Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How To Mend A Broken Heart

@[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Vilox Pazela"] and Dark Order Peeps
[Just as the Dark Order Arrival to Aza'Zoth, After Val'Ryss' Figure speaks to the Dark Order]

Atop a throne of broken stone, covered in tattered red garb and a wrinkled black robe with once powerful Lord of Shadows sighed behind her metal mask. The lonely figure sat on her throne with her boney fingers clenched to the arms of her seat. Her figure was sickly and almost skeletal. Val'Ryss was slowing dying, her decay unstoppable. The darkness which she feed upon to sustain her existence had begun to betray her, somehow, it refused to be channelled into her body. The only power she possessed was that of her own spirit which was on its own now, no longer bolstered by the warping of the force her taint could once command. Like a dark star that has run out of fuel within its core, Val'Ryss had lost the fire that raged in her mind and soul- hate, sorrow and anger, the mainstay of the darkside had given into soul entropy and decayed into- apathy. Val'Ryss' soul had decayed to such a point that it longer held the capability of harnessing the dark emotions that once fuelled her powers. In a sense Val'Ryss had even decayed the force she possessed itself.

Her red eyes perused the empty halls of the Dark Tower that held her chamber within the fortress she constructed more than 8000 years ago. With living such a ridiculously long life time it all felt- useless. What was it for? For what did she create all this? She had lived so long the actual memory of those events and slipped from her mind, only the emotions were left and even they are no more now. Val'Ryss, much like her fortress, was entirely empty, collapsing in on herself. Her once confident and sinister hissing now a mere gasp for air and a rough cough. "I'm so tired. Tired of it all. My spirit still keeps up the facade but no longer can I keep it at full. I am so weak now, I can't feel the darkness. I'm so very tired." Val'Ryss tilted her head and looked at the strange abominations that were protruding from columns that held up her chamber. "Yet I cannot let it go, I...I don't want to disappear into nothingness. But, I am nothing without the darkness." It is at this moment a singular light burned from the nothingness inside of Val'Ryss, this light spoke in bright vibrations. "There is another power, another force that you can still reach out and accept." it gently suggested. Val'Ryss closed her eyes and the light came into her vision through the force. Val'Ryss growled at this light with a hissing moan, "LIES! What force could possibley be left for me to control and accept? No such power exists." The light brightened in intensity but it did not burn. Val'Ryss felt, fear. She was afraid of the light, she cowered behind the dark mists of her soul to hide herself from the light's sudden luminance.

"There is always the light Val'Ryss." the beam softly spoke, "There is always the light. You have known this for centuries and every time you lashed out in cruelty it was desperate grab for attention from the light." Val'Ryss' soul manifesting in this ethereal conversation in her child like form back before she met the Jedi on that jungle planet all those centuries before. This small black haired child clothed in ripped brown tunic held her head in her hands and shivered in fear. "NO! NO! I did no such thing!" the small child screamed. "I did it to teach those bastards a lesson! To teach them how hypocritical and pointless their system of governance was. How it was founded on LIES, PURE LIES!" The light suddenly began to bleed and form into a figure, a tall womanly then detailed its appearance into an old miralukan woman however the intensify of the light grew so that only the outline of her clothes and facial features could be seen. The old woman bent down and placed a hand on the little girl. "Back then, on that jungle world when we discovered you all alone surrounded by beasts for comfort. It was the same back then. Deep in your soul, you unknowingly revealed your connection in the force to control the beasts, because deep down you had one single greatest fear" the child looked up at the old miralukan "...the fear of being alone."

Val'Ryss began to shake her head and weep. The crying child began to groan and sob in load gasps. "I...I had no one. Only the force and the creatures who inhabit it. I wanted to be...I just wanted someone." As she spoke her soul changed its manifestation into Val'Ryss the Master Jedi just before her fall. "And then, I met you master, Tark my love and the light of my world my daughters and suddenly I wasn't alone. BUT THEN THE JEDI TOOK YOU FROM ME! Master you died and Tark passed away and the Elder Council took my children. I was alone....again! I COULD NOT BEAR IT! I ...I ....I..." The miralukan interrupted with just sighing phrase, "Went mad with grief?" Val'Ryss froze and stared blankly. The miralukan smiled. "But you are not alone my padawan. You were never alone. As I am here now, I was there then, I am a part of you. Your daughters never forgot you, the mourned your loss and for years kept your image alive, though the name changed and the stories forgotten. And even now there is one who remembers you and deep down in her confused soul...loves you and needs you and wishes to be with you."

Val'Ryss stood up, the miralukan's brightness glowed to such a degree the area filled with light. Back at the throne, behind the dark holes that let her eyes peer out from her mask, she opened her eyes.

"Spencer. So I am no longer alone."
(Asked for permission from @[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"] before posting here)

"Close, darling, but no cigar." The first voice to respond to the ancient Dark Jedi was tired. Worn out. She had been persecuted on a semi-regular basis, chased across the galaxy and bountied by everyone from Alli Wren to Grand Chancellor Jack Harkness himself. The activity had worn her out greatly - her face was wrinkled and hardened by the years of constantly being on the run, of using her powers to conceal herself. Her full strength in the Dark Side was felt, resonating throughout the Aza'Zothan fortress, a place long tainted by the corrupting essence of the Dark Side.

Yet even here, Circe could tell that something was wrong with Val'Ryss. The woman was very clearly not as strong as she used to be, her once demonic Force aura now a crackle of small energy. The anxiety and loneliness bled from her armored form like sap from a cut in a syrup tree. Or from a wound inflicted on Circe herself. "You're alone. You're decaying, fragmenting down into shards due to having used up all your darkness, and yet the one thing you truly ache for is companionship."

Cautiously, Circe stepped up the steps leading to Val'Ryss's throne. "When you and I first met one another all those years ago, and you established the Lords of Shadows for myself, Kaine, and the others, I wanted to be friends with you. I wanted to be close with you. You were the sort of person I looked up to. And in some ways, you still are." She reached the throne, pausing as she stood to the side of the ornate chair and slowly moved a hand towards the Sith lady.

"I still wish to be your companion. Your friend, even more if you feel you need it. It it'll ease your mind and put you at the peace you need in these stressful times. I could use a friend too right now."
@[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"]
Perhaps if Ashin Varanin had been here, she would have comforted Val'Ryss, strengthened her, reminded her that the Light Side's exemplars remained every bit as pious and lacked every bit as much foundation as the ancient Jedi who had taken her children.

Perhaps if Ashin Varanin had been here, she would have recognized Circe as a kinswoman -- or railed on her for taking advantage of Val'Ryss's weakened state to forge a connection.

Perhaps if Ashin Varanin had been here, she would have admitted her own yearnings for something more, for rest. Perhaps she would have linked arms with Val'Ryss and led her off to a peaceful place to talk away from the iconography of evil.

But Ashin Varanin was not here yet.

Clad in trousers and a breast band, hair sticking to her neck and shoulders, Rave Merrill emerged from the Dark Forge with a hammer over her shoulder. Soot smudged her face and arms. Sweat had soaked her trousers and dried, soaked and dried until lines of pale salt marred the dark fabric. The alchemist's purple eyes met Circe's unblinking, and Rave set down her hammer against a wall as she approached the broken throne.

The Dark Forge's junior caretaker knelt, down on one knee, hands clasped on the other, and stared up at Val'Ryss. She wet her cracked lips with her tonguetip. "I've learned a great deal from you, Lady Val'Ryss. I'd be remiss if I didn't offer what little wisdom I have. The first time Velok brought me here, to take my alchemy to the next level, he told me there are two classes of things which exist -- those which act, and those which are acted upon. We've both mocked those Dark Jedi and Sith who are nothing but things to be acted upon, blown every which way like a boat in a storm by old hatreds and half-thought-out goals. You are one who acts."

She bowed from her kneeling position until hair ran down her cheeks in curtains, blotting out her side vision. "When one is acted upon by mere momentum, by memory without a point to it, one loses one's status as one who acts. If you fear change or judgment rather than acknowledging that your desires have been transformed by experience, you are being acted upon by path dependency. You are Sith, and that means getting whatever you want, whatever the cost. And if you want serenity and peace, if you are the truest of Sith, you will do anything necessary to achieve the redemption you seek. The Force shall set you free."
Their was a lot of speculation on why Kiyala chose to take the pilgramage to find the ever so elusive @[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"] and @[member="Rave Merrill"]. She made no attempt at stealth or mystery as she stepped out of the shadows. Gazing at the two familiar and yet distant faces in the room she watched ever so curiously as @[member="Circe Savan"] attempted to gain an ally by Val'Ryss but that mattered not to Kiyala as she spoke. "I'm not here to appeal to some sense of emotion because I know that I barely knew you before. What I do know is no matter how ever your feeling. . . I know your not ready for things to be over." Glancing over at Rave she sighed before saying "Rave it's been awhile since our rather somewhat friendly duel in the space station and I've been hoping to have you as an ally and possible business partner if you interested." Kiyala wore simple grey robes modeled with the insignia of the Fringe carefully and craft fully woven in the back of her robes.
| @[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"] | @[member="Circe Savan"] | @[member="Rave Merrill"] | @[member="Kiyala Demont"] |

"I think you will find that I am well thought out, Rave Merrill." Vilox Pazela emerged into the chamber, cowl raised over his head, his black robes hanging off him and dragging on the floor like liquid black. This was of course an effect created by the darkness, for the more apparent he became to the assorted women that had gathered before Val'Ryss Zankarr would realize that the robes were merely a simple garment. He tended to have an effect of an rising specter, like a ghost emerging from the void of obscurity to claim those who strive to remain in the light, which was an irony for the gathering of people there that day.

He came to a stop center to the room, lifting his long slender pale hands to his hood, lowering it from his head and onto his back to reveal the pale, degraded face, yellow predatory eyes and strands of grey, spiked up hair that protruded from his scalp and up into the air, like he was in a state of static shock. What would be a noticeable difference about Vilox Pazela would be the strands of black hair that were dotted among the grey hair, like the roots had somehow reclaimed the colour that he was given when he was placed into the galaxy. His facial features were less gaunt, less old. Another mystery to be unlocked about the elusive Dark Master.

"I see things did not go quite to plan, Circe. That you were not up to the task that I had set for you." He locked his yellow eyes on his apprentice, continuing. "Perhaps you were under the pretense that I had vacated the title of Sith Lord, in fear of you? On the contrary, my apprentice, it was a well devised scheme manufactured by myself and the Grand Admiral. I concede that it was she who did most of the hard work. All I needed do was step aside..." He trailed off for a moment. "The Empire has collapsed, as I foresaw on the same day that Mikhail Shorn and his party of usurpers usurped Tyrin Ardik as Emperor. The dark side has always been with me Circe. It was how I survived that day on Dromund Kaas, it was how I convinced Zambrano to allow me to return to my post, it was why I knew when to pull out of the Empire at precisely the right time and it was the reason why you were placed into the position that you put into."

Vilox Pazela observed the faces of Kiyala Demont, an individual that had been present weeks ago on the Spires of Hell when he had led the Dark Order to Aza'Zoth. He turned his eyes to Rave Merrill, an individual he had only met once on Felucia early into his Lordship, where he had observed the whipkid create the Akure Levithan. A question came to mind for Merrill, but that would have to wait. He was teaching, currently. "This will sound deceptive to you Circe Savan, but on the contrary, I assure you that it is not. There were only two possibilities that would come out of your short lived reign as a Sith Lord and each of them would have ended badly for you. Through the Fringe Confederation, you would have manipulated like you were an instrument in an orchestra, doing as I saw fit in the name of the Dark Order that I founded in the Unknown Regions not too long ago. The other was what happened to you. Inevitability, you would be usurped, removed from position because you lack the necessary ingredient that must be combined and utilized in conjunction with your other skills and abilities."

"Circe Savan, you lack conviction."

He raised a hand before Circe could respond, whatever her response would have been to the lesson that he had just tried to convey to her. "No doubt, you have questions; and if you have embraced the Sith philosophy as you have done to laying claim as a Sith Master, then you will no doubt want to utilize the many wondrous, powerful abilities and skills that you possess to grind me into this ancient stone for my audacity. But I ask you to look into my eyes..." Vilox Pazela squinted his eyes and his mouth changed from that somber, well thought out tone into a rough, powerful, brutal sound. "If you make a single sound or make a step towards me, I will kill you. I will send you deep into the void, that bottomless empty realm, so that you may join the insignificant. I will make you fall."

Clicking his tongue against his front teeth, he leaned his head to the left as he turned to Val'Ryss Zankarr. "I believe this is my second time setting foot on your world. The first was when Zambrano had ventured here not only days after we had arrived, but the meeting was a short lived one." He inclined his head to the ancient Dark Jedi before continuing. "What is it you wish to discuss or do?" His tone had returned to what could be considered his normal voice. But then, as he had just displayed, nobody really knew who or what Vilox Pazela really was. Was he merely presenting a facade or was this true reality?
@[member="Kiyala Demont"] got a nod and a smile - but then Vazela was there to apply his own tidal wave of verbiage to the question of the day.

The allegiance and intentions of Val'Ryss Zankarr.

Rave rose fluidly. Visually, she knew she was unprepossessing. Sweat-rimed trousers, breast band, a layer of soot, small of stature. "I have no doubt that you are well thought out, Lord Vazela," she said, voice dry, "but as the caretaker of the Dark Forge...I wasn't actually talking to, or about, you. I know-" And she held up her hands in mocking self-effacement. "I know, a man of your stature can usually be assured of being the center of attention, the crucial discussion point, in any room or conversation. But trust me when I say that the true Lord of Aza'Zoth is the current topic of conversation, and until her needs are met and her purposes revealed, you will not monopolize the subject at hand.

"You have not earned your place here. You are a recent guest. This is not a place for you to assert your superiority. This is the domain of the Lords of Shadow, and I am the caretaker of the Forge. You've already presumed far too much in relation to Aza'Zoth. Be valuable to Lord Zankarr for the duration of this conversation, or get off this world."

@[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"]
@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
@[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Rave Merrill"] @[member="Vilox Pazela"] @[member="Kiyala Demont"]

[Mood Music]

A lowly hiss from the white lips of Val'Ryss slithered out and echoed through the hall that the group had gathered in. The grotesque figures in the columns began to move and pulsate. It was as if the chamber was coming to life, an eerie beryl glow hovered in the room. Though weak, the fortress was made by her blood and magic, she still could control it. The creatures grotesque and bulbous slithered down from their columns. With great pain Val'Ryss pushed on her old bones and stood up. She raised her skeletal hand and the creatures stopped and knelt all around her and the group. "This Fortress, this dark temple, it is no mere weapon." Val'Ryss hissed, "This fortress, is a refuge, for all those that are cast out by the galaxy as unwanted, dark and lost. This is their home, their final resting place. THAT, is why centuries ago the Lord of Shadows created this fortress. In the beginning we had no intention of seeking vengeance on the Jedi who threw us out. We just wanted a home to study our religion in peace." Val'Ryss then approached the group. Every step she took echoed in murmurs of stone cracking. Her voice then turned cruel and violent.

"But there was one who wanted more, wanted everything destroyed and swept away, who was consumed by maddening grief and anger." she continued, "She lied to her comrades, her trusted brothers, she warped her people twisted them into monsters, killed all those who had accepted her and then ruled them all through violent disguise and malice. She destroyed anyone that could have filled that grief for the sake of ending her grief." Val'Ryss suddenly stopped and both of her skeletal fingers rose up and removed the twisted metallic mask that covered her face. As the mask descended it revealed Val'Ryss face. Cracks that one would assume old pieces of stone would possess ran up and down her face. The whites of her eyes had bleed black and her pupils fully engulfed by a blood red glow. From within the cracks a dark light poured out. Val'Ryss was literally falling a part. "And who was this poor misguided angry fool...It was none other than myself. This fortress of seclusion and protection in the end became a dark shrine to my twisted ambitions...and failures. And now it has become my tomb. And those who break the sleep of the dead, pay a high price for doing so."

Val'Ryss stepped down and approached Circe. Val'Ryss smiled and rested a hand on her cheek, "My old friend. I am sorry. I have lied to you, cheated you and abused you. Circe my dear, I can feel it, how you desperately wish to be like me...all powerful, twisted and corruption itself. It is a cursed existence and one that I pray that you shall avoid. Do not seek out my dark light but your own. Become your own power, by your own hand. And when you do this, if I am still in this world, I shall accept you as a companion, as a dark sister. For now, be free and become stronger." Val'Ryss then turned to the dark lord who had come in lecturing about darkness and conviction. She closed her red eyes and her monsters began to stir and the very foundations of the fortress began to shake. Stones holding up the ceiling began to shake and break a part into pieces collapsing around them. The chamber was falling a part. Val'Ryss then spoke and her voice was now echoed by a evil grumble mimicking her speech.

The chamber began to crumble and the columns collapsed about them. The tallest tower of the Dark Fortress of Aza'Zoth, the one Val'Ryss sat upon in her throne was breaking a part and soon it will crumble to the ground in a colossal explosion of stone. As it began to tilt and slide off its base, Val'Ryss' monsters rushed over to her and began to encase her in shield dome created by their bodies. This creatures were once human worshippers and even in twisted abomination they still were loyal to her. "You fools. RUN! Leave me!" she shouted at the creatures but they did not remove themselves. Val'Ryss smiled and wept a little. She looked towards Kiyala, Circe and Rave. She nodded and with the force pushed them aside, begging them to flee. The tower was collpasing the Dark Forge and the Fortress would still remain, someone needed to protect it.
"Rave I want you with me if you will my dear. I'll leave my aura open to your senses alone." Despite the loud banging noises that came from the chambers beginning to destroy itself in it's host anger. She gave Rave a knowing look before disappearing from sight completely leaving from the immediate area in a quite quick fashion but obviously lagging behind a little in case @[member="Rave Merrill"] did decide to honor her request. As her presence could be felt fading away from the area a pure manifestation would appear only for a few seconds before Val'Ryss saying "This isolation you seek to have will break one day and when it does and you need somebody just reach for me." Kiyala added at the last minute before completely leaving the area.

@Val'Ryss Zankarr
@Vilox Pazela
Shadows lingered upon the walls of the chamber watching and listening. Yellow eyes flickered as the small crowd formed, treating the woman as if she was about to perish. The scenes unfolded like a good feeling film of a dying grandmother being surrounded by her grandchildren – of course like the current scene here there were wolves. The shadow listened, taking in everything everyone was saying wondering who the wolf was – a hand reached out toward Val’Ryss and then the black cloak shifted as its owner formed a spear of midnight black, an invisible dark energy construct. Unlike her usual small darts, Spencer created one long thick spear of darkness. Remaining hidden, she stopped herself from throwing the construct, the chamber was about to be destroyed – it was time.

Spencer removed her hood and the tainted woman made her way towards her grandmother’s vision. Thick heeled boots created a beat against the ground and the dark cloak that had kept her shrouded fell from her revealing the Lady of the Fringe in a black tunic and pants. Blonde hair contrasted against the dark attire, but she remained untouched by the darkside minus her once hazel eyes which were now a brilliant yellow. Dark make up, finished with a touch of deep red lipstick adorned her face and she came into the light to see her grandmother in the flesh.

Yellow eyes flashed towards Circe and a sideways smirk spread across the young woman’s face.

“Run. I can take care of this.”

Stepping up the steps she leaned closer to her grandmother, it had been long and the last time Val’Ryss had seen the girl was in a hospital bed on the brink of death. Now, she stood a Master in the Force, somewhere wandering between dark and light. Though the crumbling chamber, Spencer stood near her grandmother unafraid of the woman and her power. Deep down the girl knew the only one that could bring Val’Ryss back from the depths of her loneliness and hurt was her. A hand reached up and rested against her Grandmother’s face and a soft caress of her lips grazed the woman’s cheek.

Her voice soft and allowed only Val’Ryss to hear.

You gave me life once before, I’m here to return the favor Grandmother.

Her hand glowed a brilliant copper, Spencer focused her force drain not to pull from Val’Ryss, but to pull from her own aura. Here she gave Val’Ryss a taste of a being that was made purely from the Will of the Force.

@[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"]
"Val'Ryss... I know that all you did with regards to me was because you felt that you had the conviction to do so. I still stand by you, even now, because I want to be friends with you. You are, to me, someone I hold close in my heart, someone I could only love as part of the family I have never truly gotten to experience since leaving Falleen those many years ago. As for freedom... My chains are broken, and the Force has freed me. I choose to willingly keep myself allied to you as a member of the Lords of Shadows." Smiling, she briefly placed her hand on the woman's own cheek, as though she was touching the face of a gorgeous marble statue that had cracked and been worn down by the elements.

Then the tower began to collapse. Physically, Circe chose to leave, though she gave Spencer a smile before she did so. "I see you finally chose to use that lipstick I gave you. Hope Ashin finds it as sexy as I think it is." But once she reached the outside, she sat down, focusing upon the White Current and forging a doppelgänger of herself that would manifest exactly where she had previously been standing.

"Val'Ryss, Spencer... I stand by you in spirit. You deserve my support."

@[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"]
Called down from the Obscurity to be shouted at and be in the center of a tower collapse. Wonderful. Vilox Pazela submerged himself into the force to balance himself on a piece of marble as it began to drop from underneath him. Calling upon a force shield, the Dark Master rode the marble all the way down to the bottom of the structure. Bits and pieces fell on the invisible wall of energy and he felt himself strain to keep the pieces off him. Alas, minutes passed and all that was left was dust and pieces of debris from what had been Val'Ryss's tower.

But happened to Val'Ryss Zankarr and the others?
While the rest stood around in the rubble, or left, Rave was elsewhere -- in the Dark Forge itself, deep beneath the broken tower. Stone crumbled down through the staircase into the Forge, and she kept guard with her hammer as the debris sealed her in. The caretaker of the Forge would remain while all else left.
@[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Circe Savan"]

Val’Ryss rose out an arm and grabbed Spencer’s glowing arm. “NO! You must leave!” Val’Ryss hissed, “There is no time left for me.” But as Val’Ryss grabbed Spencer’s arm she could feel Spencer’s determination to see her ancestor not perish into the wastes of the force. She looked at her descendant, confident, bright eyed and holding a ferocious will to save others, protects who is dear. Val’Ryss’ eyes widened. Amongst the sounds of the stones crushing onto the shield of stone abominations that protected them, she noticed that Spencer was exactly like her if none of this would have happened. Val’Ryss smiled and released her hand. She feared the light, she feared it would burn her away. But this light was warm, supporting and powerful.

It surged across Val’Ryss’ body and began to replace the retreating darkness. However, the darkness, in the form of her taint, never retreated and instead her body, her soul, underwent a metamorphosis. Suddenly the miralukan ghost spoke within Val’Ryss, “You see, there has always been the light. Take it my padawan and begin the life you should have.” Val’Ryss closed her eyes and all of her effort was bent on harnessing this new fuel, this new will to live and crush it into a new life. The cracks in her face that spewed out dark malevolence began to glow white hot and more importantly began to seal. The darkness of her eyes began to recede revealing pale whites of her eyes. Her red eyes burned into a bright hazel. Her skin chipped like old paint began to melt into youthful energy soaked fabric. The light from Val’Ryss exploded out of her eyes and mouth and shield through the cracks of the shield ball as it finally met the ground and shattered into a thousand pieces.

But what of Val’Ryss and Spencer? Where they destroyed? No. Because under the mound of rubble, Val’Ryss reformed and reborn for a third time, was towering over her granddaughter, holding her in her arms and with the other arm using all her power to hold up the rubble. “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Val’Ryss let out a battle cry and the stone dispersed in a sundered wind. Val’Ryss looked down on Spencer and cuddled her body. Val'Ryss had transformed into her true appearance, one that had conquered both darkness and light. The real Val'Ryss Zankarr was reborn and had finally returned to this world.

“My child. You did it. You did it. You have…saved me.” Val’Ryss tilted her head up to the dark skies of Aza’Zoth, “At last. I….AM…FREE! FREEEEEEEEE!” The hazel-eyed, black haired woman rose up carrying her granddaughter across the ruins of her dark imprisonment. Stopping she rested Spencer down, “Can you stand Spencer? Are you hurt?”
| @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] | @[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"] | @[member="Rave"] Merill |

Vilox Pazela's golden, yellow eyes shined out through the dust that was rising and settling in the air, surrounded by debris from what was Darth Hauntress's tower. His glare was locked on the woman that had emerged from the darkness, that had rose up from the shadow to return to a life of struggle to remain in the light. He did not say anything for now, just merely observed this curious phenomenon in the force. He heard, even see Sith Master redeem themselves into Jedi, but nothing like this.

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