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Private House Io: The Peace Gesture

"They used to call the devil the father of lies. But for someone whose sin is meant to be pride, you'd think that lying would leave something of a sour taste. So my theory is that when the devil wants to get something out of you, he doesn't lie at all. He tells you the exact, literal truth. And he lets you find your own way to hell."

--Mike Carey

"We checked your flight computer. It's been scrubbed clean. No traces of where you were, or who scrubbed it. You're a mystery..." Agatha replied.

She watched as Mila Io Mila Io grew depressed, surrendering herself to her custody.

Agatha placed a friendly hand on her shoulder.

"You're in good hands." Agatha said with a reassuring smile.

42 minutes later.

Agatha had given Mila time to eat while bringing her up to date on Galactic Events. In keeping with the insidious nature of her Mother's strategem, Ninety nine percent of it was the truth, even the parts that painted Xiphos herself in a very unflattering light. The Bryn'adul had destroyed dozens of worlds, and had been a hair's breadth from striking at Kashyyyk itself before they were stopped at Sev-Tok by the combined might of multiple factions.

She also spoke of her own factions role in the battle, about how their Leader had sworn to wipe out the Bryn'adul completely after the battle of Nar Kreeta, of how she had rebelled against The Jedi Order when they refused to temporarily set aside their war with Sith to stop them. About how Xiphos had doubled down against the Order again and again, participating in a great number of the worst battles of the war fighting not just the Bryn'adul, but the Galactic Alliance and NIO with her artificial sons, Skeletal Soldier Droids known as Nuetralizers that quickly became infamous for their warped sense of humor on the battlefield coupled with their viciously brutal methods.

She did not hold back on the dirt on her Mother either. Xiphos had two Force Cults working for her. One was the heretical Light Side Sith organization called The Serpents of Ashla, the other a Dark Side group known as The Cult of The Brain Demon. Xiphos used them both to try and hunt down the Brynadul as well as keep her own faction alive, due to the many enemies her house made.

Agatha was also honest about how her faction held the order responsible for allowing the Bryn'adul menace and was at war with them, and how Laertia refused to let the blood feud cease, and as she was one of the newest models of her children, she was bound by her programming to fight for House Io and prosecute Xiphos' feud with the Jedi.

"You missed a lot, in other words..." Agatha trailed.
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

Feeling the hand on her shoulder, Mi’la looked to the woman and managed a weak smile. Yes, she was a mystery, but sometimes that meant you could work with someone to solve it. Still, her computer being wiped was…odd. Maybe a security measure, something to check into later.

She took the time to eat, slowly at first, but eventually she was following Agatha, listening to what she had to say, and feeling something welling up in her gut. Perhaps she was sick with something, maybe Agatha could assist her there later. One thing was certain though, she had missed out on a lot. Maybe her new…friend could help her somewhat on getting back into the world. One question still bothered her though, one the woman hadn’t answered.
“So…where do I fit into all this now?”
Agatha sighed.

"Well, Mila, that largely depends on you..." Agatha replied. "None of us want to keep you here against your will. You're free to leave if you want. But we have no objections to you wanting to stay with us a while..." Agatha said, some random part of her coding causing her to get more intrigued with Mila. How purple her skin was...just the loveliest shade...


Agatha magnificently avoided rolling her eyes. NOW her ethics programming wanted to kick in. Fethin' convenient.

"I would love to show you around, Mila. If anything, it was getting a bit into tedium before you arrived..." Agatha said with a smile.

"We have physical therapy rooms--"


"--But perhaps you don't think you need that." Agatha offered quickly. "What do you think is best for you?"

Besides me getting to check the pulse on that gorgeous neck? she thought to herself lasciviously.


OH SHUT UP! she thought to her own programming, outwardly ever the professional, awaiting what Mila Io Mila Io 's decision was.
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe
Mila looked to the woman, blinking, processing her choices. Agatha was rather kind, and she had no real destination in mind. Would be best to remain here, get her bearings, then move on. She offered a smile in return, she set her hand atop Agatha's. "I would like to try some physical training, see if my mental and physical capacities are in suitable order. Would that be acceptable?" She asked, giving a small squeeze to Agatha's hand.

She gives a small shrug of her head, headtails twitching. "Physical therapy would be acceptable as well. You are a doctor, yes? I trust you can give me satisfactory service." She commented, making a motion to rise now, eager to follow Agatha towards whatever ward she thought best.
"I am fully rated to treat and aid you in full Physical Recovery..." Agatha assured Mila Io Mila Io , gleeful at the thought of getting to see Mila...move...

It was all professional on the outward, at least until Mila clasped her hand.

Agatha was taken aback by how soft her hand was. How warm it felt. She felt her brain starting to warm up slightly as it tried to process the rush of sensation and emotions that came from physical contact. Her breath caught in her throat for a half second, lower lip quivering as she rose up.

"I know the perfect place to get you started. Fencing is a national sport in our House. It's the perfect combination of training and therapy. We practice with weapon suppression fields. I'd be happy to be your sparring partner..." she offered with an awkward smile, escorting her through sterile white halls into a small chamber.

"A test of your muscle coordination and reflexes..." She mused, tossing her a strange hilt, and activated, producing a light blue blade.

"It's a sort of energy rapier. Go on. Give it a test..." she said, giving her own a swish through the air, it's hum like the shave of an electric razor...
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There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

Rather happy to hear she would be allowed to spar, and with Agatha none the less, Mila felt something was off however at the contact, and raised an eyebrow as she sensed something distant. Maybe it was just sedatives wearing off, and she quickly put the notion aside. “I’m not sure if I will be able to fight as I used to, but, sure. I’ll try not to hurt you, though perhaps you’ll be the one to injury me.” She smiled, rising up and following the woman into the sparring chamber, doing her best to stretch out tired and worn muscles.

As they got set up, she took up the blade offered to her, feeling a flicker of memory return as she gazed at the blue blade. It was of something distant, a battle she couldn’t recall, yet it held her entrances for a long moment, before she gave off a flourish, feeling comfort begin to seep in. Indeed, she felt ready now as she gestured with the blade towards Agatha. “I’m ready.” She smiled, taking up a stance near identical to that of form II.
Agatha smiled, and went with a probing lunge with her rapier towards the mid-section of Mila Io Mila Io , going at normal human speeds, not wanting to over tax Mila.

As she struck at Mila's belly with the swift lunge, Darth Xiphos and her Wife, The Battalion The Battalion , observed from hidden cameras in a private booth.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but your daughter seems rather...enthusiastic about the task."

"I noticed..." Xiphos replied, fingers entwining with The Battalion's as they sat next to each other.

"What triggers it in your children? Attraction, I mean?" The Battalion wondered, munching on an olive.

"The minds of my progeny are too complex for there to be installed prerequisites for really DOES happen randomly, just like it does with regular Organics." Xiphos explained. "If Agatha does feel something, it was no command prompt on my part..."

Xiphos frowned.

"You seem disquieted..."

"I know by experience..." Xiphos trailed, planting a kiss on her Consort's fingers. "How difficult it can be to maintain distance..."

The pair looked at each other and burst out in laughter for a few moments.

"So, my do you intend to cultivate this Asset?" The Battalion asked.

"Themis will scholar her. It'll give her some busy work when she's not doing what she can to feth with the Ashlan's. No doubt she has already foreseen my plan and should be arriving in three, two..."

Darth Themis Darth Themis strode in wearing a skintight purple catsuit, clutching her Lightsaber Spear.

"Alright, let me have a look at the supplicant..." Themis said gruffly, going over to the security feed in the darkened booth.

"Hello to you too, Grandmother..." the Heretic Sith said, opening her mouth so The Battalion could pop a small gourmet chocolate into it.

"Don't give me that. Booking a flight here and covering my tracks was not easy..." The currently dark skinned and red haired, voluptuous Sith replied in a snide, irritated manner. "So...performed your first reprogramming, eh?"

"Yes. A woman named Mi'la Undari..." Xiphos said, going over the datapad, the Battalion tracing a finger teasingly across her ear.

"Our spies say she's a child of Slavers who ran afoul of the Hutt's and now she's got a bit of a complex over slaving..." Xiphos explained. "Our Psychologists suggests this hatred could be so strong it might interfere with the personality we implanted, were it to be exposed to an act of slavery."

"So we keep her away from that kind of stimuli...easy enough..." Themis muttered..."Any other idiosyncrasies?"

"We think she's a parent. We're having trouble locating progeny." Xiphos replied.

"Maintaining the implanted Personas cover will be difficult enough. Perhaps it's good you've chosen Agatha to distract her. But be warned: You risk Agatha's mental well being."

"Do you see it in your visions?" Xiphos asked Themis.

"You may be disappointed. Agatha's sense of ethics has developed rapidly since her initial activation."

"She is still a Nuetralizer." Xiphos insisted despite confessing her own misgivings about the situation to The Battalion not seconds earlier. "Her programming will hold, on the basis that manipulating this woman advances the House's cause."

"And what if Agatha decides the House's cause is better served by not going with your plans?" Themis asked pointedly.

Xiphos leaned back, already feeling the aches and pains of her rapidly worsening condition. She would need to go into the Bacta Tank soon.

"Then I adjust. I always have." Xiphos replied, wincing.

"Grand Daughter, much as I adore your confidence, I must emphasize, you're playing a very dangerous game. One slip up, and this 'asset' could cost us. A lot."

"If it comes to that, we'll off the subject, and find another. I'm not letting the order get away with what they've done."

"Julia sometimes I wonder whether this obsessive hatred you possess for them is not some attempt to absolve your own choices..." Themis snapped, at her limit with Xiphos.

Xiphos was very quiet. The Battalion stared at Themis, the way a Cat stares at something it wants to eat.

"You will never make them see your side of it. They don't care how many you kill, they will never budge!" Themis snapped.

"I don't care if they budge or not. I no longer wish to convince them of anything. The attacks continue. The blood continues. They must not be allowed to enjoy whatever peace they think they have. Their own shall be dumped on their doorstep, broken and a burden. Cut off from their power. And it still won't be even a billionth as awful as letting the Bryn'adul commit genocide after genocide--"

"Just because your evil is not to the scale of the Bryn'adul DOESN'T MAKE YOU ANY LESS OF A MONSTER!" Themis shouted, months of rent up frustration with the disaster Xiphos had become pouring out. "You win no one with this cruelty, this, this mindless, unthinking brutality!"

The air was dead silent between them. Themis knew something had changed between them.

Xiphos was very calm in a way that disturbed Themis.

"Why can you not understand that this needs to be done to the Jedi? If I don't punish them for letting the Bryn'adul or the Maw get so powerful, no one will" Xiphos replied with a tone smooth like dry ice. "Why are you speaking up for them? Have you forgotten what they did to you? Imprisoned you as a snake in a tree. Tore down your organization. The fact you went soft and tried to do it their way for a while only adds insult to injury."

"Oh come off it! You think I don't see this for what it is? You're desperate to justify what you've done! Everything you've done!" Themis snapped. "Deep down you're not truly at peace with the decisions you made, and you blame it all in them for "forcing" you. This has nothing to do with the Bryn'adul or The Maw and it never did." Themis replied, watching the Heretic clench her cybernetic fist. "It's just you, lashing out over being the only one to dissent from their decision. If you were really so secure in your choices, it wouldn't matter so much that they be punished."

"It is precisely because I am so secure in my choices that I know they must be." Xiphos insisted. "They do not deserve respect or compassion. They are not people, and I refuse to treat them as people after what their decisions caused..." Xiphos answered quietly, holding up her Lightsaber.

"All that matters to them is the next grand sword duel with the next Palpatine wannabe!" Xiphos said, dropping it. "Sith are their Job Security! Without the Dark Side, they would have nothing! Without a big nasty Sith Lord acting as boogyman, who would suffer their preaching?! NO ONE!"

Xiphos turned eyes back to the security feed.

"At least this way our asset has a shot at being something other than one of their Drones."

"She came to you in peace, and your only response was to reprogram her."

"Jedi never offer peace. They offer surrender on their terms. A Jedi Peace is a gilded towel for us to throw in."

"Scale it back, Xiphos."

"Or what?"

And there it was.

"Or what, Grand Mother?" Xiphos repeated.

"Or I show you why the Jedi were wary of me." Themis replied. "Since Brute Force is all that seems to register these days than that is what I will apply if you press it. I don't want to, Julia. Don't make me."

"You're playing right into their hands. They'd kill us all in a heartbeat if they could, and you think I should ease up..." Xiphos snorted. "Get your priorities straight Grand Mother...I'm not the enemy. They are. They'll always be the enemy."

Themis stroked her grand daughters face out of pity.

"You used to be so beautiful. But that glint of hatred in your eyes whenever you speak of them ruins it."

Themis walked out and Xiphos sat back down next to The Battalion.

"I'm not crazy..." Xiphos said. "I'm...not..."

(Cutaway of J Jonah Jameson laughing uncontrollably.)

(Cutaway of John Preston slamming the guy from 10 things I hate about you into a desk.)
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There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe
She hadn't expected Agatha to actually take up the challenge, though she was prepared for it all the same. Taking a step to the side, moving past the oncoming strike, Mila adjusted her blade, clashing the two weapons against one another, as she attempted to shove the blow back, hoping the angle of her shove would grant her an advantage. "Don't need to try and impress me, this is just to gauge my condition, yes?" She chided, as she held the blade out to Agatha, taking a cautionary step back, keeping her senses up as she did so.

The conversation beyond this chamber went unknown to her, as she focused on the here and now with Agatha. The blade felt odd in her hands, but the move she used it, the more she felt at home with it. The design wasn't of her normal saber, which indeed made her question where her equipment would be. At some point during the small spar, Mila worked herself behind Agatha, attempting to mimic the woman's motions to remain behind her, seeming rather amused at the little dance they were doing. "You're pretty good at picking up on my movements, I trust you aren't cheating?" She asked curiously.
Agatha was shoved back by Mila Io Mila Io 's block.

Doctor's Diagnosis: Suffers from the Terminal Conditions 'Smoking Hot' and 'Skilled' Agatha thought lustfully to herself, a small smile on her face as they circled each other.


Mila asked if she was cheating.

"No. It's a Medical Nuetralizer, I'm a fully programmed soldier, designed to rapidly adapt to the tactics of any opponent I face. I learn very quickly, like all those in my line. I... really can't help but learn..." Agatha admitted.

She brought her blade into attack position.

"Try a few sequence attacks on me. Let's see how your hand eye coordination is going..." Agatha encouraged. "I'll fight back at a speed slightly less than a ordinary human...or if you think you can handle, double the speed."
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

It seemed like Agatha was holding back on her, which the Twi’lek had expected. The explanation that she was still programmed to fight like a combat model, though the nature of her design was…confusing. Why would they model combat droids to be so…pretty? “Do whatever you feel comfortable with.” She affirmed to the woman, as she would do as she was requested.

Struggling for a moment, she tapped into the force and felt….strange. She tried to speed up her strikes, and unleashed several strikes and jabs at Agatha’s form, trying her best to at least land a strike; though she found herself holding back still, not wanting to push the woman back too hard.

Agatha parried the first four strikes, though Mila Io Mila Io would succeed with the last three, grazing her stomach and arms respectively.

"Very good, Mila..." Agatha complimented. "Able to link attacks, pre plan. Zero Cognitive impairment, certainly--"

Agatha stopped herself, not wanting to be so clinical.

"Forgive me..." Agatha said. "I'm still working on my bedside manner..."

Agatha went into a guard.

"Mother wanted her children to succeed in life. She made us to be strong, and fast, and smart. She made us as much works of art as weapons, able to get jobs, have loved ones...though we all have a primary purpose for which we are made. All the Organs in my body, my blood, is able to serve as universal doner tissue, as long as I sample their blood beforehand, converting organs in me to the needs of those I am treating for transplant purposes. My skin also produces an enzyme that's as powerful as Bacta." Agatha explained. "Even parts of my brain can be used for transplant purposes. I regrow what's removed of course. No worse for the wear..."
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

To her surprise, she managed to land strikes, and immediately halted her strikes as she injured the woman. Shutting off her weapon, she moved to try and tend to the ‘droid’. “Regardless of what you can heal, I do not want to further injury you. Even a droid has limits to its endurance, no need to push yourself Agatha. I’m sorry for causing you injury.” She sighed, putting the weapon aside as she would set her hand on the injured shoulder and begin to channel healing into her.

She hoped to at least help the woman, but there was a bit of guilt in harming her. “If you have enough info, I can accept calling our little session quits for the day, if you’re happy with the data that is.” She soothed, not entirely sure if she had committed some taboo for causing the woman injury. It didn’t make the guilt she felt any better.

"It's okay...I can't feel pain like Organics do most times. It takes a lot to make me double over..." Agatha reassured Mila Io Mila Io . "And I have more than enough data..."

Agatha shut off her blade as Mila tried sealing her up early. "You're very...kind, Mila..."

The reminder of this woman's innate kindness sent a surge of guilt through her. Why would Xiphos want to inflict this on this person?

Not for the first time, Agatha questioned her Purpose. Questioned it heavily. She wished she had insight into her Mother's Psychological assessments, but those were in the hands of her prototype daughters only...

Agatha was forced to remind herself this was the first real effort to put a super deep cover agent into the Order. Xiphos knew they would rebuild on the site of the old Silver Rest, more out of defiance than anything pragmatic, and she intended to have someone on the inside of the SJC when it was. The intel gained would be invaluable.

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

The SJC would learn it didn't matter where they hid, how high they built their walls, nor how cunning the made the locks on every door.

House Io was patient. It would pick as many locks as it had to, camp under every filthy floorboard and closet and wait for the Jedi to turn their backs long enough to strike. They would feel the rage of those they left to the Bryn'adul.

No matter how long it took to inflict even a minor wound.

"Mila..." Agatha said, hiding her guilt. "Would you like to meet my Mother? Darth Xiphos?"

(Cutaway of J Jonah Jameson laughing uncontrollably.)
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

"That doesn't mean you can't still feel pain, Agatha. Even if it's a small amount, it still shouldn't be felt." As Agatha gave her a polite thanks, she focused instead on trying to mend the cut, though found that Agatha's own body was making headway on it. Still, she felt it with the force, learning how it worked and seeing if there was perhaps anything that she could assist in mending.

Sadly, there was not. With their weapons now shut off, the duel now finished, Mila was a bit surprised as Agatha asked if she wished to see her mother. "Darth...Xiphos? Like the Sith?" She asked, sounding a bit concerned, still resting a hand on Agatha's shoulder. "That....I probably shouldn't, I'm a jedi. She wouldn', I don't think it wise. I'm sorry." She shook her head, trying to wrap her mind around why a Sith would have wanted her to be taken in and treated. Unless, it was for some means that jutified their own ends. Regardless, it troubled Mila a great deal.

"Xiphos doesn't even really know who you are." Agatha replied, watching as the Force worked on her tissue.

(Cutaway of J Jonah Jameson laughing uncontrollably)

"As long as you don't mention being a Jedi, Xiphos doesn't really seem to care if you serve the Light. Her dispute with Lightsiders is limited to Jedi alone. It is a curious thing about her. Almost myopic in how particular her hatreds are." Agatha added sheepishly to Mila Io Mila Io . "But if you don't want to, that's fine. What would you like to do instead? We have plenty to do around could assist me in treating patients for example. You seem like someone who enjoys helping others."
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

Mila is silent for a moment, unsettled by this notion. What she knew of the Sith was that they were not tolerant "I don't...know.." She mused, headtail curling around her neck, uncertainty bubbling in her gut. She shakes her head. "I don't know what to do in truth, there is so much that feels alien to me, in truth, without you I would be in a much worse state." She muttered embarrassed in part, looking away from Agatha, musing to herself. "If you require the aid, I would enjoy working closer with you for the betterment of others. Assuming I am not getting in the way. You can't afford distractions, can you doctor?" She asked, smiling as her gaze returned to Agatha, unaware of the flirtiness of her words.

You can distract ME any time you want, you violet skinned goddess... Agatha thought to herself.


"I would be delighted to have your assistance..." the Android warmly assured Mila Io Mila Io . "Your presence would not be a distraction at all."

Agatha clasped her hands innocently.

"Now, if you're going to help me, would you prefer a change of clothing? We have a good amounts of much sturdier clothes

(Cutaway of Agatha sitting by an elegant fireplace OOC)

(Agatha (Grinning): Now that is how you scheme...)

Fifteen minutes later.

Whether Mila changed clothes or not, Agatha soon led her into the med bay, where others of her Model could be seen transplanting their organs into patients. Agatha smiled, spotting the Skeletal Nuetralizer Model 1 known as David busily gathering up damaged clothing cut off of patients. The silver Skeleton, only a single example of mechanical threat that had fought Jedi since the Invasion of Generis, glanced their way with red photo-receptors and waved.

"Sister. How are you?" David asked pleasantly in a synthetic timbre to his voice.

"Just fine, David. Just fine. Thank you for volunteering. The Medical Nuetralizers can only handle so much at once.

"Think nothing of it. You're family." David replied. His skull head, ghastly and with a permanent Rictus grin if you stared at it from a certain angle, he tilted his head in curiosity at Mila.

"Your patient?"

"And helper at the moment. Her name is Mila. Mila this is my older brother, David. He is of the First Generation of our race, when we were still purely mechanical."

David held out a Skeleton hand of silvery, Cortosis weave Durasteel, Red Receptors narrowing as he examined her. His movements and gestures were Organic in their fluidity, not a hint of the mechanical about them as he walked over.

"A pleasure, Mila. David Io, at your service." David said pleasantly to her as well.

"He's really a sweetheart when you get to know him. He made me a T-7 Ion Disruptor from scratch for a winter gift..." Agatha mentioned as though he had simply given her a hand built toaster.

"I still swear by those guns. The rifles they gave my siblings nowadays have too little oomph. When I point a gun at someone, I wanna know they'll turn into a pink mist with a pull of the trigger, anything less just leaves that nagging doubt..." he joked (Long Cold Dark: 70 XP) , the gallows humor his model was infamous for poking through.

"I hope you are not too offput by the initial reception you may have gotten." David said.

(Cutaway of J Jonah Jameson laughing uncontrollably)

"We're on High alert, but once you're cleared, we're very chill with newcomers. Mother knows not every new face is an enemy. If anything, she thinks of them as allies..."

(Cutaway of Kreia from KOTOR 2 sitting by an elegant fireplace OOC)

(Kreia: Wait for it...)

"...Allies who just aren't aware they are allies yet." David added.

(Kreia: That was a KOTOR 2 reference, in case the Narrator isn't being clear.)
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

Mila took to Agatha's words, and indeed took on something more fitting of an older jedi robe style; that of a plain drab grey tunic and trousers. It might have been disappointing for Agatha, but Mila was a bit oblivious to such things. Walking with the woman, she was looking to the machine in the process of treating a patient, one that she soon learned was called David. She bowed her head, taking the metal appendage and shaking it. "A pleasure David." She said softly, before stepping back as the dialogue between Agatha and David left Mila a bit lost.

Taking that step back, she folded her arms behind her back and looked between the two in total confusion, unsure what she was to say. "I hope I am still considered an ally once Agatha sees me off...."
"I wouldn't worry about that, Mila." Agatha said. "House Io bears you no ill will, I promise."

(Cutaway of Laertia Io eagerly having Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari reprogrammed.)

"I'll let you too get back to what you were doing. Nice meeting you!" David said before walking off to help other patients.

Agatha turned to Mila Io Mila Io .

"I need help with some of the burn patients, Mila. Many of ours got terrible plasma injuries." Agatha explained, innocently stealing a glance at Mila.

Oh, why am I finding you so hot, Mila? Agatha questioned herself as a patient was wheeled in. This will complicate my situation sooo much. Why did Mother make me your handler? Did she sense something about us I didn't?

Agatha had gotten intrigued the moment Mi'la had renounced her membership just to help. Agatha, programmed to be as empathetic as a Nuetralizer possibly could without being anything close to a pacifist, couldn't help but latch on.

Were the Jedi really all so deserving of death, as Mother claimed?

"Mila, this one. Help me start applying the burn treatment..." Agatha requested politely as a patient was rolled in.
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

She smiled politely to David as he excused himself, leaving Mila to continue with Agatha, head still full of uncertainty. “Though I’m uncertain about what your house will do with me, I don’t feel like you wish me any harm.” She smiles faintly, reaching. A hand to squeeze Agatha’s in kinda. An expression of amusement flickered across her face at the contact, a realization dawning upon her. “You feel….softer than I imagined. Apologies.”

Quickly withdrawing her hand, the traces of a blush evident on her face now. Seeing the newly arrived patient, Mila was already focusing in on the task at hand, feeling for the pain of the victim as she moved to engage. “Right, let me control the damage so you can set you work.” She muttered, hands extending to control the site of the plasma damage using the Force now. She would leave it up to Agatha on the rest of the treatment, unless of course she was asked to perform some other task.

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