Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hot Ice [Nima and Aika]

Rhen Var
It is late afternoon on Rhen Var as the BT-12 Thunderstrike Gunship, called the Valkyria flew like a fat bee through the valley of ice. Aerin is coming in to low and fast, the snow hitting the view window of the cockpit making visibility almost impossible, good thing they have sensors. However, there is a smile on her face as she enjoyed every moment of her flying, she had had only one lesson to fly before this, but she retained all the procedures, and only time in the pilot seat would make her more accomplished, in time.

The thrill of it pulsing through her veins and she began to laugh, but she wondered why her passengers looked so worried. "There!", she point to the window, just able to see a suitable landing place. "I think that will do". The ship banked severely as she took her hands of the control yoke but she soon righted it once more.

A spray of snow kicked up behind the ship and she approached the not so level landing sight and placed the ship to ground with a thud. "I'll have to work on my landing I think", she said more to herself.

[member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Aika Kawakami"]​
[member="Connor Harrison"], if you wish to join please do :)

Connor Harrison

Connor Harrison hadn’t always been nervous when flying, but the over enthusiastic traveller from Midvinter was certainly going the right way about putting him off for life. Resting his hands on the arms of the rear chair in the cockpit, alongside [member="Nima Tann"] and [member="Aika Kawakami"] – of all the people [member="Ærin Firebrand"] had found to help, it’s was these two – the ship came into a steep landing.

It was funny – Rhen Var had a meaningful place in Connor’s heart and this would be third time he had visited the planet. Hopefully it would be the most pleasant.

Looking out at the frozen landscape of the planet, snow gently falling from grey skies, Connor exhaled softly when the engine was silenced and there was no more movement. His eyes flicked over to the red-head at her light-hearted comment, hand unbuckling his flight belt.

”Don’t they have ships out there on your planet with the wolves or something…”
[member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | Aika Kawakami​
"Of course we don't", she said to Jedi and his comment. "Master Harrison I believe?", she arched her brow at him as she looked him over without any purpose to hide it, to her he would not last five minutes on Midvinter regardless of all his modern technology. She smirked at her thought.

"Shield Maiden Aerin Firebrand, and Sword to the King of Midvinter, at your service". She said standing up from the pilot seat to move toward the back of the ship to gather her large fur coat. She simply could not wait to get outside and into the icy landscape.

"We have long ship Master Harrison", she shot back down the corridor. "Wooden boats that sail the dangerous sea of the Grand Maw, filled with harden men and women of Midvinter, they brave these seas just to bring us fish. And as for wolves, well, I think they would like you very much'. she jested but oh there is so much more there then wolves to worry about.

Connor Harrison

Connor stood and turned to the woman – Aerin Firebrand – as she made herself known. With a small incline of his head, he was about to question her title but she carried on talking, moving down the ship.

Resting on his elbows on the headrest of his seat, he looked down the corridor after her listening with a sense of confusion and surrealism; fish and Kings and wooden boats?

He raised his head in feigned interest, nodding slightly. He pushed out his greatcoat and pulled up the black cloth that would cover his mouth and nose against the elements. Turning to face the windscreen and look out at the elements, he rolled his eyes slightly as she finished.

3 very different ladies, each one guaranteed to rub Connor up the wrong way during this expedition. This was going to be a long trip.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]
[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Nima Tann"]

The boarding ramp lowered but because of the angle which the ship had landed, it failed to meet ground. Aerin paid little attention to this as she walked out along the ramp and took in her surroundings. A smile breaking across her face and removed her fur coat, it is not so cold today, at least not for her. She would leave the coat on the ramp if anyone desired the warmth. "What a beautiful day", she said with a genuine smile.

The subzero temperatures filling her with renewed energy and delighted the skin on her face. "I believe the caves that contain crystals are not far from here, do you know the way Master Harrison?", she is leaving much about the galaxies technology but she still has much to learn. Her sense however, told her they are close but still she needs more experience in pin pointing things through her force abilities. A Knight she may be but with much to learn.

Her hand rested on the pommel of her sword which never leaves her side, there would be no need for the bow and quiver today, she will hunt more on Voss high in the mountains where she has made a home for herself.

"Shall we depart".

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
This morning, she was living a life that was a loop in Voss, she always loved to be in warm climate. She never liked the cold, because cold was bad news every time. Then while wandering around the Temple, she saw a Knight, who was trying to find people to help her make her own lightsaber. The thing was, she never experienced making her own before, she always used her father's. So, she aggreed to help her, without knowing who else were coming.

As she arrived to the ship, she saw [member="Connor Harrison"] and [member="Aika Kawakami"] sitting opposite of each other, she smiled to them. Of all the people she could find, she found those two. But she wasn't here to complain of course. So, she sat near Connor, because she trusted Connor more than Master Kawakami. She had her own agenda, and Force knows what she was thinking right now.

"Hey Connor. I heard you became a Master now. Congratulations! Can celebrate later when we return from that cold place." she said excitedly, and gave a sincere smile.

As for their departure, she didn't say a word, just listened this Knight talking with Connor, one could say she was a good pilot. The ship continued to move, leaving the green behind and it's warm climate. Instead, she started to feel a little cold. Uggh...

The cold got stronger and stronger as they continued towards this cold planet. Rhen Var... Didn't Connor say anything about a Rhen Var before? Yeah, yeah he did. But she didn't know what secrets did he find or live here, but it must have been a freezing experience.

The time for departure already come, as she slowly landed the ship, ship was little close to the ground but not on the ground. She just have been promoted to Knight, so she knew she was ready for this little adventure. But still, she had that feeling that something could go wrong, whenever it didn't?

"Beautiful indeed..." she said with a sarcastic tone. "Is it always this cold here?" She was prepared for the cold, but still she was freezing.

[member="Coci Sinopi"]

Connor Harrison

Pulling up the cloth over his mouth and nose as well as the hood over his head, Connor followed them to the landing ramp, shaking his head slightly noticing it wasn’t even touching ground. He sidled down and jumped to the soft snow below and got his bearings.

This time on the planet, he had no alarming Force preconception of danger. For all he knew, they were on the other side of the planet with thousands of miles between them and the Citadel. Still, that was in the past – he was over that, and now he was here with a manipulative Master, a new Knight in [member="Nima Tann"] and a Midvinter maid who didn’t know if she was pilot, Jedi or sword handler.

”This isn’t cold, Nima – this is actually quite warm for Rhen Var. When it gets colder, you’ll know. I’d wrap up those lekku if I were you.”

He placed his hand on her back and guided her forward, looking back to [member="Aika Kawakami"], quiet as ever and just as cunning, and [member="Ærin Firebrand"]. He stopped and walked to her, boots crunching through the snow, looking at her sword curiously as she spoke.

”I thought you knew the way, Firebrand – I only said I’d come to help you in the construction and as protection for you, not a guide. Don’t you have a map?”

Placing his hands on his hips, he scanned the area around him and, bar the ship, couldn’t see much through the heavy but gentle snow and the uneven terrain.
[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Nima Tann"]

"Jedi need maps?", she asked looking confused. However, she jumped down off the ramp and began crossing the icy fields toward an area up ahead, she could sense the presence of high energy readings. "I think it is this way", she said pointed to the end of a small valley.

It is a fine day, and the icy air helped to lift her spirits greatly and although she had not been of Midvinter since the battle, she missed home, she always does but this place did something to help her homesickness. However, this terrain is most different, many dangers lay below their feet unlike the more stable environment of Midvinter.

But onward she went and soon all of them would be able to see an entrance in the side of the rock face, small as it was, and covered in ice that seemed to have stood firm against time.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Hands clasped at the small of her back, Aika followed behind the other three, eyes glancing out over the frozen landscape before them. Her normal jacket replaced with a slightly thicker version, the jacket hemming out just below her hip. "You know, a map would be helpful... Getting lost in the snow is usually not a good way to begin an excursion."

A small snicker escaped her lips as she descended the the ramp, the incredible cold somewhat smacking her in the face as she made contact with the planet's surface. It was a wonder why she had even come along, but then again, she never did anything without a reason. Her eyes found themselves pursing over the one being she was unfamiliar with. Though, she assumed by the end of this little outing, she would more than likely know all she needed to about Erin.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Nima Tann"]

Connor Harrison

Ignoring [member="Aika Kawakami"] and her wonderfully dry observation from behind, Connor kept moving forward and felt a good presence in the Force around the 4 of them – nothing. No sign of danger or lifeforms lurking in the fresh snow or ice caves. Although from his time on Rhen Var in the past, he had yet to come across native inhabitants.

Walking just behind [member="Ærin Firebrand"] with [member="Nima Tann"] up ahead, he let the Midvinter maiden highlight one of the ice caves frozen in ice and blending in with the others along the way. Stepping forward and rubbing a gloved hand over it, the smooth flakes of ice drifted off and were lost in the snow from above.

”Well there’s something around here. Allow me, Firebrand. NIMA – hold up.”

Calling for the new Knight to stop and cover them from the front, Connor pulled his lightsaber hilt from his left hip and activated the blade with a piercing blue snap-hiss that cast a nice wave of light over the ground below.

Plunging the blade over his head and down through the ice, Connor held it there as the intense heat made short work of the ice, melting it in seconds and forming a decent opening where the ice fell away into water and the chunks above fell down.

With a satisfied sigh, Connor killed the blade and peered into the hole. He stepped back.

”That’s how you do it. None of your axes or bows and arrows were through this that quick.”

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
The cold continued to touch her crimson skin, even for the thick clothes, she couldn't stop her lekku from shaking, an embarassing thing for a Twi'lek. She quickly covered them up with the hood. It is pretty warm for Rhen Var, he said... Well she didn't want to stay here longer to find out for the real Rhen Var cold. But she could warm up with the embarassment so it could be a good idea. Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard Master Kawakami's voice.

The last time that she spoke with Master Kawakami, she messed with her head really good, from that day she had headaches and some kind of... anger issues? She hoped that her head would stay clear from any invaders for a long time, because that was one of the experiences she didn't want to live a second time.

She continued moving near to the lady of Midvinter, without saying much. If there were any enemies around, they would probably come from the back, so she was covering the front. Master Harrison and Kawakami were ready to kick some creatures if any of them tried to silently approach them. As for Nima, she continued trying to sense if any Force signature was nearby. It was complete silence, a disturbing one. The silence was broken by Connor as she shook a little, hearing his alerted voice.

"Uhhh... what?!" She took her lightsaber from her robes and activated it as reflex. Seeing that he took his lightsaber to melt the ice that was covering the cave that lady Firebrand was talking about, she looked at him impressed. "Good show, Connor! See, Lady Firebrand, lightsabers are useful for situations like this. They can cut almost anything without any problem."

The cave's seal was broken, and she started to feel a dark aura, coming from the depths of this very cave. There was something here, something dangerous... Her concentration was slowly decreasing as the painful headaches return. "There is... definitely... something down there. Some... thing... Ugghh..." The ground started to move under her feet, she tried to regain her balance, but her feet was already losing the power.

She could hear a soft whisper, something that was telling... She's here... Who is here? Who is she?.... And she could feel that her tattoos were slightly burning, not that painful, but disturbing.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Ærin Firebrand"][member="Aika Kawakami"]
[member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Aika Kawakami"]

She smiled and shook her head, that all the comments. Aerin knew well enough the use of a lightsaber, she had had one before this after all, a sith blade she had removed from the dead body of a man placed on her door step. She had kept it for some time, even learned how to use it, before she had it destroyed by a Sith Lord. They do not know of her abilities in the force, she is a knight and so is not without talent.

But she knew these Jedi did not know her or her history and she just put it down to their ignorance. It is precisely why she considers both Jedi and Sith alike limited in their application of the force. To much angst and threatens and dangers that restrict them and make them arrogant to anything 'other'.

Interesting really, considering Jedi should seek knowledge not assume to know. And for all their 'knowledge', they had just disturbed something unwanted. "Yes useful indeed", she simply said.

Connor Harrison

Killing his blade, Connor watched [member="Nima Tann"] and walked up beside her, facing the cave. He reached out and held onto her arm to keep her steady and to anchor her back to reality; something he pretty much owed her, to protect and make sure she didn't wobble.

”Remember; listen to us. To me. To yourself. Not the voices in your head. Don’t trust them.”

He looked to [member="Aika Kawakami"] for a second, as if asking what she was doing, and then over to [member="Ærin Firebrand"].

”Miss Firebrand, is everything ok? I’m sensing a little hesitation around us – please, speak up as I do not wish you to feel wary on your own expedition.”

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
The whispers continued to haunt her head, that would make a person crazy... So many unanswered questions but... then a total silence, as if nothing ever happened, as she felt a familiar warmth on her arm. STAY AWAY FROM HER! she heard another voice, this one was a little... demonic, scary. And she was pretty sure that the one contacted her could hear it too. An ordering, but caring voice that filled her head, instead of the horrible voices, that, she opened her eyes and saw [member="Connor Harrison"], she looked at him with blank eyes, still trying to realize if she was in reality or not. As the warmth of her body slowly decreased by the cold weather of Rhen Var, she didn't even realize she was sweating... in this cold. Something was happening here, and they would soon find out. As she finally decided she was in reality now, she smiled to the man holding her arm, telling him everything's okay. But was it?

She gave a questioning look, asking him that if she heard the last voice with telepathy. She didn't want to openly ask it, not in front of them.

"No.. no... I... I am okay. Don't worry. I think the aura got me for a second."

Looking back at Master [member="Aika Kawakami"], who still stood at the shadows listening to them, she could feel her presence in her head too, what was she trying to do? Shaking her head, she tried to think clearly. Of all the signatures she knew, this one was different... Familiar maybe... And hungry for... It knew they were here. They needed to be more careful from now on, it seemed.

"We... uhm... We should keep moving. The storm is getting stronger every second we stand here."

Regaining her strength back, taking strength from the force power of him, she didn't want to be the weakest one of this group, so she needed to stay strong, she didn't want to think the else, for now.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"]
[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]

"I am fine Master Harrison", these people are stange, she thought. Her eyes cast over to the other Jedi Master a young woman which remained to herself mostly. Aerin too, sensed the presence of something threatening, her senses well enough to detect evils with much use of late.

Voices in her head? Aerin wondered if the young Knight has vision like she, but for Aerin they are messages of coming events and hears no intruding voices at least none that manipulate the mind.

"Let us depart from here and make way for the caves", her hand rested on the pommel of her force embuded sword. "We only have a short way to go, I can see the cave entrance" she pointed directly ahead. "If you are cold Knight Tann, then you should apply Tapas, failing that I might be able to help". she added.

Aerin pushed onward, her feet digging into the icy surface with practised ease, her eyes reached for the skies once more and noted the darking clouds rolling toward them, they are laden with snow and would send their heavenly flakes surface bound directly, and she sensed it would be a blizzard. "Come on, we need to proceed with haste".

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
To an average person, it would seem as if they were simply just...there. Doing nothing. But, in truth, there was much going on between the four, even more than one of them realized.

Her eyes made contact with Connor's just as he turned to her, almost as if he were weary of her. And who could possible blame him? Every time the two of them encountered, he ended up on the wrong end of it. Whether being tossed about in a cell, or having her walk through his mind as if she were on a Sunday stroll. The same would happen with Nima, though she would catch the Twi'lek's gaze just as she averted it. It was more than obvious to her that both of them were still reeling from previous encounters with her. It was making this almost too easy. Though, nothing was ever as simple as it seemed. There was still one unknown variable; Erin. Aika had yet to probe the girl's mind, choosing instead to watch her for the time being.

"Master Harrison... My, that has an interesting ring to it, if I do say so myself.." Her lips curled into a small grin as she followed the three stay towards the rear of the pack. Her eyes remain rested upon Erin, making sure to catch her attention. "You seem quite capable in the field. Considering this is the first time we're meeting, I do say it's a pleasant surprise. What was your name again?"

[member="Ærin Firebrand"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor rubbed his hands together and looked to [member="Aika Kawakami"] as she finally addressed him; she helped affirm his position with her wry comment. Master Harrison. Time to act like one, and show that the title was actually wanted, deserved and used right.

He gave her an exaggerated bow, looking up at her from behind his cloth mask.

”It does, doesn’t it. Sort of puts us on level pegging now wouldn’t you say.”

Cocking his head at her to go with the smile he flashed behind the mask, he turned and indicated forward to start moving with [member="Nima Tann"] and [member="Ærin Firebrand"], leading naturally with her knowledge of the terrain and objective.

It actually felt nice to not have the objective, or the quest, or the relic to find himself; here he was aiding and protecting rather than actively seeking, so the pressure of success wasn’t as strong as it could have been. Not that his resolve wasn’t strong, that was always high and more so around the others.

Stretching his arm out, he let his gloved fingers scrape through a mound of snow and ice, dusting falling to the ground as he scooped the cold white snow and started to pat it and mould it in his hand. Just as soon as he had, he threw it up and over in the air, watching it disappear in the light flurry of snow starting to come down.
[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Aika Kawakami"] | [member="Nima Tann"]​
"Firebrand, Aerin Firebrand", she answered the more quiet Jedi Master. "This is second nature to me, all this", her arm swept out to indicate the icy wasteland. It is cold, it is ice and snow, but it no Midvinter. Now she missed home once more. If it was not for her Lords edict she would not be here, but she swore to protect Prince Heavenshield, and Lady Sinopi, the only reason why she is with the Silver Jedi.

It seemed to her something of history has passed between all three of the Jedi, she could sense it and it prickled with intrigue and a strong desire of will of power, it was hard to explain even to herself. And so the Jedi are just as hungry for power as the Sith, just do it under the name of justice. It sicken her. Such posulating and dogmatic views that blind them to their own purpose, their own corruptions and the light corrupts equally to that of the dark. They just can't see it, but no matter she has her own designs of life.

Aerin walked on, paying little attention to who would walk with her, and soon they approached the entrance of the cave. The mouth open gapping inviting them in, icicles hung open from the roof like gnarled fangs, dripping the water of the thaw on to the cave surface in pools blacken with the lack of light. How fitting a description for the little group. She cast a quick look back over her shoulder, to see if they had not fallen behind. She grinned.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She continued walking with the group as she was thinking what happened to her, maybe it was normal and Nima was overreacring to this but it was very strange. She walked near to Connor Harrison which she thought she could trust him more than the ladies. She didn't know much about both of them and she hated surprises.

As they continued moving, she heard the monster's, or whatever that was, voice, a growl to the outside world maybe but she could hear and understand it clearly, it didn't want them here. Was she hallucinating or was that real? Another painful headache continued, and she channeled her thoughts to the man walking beside her. "Connor, this monster... It doesn't just growl... It talks. I can understand it somehow... And it's not good news. Deeper cave is dangerous... We need to be careful."

She could hear growls that were slowly getting louder, as if they were getting near. Her hand reached to her lightsaber. I TOLD YOU! GET OUT OF MY CAVE! Another voice just before she saw lizard like creatures getting out of the holes of the cave, they didn't look friendly. With a reflex she took her saber from her belt and activated it. Her tattoos burned once again with the appearance of this signature. Pain... She couldn't describe the pain she was feeling

And one of the creatures jumpes towards her, meeting Nima's fist at its head and went backwards, another jump towards her neck and she took its life by lifting her saber with a quick reflex. Well, that was very lucky. She examined the area just to see there were a lot of them.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]

Connor Harrison

Looking around the monstrous looking mouth of the cave, Connor raised his hand to shield his eyes from the snow flurry and followed Firebrand in, with Nima beside him and Aika bringing up the rear; just where she wanted to be, watching everything and staying out of danger.

All was calm, except Nima, who was obviously either struggling with the conditions of the planet or worn down and not focusing on where she was.

”Nima, maybe you should go back to the ship – there’s no talking monster here, ok? What’s wrong with you?”

Connor talked quietly, slightly concerned at her condition and pain she was in. He felt nothing strange in the Force, bar the obvious presences of the other ladies. He turned his head however at the sound of rumbling in the cave ahead, about to speak up when a couple of snow lizards came thundering out, bearing their teeth and hissing at the unwelcome visitors.

Stepping to the side and holding out his hand to try and calm the creatures, Nima was already on them with her ignited blade, illuminating the cavern with the blue glow that shone in the ice surrounding them.

”Nima, stop – !”

He moved forward as she hit one of the scaly creatures and then cleaved the other in two with a sickening slice of the blade. Turning to see more of the lizards, Connor grabbed her arm and pulled her back out of the opening to the cave.

”What are you doing – you’re going to get us killed, they’re not going to harm us! They are more scared of us and simply defending their territory!”

Falling to his knee, Connor placed his fingers to his temple and closed his eyes, pushing out the Force to send a binding wave of calm from their combined presence here to embrace the lizards. If he could calm them, and almost blind them to their presence, maybe they could move through quietly and quickly without trouble.

”Aerin, Aika, keep going – steady and slow. Nima, stay here, I want to talk to you,” Connor hissed, eyes closed and picturing nothing but serenity for the lizards to keep them attacking out of fear for their fallen others.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Ærin Firebrand"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]

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