Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

His fingers tightened as she once again taunted him. She would always do as such, he was more confident of that than anything else. His lips turned to a snarl, his fingernails digging into her skin as his hand pressed into her throat, an all too familiar feeling for her.

"It will be created." Vrak assured her.

He wasn't too concerned with the how. He already had a scientist in mind for the task, and as far as dispersal...that was simple. Though he held no control within the ministry of Agriculture he still held influence. Dispersing a pathogen across Athiss would be simple, especially if one could ingest it. Vrak would simply have to ensure that such was the case. He smiled slightly as she floated only a few inches away from his face, his lips curling as he pressed his fingers into her throat.

"I missed you?" He asked, his voice brimming with amusement. "I think it's just the opposite. I think my little Pink Pet missed me."

He tugged her slightly closer, lips just a breath away from hers. "After all, she did take up residence in my bed."
[member="Vrak Nashar"]

"It will be?" She said through clenched teeth, his fingernails beginning to leave small patches of red beneath the imprints being left on her skin. "So you don't have it."

Meaning right now they more or less had to flee Athiss, like vermin. How pathetic.

"Then we should leave quickly." Without Vrak present, the palace was more easily guarded by Seraphina, given that there was less inclination to deal with her. Now however, with Vrak back? It wouldn't be long before his old friend decided it was time to topple what little the man had left and either kill him outright, or worse. The Twi'lek had no intention of dying on this sad little planet full of angry purebloods.

The woman's jaw fell, as if in shock that he would have already begun with such tactics, given his current state of health.

But if that was what he wanted...

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

His finger slowly opened and closed, his eyes wandering over them as his muscles tried their best to tense and untense. Hanging within the air for sixth months had caused more problems than just some weight loss. His muscles had also shifting slightly, some stiffening, other slackening. Certain tasks were more difficult, and he could feel that he'd lost just a bit of his own agility. Vrak frowned slightly as he glanced at the mirror in front of him, his eyes following the cuts and bruises upon his skin.

Sera was readying herself behind him, gathering what she needed from his room. "You really did move in."

Vrak said with a frown, glancing as she picked something off of the nightstand that he couldn't quite see. He of course didn't think that Sera actually missed him, rather he assumed that this had been some sort of power-play, a way of showing him that she was Queen, that she could do as he pleased in his own house.

"Don't concern yourself with anything you don't need." He told her as he slowly slipped on his robes, the comforting cloth finally making him feel at home. "Dromund Fel as everything this place does."

The palace there was just as grand as this one, and much less...hidden.
"I brought what I needed here." She said very matter of fact. There wasn't much, some personal belongings and clothing. She didn't have much in the way of possessions, despite her own rather abundant wealth. When it came to her lifestyle, there was little more she needed than clothing, weapons and armor, and the luxurious starship she owned. "Does that bother you?" Not that she cared. He wasn't around to tell her otherwise, and even if he had, she would have told him exactly where to stuff it.

Sera finished adjusting the headpiece of her armor, each lek slipping into the hollowed out horns that protruding back from the head, obscuring her face with the veil. The same armor she wore during their first encounter. It was preferable to keep her from being too easily identified. With pink skin, obscurity was made all the more difficult, so the better hidden she could be, the more she appeared a Zeltron, the safer.

"Do you intend on taking these servants? Or abandon them to their fates."

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

"No." Oddly enough Vrak didn't particularly care. Whatever her reason, Sera was one of the few people whom he would tolerate within his own private space. Why? Because she was perhaps the most powerful tool that he had within his belt. She was stronger than him, and certainly more skilled than any of the other assassins he employed. She was valuable, and that granted her a certain amount of leeway with him. Something she was well aware of. "It doesn't."

Vrak said as he turned, slipping on the last piece of his robe.

A deep breath filled his lungs as he did so, his fingers curling once more as he stepped forward into the center of the room. He glanced towards her, all dressed in armor, and then answered her question. "They will come with us."

He told her simply.

"They know far too much to be left here." Plus, despite himself he was quite fond of a few of them. "Some Massassi will remain, however."

They had to, at the very least, maintain the illusion of resistance. If Siedra thought that they had completely abandoned this Estate by choice then she would be incredibly suspicious. He needed his Rival off kilter, unsuspecting.
"Good." She said sharply, though if that was in mention to her state of residence in his palace or the servants being brought along was anyone's guess. Perhaps it was both. But she quickly moved on. "We should be going soon. Your friend has been sending messengers lately, some half heart attempt at frightening me I think. I've returned them all to her." She left the part of them all being dead out of the statement, figuring Vrak likely knew that was rather obvious. Rarely did anyone get a glimpse of her Twi'lek form and live to share the information with those that would harm her.

"They've been getting more frequent, with additional forces in tow."

Still, all dead.

"But I assume their attitudes will sour sooner, rather than later."

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

"I don't doubt it." Vrak said as he turned, a servant wandering through the door. "Siedra has been sending assassins after me since we were lovers."

Pureblood relationships were...complicated to say the least. At one time Siedra would have made a more than suitable bride, before he had seen opportunity to betray her and take what was hers. She had recovered since then of course, but at the time he'd thought the idea brilliant. His head shook slightly as he turned towards the Servant that had entered moments before, he was a human man, though his skin-tone marked him as a different breed than most. "Is everything set?"

"Yes my Lord. Everything necessary has been loaded onto the ship."

"Good." They wouldn't be taking everything, not the finery, furniture, or anything unnecessary like that. His palace on Dromund Fel was just as nicely decorate as this one. Vrak had been more concerned with the contents of the library and the vaults. Holocrons and artifacts his family had gathered over millenia.

"However, My Lord. There is a small detachment of Massassi on their way here, they are being lead by a masked man."

Vrak blinked.

That could really be anyone, perhaps even an ally, but he supposed that it was best not to question it. "Prepare the ship for departure."

The Servant bowed his head and left.
The Twi'lek snickered at the thought. Vrak having any kind of emotional affair with someone of similar or even differing species was a difficult thing to believe. He was just not the type to have that sort of connection.She had that connection once, though had come to the harsh realization that it only weakened you, opened a gap in your armor where there should be none. Having an attachment that one could not bare the be without was debilitating, something she had no further interest in.

Listening to Vrak and the servant exchange words brought a scowl to her face. There was incredible doubt in her mind that the person arriving with a 'small detachment' of Massassi would be at all friendly.

After all, there hadn't been any friendly guests to visit as of yet.

"Knowledge of your arrival travels faster than air it seems."

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

"Not surprising." He turned to Sera as he spoke. "As long as I remain alive I'm a threat to Siedra and everything she now holds."

The woman knew well what Vrak was capable of, the kind of power that he could amass in a very short time. The Other Pureblood was more than right to fear him. Vrak frowned for a moment and shook his head, wandering over to the small cabinet at the other end of the room and plucking his saber-staff from it's wooden embrace. He hung the weapon at his side, his lips thinning as he motioned for Sera to follow him.

He had no idea who was coming, 'masked man' didn't really narrow things down. Yet this was an opportunity.

"I want to meet whoever is coming for me." If it was another one of Siedra's minions then he would have information on her movements, if it was someone independent then they could provide him with other knowledge he might need. The more he knew about the current state of Athiss the better.

Vrak couldn't afford to be in the dark.

Not for long.
Seraphina crossed her arms, studying Vrak. She wasn't overly eager to engage whoever this masked man was approaching the palace with his array of Massassi.

For whatever reason he seemed to wish it, though. If the man desired a fight, she wasn't quite convinced Vrak would be up to the challenge, meaning she was essentially having to babysit the Sith in this little skirmish, if it came to blows that is, should he demand her presence at his side. Her hands fell with a sigh. From the table she scooped up both purple and green lightsabers, slipping them into their small cylinder holsters on either side of her hips.

"Very well. And what would you like for me to do?"

If he wanted to do this by himself she wouldn't argue. If he got himself killed it would be his own doing, but she couldn't help but feel he was going to require her assistance.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

"Come with me, of course." Vrak didn't intend to take on the whole lot, that would have been foolish.

While he was a prideful man by nature, he knew when he was outmatched. In his current state he doubted he was much of a match for even one of Siedra's token assassins. He didn't particularly care to die on this day, and thus it was best if Sera tagged along with him.

"I will send some of the Massassi to strike at them." He told her. "Draw the main group away."

That would likely end with his own Massassi dead, but he could always create more. "Then you and I will take whomever this man in the mask is."

Sith, particularly those on Athiss were always easy to read. There wasn't much strategy but brute force here, it was what had allowed him to gain so many small victories on this world and others. Sera would likely disapprove, but that didn't really matter. Vrak needed to understand the challenges that stood before him.
Of course.

"Very well." She said, passing by the Sith as she made for the door of the bedroom. "He will die."

She had no qualms about killing Sith. They weren't any different to her than killing anyone else, save for the slight difference in that this one would fight back more so than others.

"Let's get this over with."

There would be others soon to follow, and she couldn't likely kill all of Athiss for him. She was an assassin, not a single Dark Jedi Army. Quietly the woman strode from the room, passing down the corridor, pink feet carrying her down a stairwell towards the main level of the palace. For a moment she wondered what exactly it was that this masked Sith was after. Vrak, most likely, but was it to outright kill him? Perhaps there was some sort of deal that to be made?

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Vrak followed after Sera with no small amount of haste. The more time they wasted the closer this little army of Massassi would come. As he followed after her his hand waved towards one of his retainers, the massive soldiers letting out a low growl. "Take twelve and head towards the canyons."

He and Sera would go across the cliffs. Climbing would be difficult in his current state, but he would at least be able to manage with the use of the force. He motioned for Sera to follow after him, The Massassi letting out a pleased roar as he ventured off to go gather his brothers. The Pureblood wandered towards the back of the manor, taking a door that faced one of the cliffsides here on Athiss. The Massassi would take the bulk of the Masked Man's forces, what was left he and Sera should be able to handle.

"We won't kill him." He told her as they began to head towards the cliffs. "Not immediately."

There were questions that had to be asked.

"When we have him, we'll leave." There was no need to stay any longer. If he was part of Siedra's operations she would just send more, and if he was someone independent then Siedra would eventually come. The faster they left Athiss the better.

As much as it pained him.
"Taking hostages is not what I do, Vrak."

In fact, she'd never taken one before the banker, and that was only because he was of no threat to her in the slightest. This wasn't some average Muun. It was a Sith, likely trained in some measure, similarly to the man beside her. She had no intention of holding back on the off chance that they could take him prisoner and still escape. The two had no idea if Siedra was behind this, or who this man was, or how well trained he was. They had nothing to go on.

And they still needed to escape Athiss.

"I won't intentionally hold back to save his life if it endangers my own."

If that meant kill him to flee? The option was obvious.

"If he survives, you'll carry him yourself."

She looked towards the cliffs, observing the climb. Simple enough for her. For him? It was about time to see how bad of shape he had fallen into.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

He perked an eyebrow at her. "I didn't intend for either of us to carry him."

Once they had taken out the men that surrounded the man it would be a simple matter to call his ship towards them. Heading back towards the estate would only give someone else an opening to strike at them. No, it was better to have his servants come pick him up. Most of the household would be evacuated while they fought, taking shuttles to Vrak's other estates, his own ship, the Hssiss would tend to Vrak and Sera when they were ready to leave.

"This man has value." He told her as they scaled the rough limestone, his breath already betraying him. "He could very well tell us everything we need to know."

He could also know nothing but he didn't mention that. "Kill him if you must, but keep him alive if you can."

This was far from easy for him. His hands felt weak as they grabbed onto the rock, his head shook slightly as he struggled to pull himself up. The force flowed through him, pushing his body beyond what it should have been capable of in that moment. Eventually they reached the top of the cliffs, a thin line of sweat beading down Vrak's neck, a frown pulling at his lips as his eyes wandered over the estate. Just to the left he could see the pack of Massassi heading out through the canyon.

"Do not be concerned. I will keep my promises to you." Vrak said as he rose.

He hadn't forgotten what he'd told her on that ship.
As she suspected the climb was relatively easy. Though her body and muscles hadn't atrophied over the past six months, leaving her a shadow of what she had been, so there was that. Sera was actually rather surprised he made it to the top of the cliffs himself, without aide. Several times she had looked over expecting him to pass out, or slip, or fall, or all three. In a way he had already exceeded her expectations, though if he was this exhausted from simply climbing to the top? He likely wasn't going to be of much use in a heated fight, if there was to be one.

"Or he could very well just lie. It's not unlike your people." That wasn't even an insult, just pure, simple fact. "He will die if he has to. If he lives you'll have your wish."

Her eyes fell to the horizon where a garbed figure walked with purpose, several rows of his own loyal creatures behind and astride of him.

"Your guest has arrived." She said with a tilt of her head towards his direction.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

"He won't lie." Vrak sounded sure of that, and there was a good reason for it. He didn't intend to question the man, just rip what he needed from his mind.

His gaze flicked towards the direction Sera pointed out, his lips thinning slightly. He could just barely make out the shifting figure in black robes, a light-pike in his hand and two dozen or so Massassi wandering behind him. Vrak tried to recognize the mans robes and armor, though from this distance it was impossible. For a second the Pureblood simply watched in silence, and then the man seemed to stop, an order was barked and the light-pike was waved to the side.

More than half of the Massassi broke away from the group and rushed forward. "There."

Just as he had predicted the Sithling had sent his forces forwards to move against those that Vrak himself had sent. There were only about half a dozen of the crimson hulks left with the mysterious Sith. Enough to be a bit of a problem, but not enough to stop there plans.

"Let's go." Vrak said as he pulled himself up to his feet.

Quickly he and Sera moved along the cliff sides, crouching and rushing as fast as Vrak's atrophied body would allow. It took them a few minutes, and by the time they reached the other man the sound of clashing blades and screeching roars could already be heard, but they managed to flank the Sith and his remaining Massassi. As they moved behind him Vrak motioned to Sera, knowing that she was the one that would have to strike first, and hopefully draw the most attention.
A quick huff passed by the lips of the Twi'lek as she stood without word. In the next breath Vrak would catch her dash forward from behind the bit of cover they had, bolting at full speed towards the small group of Massassi. First and foremost they would have to be dealt with. She moved quickly and incredibly quietly, her armor having the benefit of relatively non-existent footwear combined with shadowsilk. It was made to move efficiently, rather than to take the brunt of blaster fire.

It wasn't until the assassin drew within several feet of the first two were they alerted to her presence. With a leap into the air the echoed snap-hiss of two lightsabers sprang forward, her hands releasing the two into a pair of twirling lights, directed straight towards the midsections of both hulking creatures while her own body positioned towards a third. Both feet landed atop the shoulders of the red monster before again using the momentum to push off, sending him stumbling forward towards the ground.

Touching back down opposite those she had just engaged the Twi'lek extended her hands, both lightsabers returning to her with an angry hiss.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Vrak followed after Sera without a moments hesitation, though his fall was much less...smooth.

The Pureblood needed the force simply to survive the jump, landing on the ground with a slight cracking of the soft limestone beneath him. As his feet touched the ground, knees bent, the force erupted from him, a slight jumbled pulse of strength that erupted forth and scattered rocks and other debris. The Massassi closest to hims tuck up his hands in front of his face, some of the stone pelting it in the face. A moment later Vrak drew his Saber-staff, echoing the loud snap-hiss of Sera's own blades.

Within the next heartbeat the remaining Massassi attacked.

The one closest to him swept forward, it's great vibro-blade slashing down towards him before he even had a chance to look up. Vrak bit his lip, ducking beneath the blade and allowing it to slice through the air just above him. His lightsaber cut low, stabbing through the Massassi's ankle and pulling a loud roar from the creature.

Before it could move again Vrak brought down the top half of his saber-staff, turning the blade and bringing the other edge through the Crimson hulk's torso. With a loud thud the creatures bisected body fell to the floor.
With three of the creatures dead, that left three plus the masked man that wasted no time in attempting to spear Seraphina through the chest the moment she landed. One of the Massassi moved to his aide, leaving Vrak to deal with the other two that seemed most interested in him. He would have to handle himself, as the Sith made it rather clear that she wouldn't be given the opportunity to aide Vrak. The blade came at about mid-waist, forcing the Twi'lek to lunge off to the side to avoid the strike, and then to roll as the creature crashed down with his own vibro-blade.

Perhaps fortunately for her she was ambidextrous and able to equally wield a saber in both hands, fending off both the Sith and Massassi with elegant dodges and parries before finally managing to catch the giant warrior off guard, piercing a green blade of energy through it's chest. Quickly she withdrew as the Sith himself began a rather impressive flurry of strikes. It was obvious that he had some degree of training, even if he was not what one would call a master.

At least, not her.

The woman cast her eyes back quickly to check on Vrak, both sabers raising to block a heavy downward slash.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]

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