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Approved Tech Holocron of Kyle Katarn

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Image Source: N/A
Intent: To serve as the reward for a finished thread. To bring another holocron into the universe for people to interact with.
Development Thread:
Acquirement of Holocron
Manufacturer: Kyle Katarn
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Abelain Narv'uk
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique

Material: Crystal Matrix, Holocron parts.
The Holocron of Kyle Katarn. It was created by the long deceased Jedi Master Kyle Katarn near the height of his power and contains several instructive lessons in both abilities and history, as well as the theories and thoughts of Master Katarn. It was hidden away from the galaxy by the Master after it was completed allowing for it to be used by prospective students who would find it should anything ever happen to the Jedi Library's extensive knowledge.

Following the 400 Years Darkness, the location of the Holocron was lost, and only vague speculation was given as to where it might have been located. It was hypothesized by several archaeologists that it might be located upon the planet Felucia, but most searches ended in failure due to the vast jungles and threats that cover the planet. Rumors began to further circulate that a team of explorers had located what they believed to be the final resting place of the holocron following a hidden path, but that was mostly drowned in hearsay and not reliable enough for most to explore.

It was likely later discovered by the Silver Sanctum, though it appears that they did not move it, or were unsure if whether moving it would cause extensive damage to the ancient device. Abelain Narv'uk and his companion Blazing Eye fought a pair of Sanctum Jedi as they heard of the rumors, eventually defeating them and following the pathway towards an archaic structure on the verge of collapse. Within the structure was a solid block of chipped and tarnished metal which contained the almost pristine condition Holocron.

The Holocron has a Gatekeeper in the form of Master Katarn himself, but it surprising seems to discriminate little between those who use it. It may be activated using either Light, or Dark Force abilities which suits the nature of the Jedi Master who was known to believe that abilities were not inherently evil, only tools that could be used to achieve certain ends. Simultaneously, the Holocron seems to deny those who engage in violent and cruel acts in front of it, shutting itself down and refusing to open for them afterwards, allowing it to retain it's devotion to Jedi tenants.

The Holocron contains knowledge of the following:
  • Information on the Flowing Water, and Falling Leaf attacks.
  • Knowledge of the Jedi Code, and Katarn's interpretation of it.
  • Extensive Djem-So, Ataru, and Shii-Cho information.
  • Force Lightning
  • Force Grip
  • Force Protection
  • Force Absorb
  • Katarn's background and history.
  • A warning against the seductive influence of the Dark Side, and how to show restraint.
Primary Source: N/A
This is a Canon Item
<p>RESEARCH REVIEW<br />-----<br />Star Wars Canon:<br />Pending initial review<br />------<br />Starwars Chaos:<br />Pending initial review<br />------<br />WITHOUT DEV THREADS<br />Pending initial review<br />------<br />WITH DEV THREADS<br />Pending Initial review<br />------<br />SUGGESTIONS<br />Pending Inital review</p>
Hello, [member="Abelain Narv'uk"]!

Just two little things to be fixed before passing this through for secondary approval.

Abelain Narv'uk said:
Affiliation: Prospective Force Students

As per the canon item rules, this has to be claimed by someone due to the limited slot allotment for canon items per writer, I'd assume that would be you. If not this can lead to the issue that when this is eventually approved (secondary approval), anyone else would be able to follow up, copy the exact same holocron and claim it, and it will be theirs due to the rules.

Finally, could you add the missing Primary Source section just to have the template fully complete.
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