Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hunt for the Wolf Cub

He sat, listening intently as Bryn stated that while there was regular traffic to the planet, clearance codes were required to land. He shifted up from his seat and moved to a locker just behind her seat and retrieved some pain killers. Passing them to her as she stated that she had no training in what planetary defences they would be facing. It was not an ideal situation, but there was perhaps one option left to them. "Well... there is always the cloak that we can try. It worked for Vjun... I don't see why it wouldn't for Bastion..." :: And if all else fails, we can always use her codes... I'll take care of preparations and adjusting our travel plans... :: With that, Runya disappeared into nothingness once more and began working to adjust the ships projected path. Leaving Drauchir to settle his gaze on Bryn. "As to what now? Rest... Train... Prepare... We've still got a couple more days before we arrive..."

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
After the hologram disappeared, the two of them attempted to finish planning his assault of Bastion. Bryn wasn't as helpful as she could have been but she sensed the plan he had was solid and hoped she wouldn't be caught while they were there. If that happened to him, she couldn't have cared less. All she wanted to do was wash her hands of this whole situation and carry on with her life.

The next couple of days passed with relative ease and she gave Drauchir no further reason to knock her out or lock her up again. As they approached Bastion, the cyborg grew nervous and her body movements were tense. Having skipped breakfast, she now thought that had been a bad idea.

Letting out a sigh, they were all in the cockpit as they came out of hyperspace. They were hailed rather quickly and asked what business they had on Bastion.

Drauchir Drauchir
"Engage the cloak!" Runya gave no audible response, simply doing as she was told. The cloak activated, causing the ship to drop from sensors and visual sight, the radio was shut off to avoid their receiving signal being used to track them. To avoid being immediately turned to space debris should the defence platforms somehow see and target them, Runya kept close to local traffic lanes, placing other ships between them and the stations. Drauchir turned to look at Bryn. "Once we hit the checkpoint, we'll be down in the atmosphere and you've not yet been implicated..."

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
"Just because I haven't been discovered yet doesn't mean it won't happen. Look, they already know an unknown ship is coming. If you trans...."

And the radio was shut off. Looking at him sideways out of the corner of her eye, Bryn just shook her head. Having the feeling things were going to go south really quickly, the cyborg crossed her arms.

Watching as their ship moved close to the main traffic, she almost covered both of her eyes. If they actually hit another ship, then everybody was going to be in trouble.

"Just be careful! I don't want to die yet."

Drauchir Drauchir
He wanted, and needed, to keep Bryn as the ace up his sleeve as long as possible. This mission was already a wild gambit to save Eryn, with no solid plan for how he intended to get in and out of whatever prison they were holding her in. The longer he waited to put Bryn into play, the more useful she could be. "eventually yes, you will be discovered. But not yet..." His gaze shifted from the viewport toward Bryn as Runya went to work navigating through the traffic, avoiding the other ships with expert control. "You almost look scared... Runya is about the only person in the galaxy capable of pulling this off..." The X-70B Phantom-class prototype did a couple spins and followed a line of ships heading down toward the surface of Bastion.

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
While Bryn might be considered more machine than a woman, she was still human and had emotions. Fear was one of them and she gave Drauchir a rather dirty look when he suggested she was showing it. Letting out a humph noise, she crossed her arms and looked at the bulkhead of the ship instead of where they were going.

"Trust is something hard to give. I understand this. You might trust her, but I only met her a few days ago."

The silence was deafening now as the ship broke into the atmosphere of the planet. Closing her eyes, Bryn pictured the map of the world in her head.

"Where are we located? I can guide Runya from here. If you want."

Drauchir Drauchir
Drauchir could barely suppress the smirk that formed as Bryn gave him a dirty look, seemingly inspired by the notion she looked afraid. "A fair point I suppose..." At Bryn's question as they breached the atmosphere, Runya looked to Drauchir for a moment, before he gave a nod of his head. :: Based on initial scans, we appear to be thirteen hundred miles south east of the planet's capital city. Where should we head from here? ::

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
On their journey here, Bryn had drawn up a rough map of the prisons she had been aware of. Pulling that out and placing it in front of herself, she did some calculations and pointed to the west.

"The most likely location is going to be straight west of here and south of the capital."

At least, this is what she hoped.

Drauchir Drauchir
:: Roger that, adjusting our course... :: Runya kept the ship just below radar level while leaving the cloak engaged to decrease their chances of being preemptively detected. "If I get stuck in there, whether by my own actions or your betrayal, Runya will take you anywhere you want..." He hoped things would not get too messy and he'd be able to slip in and out, hopefully finding Eryn or where she might be without too much issue. But the likelihood of that happening was quite low. He had a bit of a habit of attracting attention. But one could still hold out hope.

Runya set the ship down in a clearing a couple kilometers out from their destination to avoid detection.
:: This is as far as I can take you. I'll be waiting for your return... :: The hologram disappeared then. But Drauchir did not collect the necklace as he usually would. "After you..."

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
When she had been captured by Drauchir, her garb and weapons had been taken away. As they had been planning this adventure, she had certainly noticed they were gone. After the ship landed and they were just about to leave it, he stopped and pulled a package out for her.

Opening it, inside was everything he had taken from her. Looking at him with a small bit of thanks on her features, Bryn quickly covered her head and body with her outfit. Placing her weapons where they belonged, she did not make any threatening moves at him and nodded when he told her to go first.

"Provided my clearance codes haven't been jacked around with, I should be able to get us in through the gate. This is a low-security prison so there are not a lot of cameras and devices of that sort. Another alternative would be to try and jump the fence in the back. However, if you're going to want me to access the prisoner information databanks, then going through the front would be best."

Waiting for his answer, whichever it was, once it was given, she started leading the way to the prison.

Drauchir Drauchir
Given they were now planet side, it made no sense to continue to deny her access to her equipment. She was capable of betraying him with or without them. And it would be much more convincing, what ever their approach from here on out, for her to be equipped with everything. Once she had re-armed herself, he followed Bryn down the landing ramp and through the terrain in the direction of the prison. "hmmm... Yes, going through the front door will likely be the best option... Though I hardly expect you to take any more risk than is absolutely necessary. I can access the databanks myself..." She might have been his enemy, but right now, she was his ally and only hope of moving one step closer to finding Eryn.

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
She had not been missing all that long at this point so her codes should still work just fine. Keeping this in mind, the young Sith took the lead.

"This might sound funny and might not be something you like. Do you mind pretending to be my prisoner? With my hands being occupied keeping you captive, I won't have to type in anything. We'll just walk on through."

After they got in, he could then access the information he wanted. Then they would just have to figure out a way to escape without drawing much attention. The back way sounded like the best option to Bryn.

Drauchir Drauchir
He came to a full stop as she made the suggestion about him pretending to be her prisoner. He stared at her a moment, as if weighing up the option. Not that his expression gave away anything about what was happening. He let a moment pass, hoping she might start to panic a little, before reaching up and undoing the clasps on the pair of blades slung across his back. He slipped them off and handed them out toward Bryn with one hand, while the other unclipped the miniature bowcaster from his belt. "I mean... I always planned for and assumed that pretending to be your hostage would be some part of the plan to gain entrance. Don't look so surprised..." He offered a somewhat reassuring smile then.

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
She did not even come close to panic as Drauchir quietly looked at her when she made her suggestion. It was already known, he could overcome her if they started to squabble again. They had been together long for Bryn to get a feeling for him. Crossing her arms across her body, she moved from one foot to the other while they were silent.

Luckily, she had her mask back in place, so he could not see her slightly return his smile. Accepting the weapons he held out to her, she did not put them on herself entirely but slung them over her shoulder. One hand would support their weight and the other would attempt to take a hold of one of his wrists.

"Of course, we don't need to be in this position yet, but it's nice to make it look authentic in case they have upped surveillance."

Tipping her head in the general direction of the prison, she would allow him to go in front of her on the way off the ship.

Drauchir Drauchir
"Better to be safe than sorry..." He turned around and offered his right wrist back for her to grab before heading in the indicated direction. At the very least, with his weapons easily accessible he could still use them should anything happen. Though he doubted the prison was a long enough trip for anything to sneak up on them and require intervention.

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
All told, things were going a lot better than Bryn had anticipated. She was glad they worked out some of the details before stepping off of his ship. Taking his wrist almost gently into her hand, she lightly nudged him in the direction they were supposed to be going. Even though he was already heading that this a slight revenge for everything he had done to her early on.

After about a twenty-minute walk, they arrived at the secured gate of the compound. While this was minimum security, the Sith did not leave their doors open. Knowing the procedure to get them in, they got through faster than she expected. There was only a little bit of a fuss but Bryn was able to convince them not to confiscate his weapons. Drauchir would thank her later. Besides, he had entrusted them into her care even if he was in sight of them the entire time.

Once the two of them were passed through, she still kept her grip on his wrist. Guiding his steps, she steered in him to the area of what might be thought of as a break room.

"We don't have much time."

Lifting his weapons up off her shoulder, she quickly handed them to him. A heartbeat later, she was rummaging through one of the unlocked lockers and tossed a few items at him. As she finished that, she nodded and if he needed help putting anything on, she would offer to help.

"Try to blend least a little."

Rolling her eye behind her mask, she figured it would be difficult for him to accomplish. Moving out of the room, she motioned for him to follow her.

Drauchir Drauchir

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