Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How to Train with a Dragon

Gray was back on Naboo for the....he couldn't even remember what number he was on. He had lost count a long time ago. He had come here so many times for so many different ever since he had met Star. Her cottage was a nice place to be though. It was well built, well cared for, decorated extensively, and settled in a beautiful landscape. It just calmed him to be here and left him feeling at peace. No matter how often he came or how long he spent here, it never dulled.

Gray had landed his ship down at her landing space. He was dressed in a set of casual clothing he wasn't worried about being ruined by training with Star in the ways of the force. He was enjoying the training they did together, even though he did almost lose the ability to have kids once before. He walked up to her house with a large box in his arms. He knocked when he got to the door without ever setting the box down. It was simple yet sturdy in its build. He had brought it here for a good reason. He just waited for her to answer the door with a smile on his face. He was ready for today.

Star was inside as she heard [member="Gray Raxis"] land, she quickly got him a cup down with some nice fresh scrotch, she had been staying more on naboo except for going out...and gray was making it worth while

She hummed lightly and then heard a knock smiling as she opened the door and smiled"well hey gray"she noticed his box and waved him in"let's get that set down shall we

[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray leaned over and gave Star a kiss on the cheek as he came inside. He got into the dining room but didn't set the box down. He smiled at her as he said, " Hey there Beautiful. You are looking as lovely as always. I was hoping we could do some more training today. Force training. I think I need to challenge myself again now that I feel I am getting the feel of feeling the force." He smirked and added, " Oh and this is for you Star. I hope you enjoy it."

Gray held the box out for her to take it from him. When she took it and opened it up, she would find that it contained three close to hatching tailring eggs, a book on how to raise and train them, and supplies for all three including a month worth of food each. He just smiled as he waited for her response to the gift. He hoped she loved it as much as he thought she would.
She smiled as he kissed her cheek and moved so he entered and went to the dining room"I say the same handsome and yea I was thinking of calling you anyhow"she said and looked at the box as he handed it to her

She sat it down and slowly opened it feeling three life forms inside the eggs, her eyes quickly scanned and did a search on them before she smiled big and turned to him"awwww gray you shoudlnt have"she said and kisses him
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray was glad to see she loved the gift so much. He had spent more credits on it than you would think getting everything for her. He had saved up for it as well for a while. He went over and put a hand on her shoulder. He gave it a squeeze and leaned over to kiss her cheek. He said, " I'm glad you love it. Why don't you take some time to get everything settled and look through it all? What do you think?" He kissed her cheek again. He was going to get things set up for training. That meant his shirt and shoes were coming off, but not his pants. A real first when it came to visiting Star at her house.

Gray had gone off for a bit to get himself situated for training. He had removed his shirt and boots, now only clad in his pants. He always trained this way for many reasons. It was much cooler this way, he kept his clothes from getting too sweaty, and he just wasn't ashamed of his body. It was also a tradition for him and had turned into a kind of ritual. His dad had always made him do it, He always mentioned something about toughening him up and being a real man and other kind of illogical reasons. He didn't understand it, but he always enjoyed the time with his dad.

Gray just waited outside meditating in a cross legged position. He was focusing on increasing his connection to the force as well as getting it to being more natural for him to be connected. He had found that was the best way to do the few things he knew about. He just waited for Star to be ready to show him a thing or two.
Stardust finsihed getting the eggs situated and smiled, she had got some heat Laos to keep them warm as well as put them in a place they would be extra safe...

She sighed and started outside to see [member="Gray Raxis"] mediating... She smiled at him..he had come along way from being that person who could even grasp the here he was mediating...calling the force to him"alright gray today well be doing so force lifting and a little pryokinesis

Gray was so focused on what he was doing that he didn't notice Star had walked up to him. He was just completely lost to the moment and sensation flowing through him right then. Her voice though did manage to get him out of it, and he opened up his eyes. He looked up at her and smiled, " I'm ready for whatever you are willing to tech me Beautiful. You know I'd do whatever you ask of me." He stood up and dusted his pants off. He waited for what she had to say to him next, all the while taking the sight of her lovely figure and adorable face in.
She smiled as she motioned to a rock as tall as her"this here probably ways a ton"she said as she turned towards it and reached out moving it with some ease before setting it down"however it doesn't feel like that to muh in the as you probably saw when I held the dragon down I struggled...I've never tried to stop something that was moving before...but that's for later"she said and sat it down as she motioned a rock to his left that was probably about a hundred pounds up to his shin"we'll start with this...I want you to focus like your altering it's path however I want you to lift it can either reach out or use the force by mediating and focusing on the rock
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray watched Star move the boulder around, and wasn't too phased by it. He had seen her take on a dragon after all, so what else could be more epic than that? He smiled at her as she spoke to him. She was beautiful after all and it was hard for him to not stare, even during training. He looked down at the rock when she mentioned it. He got a decent distance away from it and said, " Alright Beautiful, I'll give it a try. Lets hope it isn't too much for me."

Gray focused on the rock and began to throw his will and focus into it. He wanted it to lift up a foot and then flip it around before setting it down. That is what Gray wanted to happen but what really happened was the stone shook violently for a moment before lifting up a few inches and then dropping to the ground. Gray let out a deep breath and took a few deep breaths in and out. He refocused on the rock and attempted it again. This time the rock shook for less time and went about twice as high before dropping. He took a few more breaths before he said, " How am I doing?"
She watched him as she smiled and crossed her arms, this was relatively easy well lifting at least... However rheavier objects require more strength in the force

Awesome awesome get your breath back, as you can tell it was quite different... You probably could lift the boulder as high as you wanted physically... Think of the force as a muscle one you gotta train to be able to lift certain objects "she said as she lifted both the small and large rock making them circle the two before putting them down
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray watched Star lift up both boulders as she spoke. He knew what she meant by the force being like a muscle. He could feel it gaining strength as he used it, and everything about it seemed to be similar to his combat training. Just like the force training, his training to shoot was something he had to be diligent at to keep it on an appropriate level or even just improve it. He had trained himself to shot instinctively when he sensed danger from an opponent. He just needed to bec.ome more use to the force it seems.

Gray wordlessly began to focus and put his entire will into the rock for a third time. As he did, it shook for a moment before it began to rise. It kept rising higher and higher as he did, but got harder for him to maintain. He intensified his focus as the task required until the rock was well over his head. He set it down on top of the large rock and then let go of his hold. He breathed in and out heavily as he finished. That had taken a lot out of him, and he needed to catch his breath
She watched as she sat down and smiled proudly...he was good..his potential was beyond normal users...up to hers even"

She smiled seeing the rock balance on the biggest one"hmmm showing off huh...not that I don't mind practicing how you feel is good"she said and stood smiling"now we move onto this"she said holding her hand up fire fire in it"pryokinesis

[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray breathed heavily a she did her fire manipulation. He just looked at her for a while before he finally said, " I can't do that Star. I can't tell you why I know that, but something just tells me that is beyond my current level. Can we focus on what I'm doing now and try that out again when I'm better later?" He smiled at her. He knew when something was beyond his skill level, and the idea of trying to create and control fire was well beyond his abilities at the moment. He could barely lift up a rock let alone attempt to harness fire.

Gray stretched his body as he caught his breath. That had taken a bit more out of him than he expected. He felt he was getting better though. He had a much better grasp of how to move things with telekinesis for sure now. He listened to Star and raised an eyebrow. He said, " We are doing what now Beautiful? I don't think I heard you." He wasn't lying. He didn't really hear her that well when she spoke just then.

Gray had finally gotten his breath back. He said to Star, " Force sight? You mean like what Zey uses to see?" He was interested in this one because of the connection with Zey. She had mentioned it to him before and even offered to show him a thing or two about it. He went over by Star and sat down with his legs crossed. He looked at her with a smile and said, " Alright Beautiful, tell me what to do to see past those clothes of yours so I can see your bountiful chest." He winked at her as he finished speaking. He knew it wasn't like that when you used force sight because of Zey describing it to him, but he couldn't help himself. Flirting with Star was just second nature to him by now.
She nodded smilimg"indeed how zey sees how most of her kind sees"she said and reached to the back of he rhead pulling her sight chip out..the word went dark and her eyes lost color as the entire word lit up with flashes of white"close your eyes and focus on the force...try to imagine it like a watch as white will appear"she said looking at him

[member="Gray Raxis"]

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