes?" "Yes, all is going according to schedule...but the big boss is here, just down the hall. They're going over records right now. I know you've paid me for more than the two shipments you've received, but if they catch on, my goose is cooked.'' "Well don't just stand there you imbecile! We'll resume this conversation later, stall them. I had better get my third shipment...or those bosses will be the least of your concerns."

Your tone suggests guilt and the fact that you are on your way to the CEO is suspicious.

[member="Tyri Lsu"]
Looking at the documents and reports once again, it had been a few hours since they had started on this task. Rolling her neck around as it had became stiff from lend down to fine comb tooth each paper. One thing was for sure this one filing system need help. It was hard to make head and tails of most of this stuff. That where her some of her accounting class came into play. By her laid what looked to be a older numbers hand held computer. Once again she started to do outputs and inputs to come up again, not even a a half a credit off.

Knowing this ones back ground, it just seem odd he would care to count to every little credit even here there was showing recits to a little pub around the co nor where it seem he like to order and age old ale of 100 proof. For the number of time standing up to stretch up also to preposition her corset a gift from [member="Captain Larraq"]. It was under her Black and blue dress came wearing today, chosen colors that she always had on. Learning a lot about mandolarians. The little that was given to her in a start up mining. Turning a small profit, with in a reasonable time, but not with out headaches along the way.

Looking around the room, as if thinking there out of place with in the room itself, it had piles of all newspapers, flyers, and the filthy half naked posters of different female entertainers. Knowing good and well they was nothing but low life sluts, that had to use there body then their brains. Walking around Captain Larraq, as her find eyes even if didn't look was doing anything, why would he be so trusting of giving them everything they asked for unless knowing they wouldn't find anything.

Something caught her eye, it was the how there had been something freshly been placed just where Larraq sat, bending down as ran her finder along the filthy floor, feeling something out of place. With out looking up, "Mr. Larraq would you mind standing up for a mintue, giving me a knife. I think I found something. " If he got up give her the knife asking for would take the tip, and slip it between a small opening. Only to hear a clicking sound as if something had just open under the floor.
Standing on the top of the steps of the building. I was dressed in Hyperion armor. Currently off, I was armored up for a full scale battle if need be. I had a blaster rifle in my hands set to a simple stun and not to kill as we were not using lethal force. Here I was, staind at the top of the Security chain that was here. As one of the men spoke out that they may need some more than just the hose, I shook my head, "Keep them at bay, if any come to the door I will deal with them @Nolan Detta"

The difference between myself and him, was that I was a force user. If need be, I could use the force to blast them off the steps. But I would not. I would keep my powers in check and simply hit them down with the butt of my rifle or shot them in the legs and arms. Even then, I could use TK to comprise a wall of Riot shields that would float in the air. But that for now would be last resort.

[member="Countess Calum Teramo"], [member="Miles Varden"], [member="Tyri Lsu"], [member="Captain Larraq"]
An expression of pure shock crossed the face of the Foreman as the soldier played back the recording. His mind raced, his heart pounded, and he stammered ever so slightly. Then, in a moment of sheer grit, the Foreman decided to do what he had been doing the entire time: lie! For the sake of self preservation, he exhaled softly and shook his head. "Alright! Alright! I'll come come clean!" he said, lowering his arms. "I...I am an addict...I use some of the new droid vessels to ferry spice within the shipments. The shipping records will show...funky destinations for a few of the shipments, Outer Rim areas and whatnot."

He paused, then continued to plead his "case". "That is my crime. Making money on the side through the shipments. But I've never sank so low as to steal shipments of ionite."

[member="Miles Varden"]
Aedan Miles sighed as he stood beside the gate leaning against the wall. He looked at the other two members of the team both of them wearing armor and carrying blaster rifles. Aside from his lightsabers Aedan wore a robe with his Iron Skin body suit under it. While it wasn't heavy impressive armor at the time it was all he needed. With a single movement he spun on his heel and leapt over the wall aiming a force push towards the ground to slowly his decent and clear and area for him to land he ignited his lightsaber barking out an order clearly in a voice ringing out through the force. "ALL RIGHT EVERYONE BACK UP NOW!"
A few people turned towards his voice only for their eyes to widen as they beheld the tall lean Dark Jedi Knight with a silver bladed lightsaber in hand. They started to stumble back which started a chain reaction. Seeing them back away Aedan calmly moved to start walking along the outside perimeter his eyes gleaming fiercely this wasn't his normal work usually he was up there in space pulling privateer or pirating jobs for the boss. Instead he was stuck here on the ground keeping a bunch of civies away from a gate.

[member="Shawn Jenson"] [member="Nolan Detta "][member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Countess Calum Teramo"]
Rygel Larraq was so focused on the documents in front of him that he hardly noticed the woman move. Her request, however, got his attention and the arch of an eyebrow. He stood from the chair and pulled a small knife from his boot to hand to her. As she took it and bent over, he tried very hard to keep his attention on her hands and not the parts of her that were new erupting from the top of her dress. When he finally noticed what she was reaching for though, he was no longer distracted. In fact, he wondered how the sheb he had managed to not notice the markings on the floor before.

Watching as she pried open the small, secret door, Rygel Larraq let a stern look cross his face and a twinkle of anger light up his eyes. "I don't care if he's got a bottle of whiskey or a Twi'lek down in that hole, the bastard's gonna get fired for it. Such stash's are only forgivable to employees who are successful." He said as [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] rooted around for whatever the man had hidden away.
Finding herself putting her hand down into the hole.Not before handing his knife back to him. With some time feeling for the treasure that had lay hidden. Pulling up not one but a couple of date pads, twisting her body towards him, handing them to him. Few others one being a spice bottle of drugs, noting to herself more then anything that he had a drug problem. Then a few bottles as it looked like bottles of liquor. I"m know for a fact that stuff isn't cheap its what we serve at Grand Dance Balls back home on Sereno, Mr. Larrq.

After finding nothing more in the hole, picking herself off onto her knees, looking down at the front of her dress. Taking both hands brushing off as much of the dirt before picking herself up all the way brushing as she went until was done the best she could. Finding herself standing by him now, feeling herself slip one out of her and, flipping over seeing a symbol on back, which puzzle herself more, I know this mark its from one of the larger bank branches on Serreno, you don't think.. Raising her eyebrow to him. Whats on yours, I bet my sweet ass, he a low down dirty hutt scum? Working on getting threw the passwords, going to take some time, working as she looked towards. As it seem that one wasn't password protected unless Mr. Larraq knew a way around a system like that. Numbers seem to start flying off the screen. Only to come to a word, her eyes got widen, Wait I think I saw something over here with that heading on it.

Running through the documents now as could place where seeing that heading. Pulling it out of some of the papers she had been shifting through. Bring back over to him with another look on her face this time her smile was gone, her lips pressed tightly. Look at this, it said there was a pick up, but that not one of our ship is it that code don't look Mando'ade, I'm not all that with your ship of yet, but that one looks more like a...

[member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Tyri Lsu"] [member="Shawn Jenson"] @Nolan Detta
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"] [member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Tyri Lsu"] [member="Shawn Jenson"] [member="Miles Varden"]

"So" Levy blew out a line of smoke from her cig while she stood there looking up at the man. Her slugthrowers on her hips but even in full armor she was short... compared to the amazon's of her sisters and she grabbed one of the grenade launchers with some tear gas. "So we're supposed to make sure these guys don't riot right?" The one soldier gave a nod of his head and she smirked letting the cig sit between her lips while she walked to look at the others with her weapons there. "Captain Larraq this is Levy, Basaba sent me to help you." Levy finished the cig and flicked it towards the ground in the distance while she slid a deathstick from behind her ear and set it in her mouth. "So who do I get to shoot?"
Aedan blinked as he heard a familiar voice and sighed he was luckily at the moment on the other side of the wall. Sadly he didn't have a helmet instead he pulled the hood of his cloak up to hide his features while occasionally his hair would show for now it was hidden. That was until he forgot about that and leapt over the wall landing on his feet he mumbled to those [member="Levy Willamina"] "After the stunt I just pulled hopefully no one."

He turned his saber staff off and went to lean against the wall absently tugging the hood of his cloak forward as he prayed that the small wisp of hair that had escaped from it earlier and his voice wouldn't tip off the member of Clan Willamina while he had not wronged them he still preferred to stay hidden until he had gained more power and rank. Especially when it came to Basaba the battering ram of Clan Willamina.
Oh?...Drugs?...Hyperion Mining is your front for drugs? Now I understand...He slid his pistol out of it's holster, pointed it at the man and pulled the hammer back.

Now, How about you tell me the truth?
In his comm, he could hear the chatter from outside grow.

[member="Tyri Lsu"]
As a man used a force push to slow his decent as well as the use of a lightsaber to scare people away. I shook my head, And as a woman came up to the aid of the soldiers who were already here, I continued to walk up, "Welcome to the chaos Levy." Turning to face the man I had to ask him, "Was it really necessary to scare them with a lightsaber? We need to keep an image around here. and one of threatening peoples lives is not one that I want to spread around. Restrain yourself next time." My voice was not harsh or cruel, it was simply easy and smooth as though I deal with this on a daily basis.

I turned to the others that were still there even at the threat of the lightsaber. Wondering why they thought it would be a good idea to stay here.....

[member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Levy Willamina"]
At the sight of the pistol, the Foreman swallowed hard. Sweat began to bead upon his brow and his lip began to quiver. Nonetheless, he decided to continue on his charade; for after all, the truth would see him dead anyway. "You see? That's exactly why it worked so...perfectly. Who in the Galaxy would suspect packages of spice hidden within shipments of rocks and minerals? No one, that's who. There's not a government nor authority in the Galaxy that would even suspect a shipment from Hyperion Mining to have spice hidden within. Now please, lower the gun. It's not necessary to point a weapon in my face when a simple resignation will suffice."

[member="Miles Varden"]
Aedan Miles barely gave the man a glance before he chuckled darkly and waved his hand holding it up as he smirked. "Equal parts fear and respect is what I demand from those NOT under my immediate control. IF they can not give them to me then I am sorry I have no need for them. I was ordered to keep them away from the fence at any cost aside from immediately killing them. I did so without the lose of life or need to use weapons I merely used a tactic more readily welcomed." @Shawn Jensen
[member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Tyri Lsu"] [member="Shawn Jenson"]

Levy looked at them all and kept her eyebrow raised while she took the deathstick between her fingers and blew out a line with a small laugh. "Ladies no ned to argue just look at the pretty lights and lets get this going. We can just hook up a generator to the fence give them a little shock. Then they'll be like puppies and learn blonde evicerated puppies and oh look at the kitty." Levy was laughing to herself while she found herself staring at a shadow on the ground moving.
Miles looked at the man through his visor in disdain, his HUD lighting up with comm chatter...Show me where you sent your Spice.
Miles didn't lower his weapon, so much as point it at the mans stomach instead. Less lethal but very painful, he would shoot if the man made out to be a threat or decided to try and escape. The man would either try and wiggle out of showing the recent shipments or reveal his contact in which case Miles would pursue the lead.

[member="Tyri Lsu"]

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