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Public Homicide on Hercine Street

Location: Hercine Street, Thirty-Eighth Precinct of Axxila
Objective: Investigate Murder in Meridian Apartments
Tags: Die Shize Die Shize ||

Axxila had two-hundred and seventy-three independent precincts, seven of which were primarily centered around the major elevators from the cityscape and up to the frozen planetary surface. These elevators ostensibly acted as the sole way to get to and from the city, which served as both a blessing and a curse. Exterior crime could only enter the city through those openings, but this meant those precincts looking over the surface elevators were inundated with crimes ranging from the calm to the extremely violent.

Precinct Thirty-Eight was no different from its ilk. Murders occurred with alarming regularity, and the revolving door of planetary governors did not make the situation any easier for law enforcement. Indeed, with them came a whole host of new and interesting problems. A number of Sith Empires had laid claim to Axxila, either due to its economic importance or the massive population boosts it represented. Luckily for the planet, those two factors combined to limit the influence of those Empires that wished to avoid alienating Axxila. Unfortunately, with the Sith came the ever-malignant corruption of Sith practices. Though the Empires were long dead, their zealous faithful still wandered the streets and practiced the more debased Sith rituals in the darker places of the world. They were rare, but every once in a while, a baffling murder would occur within the Thirty-Eighth Precinct, and when that day came the homicide department passed the case off to the Special Investigations counterparts.

It had been the dead of night when SIU-87 arrived at Hercine Street. Meridian Apartments was a lower-level, cheap residential bloc owned by one of the dozen major landowning corporations on Axxila. It had been poorly maintained and run down, and a den of crime and villainy - at least, lower level crime and villainy. While SIU-87 had never been deployed here, its memory banks recalled everything in a twelve-block radius as being removed from standard patrol routes due to the potential danger. That the security forces had been called at all was a miracle and one that SIU-87 struggled not to capitalize on. While its programming dictated that the droid should be kicking down every door from the bottom floor to the very top, it had been sent for a specific mission.

SIU-87 set down its speeder on a landing platform near to the other security vehicles, its dull and unpainted hull appearing worn down even in this place. Indeed, the only thing flashing about SIU-87 was the droid itself, adorned in the security force blue as it was. With a magnetic holster, SIU-87 attached its service pistol to its hip and exit the vehicle.

A few local denizens, either of the apartment or one of the other nearby buildings, had gathered to watch the security forces at work. No less than two dozen officers in light armor were gathered, some watching the crowd while the others stood around their sergeant. All were armed with lighter personal defense blasters, though a couple more heavily armed officers stood at the main entrance of the apartment building. At SIU-87's approach, the bearded officer spoke up.

"Precinct said they'd be sendin' OSI, didn't think they'd be sendin' the head clanker himself," the Sergeant commented to the amusement of his fellows. SIU-87 stopped a couple of paces away from the organic officers, hands folding in front of it

"Bring me to the scene of the crime. I require all information and testimonies gathered as well as the full cooperation of the responding officers," The droid rattled off, its programming leaving no room for ribbing with its fellow officers. The Sergeant straightened but did not outwardly react to the demands, evidently expecting the business-first mentality from the droid.

"Right this way, Detective-Sergeant." Nodding to his men, the officer led SIU-87 into the front entrance of the building and up to the seventh floor, where the scene of the crime lay.
He came with caf in hand. His ship, Star’s Honor, landed beside the others at the platform.
His ship was ever equipped for such situations; a coffee dispenser built within his courier.
It’s a guilty pleasure, but it made sense given the man’s occupation; day and night in turn.

Was just as much a trope to enter a crime scene with a cup of caf as the officer moved forth.

However, like those of the number, despite his badge he still had to prove his command.
“Precinct said they’d be sendin’ in the Sects,” taunted a guard who stood at the entrance.
To Hercine Street Meridian Apartments, that was, before the crime scene, as police stand.
However, the Sector Ranger could only compliment the presence of local law enforcement.

“Didn’t think they’d be sendin’ in a Rodian,” the Sergeant scoffed, as revealed by his badge.
It didn’t take much in the way of eyesight to discover the pips on his collar. Yet, he budged.
The man’s sentiments on the Rodian’s species aside, that was. “Hope you got a hot cup.”
Interesting. This one implies that I might be here for some time. The Rodian sipped at that.

Just then, an officer who served as escort turned to lead the Ranger forward and upward.
“Has anyone else from SR HQ arrived?” Ranger Ett asked as they began walking forward.
Precinct Thirty-Eight was a cesspit of crime and violence in comparison with those others.
However, the murder that occurred here warranted the expertise and scrutiny of Rangers.

“Nah, no Rangers,” the officer sniffed as the pair approached the elevator. “But a detective.”
Curious. “Local?” Poe Ett asked, caf in hand, as the lift closed. “Special Investigations droid.”
His tone was emotionless; didn’t seem to harbor resentment. Yet, this was ‘clanker’ in a voice.
Some tend to discriminate against droids, particularly those with badges, no matter the directive.

“He arrived moments before you.”

The elevator stopped in its tune.
Doors opened and one exited.
A Sector Ranger on a mission.

He was given the room number of the crime scene.
Poe arrived at the door where two officers stood at.
Routine security and Poe had only to offer his badge.
A guard nodded, opened the door, to the crime scene.

SIU-87 SIU-87
Location: Unit 273, Meridian Apartments, Hercine Street, Thirty-Eighth Precinct of Axxila
Objective: Investigate Murder in Meridian Apartments
Tags: Poe Ett Poe Ett || Darth Laesis Darth Laesis

Apartment room "273" had been cordoned off by the security officers, but they had stood aside to allow SIU-87 and its guide inside. The scene that greeted the droid was bizarre, justifying its presence instantly. The welcoming room served the triple purpose of a living room and kitchen, all fitting into a single area. Along the north wall were two doors, building schematics instantly obtained by one of the droid's subroutines designating them as the bedroom and refresher.

However, the actual area of interest was in the living room. Half of it was covered in a thin plastic tarp, covering chairs, tables, and any other furniture. At the center was the desiccated cadaver itself. Despite the obvious efforts to contain the mess created by the victim, no obvious stains - either in the plastic or beyond - remained. Someone had made an effort to clean up after themselves but had failed to remove the body or tarp. SIU-87's sensors indicated trace cleaning materials in the air, something with heavy amounts of bleach content.

The body itself was laid out on its back, spread eagle. Male, human, or close-to-human based on visual analysis. Age was unknown, but muscle development and state of undamaged skin indicated either mid-twenties or well-maintained. Damage along the arms, legs, chest, and face indicates the usage of a bladed weapon, and lack of visual damage elsewhere indicates that the victim was either unable or unwilling to struggle. Slashes/scarring repeat in an unknown pattern: arms match arms, legs match legs.

A new subroutine ran the symbols against the entire Security Department's records, searching for some match to known cults or organizations. While that process ran, SIU-87 approached and continued to scan.

"When was the security office contacted?" SIU-87 asked, walking around the body as the plastic crunched under its feet. The sergeant remained on the other side of the room, unwilling to get closer to the body.

"Two hours ago, or thereabouts. Tried to keep thins' clean on account of the... state of the damage. So, what're we dealin' with? Sith Cult?"

"That remains to be seen," SIU-87 responded, kneeling alongside the corpse and searching for identifying marks. It was stripped bare, and so lacked identification on its person. The database returned a negative match, at least one accessible from the apartment. The cadaver had no facial hair and was shaved bald, likely to allow the markings to continue up along the exposed skin.

SIU-87 had seen worse.

As it studied the body, the door to the apartment opened and drew the attention of the droid and man.
The door to the apartment of Meridian Apartments opened up and in came a man with caf in hand.
A Rodian, a Ranger, not new to murder, rather suited to it in turn, and both ready and willing to attack.
Yet, not with the blaster; with the pen and pad instead, as matter of speech, as he moved in quietly.
Said nothing, uttering no grunt as he surveyed the entrance all the way to the living room, to then stand.

He was not alone. That droid the local officers had mentioned earlier, Spec Ops, was already present.
The Sector Ranger ignored it for the moment, focusing on the scene, which was a body, silent and dead.
Poe Ett took a sip of his coffee, gazing quietly both at the remains and of the surgery required to perfect.
To project the skill of a killer, a murderer, a hunter, a predator, but no mindless animal. This one had sense.

Living room. Victim was potentially at leisure in their home or navigated to this zone from another.
Limbs sprawled, Poe observed the corpse with another sip and all, noting blade marks, but no burns.
No blaster. Perhaps a dagger. The victim may yet have tried to fight off their attacker, but to no avail.
Such resistance may have lasted only for moments before the culprit bested them. Such a grisly tale…

Poe Ett had yet experienced others as well. In a real sense, this one had begun as no different.
His counterpart, the droid unit, remarked on dating, timing, coinciding with identifying marks.
The Rodian trained his gaze on the same question: A naked body, bereft of question. Smart.
Body was bare, no hair, yet left there, as if to serve as a cursed artifact for others to witness.

“The killer wants to be heard,” Sector Ranger Poe Ett sipped, slurped.
He took in the caffeine of his coffee as if it were breath, energy in turn.

“This feels as much of a surgical slaughter as it does a plea to be seen…"
This kill took precision. Yet Poet's still reaching. “Why else leave the body?”

SIU-87 SIU-87 Darth Laesis Darth Laesis

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