Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
-Flight School-

Another day, another Sith. Or at least a simulated one. It was 1500 Hours at the Zeltros System Flight Academy which meant group training. They had been briefed the day before..Her group would be escorting an "Important" Republic "Supply Convoy" en route to Coruscant. This simulation of course was made before the blasted Sith took the planet. They would be traveling through a "Known Pirate raiding area" with the other team being the pilots. Their goal was to protect the convoy at all costs, even if it meant giving up your life. Of course that just meant that you were booted from the live session and had to wait for the rest of your team to finish and watch as they, no she would have to mop up the mess.

The pilots here didn't take things seriously enough. How did they expect to meet the Sith head on with attitudes equivalent to that of a child playing a game with his friends after school. There was no time for fancy flying to show off to the girls or guys, or even instructors in some cases. in what could only be called a grimace, the young Glaucus' mandibles flared in frustration, her sharp teeth intimidating a first year as she walked by. They didn't matter to her. Taking her helmet from the rack she sat in her simulated Narra-Class interceptor. The newest fighter-interceptor in the Republic Navy they had finally completely washed out the inferior XA-5 and E-25 starfighters. Hearing the others enter the room she sank back into her seat, her reptilian eyes focused on what would soon be her battlefield. "Don't be a hero!" shouted her Rodian classmate and wingman. Growling at him as the cockpit slid to a close her world darkened as she was launched into space...

The Stars were beautiful. She could get lost up here forever if she really wanted to...Gagagaga...Her fighter's aural sensors picked up the ugly sound of the ugly fighter as her wingman sped past her, attempting to take lead position. That was fine...She would sit back and pick up the pieces...

The Hound

-Pre Clockwork-
The Sith, the Jedi, Clockwork? In this reality, none of that mattered. Why? When these things have so molded Turin into the character he is today? Because in this reality, none of that happened yet. In fact, he was still a recruit in flight school right now. No bank robberies, no romances or broken hearts. No strange hooded Force users on deadly jungle worlds...Just...A cocky and confident pilot, destined to be an Ace. Or at least in his mind. As he made his way to the training room, Uniform jacket slung over his shoulder and white Republic T-shirt clinging to his muscled chest, the grizzled young man let his blue eyes wander to the Zeltron Starfigher engineering instructor. A wink and a head nod brought a sly smile to her lips. her radiantly colored fingers flashing a five.

Fifteen minutes to clear a simulation? For that piece of heavan, he'd do it in ten. Dogfights after all were often quick and deadly...Just like he was. His ice blue eyes narrowed as he entered the room with a single pod. It was his final test...Or rather he treated every sim like it was his final. This was no different than the others...His role was and would always be Leader. Its why he was training to be an officer...Though his father may have had something to do with that. Hopping into the XA-5 simulator cockpit with a devilish smirk he caught the Zeltron instructor watching from a floor above, her luscious lips mouthing things that can't be repeated here. With new found vigor and resolve, he set the Sim in motion...

But little did our heroes know that strange forces were at work that would intertwine their timelines and cause strange things to happen. People who should never have met will meet, and their hearts and passion would shape the blades hat would cross in the endless expanse of space!


I'm Sexy and I Know It
In the distance a strange, large, armored figure could be seen. It was a bantha! No, a sandcrawler! No, it was...


The armored shell Hutt continued gangnam-styling across the backdrop. It was a new workout routine he was trying. One he created himself. He called it "Popo-bombing!"

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
For some reason the Great leader of the Republic, Popo was sending the small flight a message...Clicking the vidcom she did not know what to expect and of course replied as she should have, "New orders sir?" what she received however was the image of the large tank-Hutt dancing to some strange music...Atrisian pop? The image disturbed her, so she looked away, embarrassed and shut off the message. Her wingman however was not so lucky. He could faintly hear him laughing over the coms and then a small explosion to the side of the convoy they were supposed to be transporting...

That ended quick for him.

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