Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
Rhen Var

It is late afternoon on Rhen Var as the BT-12 Thunderstrike Gunship, called the Valkyria flew like a fat bee through the valley of ice. Aerin is coming in to low and fast, the snow hitting the view window of the cockpit making visibility almost impossible, good thing they have sensors. However, there is a smile on her face as she enjoyed every moment of her flying, she had had only one lesson to fly before this, but she retained all the procedures, and only time in the pilot seat would make her more accomplished, in time. The thrill of it pulsing through her veins and she began to laugh, but she wondered why her passengers looked so worried. "There!", she point to the window, just able to see a suitable landing place. "I think that will do". The ship banked severely as she took her hands of the control yoke but she soon righted it once more.
A spray of snow kicked up behind the ship and she approached the not so level landing sight and placed the ship to ground with a thud. "I'll have to work on my landing I think", she said more to herself.
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