Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Hunger Unbound

Location: Above Kiffu
Ship: The Devourer

The void only continued to grow. Since his most recent encounters with the Jedi, the Alliance, and anyone that stood in his way. The Devourer still roamed across the stars ever seeking a new victim it might use. Even as Kyrel stood aboard the bridge, the corrupting aura of his hunger hade made the crew zombie like. They possessed a will that was not their own. Instead they only sought to further the Wrath’s own hunger. The Devourer roamed through the darkness of known space. It roamed wherever it pleased, where it didn’t matter only drawn in by the Force itself.

The warship would radiate with darkness, often giving off a pile that would make the ship seem alive. Those that could even feel the ship could feel the rage, the pain that echoed. Most of all they could feel as if they were starving but nothing could help them. Nothing could satiate them, so when Hunger wasn’t indulged so was the need for blood, for destruction to draw in those that could feed him. The void itself didn’t know good it didn’t know evil all it desired was to consume all.

When his Hunger began it was something he could use at will, now it drove him to seek out any and all life. Most often the Devourer targeted the Expansion Region and Outer Rim. Worlds that thought themselves safe from the horrors of the Second Great Hyperspace War. No one was safe from Kyrel Ren. After his most recent battle he was seeking to consume again. Choosing obscure systems as his targets he started off small, frontier systems with villages no one would care for. Of course it didn’t take long till Jedi Watchmen knew of quick disappearances across these territories. When Jedi teams started to disappear entirely then that’s when it grew worse.

This time Kyrel was after larger prey to feed his bloodlust. The Devourer roamed setting it’s sights for the world of Kiffu. He desired to feed on a larger population, an entire city could sustain him for a time, but it wouldn’t be long till his next fix. Withdrawal would often force the void to painfully chip away pieces of his body from within. He was compelled to always seek out more, even delighted when he drew attention to him. “My Wrath… We arrived in the Kiffu system…” Commander Grodd spoke to his dark master. His bone covered appearance paled little to Kyrel’s own form that seemed to cast a looming shadow of the Crimson Hands officer. “If they try to hail us send no reply… I like to keep them guessing.” He said in response to the well known guardians of this system. Grodd could only nod. “Y-yes my Wrath.” He said as he went back to his duties.

Soon the Void would give off a horrible echo through the Force. It felt like nothing but an empty abyss. A hollow one that could never be filled entirely. As the massive warship of Kyrel Ren would soon eclipse the sun over Kiffu. The Destroyer hung in silence, and yet those in the system and to the ends of the sector could feel the Wound. They could feel chilling need for sustenance and blood.

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